Item report

Archival description hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 ISMAY 3/4/1 Printed statement on defence (HMSO, 1936) 1936 Mar 3 None
2 ISMAY 3/4/2 Printed statement on defence (HMSO, 1937) 1937 Feb 16 None
3 ISMAY 3/4/3 Text of lecture given by Ismay to RUSI, [c 1935], on the structure and work of the Committee of Imperial Defence [1935 - 1936] None
4 ISMAY 3/4/4 Extract from Hansard , May 1942, on the organisation of joint planning 1942 May 5 None
5 ISMAY 3/4/5 Extract from Hansard, 19 May 1942, on the progress of the war, the organisation of the Chiefs of Staff, and Ismay's position 1942 May 19 None
6 ISMAY 3/4/6 Extract from Hansard, 20 May 1942, on the progress of the war, the organisation of the Chiefs of Staff, and Ismay's position 1942 May 20 None
7 ISMAY 3/4/7 A history of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1902-1914 (HMSO, 1942) [1942] None
8 ISMAY 3/4/8 Text of a lecture given by Ismay to RUSI, May 1939, on the organisation of the Committee of Imperial Defence 1939 May None
9 ISMAY 3/4/9 Letter from Lord Halifax to Prime Minister Clement Attlee, 1945, requesting clearance for Ismay to make a speech in New York on World War Two, with telegram reply and detailed notes on operations 1945 Sep 29 - Oct 8 None
10 ISMAY 3/4/10 Text of speech by Ismay to the Foreign Policy Association of New York, Oct 1945, on the events of World War Two 1945 Oct 20 None
11 ISMAY 3/4/11 Text of lecture by Ismay given at the Imperial Defence College, 1946, on war time cooperation between allies, and between soldiers and politicians 1946 None
12 ISMAY 3/4/12 Text of lecture by Ismay given at the Imperial Defence College, 1949, on cooperation between defence services and between politicians and military strategists 1949 Oct None
13 ISMAY 3/4/13 Article, 'United we stand', by Ismay, published in the National and English Review, 1950 1950 Sep None
14 ISMAY 3/4/14 Article by Ismay published in the Daily Telegraph, 1951, on the defence of the free world 1951 Aug 16 None
15 ISMAY 3/4/15 Text of lecture by Ismay given at the Imperial Defence College, 1956, on subjects including political and military coordination 1956 Nov None
16 ISMAY 3/4/16 UK Parliamentary White Paper, Central Organisation for Defence (HMSO, 1958) 1958 Jul None
17 ISMAY 3/4/17 Article, 'The British Committee of Imperial Defence, prototype of United States security organisations', by Franklyn A Johnson, published in the Journal of Politics, 1961 1961 None
18 ISMAY 3/4/18 Notes by Lord Hankey, Apr 1940, on the first six months of World War Two compared with the first six months of World War One 1940 Apr 1 None
19 ISMAY 3/4/19 Notes by Lord Hankey, Mar 1941, on the first 18 months of World War Two 1941 Mar 3 None
20 ISMAY 3/4/20 Notes by Lord Hankey, Mar 1943, on three and a half years of World War Two 1943 Mar 3 None
21 ISMAY 3/4/21 Letter from Ismay to Richard Crossman MP, May 1948, about a recent Observer article on defence 1948 May 13 None
22 ISMAY 3/4/22 Letter of thanks from Richard Crossman MP to Ismay, 1948 1948 None
23 ISMAY 3/4/23 Letter of thanks from Admiral Sir Charles Daniel to Ismay, Oct 1951 1951 Oct 4 None
24 ISMAY 3/4/24 Letter from Lord Hankey to The Times, Nov 1948, about Winston Churchill's The Gathering Storm 1948 Nov 1 None
25 ISMAY 3/4/25 Letter from Winston Churchill to Ismay, Nov 1948, about a proposed letter to The Times about Churchill's influence on defence expenditure in the 1920s and 1930s 1948 Nov 3 None
26 ISMAY 3/4/26 Letter from Ismay to The Times, Nov 1948, on interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 4 None
27 ISMAY 3/4/27 Press cutting of a letter by Ismay to The Times, Nov 1948, on interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 5 None
28 ISMAY 3/4/28 Press cutting of a letter from Lord Hankey to The Times, Nov 1948, on interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 9 None
29 ISMAY 3/4/29 Letter from Lord Hankey to Ismay, Nov 1948, on interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 5 None
30 ISMAY 3/4/30 Letter of congratulations from the Duchess of Buccleuch to Ismay, [1948], about his published letter on interwar defence expenditure [1948] None
31 ISMAY 3/4/31 Letter to Ismay from the House of Commons, Nov 1948, on interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 5 None
32 ISMAY 3/4/32 Letter from retired diplomat Sir Walford Selby to Ismay, Nov 1948, about interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 9 None
33 ISMAY 3/4/33 Letter from Ismay to Sir Walford Selby, No 1948, about interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 10 None
34 ISMAY 3/4/34 Letter from Ismay to The Times, Nov 1948, about interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 10 None
35 ISMAY 3/4/35 Letter from Ismay to The Times, Nov 1948, about interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 10/11 None
36 ISMAY 3/4/36 Press cutting of a letter from Lord Hankey to The Times, Nov 1948, about interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 15 None
37 ISMAY 3/4/37 Letter from Sir Walford Selby to Ismay, Nov 1948, about interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 12 None
38 ISMAY 3/4/38 Press cutting of a letter from Sir Walford Selby to The Times, Nov 1948, about interwar defence expenditure 1948 Nov 13 None
39 ISMAY 3/4/39 Letter from Ismay to The Times, Nov 1955, about a recent House of Lords debate on the appointment of a Chairman to the Chiefs of Staff Committee 1955 Nov 15 None
40 ISMAY 3/4/40 Letter from Ismay to Minister of Defence Selwyn Lloyd, Nov 1955, about the Prime Minister, the Chiefs of Staff and defence policy 1955 Nov 15 None
41 ISMAY 3/4/41 Letter of thanks from Minister of Defence Selwyn Lloyd to Ismay, Nov 1955 1955 Nov 21 None
42 ISMAY 3/4/42 Letter from The Times editor Sir William Haley to Ismay, Nov 1955, sending cuttings about the Chiefs of Staff chairman 1955 Nov 29 None
43 ISMAY 3/4/43 Press cutting of a letter from Sir Edward Grigg to The Times, Apr 1943, about lessons to be learned from the Japanese capture of Singapore, Feb 1942 1943 Apr 11 None
44 ISMAY 3/4/44 Press cutting from The Times, Apr 1942, on the unity of the armed services 1942 Apr 11 None
45 ISMAY 3/4/45 Press cutting of a letter from Sir Edward Grigg to The Times, May 1942, on the unification of the armed services 1942 May 5 None
46 ISMAY 3/4/46 Press cutting from The Times, May 1942, on war planning 1942 May 5 None
47 ISMAY 3/4/47 Press cutting from The Times, May 1942, on war planning 1942 Jul 9 None
48 ISMAY 3/4/48 Letter of thanks from Ismay to The Times editor Sir William Haley, Dec 1955 1955 Dec 2 None
49 ISMAY 3/4/49 Letter from Lord Grigg to Ismay, Jan 1956, requesting information about Lord Grigg's father, Edward Grigg 1956 Jan 5 None
50 ISMAY 3/4/50 Letter from Ismay to Lord Grigg, Jan 1956, about Edward Grigg 1956 Jan 11 None
51 ISMAY 3/4/51 Letter from Lord Grigg to Ismay, Jan 1956, about combined general staff 1956 Jan 12 None
52 ISMAY 3/4/52 Letter from Ismay to Lord Grigg, Feb 1956, about combined general staff and unconditional surrender 1956 Feb 2 None
53 ISMAY 3/4/53 Letter from Lord Grigg to Ismay, Feb 1956, about combined general staff 1956 Feb 7 None
54 ISMAY 3/4/54 Letter from Lord Mountbatten to Ismay, Mar 1958, about defence reorganisation 1958 Mar 27 None
55 ISMAY 3/4/55 Letter of thanks from Ismay to Lord Mountbatten, Apr 1958 1958 Apr 1 None
56 ISMAY 3/4/57 Letter from Captain Ronald Brockman to Ismay, Apr 1958, about Brockman's possible promotion as Senior Staff Officer to the Chief of Defence Staff 1958 Apr 17 None
57 ISMAY 3/4/58 Draft letter from Ismay to Lord Mountbatten, [1958], about Captain Ronald Brockman [1958] None
58 ISMAY 3/4/59 Letter from Ismay to Lord Mountbatten, Apr 1958, about Captain Ronald Brockman's promotion 1958 Apr 30 None
59 ISMAY 3/4/60 Letter from Ismay to Lord Mountbatten, Apr 1958, about defence reorganisation 1958 Apr 30 None
60 ISMAY 3/4/61 Letter of thanks from Lord Mountbatten to Ismay, May 1958 1958 May 5 None
61 ISMAY 3/4/62 Note by Marshal of the RAF Sir John Slessor, Jun 1958, on the concept of a supreme Chief of Staff 1958 Jun 8 None
62 ISMAY 3/4/63 Draft unsent letter by Ismay, Jun 1958, about Lord Mountbatten and defence reorganisation 1958 Jun 26 None
63 ISMAY 3/4/64 Letter from the Daily Telegraph editor, Colin Coote, to Ismay, Jul 1958, about defence organisation 1958 Jul 7 None
64 ISMAY 3/4/65 Letter from Ismay to Colin Coote, editor of the Daily Telegraph, Jul 1958, about defence organisation and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan 1958 Jul 8 None
65 ISMAY 3/4/66 Letter of thanks and congratulation from Ismay to Lord Mountbatten, Jan 1959 1959 Jan 8 None
66 ISMAY 3/4/67 Index notes to Ismay's correspondence on defence reorganisation, [1959] [1959] None
67 ISMAY 3/4/68 Letter from Lord Mountbatten to Ismay, Jan 1963, about defence reorganisation 1963 Jan 1 None
68 ISMAY 3/4/69 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Jan 1963, about defence reorganisation 1963 Jan 3 None
69 ISMAY 3/4/70 Copy letter of thanks from Ismay to Lord Mountbatten, Jan 1963, about defence reorganisation 1963 Jan 4 None
70 ISMAY 3/4/71 Letter from Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft to Ismay, Jan 1963, about defence reorganisation 1963 Jan 4 None
71 ISMAY 3/4/72 Letter from Ismay to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Jan 1963, about defence reorganisation and publicity 1963 Jan 7 None
72 ISMAY 3/4/73 Letter from Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft to Ismay, Jan 1963, about publicity 1963 Jan 10 None
73 ISMAY 3/4/74 Letter from Marshal of the RAF Sir John Slessor to Ismay, Jan 1963, and related notes on the Chief of Defence Staff system and combined services 1962 Dec 15 - 1963 Jan 13 None
74 ISMAY 3/4/75 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Jan 1963, about beginning work [on their joint report, Central Organisation for Defence, 1963] 1963 Jan 14 None
75 ISMAY 3/4/76 Letter from Ismay to General Sir Ian Jacob, Jan 1963, on the Defence Committee secretariat and creation of a single Defence Ministry 1963 Jan 16 None
76 ISMAY 3/4/77 Letter from Alastair Buchan, Director of the ISS, to Ismay, Jan 1963, offering the ISS's services 1963 Jan 16 None
77 ISMAY 3/4/78 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Jan 1963, with extensive notes on key senior Ministry of Defence personnel 1963 Jan 14 - 18 None
78 ISMAY 3/4/79 Letter from Ismay to General Sir Ian Jacob, Jan 1963, on topics including the Defence Committee 1963 Jan 20 None
79 ISMAY 3/4/80 Letter from Lord Coleridge, Executive Secretary of NATO, to Ismay, Jan 1963, on the difficulties of separating military and political considerations, with related notes 1959 Dec 31 - 1963 Jan 22 None
80 ISMAY 3/4/81 Letter from Marshal of the RAF Sir John Slessor to Ismay, Jan 1963, with related notes by US General Lyman Lemnitzer on Joint Chiefs of Staff 1962 Sep 27 - 1963 Jan 25 None
81 ISMAY 3/4/82 Letter from Lord Mountbatten to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Jan 1963, with related notes on the Chief of Defence Staff system 1962 Dec 15 1963 Jan 30 None
82 ISMAY 3/4/83 Letter from Ismay to Lord Mountbatten, Feb 1963, about the Chief of Defence Staff system 1963 Feb 1 None
83 ISMAY 3/4/84 Letter from Ismay to General Sir Ian Jacob, Feb 1963, on the reorganisation of the Defence Committee 1963 Feb 4 None
84 ISMAY 3/4/85 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Feb 1963, with notes on defence organisation and the need for a Defence Committee 1963 Feb 5 None
85 ISMAY 3/4/86 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Feb 1963, about their report, Central Organisation for Defence 1963 Feb 8 None
86 ISMAY 3/4/87 Letter from Lord Mountbatten to Ismay, Feb 1963, on a possible five-star rank in the British armed forces 1963 Feb 11 None
87 ISMAY 3/4/88 Letter from Ismay to Lord Mountbatten, Feb 1963, about a possible five star rank in the British armed forces and writer Peter Fleming 1963 Feb 12 None
88 ISMAY 3/4/89 Notes by Ismay, [1963], on the higher direction of defence [1963] None
89 ISMAY 3/4/90 Letter of thanks from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Feb 1963 1963 Feb 18 None
90 ISMAY 3/4/91 Detailed memo by Ismay and General Sir Ian Jacob to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Feb 1963, on the higher direction of defence 1963 Feb 20 None
91 ISMAY 3/4/92 Letter of thanks from Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft to Ismay, Feb 1963 1963 Feb 20 None
92 ISMAY 3/4/93 Letter from Ismay to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Feb 1963, about the press reporting of Ismay and Jacob's report on defence organisation 1963 Feb 21 None
93 ISMAY 3/4/94 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Feb 1963, about the Defence Minister's opinion of their report on defence 1963 Feb 22 None
94 ISMAY 3/4/95 Letter of thanks from Prime Minister Harold Macmillan to Ismay, Feb 1963, for Ismay and Jacob's report on defence 1963 Feb 27 None
95 ISMAY 3/4/96 Letter from Ismay to Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, Feb 1963, about Ismay and Jacob's defence report 1963 Feb 29 None
96 ISMAY 3/4/97 Letter from Franklyn Johnson to Ismay, May 1963, about Ismay and Jacob's report on defence organisation 1963 May 13 None
97 ISMAY 3/4/98 Letter from Marshal of the RAF Lord Portal to Ismay, May 1963, about Ismay and Jacob's report on defence 1963 May 16 None
98 ISMAY 3/4/99 Letter of reply from Ismay to Marshal of the RAF Lord Portal, May 1963 1963 May 18 None
99 ISMAY 3/4/100 Letter from Ismay to Franklyn Johnson, May 1963, with reference to US General Alfred Gruenther 1963 May 23 None
100 ISMAY 3/4/101 Letter of reply from Franklyn Johnson to Ismay, May 1963 1963 May 29 None
101 ISMAY 3/4/102 Letter from General Sir Gerald Lathbury, War Office, to Ismay, Jun 1963, requesting a meeting 1963 Jun 12 None
102 ISMAY 3/4/103 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacobe to Ismay, Jul 1963, forwarding a draft UK Government White Paper on defence 1963 Jul 4 None
103 ISMAY 3/4/104 Letter from Ismay to General Sir Ian Jacob, Jul 1963, stating objections to the draft UK Government White Paper on defence 1963 Jul 9 None
104 ISMAY 3/4/105 Letter from Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft to Ismay, Jul 1963, with printed UK Government White Paper, Central Organisation for Defence 1963 Jul 2 - 16 None
105 ISMAY 3/4/106 Letter from Franklyn Johnson to Ismay, Aug 1963, with an invitation to Los Angeles 1963 Aug 16 None
106 ISMAY 3/4/107 Letter of reply from Ismay to Franklyn Johnson, Aug 1963 1963 Aug 20 None
107 ISMAY 3/4/108 Letter from Ismay to General Sir Ian Jacob, Aug 1963, on the revival of the Defence Committee 1963 Aug 20 None
108 ISMAY 3/4/109 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Aug 1963, on the revival of the Defence Committee 1963 Aug 21 None
109 ISMAY 3/4/110 Letter from General Sir Ian Jacob to Ismay, Sep 1963, on the Defence Committee 1963 Sep 4 None
110 ISMAY 3/4/112 List of armed services officers, [1963] [1963] None
111 ISMAY 3/4/113 Index note, [1955], to Ismay's papers on defence organisation (ref: Ismay 3/4/114-130) [1955] None
112 ISMAY 3/4/114 UK Government White Paper, Central Organisation for Defence, a 1955 reprint of the 1946 original 1955 None
113 ISMAY 3/4/115 Copy letter from Cabinet Secretary Norman Brook to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Dec 1957, with related papers on defence reorganisation 1957 Nov 3 - Dec 11 None
114 ISMAY 3/4/116 UK Government White Paper, Central Organisation for Defence, a 1962 reprint of the 1958 original 1962 None
115 ISMAY 3/4/117 Copy letter from Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft to Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, Oct 1962, with related papers on defence organisation 1962 Oct 9 - 16 None
116 ISMAY 3/4/118 Copy note by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Dec 1962, on defence organisation 1962 Dec 9 None
117 ISMAY 3/4/119 Report, Dec 1962, on the 1958 UK Government White Paper, Central Organisation for Defence, with notes on proposals and interviewees 1962 Dec 12 None
118 ISMAY 3/4/120 Copy memo by CIGS Sir Caspar John and Marshal of the RAF SIR Thomas Pike to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Dec 1962, on defence organisation 1962 Dec 21 None
119 ISMAY 3/4/121/1 Copy memo from the Minister of Aviation to the Admiralty, Dec 1962, on higher defence organisation 1962 Dec 26 - 28 None
120 ISMAY 3/4/122 Copy note on a meeting of the Prime Minister and senior defence ministers, Jan 1963, to commission a report on defence reorganisation 1963 Jan 1 None
121 ISMAY 3/4/123 Copy letter from Marshal of the RAF Sir John Slessor to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Dec 1962, on defence reorganisation, with acknowledgement in reply 1962 Dec 15 - 1963 Jan 2 None
122 ISMAY 3/4/124 Copy letter from Lord Harding to Minister of Defence Peter Thorneycroft, Dec 1962, about defence reorganisation, with acknowledgement in reply 1962 Dec 17 - 1963 Jan 2 None
123 ISMAY 3/4/125 Copy report, [1963], on the UK Government Treasury's interest in defence reorganisation [1962 - 1963] None
124 ISMAY 3/4/126 Notes on defence organisation, [1963] [1962 - 1963] None
125 ISMAY 3/4/127 Copy note from the Ministry of Defence to General Sir Ian Jacob, Jan 1963, on recent discussions of resources and strategy 1963 Jan 17 None
126 ISMAY 3/4/128 Notes on defence organisation, Jan 1963 1963 Jan 16 None
127 ISMAY 3/4/129 Notes on US defence organisation, [1963] [1963] None
128 ISMAY 3/4/130 Note by General Sir Ian Jacob, Jan 1963, on the opinions of the Chiefs of Staff on defence organisation 1963 Jan 22 None