Item report

Archival description hierarchy

# Thumbnail Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 N/A GDA1/1 Interviews, 1990, with villagers, Kato Drys, Cyprus 1990
2 N/A GDA1/2 Interview, 1990, with Nicos Pattihis, Birmingham, UK 1990
3 N/A GDA1/3 Interview, 1990, with Greek Cypriot migrants, Coventry, UK 1990
4 N/A GDA1/4 Interviews, 1990, with Greek Cypriot migrants, UK 1990
5 N/A GDA1/5 Interview, [1990], with Nicolas G Pattihis, Cyprus [1990]
6 N/A GDA1/6 Interview, 1991, with Nicolas Koutsakos, Birmingham, UK 1991
7 N/A GDA1/7 Photographs relating to people from Kato Drys, and related papers, 1990-1993 1990 - 1993
8 N/A GDA1/8 Recordings from a fieldwork tour around the village of Kato Drys, Cyprus, 1993 1993
9 N/A GDA2/1 Extracts from Greeks in England, by Vasos Tsimbidaros, 1974 1974
10 N/A GDA2/2 Book, The history of the Cypriot immigrant community in the UK, 1900-2000, by Christos Zavros, 2000 2000
11 N/A GDA2/3 Article, ‘Ο Ελληνισμός της Βρετανίας’ (‘Hellenism in Britain’), by Maria Roussou, 2003 2003
12 N/A GDA2/4 Book, Μανδρίτες στα Πέρα - Mandrites Abroad, by Savvas Karayiannis, 2010 2010
13 N/A GDA2/5 Press cuttings, 1991-2005, on the history of Greek and Greek Cypriot migrant communities in the UK 1991 - 2005
14 N/A GDA3/1 Papers relating to research on the use of the Greek Cypriot dialect, 1980-1992 1980 - 1992
15 N/A GDA3/2 Article on the ethnic profile of Greek speaking migrants, by Dr Floya Anthias, 1984 1984
16 N/A GDA3/3 Dissertation text on Greek Cypriot adolescents in London, by Helen Kakouris, [1984] [1984]
17 N/A GDA3/4 Dissertation on the language of Greek Cypriots in London, by Erinela Christodoulou, 1987 1987
18 N/A GDA3/5 Article on social anthropology and literature, by Maria Roussou, 1991 1991
19 N/A GDA3/6 Dissertation, ‘The conflicts of Greek Cypriot national identity’, by Roger M Christofides, 2001 2001
20 N/A GDA4/1 Issues of Ορθόδοξος Κήρυξ - The Orthodox Herald, diocesan magazine of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, 1988-2009 1988 - 2009
21 N/A GDA4/2 Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain calendar booklets, 1994-2006 1994 - 2006
22 N/A GDA4/3 Books about Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain, 2009-2010 2009 - 2010
23 N/A GDA5/1 Parish magazine for the Church of the Holy Wisdom, London, 1978 1978
24 N/A GDA5/2 Parish magazines for St Barnabas Greek Orthodox church, London, 1983-2006 1983 - 2006
25 N/A GDA5/3 Booklet on the Greek Orthodox community, Glasgow, 1985 1985
26 N/A GDA5/4 Booklet on the Greek Orthodox community in Coventry, 1989 1989
27 N/A GDA5/5 Parish magazines for the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity and St Luke, Birmingham, 1989-1992 1989 - 1992
28 N/A GDA5/6 Parish magazine of the Greek Orthodox Church of St Ekaterini, London, 1990 1990
29 N/A GDA5/7 Papers relating to All Saints Greek Orthodox Cathedral, London, 1994 1994
30 N/A GDA5/8 Papers relating to the Church of St John the Baptist and St Anthony, London, 2001-2004 2001 - 2004
31 N/A GDA5/9 Newsletter of the Greek Orthodox community of the Twelve Apostles, Hertfordshire, 2005 2005
32 N/A GDA5/10 Publications relating to the St Panteleimon Greek Orthodox community, Harrow, 2006-2012 2006 - 2012
33 N/A GDA5/11 Book and related items on the Church of St Demetrios, Edmonton, London, 2010-2013 2010 - 2013
34 N/A GDA6/1 Press releases issued by the Cyprus High Commission, London, 1998-2003 1998-2003
35 N/A GDA6/2 Issues of Cyprus News, from the Cyprus High Commission, London, 1998-2013 1998 - 2013
36 N/A GDA6/3 Newsletter, Greece Background, issued by the Greek Embassy, London, 2000-2009 2000 - 2009
37 N/A GDA6/4 List of Cypriot academics in the UK, 2005 2005
38 N/A GDA7/1 Publicity material for Greek and Greek Cypriot organisations in London, 1986-2011 1986 - 2011
39 N/A GDA7/2 Magazines produced by the West Midlands Greek Cypriot Association, and related papers, 1989-1991 1989 - 1991
40 N/A GDA7/3 Periodicals, pamphlets and leaflets produced by Greek and Greek Cypriot organisations in the UK, 1990-2011 1990 - 2011
41 N/A GDA8/1 Issues of the Greek Cypriot newspaper, Παροικιακή (Parikiaki), 1992-2013 1992 - 2013
42 N/A GDA8/2 Issues of the Greek Cypriot newspaper, Ελευθερία (Eleftheria, ‘Freedom’), 2000-2012 2000 - 2012
43 N/A GDA8/3 Issues of the Greek Cypriot newspaper, Τα Νέα (Ta Nea, ‘The News’), 2001-2013 2001 - 2013
44 N/A GDA9/1 Publications by Greek and Greek Cypriot educational associations, 1981-2007 1981 - 2007
45 N/A GDA9/2 Articles and other material, 1982-2010, on the UK state school system and Hellenic education 1982 - 2010
46 N/A GDA9/3 Publicity material on Hellenic studies courses in UK academic institutions, 1991-2010 1991 - 2010
47 N/A GDA9/4 Teaching material for Greek language courses, 1993-2002 1993 - 2002
48 N/A GDA9/5 School magazines from Greek Orthodox schools, London, 2005-2013 2005 - 2013
49 N/A GDA10/1 Papers, [1980]-2012, relating to Theatro Technis, London [1980] - 2012
50 N/A GDA10/2 Papers, [1994-2014], relating to the Hellenic Centre, London [1994 - 2014]
51 N/A GDA10/3 Papers, 2000-2014, relating to Greek and Greek Cypriot artists in the UK 2000 - 2014
52 N/A GDA11/1 Published play text, Trygeos still at it, by Doros Alastos, 1966 1966
53 N/A GDA11/2 Book of poetry, Στο βούττημαν _του '_Ηλιου, by Elias Tsiambazis, 1988 1988
54 N/A GDA11/3 Poem, 'Τα Σιελιόνια του Κάθηκα', by Prodromos Andrea, [1990] [1990]
55 N/A GDA11/4 Diary, 1998, kept by Antonis Constantinos Eliakis 1998
56 N/A GDA11/5 Extracts, 2000, from From Byzantium to Eton, A memoir of a millennium, by Peter Calvocoressi 2000
57 N/A GDA11/6 Poetry anthology, To a little lemon blossom edited by Panayiota Zeniou, 2007 2007
58 N/A GDA11/7 Poetry collections, Όπου Γης and Φαεσφόρος Αίνος by Tasos Vyzantios, 2009 2009
59 N/A GDA12/1 Photographs of Greek Cypriot migrant George, 1932-1978 1932 - 1978
60 N/A GDA12/2 Photographs of Kyriakos Y Rouson, 1932-2006 1932 - 2006
61 N/A GDA12/3 Copies of photographs of Cypriot Brotherhood events, 1955 1955
62 N/A GDA12/4 Copies of photographs of Greek Cypriot migrants in Birmingham, 1908-1980 1908 - 1980
63 N/A GDA12/5 Copies of photographs of Greek Cypriot migrants in Liverpool, [1930s]-[1970s] [1930] – [1980]
64 N/A GDA12/6 Copies of photographs of Greek migrants, Wales and Scotland, [1940s] [1940-1950]
65 N/A GDA13/1 Transcript interviews with Michalis Kakoullis and Pavlos, 1989-1991 1989 - 1991
66 N/A GDA13/2 Press cuttings of interviews and obituaries relating to Greek Cypriots in the UK, from Greek language newspapers, 1991-2008 1991 - 2008
67 N/A GDA13/3 Press cuttings of interviews and obituaries relating to Greek Cypriots in the UK, from English language newspapers, 1991-2011 1991 - 2011
68 N/A GDA14/1 Correspondence, notes and photographs, 1985-2000, relating to Helen Vlastos Long 1985 - 2000
69 N/A GDA14/2 Published articles, 1987-1998, by Helen Vlastos Long 1987 - 1998
70 N/A GDA14/3 Book, Greek fire, the massacres of Chios, by Helen Vlastos Long, 1992 1992
71 N/A GDA14/4 Copy of Change into uniform, an autobiography 1939-1946, by Helen Vlastos Long, 1978 1978
72 N/A GDA14/5 Copy of Safe houses are dangerous by Helen Vlastos Long, 1985 1985
73 N/A GDA15/1 Items relating to the Reverend Demetrios Constantelos, New Jersey, USA, 1986-1996 1986 - 1996
74 N/A GDA15/2 Papers relating to Dr Christopher Christodoulou, New Jersey, 1992 1992
75 N/A GDA15/3 Items relating to the Speros Basil Vryonis Centre, California, USA, 1992-1994 1992 - 1994
76 N/A GDA15/4 Transcripts of interviews conducted with Greeks in the USA, with related papers, 1992-1996 1992 - 1996
77 N/A GDA15/5 Photographs of Greek and Greek Cypriot migrants in the USA, [1930]-1994 [1930] - 1994
78 N/A GDA15/6 Publications relating to the Hellenic communities in the USA, 1994-1996 1994 - 1996
79 N/A GDA15/7 Copies of research articles about Hellenic migration to the USA, 1977-1985 1977 - 1985
80 N/A GDA15/8 Papers relating to Greeks in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1935-1997 1935 - 1997
81 N/A GDA16/1 Brochure for a concert, Marrickville Cultural Centre, Sydney, 1979 1979
82 N/A GDA16/2 Magazines of Greek and Greek Cypriot community associations in Australia, 1986-1989 1986 - 1989
83 N/A GDA16/3 Papers relating to the project 'Greek-Australians: In Their Own Image', 1986-1991 1986 - 1991
84 N/A GDA16/4 Research concerning the history, sociology, and culture of the Hellenic migrant communities in Australia, 1985-1999 1985 - 1999
85 N/A GDA16/5 Photographs of Greek and Greek Cypriots in Melbourne and Sydney, 1992 1992
86 N/A GDA16/6 Items relating to poetry and other writing by Greek and Greek Cypriots in Australia, 1992-1999 1992 - 1999
87 N/A GDA16/7 Papers relating to official state documentation and other personal certificates of Greek Cypriot migrants in Australia, 1907-1917 1907 - 1917
88 N/A GDA16/8 Press cuttings on the Greek and Greek Cypriot communities in Australia, 1992-2010 1992 - 2010
89 N/A GDA16/9 Items relating to Greek Studies courses, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 1993-1999 1993 - 1999
90 N/A GDA16/10 Items relating to Leon and Vasso Kalamaras, Perth, 2001-2007 2001 - 2007
91 N/A GDA17/1 Items relating to Costas Phitides (Hadjiharalambous), Johannesburg, [1895]-1991 [1895] - 1991
92 N/A GDA17/2 Items relating to the South African Hellenic Educational and Technical Institute (SAHETI), Johannesburg, 1985 1985
93 N/A GDA17/3 Photographs relating to the Greek Cypriot community, Johannesburg, 1991 1991
94 N/A GDA17/4 Photographs relating to the Hellenic community in Durban, 1991-1992 1991 - 1992
95 N/A GDA17/5 Items relating to Greek and Greek Cypriot migrants in Bloemfontein, [1930s]-1999 [1930] - 1999
96 N/A GDA17/6 Items relating to the Hellenic Community Association in Bloemfontein, 1956-2000 1956 - 2000
97 N/A GDA17/7 Magazines and other published material, 1999-2007, relating to Greek Orthodox Churches and communities in South Africa 1999 - 2007
98 N/A GDA18/1 Papers, 1990-2004, relating to Greek Cypriot writers Nicos Nicolaides and George Philippou Pierides, Egypt 1990 - 2004
99 N/A GDA18/2 Book, Ο Σκελέθρας και άλλα διηγήματα, by Nicos Nicolaides (known as 'The Cypriot'), 1991 1991
100 N/A GDA18/3 Photographs relating to the Greek and Greek Cypriot communities in Egypt, [1930s]-[1960s] [1930] - [1970]
101 N/A GDA18/4 Book, Les marchands de coton by George Philippou Pierides, 2001 2001
102 N/A GDA18/5 Greek Orthodox calendar published by the Patriarchate of Alexandria, 2006 2006
103 N/A GDA19/1 Poetry by Hector Patriotis, Paris, France, 1975-1993 1975 - 1993
104 N/A GDA19/2 Article, [1985], on the Hellenic migrant community in Germany [1985]
105 N/A GDA19/3 Items collected during fieldwork in Paris, 1992 1992
106 N/A GDA20/1 Papers relating to the 5th International Conference of Overseas Cypriots, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1986 1986
107 N/A GDA20/2 Papers relating to the annual meeting of the World Federation of Overseas Cypriots (POMAK) and the International Co-ordinating Committee 'Justice for Cyprus' (PSEKA), 1987 1987
108 N/A GDA20/3 Journals, periodicals and other publications relating to world-wide diaspora Greeks, 1989-2006 1989 - 2006
109 N/A GDA20/4 Items relating to the 1st and 3rd international conferences, 'Greeks in English Speaking Countries', 1992-1996 1992 - 1996
110 N/A GDA20/5 Book, Diasporas in world politics: the Greeks in comparative perspective, by Dimitri C Constas and Athanassios G Platias (eds.), 1993 1993
111 N/A GDA20/6 Papers relating to the 3rd Conference of the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 1999 1999
112 N/A GDA20/7 Booklet, 2010, on the A G Leventis Foundation 2010
113 N/A GDA21/1 Papers relating to the Diaspora Centre Trust (DCT) deed of trust, 1991-2013 1991 - 2013
114 N/A GDA21/2 Papers relating to the Diaspora Centre Trust's finances, 1991-2013 1991 - 2013
115 N/A GDA21/3 Papers relating to meetings of the Diaspora Centre Trust (DCT), 1991-2013 1991 - 2013
116 N/A GDA21/4 Diaspora Centre Trust (DCT) correspondence, 1991-2013 1991 - 2013
117 N/A GDA21/5 Diaspora Centre Trust (DCT) newsletters, 1991-2013 1991 - 2013
118 N/A GDA21/6 Papers relating to Diaspora Centre Trust (DCT) publications, 1991-2013 1991 - 2013
119 N/A GDA21/7 Papers relating to the Diaspora Centre Trust's activities and social events, 1991-2013 1991 - 2013
120 N/A GDA22/1 Greek outside Greece I: Cypriots in Britain, a profile of a Greek-speaking community in contemporary Britain, edited by Maria Roussou, 1991 1991
121 N/A GDA22/2 Greek outside Greece III: language use by Cypriots in Britain, by Irina Christodoulou-Pipis, 1991 1991
122 N/A GDA22/3 Memories and stories from Egypt, by George Philippou Pierides, 1991 1991
123 N/A GDA22/4 Young man seeks position: good references, by Loukis Akritas, 1993 1993
124 N/A GDA22/5 Πόνος και δάκρυα στη ξένη Γη, by Savvas Christoforou, 1994 1994
125 N/A GDA22/6 Some aspects of Hellenism and philhellenism with diaspora connections: essays and extracts from translations by Margaret Deyes, edited by Maria Roussou, 1997 1997
126 N/A GDA22/7 Nicos Nicolaides the Cypriot, edited by Maria Roussou, 1998 1998
127 N/A GDA23/1 European migrants, global and local perspectives, edited by Dirk Hoerder and Leslie Page Moch, 1996 1996
128 N/A GDA23/2 Book chapter, 'Refugees, home and trauma', by Renos K Papadopoulos, 2002 2002
129 N/A GDA23/3 Books, Dialogue sur nos origines, des champs, des provinces et d'ailleurs and Souvenirs de familles immigrees and related papers, 2005 2005
130 N/A GDA23/4 Immigration and emigration in historical perspective, by Ann Katherine Isaacs, 2007 2007
131 N/A GDA23/5 Integration of female migrant domestic workers, strategies for employment and civic participation, by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (University of Nicosia), 2008 2008
132 N/A GDA23/6 European migrants, diasporas and indigenous ethnic minorities, by Matjaz Klemencic and Mary N Harris, 2009 2009
133 N/A GDA24/1 Τα εν Διασπορά Β', by Kyriakos Hadjioannou, 1979 1979
134 N/A GDA24/2 Papers relating to research on the Greek Cypriot dialect, 1980-1986 1980 - 1986
135 N/A GDA24/3 Published poetry by Nayia Roussou, 1981-1992 1981 - 1992
136 N/A GDA24/4 Ένας Αργοναύτης ανάμεσα στις Συμπληγάδες, by Mona Savvidou-Theodoulou, 1986 1986
137 N/A GDA24/5 Ο περιπαθής οδοιπόρος (The passionate traveller), by Kypros Chrysanthis and related papers, 1977 1977
138 N/A GDA24/6 Papers relating to Greek Cypriot poet Giorgos Moraris, 1990 1990
139 N/A GDA24/7 Lyrics of Greek Cypriot folk songs, 1990 1990
140 N/A GDA24/8 Thesis, 'Contribution a l'etude ethnolinguistique de la poesie orale Chypriote', by Photini Panayi-Tulliez, 1992 1992
141 N/A GDA24/9 Πενταδάκτυλος ο γιος μου - Pentadaktylos my son, by Claire Angelidou 1994
142 N/A GDA24/10 Θέλετε είσθε ως Θεοί - Ανθολογία του Παύλου Λιασίδη, by Thomas Symeou, 1997 1997
143 N/A GDA25/1 Papers and publications relating to Cypriot history, politics and culture, 1979-2000 1979 - 2000
144 N/A GDA25/2 Interview with Ploutis Servas, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1990 1990
145 N/A GDA25/3 Interviews with Eleni [Christofias] and Christoforos Alexandrou, 1990 1990
146 N/A GDA25/4 BBC documentary, 'Plunder: the stolen Kanakaria mosaics', 1990 1990
147 N/A GDA25/5 Interview with Christofis Economides on the history of Cyprus, 1991 1991
148 N/A GDA25/6 Recording of a conference on resolving the division of Cyprus, 1992 1992
149 N/A GDA25/7 Recording of a lecture seminar by Christofis Economides, Cyprus, 1992 1992
150 N/A GDA25/8 Recording of a Greek Cypriot political rally 'Remembering Famagusta', Deryneia, Cyprus, 1993 1993
151 N/A GDA25/9 Issues of Cyprus Today, 1994-2005 1994 - 2005
152 N/A GDA26/1 Papers relating to the Schools' Council 'Mother Tongue Project', 1980-1985 1980 - 1985
153 N/A GDA26/2 Papers relating to the 'Linguistic Diversity in the Primary School' project, 1986-1989 1986 - 1989
154 N/A GDA26/3 Papers relating to the LINGUA project, 1990-1992 1990 - 1992
155 N/A GDA27/AV1 Documentary film titled 'Minorities in Britain: The Cypriot community', broadcast on BBC TV, UK, 1966 1966
156 N/A GDA27/AV2 Interview with George Sophocleous, London, UK, [1980s] [1980-1990]
157 N/A GDA27/AV3 Interview and theatrical play recordings relating to George Sophocleous, London, UK, [1980s] [1980-1990]
158 N/A GDA27/AV4 Recordings relating to the Greek Parents Association, London, UK, 1982 1982
159 N/A GDA27/AV5 Recording of the 2nd Annual Aradippou Municipality poetry festival, Cyprus, 1987 1987
160 N/A GDA27/AV6 Documentary film titled 'In our own image', broadcast on SBS TV, Australia, 1988 1988
161 N/A GDA27/AV7 Documentary films relating to Greek Cypriot migrants in London, UK and Australia, broadcast on CyBC TV, Cyprus, 1988-1989 1988 - 1989
162 N/A GDA27/AV8 Documentary film titled 'Κύπριοι στον Καναδά' (translation: 'Cypriots in Canada'), broadcast on CyBC TV, Cyprus, 1989 1989
163 N/A GDA27/AV9 Interview with Julia Lara, Leeds, UK, [1990s] [1990-2000]
164 N/A GDA27/AV10 Interview with Zenon Chrysafiades, London, UK, 1990 1990
165 N/A GDA27/AV11 Interviews with elderly Greek Cypriots in London, UK, 1990 1990
166 N/A GDA27/AV12 Recording of the wedding of Stella Porpaxias and Harry Boosalis, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1990 1990
167 N/A GDA27/AV13 Recording of the 5th annual Aradippou Municipality poetry festival, Cyprus, 1990 1990
168 N/A GDA27/AV14 Interview with George Philippou Pierides, Cyprus, 1990 1990
169 N/A GDA27/AV15 Recording of a Greek Cypriot wedding ceremony in Johannesburg, South Africa, 1990 1990
170 N/A GDA27/AV16 Recording of traditional Greek dancing, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1990 1990
171 N/A GDA27/AV17 Interview with Dr Homer Habibis, London, UK, 1991 1991
172 N/A GDA27/AV18 Interview with Avramis Nikola-Ziartides, 1991 1991
173 N/A GDA27/AV19 Interview with elderly Greek Cypriot, London, UK, 1991 1991
174 N/A GDA27/AV20 Recordings of a traditional Greek Cypriot festival in Birmingham and a Greek Orthodox religious service, London, UK, 1991 1991
175 N/A GDA27/AV21 Interview with Christofis and Nancy Theofanous, Liverpool, UK, 1991 1991
176 N/A GDA27/AV22 Recordings relating to the Greek Orthodox Church in Coventry, UK, 1991 1991
177 N/A GDA27/AV23 Recordings relating to the Greek Orthodox community in Cardiff, Wales, UK, 1991 1991
178 N/A GDA27/AV24 [NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE] Recording of interviews with Greek Cypriots in Johannesburg, South Africa, 1991 1991
179 N/A GDA27/AV25 Recordings of interviews relating to Greeks and Greek Cypriots in South Africa, 1991 1991
180 N/A GDA27/AV26 Recordings relating to the Greek Cypriot communities in Johannesburg and Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1991 1991
181 N/A GDA27/AV27 Interviews with Greek and Greek Cypriot migrants in Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1991 1991
182 N/A GDA27/AV28 Recordings relating to Greek and Greek Cypriots in Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1991 1991
183 N/A GDA27/AV29 Recordings relating to the Greek Orthodox Church in Bloemfontein and Johannesburg, South Africa, 1991 1991
184 N/A GDA27/AV30 Recording of the 14th 'Glendi' cultural festival, Adelaide, Australia, 1991 1991
185 N/A GDA27/AV31 Television interview with Greek Cypriot painter Adamantios Diamantis, broadcast on CyBC TV, Cyprus, 1991 1991
186 N/A GDA27/AV32 Recordings relating to a Greek Diaspora Conference in Melbourne, Greek Cypriot migrants in Sydney, and the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, Australia, 1992 1992
187 N/A GDA27/AV33 Interviews and group discussion with Greek Cypriots, Adelaide, and interview with Kyriakos Skarparis, Sydney, Australia, 1992 1992
188 N/A GDA27/AV34 Recording of interviews with Greeks and Greek Cypriots, Sydney, Australia, 1992 1992
189 N/A GDA27/AV35 Interview with Philippos Philippou, Sydney, Australia, 1992 1992
190 N/A GDA27/AV36 Interviews with Greek Cypriots in Sydney, Australia, 1992 1992
191 N/A GDA27/AV37 Interview with Dimitris and Maria Photiadis, Sydney, Australia, 1992 1992
192 N/A GDA27/AV38 Interview with Greek Australian women in Sydney, Australia, 1992 1992
193 N/A GDA27/AV39 Recordings relating to Greeks in Florida, USA, 1992 1992
194 N/A GDA27/AV40 Interviews with Greeks and a Greek Cypriot in Paris, France, 1992 1992
195 N/A GDA27/AV41 Documentary film, 1992, titled 'Hellenism in Egypt', broadcast on ERT TV, Greece 1992
196 N/A GDA27/AV42 Documentary film, 1992, relating to research on ancient Greek triremes, UK 1992
197 N/A GDA27/AV43 Recording relating to the purpose and goals of the Greek Diaspora Archive project, 1992 1992
198 N/A GDA27/AV44 Recording of a TV programme relating to the Greek Diaspora Archive (GDA) project, Cyprus, 1993 1993
199 N/A GDA27/AV45 Interview with Dr Anastasios Christodoulou, London, UK, 1993 1993
200 N/A GDA27/AV46 Recording of celebrations for the 2500th anniversary of Athenian democracy, London, UK, 1993 1993
201 N/A GDA27/AV47 Recordings from the 7th International Conference of Overseas Cypriots, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1993 1993
202 N/A GDA27/AV48 Recording of a seminar on Greek Cypriot painter Adamantios Diamantis, London, UK, 1993 1993
203 N/A GDA27/AV49 Interview with Nikolaos and Evgenia Lampis, Cyprus, 1993 1993
204 N/A GDA27/AV50 Interview with Greek American Sergos Bairamis, Florida, USA, 1993 1993
205 N/A GDA27/AV51 Interview with Greek American Steven Stykos, Florida, USA, 1993 1993
206 N/A GDA27/AV52 Interview with Prof Dimitris Kalogeropoulos, Paris, France, 1993 1993
207 N/A GDA27/AV53 Interview with Christos Koupparis, Cyprus, 1993 1993
208 N/A GDA27/AV54 Interviews about poet Tefkros Anthias, London, UK, 1993 1993
209 N/A GDA27/AV55 Recording of a political rally by Greek Cypriots, Trafalgar Square, London, UK, 1993 1993
210 N/A GDA27/AV56 Recording of a literary seminar organised by the Diaspora Centre Trust, London, UK, 1993 1993
211 N/A GDA27/AV57 Recordings relating to Greek and Greek Cypriot migrants in New Jersey, USA, 1994 1994
212 N/A GDA27/AV58 Interviews with Greek and Greek Cypriot migrants in New Jersey and New York, USA, 1994 1994
213 N/A GDA27/AV59 Interview with Greek migrant Stalo, New Jersey, USA, 1994 1994
214 N/A GDA27/AV60 Recordings relating to Greek and Greek Cypriot migrants in the USA, 1994 1994
215 N/A GDA27/AV61 Recordings of interviews with Greeks and Greek Cypriots in New York and New Jersey, USA, 1994 1994
216 N/A GDA27/AV62 Interview with Vasiliki Apostolou Petropoulou, New Jersey, USA, 1994 1994
217 N/A GDA27/AV63 Interview with Yiorgos Spanos, California, USA, 1994 1994
218 N/A GDA27/AV64 Recordings of the '2nd International Conference, Greeks in English speaking countries', California, USA, 1994 1994
219 N/A GDA27/AV65 Recordings of the '2nd International Conference, Greeks in English speaking countries', California, USA, 1994 1994
220 N/A GDA27/AV66 Recordings relating to the 2nd International Conference on 'Greeks in English Speaking Countries', California, USA, 1994 1994
221 N/A GDA27/AV67 Interviews with Greeks in Sudan and New Jersey, USA, 1994 1994
222 N/A GDA27/AV68 Recordings of interviews and social events relating to Greeks and Greek Cypriots in the UK and USA, 1994 1994
223 N/A GDA27/AV69 Interview with Dominique Efstratiou, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1994 1994
224 N/A GDA27/AV70 Recording of a dance performance by Dominique Efstratiou, Germany, [1994] [1994]
225 N/A GDA27/AV71 Interviews with Eleni Stamiris, Canada and George Kazantzis, UK, 1994-1995 1994 - 1995
226 N/A GDA27/AV72 Recording of 50th wedding anniversary celebrations for George and Anna Afantitis, Cyprus, 1994 1994
227 N/A GDA27/AV73 Recording of a Diaspora Centre Trust event to honour Professor Robert Browning, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1994 1994
228 N/A GDA27/AV74 Recording of a GDA presentation, Association of Egyptian Greek Cypriots, Nicosia, and interview with artist Stass Paraskos, Cyprus, 1994 1994
229 N/A GDA27/AV75 Recording of a Greek Cypriot political rally, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1994 1994
230 N/A GDA27/AV76 Recording of Greek Cypriot painter Adamantios Diamantis, Cyprus, [1994] [1994]
231 N/A GDA27/AV77 Recordings relating to the Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain and the Greek Cypriot community in the UK, 1995 1995
232 N/A GDA27/AV78 Recording of a conference on second generation Greek Cypriots, UK, 1995 1995
233 N/A GDA27/AV79 Interview with Stelios Savva Stylianou, London, UK, 1995 1995
234 N/A GDA27/AV80 Interview with a Greek Cypriot woman, South Africa, 1995 1995
235 N/A GDA27/AV81 Interview with Alexandros Frangou, Sweden, 1996 1996
236 N/A GDA27/AV82 Recording of a seminar, 'Greeks in Africa', Nicosia, Cyprus, 1996 1996
237 N/A GDA27/AV83 Recordings relating to Greeks in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1997 1997
238 N/A GDA27/AV84 Material relating to Greeks in Baltimore and Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 1997 1997
239 N/A GDA27/AV85 Interview with Helen Vlastos Long, Kent, UK, 2000 2000
240 N/A GDA27/AV86 Recording of an event honouring Helen Vlastos Long, London, UK, 2000 2000
241 N/A GDA27/AV87 Recordings relating to the Greek Cypriot community in London, UK, 2000 2000
242 N/A GDA27/AV88 Material relating to Greeks in the Netherlands, 2000 2000
243 N/A GDA27/AV89 Recording of a cultural event by the Greek Cypriot community in New York, USA, 2001 2001
244 N/A GDA27/AV90 Documentary film on Nicos Nicolaides, 'the Cypriot', 2003 2003
245 N/A GDA27/AV91 Recordings relating to the Greek community in Luxembourg, 2007 2007
246 N/A GDA27/AV92 Interviews with Greeks and Greek Cypriots in Cape Town and Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2007 2007
247 N/A GDA27/AV93 Interviews with Greek Cypriots in Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2007 2007
248 N/A GDA27/AV94 Interviews with Greek Cypriots in Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2007 2007
249 N/A GDA27/AV95 Recordings relating to the Greek School in Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2007 2007
250 N/A GDA27/AV96 Recording of a seminar on writer and politician Loukis Akritas, Cyprus, 2008 2008
251 N/A GDA27/AV97 Interview with Elli Karavokyri, London, UK, 2010 2010
252 N/A GDA27/AV98 Interview with the Panteli family, London, UK, 2010 2010
253 N/A GDA27/AV99 Interview with Billy Cotsis, Sydney, Australia, 2010 2010
254 N/A GDA27/AV100 Recording relating to the Greek Orthodox Community in Edinburgh, UK, 2011 2011
255 N/A GDA27/AV101 Interview with Ellie Ioannides Mitchell, New York, USA, 2011 2011
256 N/A GDA27/AV102 Interviews with Greek Cypriot migrants in London, UK and Australia, 2012-2013 2012 - 2013
257 N/A GDA27/AV103 Interview with Tasoulla Kallenou, Sydney, Australia, 2013 2013