Item report

Archival description hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 JOYCE 1/1 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 15 Nov 1916, on subjects including Arab forces, the defences of Rabegh and airbase problems 1916 Nov 15
2 JOYCE 1/2 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Colonel Symes, 16 Nov 1916, on subjects including Arab forces 1916 Nov 16
3 JOYCE 1/3 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 26 Nov 1916, with a general appraisal of the situation in the Hejaz 1916 Nov 26
4 JOYCE 1/4 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Parker, 5 Dec 1916, about recent expenditure 1916 Dec 5
5 JOYCE 1/5 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 8 Dec 1916, about airfield defence 1916 Dec 8
6 JOYCE 1/6 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 8 Dec 1916, about future and present plans 1916 Dec 8
7 JOYCE 1/7 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 9 Dec 1916, on subject including the port city of Yanbu (Yambo) 1916 Dec 9
8 JOYCE 1/8 Letter from Joyce to Major Garland, 10 Dec 1916, on subjects including fighting at Yanbu (Yambo) 1916 Dec 10
9 JOYCE 1/9 Letter from Joyce to the Director of the Arab Bureau, 15 Dec 1916 1916 Dec 15
10 JOYCE 1/10 Letter from Joyce to Cox & Co bank, 19 Dec 1916, about personal finances 1916 Dec 19
11 JOYCE 1/11 Letter from Joyce to Major Rees-Mogg, 21 Dec 1916, about complaints 1916 Dec 21
12 JOYCE 1/12/1 Letter from Major Rees-Mogg to General Staff, Cairo, 17 Dec 1916, about Joyce's length of service 1916 Dec 17
13 JOYCE 1/12/2 Letter from General Staff, Cairo, to Joyce, 22 Dec 1916, forwarding Major Rees-Mogg's letter about Joyce's length of service 1916 Dec 22
14 JOYCE 1/13 Letter from Joyce to El Kaim Mohammed Bey el Amin, 1 Jan 1917, about command reorganisation 1917 Jan 1
15 JOYCE 1/14 Letter from Joyce to the Adjutant General of the Egyptian Army, 2 Jan 1917, about not placing Egyptian troops under Arab command 1917 Jan 2
16 JOYCE 1/15 Letter from Joyce to Major Rees-Mogg, 3 Jan 1917, about a recent improvement 1917 Jan 3
17 JOYCE 1/16 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 13 Jan 1917, about briefing for Lt Col Newcombe 1917 Jan 13
18 JOYCE 1/17 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 17 Jan 1917, on pre-bombing raid reconnaissance 1917 Jan 17
19 JOYCE 1/18 Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Newcombe to Colonel Wilson, 17 Jan 1917, about promotions for Joyce and Hassan Rifai [1917 Jan 17]
20 JOYCE 1/19 Notes, 17 Jan 1917, on routes 1917 Jan 17
21 JOYCE 1/20 Letter from Joyce to the Financial Secretary, Egyptian Army, 18 Jan 1917, about Joyce completing 10 years' service with the Egyptian Army 1917 Jan 18
22 JOYCE 1/21 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, 19 Jan 1917, with information about the position of Turkish forces 1917 Jan 19
23 JOYCE 1/22 Letter from Joyce to the officer commanding stores, 20 Jan 1917 1917 Jan 20
24 JOYCE 1/23 Letter from Joyce to Aziz Bey, 20 Jan 1917, concerning letters (not present) 1917 Jan 20
25 JOYCE 1/24 Letter from Joyce to Major Pearson, 21 Jan 1917, about captured Turkish radio operators 1917 Jan 21
26 JOYCE 1/25 Note, 23 Jan 1917, about stores needed for the base at Rabegh 1917 Jan 23
27 JOYCE 1/26 Letter from Joyce to Major Garland, 23 Jan 1917, about parts for a German machine gun 1917 Jan 23
28 JOYCE 1/27 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, Officer Commanding RFC, Hejaz, 23 Jan 1917, reporting on enemy movement 1917 Jan 23
29 JOYCE 1/28 Letter from Joyce to Aziz Bey Ali, 24 Jan 1917, about stores 1917 Jan 24
30 JOYCE 1/29 Letter from Joyce to Captain Moore, 24 Jan 1917, with receipts 1917 Jan 24
31 JOYCE 1/30 Letter from Joyce to Major Pearson, 24 Jan 1917, requesting money 1917 Jan 24
32 JOYCE 1/31 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, 24 Jan 1917, reporting on enemy movements 1917 Jan 24
33 JOYCE 1/32 Note on conversation with Aziz, Jan 1917, about money [1917 Jan 24 - 26]
34 JOYCE 1/33 Letter from Joyce to the Director of the Arab Bureau, 26 Jan 1917, requesting a new cypher 1917 Jan 26
35 JOYCE 1/34 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Colonel Hudson-Kinahan, 26 Jan 1917, about kit and about the command of Egyptian troops 1917 Jan 26
36 JOYCE 1/35 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 28 Jan 1917, about recent operations 1917 Jan 28
37 JOYCE 1/36 Letter from Joyce to [tailoring firm] Phillips, Cairo, 28 Jan 1917, about a new suit 1917 Jan 28
38 JOYCE 1/37 Letter from Joyce to Captain Philip Graves, 28 Jan 1917, about Nuri Bey's boots 1917 Jan 28
39 JOYCE 1/38 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, Officer Commanding 'C' Flight RFC, 29 Jan 1917, requesting a reconnaissance flight 1917 Jan 29
40 JOYCE 1/39 Letter from Joyce to the Senior Naval Officer, Rabegh, 31 Jan 1917, passing on a message that Ashraf Bey should come to Rabegh 1917 Jan 31
41 JOYCE 1/40 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 31 Jan 1917, with information on Turkish troop movements 1917 Jan 31
42 JOYCE 1/41 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 1 Feb 1917, with information on Turkish troop movements 1917 Feb 1
43 JOYCE 1/42 Letter from Joyce to McConaghy, [Feb 1917], about the interrogation of prisoners [1917 Feb 1 - 5]
44 JOYCE 1/43 Notes, [Feb 1917], on the interrogation of prisoners [1917 Feb 1 - 5]
45 JOYCE 1/44 Letter from Joyce to Second Lieutenant Andrews, 5 Feb 1917, with a receipt 1917 Feb 5
46 JOYCE 1/45 Notes on equipment, [5 Feb 1917] [1917 Feb 5]
47 JOYCE 1/46 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 5 Feb 1917, with information 1917 Feb 5
48 JOYCE 1/47 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 6 Feb 1917, with information 1917 Feb 6
49 JOYCE 1/48 Letter from Joyce to the National Bank of Egypt, 7 Feb 1917, about pay 1917 Feb 7
50 JOYCE 1/49 Letter from Joyce to Cox & Co, bank, 9 Feb 1917, about pay 1917 Feb 9
51 JOYCE 1/50 Letter from Joyce to [sports equipment supplier?] Roberts Hughes, 9 Feb 1917, requesting footballs 1917 Feb 9
52 JOYCE 1/51 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 11 Feb 1917 with information 1917 Feb 11
53 JOYCE 1/52 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 12 Feb 1917, with general news 1917 Feb 12
54 JOYCE 1/53 Letter from Joyce to the Senior Naval Officer, 13 Feb 1917, requesting clearance for Captain Razzak to see Arab prisoners 1917 Feb 13
55 JOYCE 1/54 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 14 Feb 1917, with information 1917 Feb 14
56 JOYCE 1/55 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 18 Feb 1917, passing on a request for an air reconnaissance of a new landing ground 1917 Feb 18
57 JOYCE 1/56 Letter from Joyce to the Disembarkation Staff Officer, Suez, 19 Feb 1917, requesting travel clearance for Aziz Bey Ali 1917 Feb 19
58 JOYCE 1/57 Letter from Joyce to tailors Thresher & Glenny, 20 Feb 1917, about shirts 1917 Feb 20
59 JOYCE 1/58 Letter from Joyce to the Disembarkation Staff Officer, Suez, 28 Feb 1917, about the return of military personnel after duty in Hejaz 1917 Feb 28
60 JOYCE 1/59 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Colonel Hudson-Kinahan, 2 Mar 1917, about kit 1917 Mar 2
61 JOYCE 1/60 Letter from Joyce to Khartoum businessman Angelo Capato, 2 Mar 1917, about supplies of kit 1917 Mar 2
62 JOYCE 1/61 Letter from Joyce to the National Bank of Egypt, 2 Mar 1917, about pay 1917 Mar 2
63 JOYCE 1/62 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 5 Mar 1917, with information 1917 Mar 5
64 JOYCE 1/63 Letter from Joyce to Royle, 18 Mar 1917, about preparing a landing ground 1917 Mar 18
65 JOYCE 1/64 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Mar 1917], about a declaration of hostility [1917 Mar]
66 JOYCE 1/65 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Mar 1917], about forwarding letters [1917 Mar]
67 JOYCE 1/66 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Mar 1917], about artillery horses [1917 Mar]
68 JOYCE 1/67 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Mar 1917], about supplies [1917 Mar]
69 JOYCE 1/68 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Mar 1917], about a declaration of allegiance from mounted Arab troops [1917 Mar]
70 JOYCE 1/69 Notes, [Mar 1917], on routes [1917 Mar]
71 JOYCE 1/70 Letter from Joyce to the Disembarkation Staff Officer, Suez, [Mar 1917], requesting clearance to travel [1917 Mar]
72 JOYCE 1/71 Letter from Joyce to the Senior Naval Officer, Rabegh, [Mar 1917], about the siting of supplies [1917 Mar]
73 JOYCE 1/72 Letter from Joyce to Kinahan Cornwallis, 22 Mar 1917, about travel arrangements for Arabs 1917 Mar 22
74 JOYCE 1/73 Letter from Joyce, 22 Mar 1917, to Lieutenant Colonel Newcombe, on subjects including the expected arrival of Colonel Wilson 1917 Mar 22
75 JOYCE 1/74 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 22 Mar 1917, about supplies 1917 Mar 22
76 JOYCE 1/75 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, 22 Mar 1917, about supplies 1917 Mar 22
77 JOYCE 1/76 Notes, 22 Mar 1917, about supplies 1917 Mar 22
78 JOYCE 1/77 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, 22 Mar 1917, about supplies 1917 Mar 22
79 JOYCE 1/78 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 23 Mar 1917, about relocating from Rabegh to Wedj 1917 Mar 23
80 JOYCE 1/79 Notes, 24 Mar 1917, on routes 1917 Mar 24
81 JOYCE 1/80 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Mar-Apr 1917], about the arrival of Royle without kit [1917 Mar - Apr]
82 JOYCE 1/81 Letter from Captain Nalder to Major Ross, 26 Mar 1917, about reports on Turkish aeroplanes 1917 Mar 26
83 JOYCE 1/82 Letter from the Arab Bureau to British forces at Wedj, 30 Mar 1917, about movements on the Damascus railway 1917 Mar 30
84 JOYCE 1/83 Letter from Joyce to Major Bannatyne, 31 Mar 1917, forwarding a message from Major Ross (not present) 1917 Mar 31
85 JOYCE 1/84 Letter from Joyce to Captain Nalder, 31 Mar 1917, about armoured car arrangements 1917 Mar 31
86 JOYCE 1/85 Letter from Joyce to Captain Hornby, 31 Mar 1917, including reference to Major Garland 1917 Mar 31
87 JOYCE 1/86 Letter in Arabic, 31 Mar 1917 1917 Mar 31
88 JOYCE 1/87 Letter, 31 Mar 1917, about payment to Sheikh Salah for reconnaissance work 1917 Mar 31
89 JOYCE 1/88 Notes, [Mar-Apr 1917], on supplies and arms [1917 Mar - Apr]
90 JOYCE 1/89 Notes, [Apr] 1917, on the delivery of supplies 1917 [Apr 1]
91 JOYCE 1/90 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [1 Apr 1917], about the movements of colleagues [1917 Apr 1]
92 JOYCE 1/91 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [1 Apr 1917], about the landing ground at El Beida [1917 Apr 1]
93 JOYCE 1/92 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [1 Apr 1917], requesting cars for transport [1917 Apr 1]
94 JOYCE 1/93 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, 1 Apr 1917, requesting assistance unloading stores 1917 Apr 1
95 JOYCE 1/94 Letter from Joyce to the Armoured Car Section, 1 Apr 1917, about being stuck in sand 1917 Apr 1
96 JOYCE 1/95 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about supplies [1917 Apr]
97 JOYCE 1/96 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about a member of stores staff [1917 Apr]
98 JOYCE 1/97 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about the return of cars [1917 Apr]
99 JOYCE 1/98 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about the disruption of [railway] lines [1917 Apr]
100 JOYCE 1/99 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about the construction of jetties for docking ships [1917 Apr]
101 JOYCE 1/100 List of stores, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
102 JOYCE 1/101 Notes on a march, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
103 JOYCE 1/102 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about the movements of Arab sheikhs [1917 Apr]
104 JOYCE 1/103 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about camp at Gayadah [1917 Apr]
105 JOYCE 1/104 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about Sherif Abdulla [1917 Apr]
106 JOYCE 1/105 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about expected supplies [1917 Apr]
107 JOYCE 1/106 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about radio communications [1917 Apr]
108 JOYCE 1/107 Letter from Joyce to the Captain of SS ARETHUSA, 4 Apr 1917, about travellers to Jeddah 1917 Apr 4
109 JOYCE 1/108 Notes on the landing ground at Beda, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
110 JOYCE 1/109 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about building materials [1917 Apr]
111 JOYCE 1/110/1 Notes, [Apr 1917], about a message to Emir Feisal requesting information on Sherif Ali [1917 Apr]
112 JOYCE 1/110/2 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about a map [1917 Apr]
113 JOYCE 1/111 Certificate of payment for services, 6 Apr 1917, to a guide needed after a forced aircraft landing 1917 Apr 6
114 JOYCE 1/112 Letter from Joyce to the Senior Naval Officer, Red Sea Patrol 9 Apr 1917, requesting passage to Suez for Sherif Faisal 1917 Apr 9
115 JOYCE 1/113 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, RFC, 9 Apr 1917, with reports on supplies and landing grounds 1917 Apr 9
116 JOYCE 1/114 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about supplies for Lieutenant Colonel Newcombe [1917 Apr 9-10]
117 JOYCE 1/115 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about a request for Wilson to visit Sherif Abdulla [1917 Apr 9-10]
118 JOYCE 1/116 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about a request for cars [1917 Apr 9-10]
119 JOYCE 1/117 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about reports of attacks on the Hejaz railway line by Sherif Faisal [1917 Apr 9-10]
120 JOYCE 1/118 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding the Royal Flying Corps, 10 Apr 1917, requesting a map 1917 Apr 10
121 JOYCE 1/119 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, 10 Apr 1917, about possible promotions 1917 Apr 10
122 JOYCE 1/120 Letter from Joyce to the Chief Ordnance Officer, Suez, 10 Apr 1917, about a possible staff transfer 1917 Apr 10
123 JOYCE 1/121 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], with reference to two armourer serjeants [1917 Apr]
124 JOYCE 1/122 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about sending telegrams [1917 Apr]
125 JOYCE 1/123 Notes, 11 Apr 1917, on a conversation with Sherif Faisal 1917 Apr 11
126 JOYCE 1/124 Letter from Joyce to the Camel Corps radio operator, 12 Apr 1917, about sending telegrams 1917 Apr 12
127 JOYCE 1/125 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Colonel Newcombe, 12 Apr 1917, on subjects including supply problems 1917 Apr 12
128 JOYCE 1/126 Letter from Joyce to the National Bank of Egypt, 12 Ap 1917, about personal finances 1917 Apr 12
129 JOYCE 1/127 Letter from Joyce to Cox & Co bank, 12 Apr 1917, about personal finance 1917 Apr 12
130 JOYCE 1/128 Letter from Joyce to department store Fortnum & Mason, 12 Apr 1917, about the account of 3 Battalion Egyptian Army 1917 Apr 12
131 JOYCE 1/129 Letter from Joyce to a radio operator, 12 Apr 1917, about sending telegrams 1917 Apr 12
132 JOYCE 1/130 Note, [Apr 1917], on clearing Royal Flying Corps stores from Yanbu [1917 Apr]
133 JOYCE 1/131 Note, [Apr 1917], on stores [1917 Apr]
134 JOYCE 1/132 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about Captain Wilton [Colonel Wilson?] [1917 Apr]
135 JOYCE 1/133 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about a crashed plane [1917 Apr]
136 JOYCE 1/134 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about supplies of explosives [1917 Apr]
137 JOYCE 1/135 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about supplies [1917 Apr]
138 JOYCE 1/136 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, [Apr 1917], about provision of transport [1917 Apr]
139 JOYCE 1/137 Notes, [Apr 1917], on subjects including the location of Turkish forces, and supplies [1917 Apr]
140 JOYCE 1/138 Letter from Joyce to the Disembarkation Staff Officer, Suez, [Apr 1917], about clearance to travel for Arab officers [1917 Apr]
141 JOYCE 1/139 Notes, [Apr 1917], on operations [1917 Apr]
142 JOYCE 1/140 Note, [Apr 1917], on payment to a guide [1917 Apr]
143 JOYCE 1/141 Letter from Joyce to the Senior Naval Officer, Red Sea Patrol, [Apr 1917], about transporting Turkish prisoners to Suez [1917 Apr]
144 JOYCE 1/142 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Colonel Newcombe, 13 Apr 1917, about supplies 1917 Apr 13
145 JOYCE 1/143 Notes, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
146 JOYCE 1/144 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Gilman, 16 Apr 1917, about transport 1917 Apr 16
147 JOYCE 1/145 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [16-18 Apr 1917], with reference to a Private Hewitt [1917 Apr 16-18]
148 JOYCE 1/146 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, 18 Apr 1917, about the use of a lorry 1917 Apr 18
149 JOYCE 1/147 Letter from Joyce to Captain Lobb, SS RACE FISHER, 19 Apr 1917, about shipping animal fodder 1917 Apr 19
150 JOYCE 1/148 Letter from Joyce to Hilmi Effendi, 19 Apr 1917, about SS RACE FISHER 1917 Apr 19
151 JOYCE 1/149 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Cars, 20 Apr 1917, about movement of supplies 1917 Apr 20
152 JOYCE 1/150 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [20 Apr 1917], requesting ammunition [1917 Apr 20]
153 JOYCE 1/151 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, 20 Apr 1917, about allowances 1917 Apr 20
154 JOYCE 1/152 Letter from Joyce to a radio operator, 20 Apr 1917, about provision of a wireless officer for a visit by Colonel Wilson 1917 Apr 20
155 JOYCE 1/153 Letter from Joyce to Major Davenport, [Apr 1917], about disruption caused by illness [1917 Apr]
156 JOYCE 1/154 Notes, [Apr 1917], made while en route with an expedition [1917 Apr]
157 JOYCE 1/155 Letter from Joyce to 14 Squadron, C Flight, Royal Flying Corps, 25 Apr 1917, about aerial photographs 1917 Apr 25
158 JOYCE 1/156 Letter from Joyce to 14 Squadron, C Flight, Royal Flying Corps, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
159 JOYCE 1/157 Aerial photograph, [Apr 1917] of unidentified subject [1917 Apr]
160 JOYCE 1/158 Notes for a message to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], on subjects including radio supplies and aeroplane engines [1917 Apr]
161 JOYCE 1/159 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, 24 Apr [1917], about explosives [1917] Apr 24
162 JOYCE 1/160 Letter from the Arab Bureau to Joyce, for Colonel Wilson, 25 Apr [1917], on the urgent need for ammunition and the necessity of keeping the railway line disrupted [1917] Apr 25
163 JOYCE 1/161 Letter from the Arab Bureau to Joyce, 25 Apr [1917], about ammunition [1917] Apr 25
164 JOYCE 1/162 Letter from Joyce to Nuri al-Said, 26 Apr 1917, about movements and supplies 1917 Apr 26
165 JOYCE 1/163 Notes, [Apr 1917], on route with expedition [1917 Apr]
166 JOYCE 1/164 Letter from Joyce to Thorburn, Port Sudan, [Apr 1917], about ammunition [1917 Apr]
167 JOYCE 1/165 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [Apr 1917], about supplies of gun cotton [1917 Apr]
168 JOYCE 1/166 Letter from the Arab Bureau to Joyce, 28 Apr [1917], about travel arrangements for Sagh Abdel Mejid Fuad [1917] Apr 28
169 JOYCE 1/167 Letter from Senior Naval Officer to Colonel Wilson, [Apr 1917], about stores [1917 Apr]
170 JOYCE 1/168 Notes on travel routes, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
171 JOYCE 1/169 Notes on travel routes, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
172 JOYCE 1/170 Letter from Joyce to Hassan Shah, [Apr 1917], about supplies for Indian troops [1917 Apr]
173 JOYCE 1/171 List of supplies for Indian troops, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
174 JOYCE 1/172 List of camel loads of supplies, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
175 JOYCE 1/173 Details of three Arab ministers, [Apr 1917] [1917 Apr]
176 JOYCE 1/174 Letter from Joyce to Hilmi, [Apr 1917], about supplies of explosives [1917 Apr]
177 JOYCE 1/175 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, 31 Apr 1917, about allowances 1917 Apr 31
178 JOYCE 1/176 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Henderson, RFC, 1 May 1917, about a message concerning T E Lawrence 1917 May 1
179 JOYCE 1/177 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [1-3 May 1917], about receipt of a cipher [1917 May 1-3]
180 JOYCE 1/178 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, 3 May 1917, about transportation for stores 1917 May 3
181 JOYCE 1/179 Letter from Joyce to the Disembarkation Staff Officer, Suez, 7 May 1917, about clearance to travel 1917 May 7
182 JOYCE 1/180 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, 7 May 1917, about the movement of stores 1917 May 7
183 JOYCE 1/181 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Newcombe, 7 May 1917 (illegible) 1917 May 7
184 JOYCE 1/182 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [7-8 May 1917] [1917 May 7-8]
185 JOYCE 1/183 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Colonel Bassett, [7-8 May 1917], about a message from Sherif Faisal [1917 May 7-8]
186 JOYCE 1/184 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Colonel Bassett, [7-8 May 1917], about supplies [1917 May 7-8]
187 JOYCE 1/185 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Newcombe, [7-8 May 1917], requesting a reconnaissance [1917 May 7-8]
188 JOYCE 1/186 Notes on route, [7-8 May 1917] [1917 May 7-8]
189 JOYCE 1/187 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Newcombe, [7-8 May 1917], about stores for the Camel Corps [1917 May 7-8]
190 JOYCE 1/188 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [7-8 May 1917], about stores [1917 May 7-8]
191 JOYCE 1/189 Letter from Joyce to Hilmi, [7-8 May 1917], about travel arrangements for Sherif Faisal [1917 May 7-8]
192 JOYCE 1/190 Letter from Joyce to Hilmi, 8 May 1917, about kit 1917 May 8
193 JOYCE 1/191 Letter from Joyce to Captain Lawrence, 9 May 1917, about railway sabotage work, and Major Herbert Garland 1917 May 9
194 JOYCE 1/192 Letter from Wilton to Officer Commanding Troops at Wijh, 10 May 1917, about Lieutenant Harridi, Egyptian Army 1917 May 10
195 JOYCE 1/193 Letter from Joyce to the Disembarkation Staff Officer, Suez, 10 May 1917, about clearance to travel for an Arab officer 1917 May 10
196 JOYCE 1/194 Letter from Joyce to the Embarkation Staff Officer, Suez, 11 May 1917, about clearance to travel for Egyptian civilians 1917 May 11
197 JOYCE 1/195 Letter from Joyce to the Embarkation Staff Officer, Suez, 11 May 1917, about clearance to travel for a member of the Arab Army 1917 May 11
198 JOYCE 1/196 Letter from Joyce to Staff Sergeant Bright, 13 May 1917, about provision of a typewriter 1917 May 13
199 JOYCE 1/197 Letter from Joyce to the Embarkation Staff Officer, Suez, 14 May 1917, about clearance to travel 1917 May 14
200 JOYCE 1/198 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, 14 May 1917, about transport for Sherif Faisal 1917 May 14
201 JOYCE 1/199 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, 14 May 1917, about transport for Colonel Newcombe and Sherif Faisal 1917 May 14
202 JOYCE 1/200 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, [May 1917], about transport [1917 May]
203 JOYCE 1/201 Draft note for Ali, [May 1917] [1917 May]
204 JOYCE 1/202 Letter from Joyce to Major Lawrence, [May 1917], with reference to Captain FitzMaurice and Sherif Faisal [1917 May]
205 JOYCE 1/203 Letter from Joyce to Staff Sergeant Bright, 10 May 1917, about ammunition 1917 May 10
206 JOYCE 1/204 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, [May 1917], about supplies for Arab mounted troops [1917 May]
207 JOYCE 1/205 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [May 1917], on names of personnel left off a previous report [1917 May]
208 JOYCE 1/206 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Newcombe, [May 1917], requesting the repeat sending of a telegram [1917 May]
209 JOYCE 1/207 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, 18 May 1917, about the destruction of old ciphers 1917 May 18
210 JOYCE 1/208 Notes on route, [May 1917] [1917 May]
211 JOYCE 1/209 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Newcombe, 21 May 1917, about equipment and planning 1917 May 21
212 JOYCE 1/210 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 21 May 1917, about equipment and planning 1917 May 21
213 JOYCE 1/211 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 21 May 1917, about supplies 1917 May 21
214 JOYCE 1/212 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [21-22 May 1917], about supplies [1917 May 21-22]
215 JOYCE 1/213 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 22 May 1917, about a distilling plant 1917 May 22
216 JOYCE 1/214 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 22 May 1917, about an expedition 1917 May 22
217 JOYCE 1/215 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [22 May 1917], about Nuri going to Sherif Ali [1917 May 22]
218 JOYCE 1/216 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [May 1917], about stores [1917 May]
219 JOYCE 1/217 Note about Sherif Faisal, [May 117] [1917 May]
220 JOYCE 1/218 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, 22 May 1917, about passengers in HMS LAMA 1917 May 22
221 JOYCE 1/219 Letter from Joyce to the Embarkation Staff Officer, Suez, 22 May 1917, about clearance to travel 1917 May 22
222 JOYCE 1/220 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau, 22 May 1917, about passengers in HMS LAMA 1917 May 22
223 JOYCE 1/221 Notes on route, [May-Jun 1917] [1917 May-Jun]
224 JOYCE 1/222 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [May-Jun 1917], reporting on the route between Yanbu and Bir Deruish [1917 May-Jun]
225 JOYCE 1/223 Notes on route, [May-Jun 1917] [1917 May-Jun]
226 JOYCE 1/224 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Bassett, [May-Jun 1917], about supplies [1917 May-Jun]
227 JOYCE 1/225 Notes, [May-Jun 1917] [1917 May-Jun]
228 JOYCE 1/226 Draft letter from Joyce to Colonel Newcombe, [May-Jun 1917], about an expedition [1917 May-Jun]
229 JOYCE 1/227 Letter from Joyce to the Embarkation Staff Officer, Port Tewfik, 13 Jun 1917, about clearance to travel for an Arab officer 1917 Jun 13
230 JOYCE 1/228 Letter from Joyce to the Embarkation Staff Officer, Port Tewfik, 13 Jun 1917, about permission to travel 1917 Jun 13
231 JOYCE 1/229/1 Letter from Joyce to Commandant Le Motte, 13 Jun 1917, about clearance to travel (in French) 1917 Jun 13
232 JOYCE 1/229/2 Letter from Colonel Bremond to Joyce, 13 Jun 1917, about a meeting with Colonel Wilson and Sherif Faisal (in French) 1917 Jun 13
233 JOYCE 1/230 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, 14 Jun 1917, about transport for Colonel Wilson 1917 Jun 14
234 JOYCE 1/231 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Armoured Car Section, 17 Jun 1917, about assistance unloading stores 1917 Jun 17
235 JOYCE 1/232 Letter from Colonel Newcombe to Joyce, 18 Jun 1917, about plans and stores 1917 Jun 18
236 JOYCE 1/233 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Newcombe, 19-20 Jun 1917, about supplies 1917 Jun 19-20
237 JOYCE 1/234 Letter from Joyce to the field wireless telegraph operator, 19-20 Jun 1917, about transport 1917 Jun 19-20
238 JOYCE 1/235 Letter from Joyce to the Senior Naval Officer, Yanbu, 21 Jun 1917, about travel permission for refugees 1917 Jun 21
239 JOYCE 1/236 List of refugees travelling from Medina to Egypt, 21 Jun 1917 1917 Jun 21
240 JOYCE 1/237 Letter from Joyce to the Intelligence Staff Officer, Suez, 24 Jun 1917, about permission to travel 1917 Jun 24
241 JOYCE 1/238 Letter from Joyce to Hilmi, 24 Jun 1917, with a related document in Arabic and English 1917 Jun 24
242 JOYCE 1/239 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Bassett, [Jun 1917], about supplies [1917 Jun]
243 JOYCE 1/240 Letter from Joyce to Hilmi, 1 Jun 1917, requesting an issue of money 1917 Jul 1
244 JOYCE 1/241 Letter from Joyce to Captain Goslett, 1-2 Jul 1917, about supplies [1917 Jul 1-2]
245 JOYCE 1/242 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Bassett, 2 Jul 1917, about supplies 1917 Jul 2
246 JOYCE 1/243 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson 3 Jul 1917, with news and plans 1917 Jul 3
247 JOYCE 1/244 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Bassett, 14 Jul 1917, about stores 1917 Jul 14
248 JOYCE 1/245 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, [15-16 Jul 1917], with thanks for congratulations [1917 Jul 15-16]
249 JOYCE 1/246 Letter from Joyce to Major Davenport, 16 Jul 1917 1917 Jul 16
250 JOYCE 1/247 Letter from Joyce to the Arab Bureau and to Colonel Wilson, [Jul 1917], with a report on a raid by Sherif Abdulla [1917 Jul]
251 JOYCE 1/248 Letter from Joyce to Cox & Co bank, 4 Sep 1917, about personal finance 1917 Sep 4
252 JOYCE 1/249 Letter from Captain Buxton to Joyce, 5 Sep 1917, about Bedouin vocabulary 1917 Sep 5
253 JOYCE 1/250 Letter from Colonel Bramley to the Arab Bureau, 2 Sep 1917, with a list of Bedouin words requested by Joyce 1917 Sep 2
254 JOYCE 1/251 Letter from Kinahan Cornwallis to Joyce, 7 Sep 1917, passing on information to Major Lawrence that Sheikh Abu Rigeig had not been captured 1917 Sep 7
255 JOYCE 1/252 Letter from Kinahan Cornwallis to Joyce, 8 Sep 1917, requesting reconnaissance sketches 1917 Sep 8
256 JOYCE 1/253 Draft letter from Joyce to Brigadier Clayton, 14 Sep 1917, about wasting time 1917 Sep 14
257 JOYCE 1/254 Letter from Joyce to Brigadier Clayton, 17 Sep 1917, about low morale, and supplies 1917 Sep 17
258 JOYCE 1/255 Letter from Joyce to Brigadier Clayton, 18 Sep 1917, about supplies, finance, and ciphers 1917 Sep 18
259 JOYCE 1/256 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Bassett, 22 Sep 1917, requesting howitzers 1917 Sep 22
260 JOYCE 1/257 Letter from Joyce to Brigadier Clayton, 24 Sep 1917, about poor communication, stores, and plans 1917 Sep 24
261 JOYCE 1/258 Letter from Joyce to Brigadier Clayton, 25 Sep 1917, about supplies and the need for more intelligence officers 1917 Sep 25
262 JOYCE 1/259 Letter from Joyce to Cox & Co bank, 6 Nov 1917, about personal finance 1917 Nov 6
263 JOYCE 1/260 Letter from Joyce to bagpipe manufacturer Peter Henderson, 14 Nov 1917, about bagpipe parts for 6 Egyptian Battalion 1917 Nov 14
264 JOYCE 1/261 Notes on Arab officers, [Nov 1917] [1917 Nov]
265 JOYCE 1/262 Draft letter from Joyce to Brigadier Clayton, 18 Nov 1917, on subjects including the possibility of unrest in Syria 1917 Nov 18
266 JOYCE 1/263 Letter (incomplete) from Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay to Joyce, [1917-1918], about plans and forwarding a letter from General Allenby to Sherif Feisal [1917-1918]
267 JOYCE 1/264 Letter (incomplete) from Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay to Joyce, [3 Jul 1918], on subjects including transport, leave for officers, and supplies [1918 Jul 3]
268 JOYCE 1/265 Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay to Joyce, 22 Feb 1918, abouts Dawnay's reports on Hejaz operations 1918 Feb 22
269 JOYCE 1/266 Report by Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay, 15 Feb 1918, for CGS EEF, on operations in the Hejaz region 1918 Jan (sic: ie Feb) 15
270 JOYCE 1/267 Report by Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay, 15 Feb 1918, on the organisation of the base at Akaba 1918 Feb 15
271 JOYCE 1/268 Stock sheet for Ordnance Stores, 28 Feb 1918 1918 Feb 28
272 JOYCE 1/269 Letter from Joyce, to author Christopher Birdwood, 15 Jan 1957, about operations in Hejaz, World War One 1957 Jan 15
273 JOYCE 1/270 Report by Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay, 1 May 1918, for CGS EEF, on operations in Hejaz, Apr 1918 1918 May 1
274 JOYCE 1/271 Letter from Colonel John Bassett to the Arab Bureau, 8 May 1918, forwarding a message to Sherif Feisal from King Hussein about a meeting 1918 May 8
275 JOYCE 1/272 Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay to Joyce, 27 May 1918, on subjects including a planned meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Sherif Faisal 1918 May 27
276 JOYCE 1/273 Letter from Colonel Wilson to Joyce and Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence, 27 May 1918, about a meeting of King Hussein and Sherif Feisal 1918 May 27
277 JOYCE 1/274 Letter from Colonel Wilson to Joyce and Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence, 28 May 1918, with a message from King Hussein for Sherif Feisal 1918 May 28
278 JOYCE 1/275 Letter from the Arab Bureau to Colonel Wilson, 28 May 1918, about the planned meeting of Sherif Feisal and Chaim Weizmann 1918 May 28
279 JOYCE 1/276 Letter from Hejaz Operations Cairo to the Commandant, Akaba, 29 May 1918, about the meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Sherif Feisal 1918 May 29
280 JOYCE 1/277 Letter from Colonel Wilson to the Commandant, Akaba, 29 May 1918, about the meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Sherif Feisal and its possible consequences 1918 May 29
281 JOYCE 1/278 Letter from Joyce to Captain Scott-Higgins, 1 Jun 1918, about guide arrangements 1918 Jun 1
282 JOYCE 1/279 Notes on supplies, [1-2 Jun 1918] [1918 Jun 1-2]
283 JOYCE 1/280 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding X Flight, [1-2 Jun 1918], about bombing [1918 Jun 1-2]
284 JOYCE 1/281 Letter from Joyce to Captain Peake, Camel Corps, 2 Jun 1918, about stores 1918 Jun 2
285 JOYCE 1/282 Letter from Joyce to Captain Hornby, 2 Jun 1918, about stores and the need to keep the railway line disrupted 1918 Jun 2
286 JOYCE 1/283 Letter from Joyce to Major Maynard, 2 Jun 1918, about stores, and an imminent Jewish delegation 1918 Jun 2
287 JOYCE 1/284 Letter from Joyce to Captain Scott-Higgins, 3 Jun 1918, about planning operations on the railway line 1918 Jun 3
288 JOYCE 1/285 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding X Flight, 4 Jun 1918, about ground-air cooperation 1918 Jun 4
289 JOYCE 1/286 Letter from Joyce to Major Maynard, 4 Jun 1918, about operations 1918 Jun 4
290 JOYCE 1/287 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Gilman, 4 Jun 1918, about Joyce's travel plans 1918 Jun 4
291 JOYCE 1/288 Notes, [Jun 1918] [1918 Jun]
292 JOYCE 1/289 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding RAF Decie, 7 Jun 1918, requesting a bombing raid 1918 Jun 7
293 JOYCE 1/290 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding [-] Flight, RAF, 8 Jun 1918, requesting a leaflet drop 1918 Jun 8
294 JOYCE 1/291 Letter from Joyce to the Political Officer, Southern Patrol, 8 Jun 1918, about a recent camel-stealing raid 1918 Jun 8
295 JOYCE 1/292 Notes on stores and camels, [8-10 Jun 1918] [1918 Jun 8-10]
296 JOYCE 1/293 Letter from Joyce to Officer Command RAF Decie, 10 Jun 1918, requesting a raid 1918 Jun 10
297 JOYCE 1/294 Letter from Joyce to Major Marshall, 10 Jun 1918, reporting the Arab response to a bombing raid on Jurf el Derwish 1918 Jun 10
298 JOYCE 1/295 Receipt for money for transfer to Baghdad, 10 Jun 1918 1918 Jun 10
299 JOYCE 1/296 Letter from Joyce to the Commandant, Akaba, 10 Jun 1918, forwarding money 1918 Jun 10
300 JOYCE 1/297 Letter from Joyce to Major Maynard, 11 Jun 1918, about planned operations 1918 Jun 11
301 JOYCE 1/298 Notes on recruiting for Sherif's army, [11-15 Jun 1918] [1918 Jun 11-15]
302 JOYCE 1/299 Telephone message for Captain Goslett, [11-15 Jun 1918], about a planned camel supply caravan [1918 Jun 11-15]
303 JOYCE 1/300 Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay to Joyce, 12 Jun 1918, on subjects including Joyce's DSO, and proposed staffing reorganisation 1918 Jun 12
304 JOYCE 1/301 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding X Flight, RAF, 15 Jun 1918, about land-air cooperation, and requesting a bombing raid 1918 Jun 15
305 JOYCE 1/302 Notes on stores, [15-18 Jun 1918] [1918 Jun 15-18]
306 JOYCE 1/303 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding RAF Gueira, 18 Jun 1918, about camels and cars 1918 Jun 18
307 JOYCE 1/304 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding RAF Gueira, 18 Jun 1918, about telephone communications 1918 Jun 18
308 JOYCE 1/305 Letter from Joyce to Officer Commanding Army Service Corps Abu Lisal, 18 Jun 1918, requesting cocoa 1918 Jun 18
309 JOYCE 1/306 Letter from Joyce to Hejaz Operations Staff, Cairo, [Jun 1918], requesting a bombing raid [1918 Jun]
310 JOYCE 1/307 Letter from Captain Sir George Lloyd to Joyce, 18 Jun 1918, proposing a postwar conference of Arab leaders 1918 Jun 18
311 JOYCE 1/308 Letter from Joyce to Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay, 20 Jun 1918, on subjects including planned operations and Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence 1918 Jun 20
312 JOYCE 1/309 Instructions on sending telegraph messages, by Captain Pratt-Barlow, 20 Jun 1918 1918 Jun 20
313 JOYCE 1/310 Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay to Joyce, 3 Jul [1918], on staff changes [1918] Jul 3
314 JOYCE 1/311 Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Dawnay to Joyce, 15 Jul [1918], about operations with the Imperial Camel Corps [1918] Jul 15
315 JOYCE 1/312 Meeting notes, Apr 1919, about awards for Indian troops who fought in the Hejaz campaign 1919 Apr 3-16
316 JOYCE 1/313 Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Graves to Brigadier Clayton, 21 Nov 1918, about the suffering of British Indian subjects in Damascus, and awards for Indian troops who fought in the Middle East 1918 Nov 21
317 JOYCE 1/314 Draft note, [Nov 1918], on awards for Indian troops who fought in the Hejaz campaign [1918 Nov]
318 JOYCE 1/315 Notes, [Nov 1918], on awards for Indian troops who fought in the Hejaz campaign [1918 Nov]
319 JOYCE 1/316 Letter from General Allenby to the High Commissioner for Egypt, 23 Nov 1918, on awards for Indian troops who fought in the Hejaz campaign 1918 Nov 23
320 JOYCE 1/317 Letter from the High Commissioner for Egypt to the Foreign Office, 26 Nov 1918, on awards for Indian troops who fought in the Hejaz campaign 1918 Nov 26
321 JOYCE 1/318 Letter from M Cheetham to General Allenby, 29 Jan 1919, on the War Office refusing general permission for awards 1919 Jan 29
322 JOYCE 1/319 List of personnel recommended for the award of the Order of the Nahda, Jul 1919 1919 Jul
323 JOYCE 1/320 Note by author Christopher Birdwood, c 1958, on a 1919 memo by Joyce on the future of Arab independence [c 1958]
324 JOYCE 1/321 Memo by Joyce, [Jul 1919], on the history and possible future of the Arab movement [1919 Jul]
325 JOYCE 1/322 Letter from General Sir Reginald Wingate to Joyce, 22 Feb 1936, with reference to Wingate's extensive papers 1936 Feb 22
326 JOYCE 1/323 Letter from Colonel Wilson to General Sir Reginald Wingate, 16 Feb 1936, about a planned book on the Hejaz campaign by Joyce 1936 Feb 16
327 JOYCE 1/324 Letter from General Sir Reginald Wingate to Colonel Wilson, 21 Feb 1936, about Wilson's work, and about Egypt 1936 Feb 21
328 JOYCE 1/325 Text by General Sir Reginald Wingate, 'Narrative on operations in Arabia', 3 Aug 1936 1936 Aug 3
329 JOYCE 1/F/1-15 Diary kept by Captain Hornby, 11-18 May 1917, of sabotage operations on the Hejaz railway 1917 May 11-18
330 JOYCE 1/F/16-17 Letter from Captain Hornby to [Colonel Newcombe?], 17 May 1917, about present railway sabotage operations and future plans 1917 May 17
331 JOYCE 1/F/18-20 Letter from Captain Hornby, 2 Jul 1917, with news and plans 1917 Jul 2
332 JOYCE 1/F/21-23 Letter from Captain Hornby 10 Jul 1917, about railway sabotage operations 1917 Jul 10
333 JOYCE 1/F/24-25 Diary account by Captain Hornby, 7-9 May 1918, about railway sabotage operations 1918 May 7-9
334 JOYCE 1/F/26 Letter (unfinished) from Captain Hornby, [1918], about railway sabotage operations [1918]
335 JOYCE 1/J/1 Letter from Major Ross to Joyce, 5 Dec 1916, about the duplication of reports 1916 Dec 5
336 JOYCE 1/J/2 Colonel Wilson to Joyce, 4 Dec 1916, about the need for the RFC to report to the Arab Bureau as well as to EEF 1916 Dec 4
337 JOYCE 1/J/3 Letter from Major Ross to Joyce, 5 Dec 1916, about the difficulties of reconnaissance, and about the landing ground at Yanbu 1916 Dec 5
338 JOYCE 1/J/4/1 Letter from Major Ross to Joyce, 9 Dec 1916, forwarding a note about a map of Yanbu 1916 Dec 9
339 JOYCE 1/J/4/2 Letter from Captain Lawrence to Major Ross [8 Dec 1916], about the value of reconnaissance [1916 Dec 8]
340 JOYCE 1/J/4/3 Letter from Major Ross to Captain Lawrence, 10 Dec 1916, about the value of reconnaissance 1916 Dec 10
341 JOYCE 1/J/5 Letter from General Sir Reginald Wingate to Colonel Wilson, 5 Dec 1916, requesting that Major Ross and Joyce should collaborate 1916 Dec 5
342 JOYCE 1/J/6 Letter from Major Ross to Joyce, 16 Jan 1917, about how to avoid attacking Arab allies 1917 Jan 16
343 JOYCE 1/J/7 Letter from Joyce to Major Ross, [16-17 Jan 1917], about how to avoid attacking Arab allies [1917 Jan 16-17]
344 JOYCE 1/J/8 Letter from Major Ross to Joyce, 17 Jan 1917, about bombs failing to explode and a request for gelignite 1917 Jan 17
345 JOYCE 1/J/9 Letter from Major Ross to Joyce, 19 Feb 1917, reporting on a new landing site 1917 Feb 19
346 JOYCE 1/J/10 Letter from Joyce to Colonel Wilson, Colonel Newcombe and Major Ross, 20 Feb 1917, about the possibility of the Royal Flying Corps establishing a base at Yanbu 1917 Feb 20
347 JOYCE 1/J/11 Letter from Major Ross, 18 Feb 1917, about a possible RFC move to Yanbu 1917 Feb 18
348 JOYCE 1/J/12 Note from Major Ross, 20 Nov 1916, about a suggested move to Yanbu 1916 Nov 20
349 JOYCE 1/J/13 Letter from Major Ross to Lieutenant Colonel Parker, 29 Nov 1916, about the landing ground at Yanbu 1916 Nov 29
350 JOYCE 1/J/14 Letter from Major Ross, 25 Feb 1917, about a suggested move to Yanbu 1917 Feb 25
351 JOYCE 1/J/15 Letter from Major Ross, 1 Mar 1917, about the Royal Flying Corps at Rabegh 1917 Mar 1
352 JOYCE 1/J/16 Letter from Major Ross to Colonel Newcombe, 17 Apr 1917, about future Royal Flying Corps operations 1917 Apr 17
353 JOYCE 1/J/17 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams, 28 Jan 1918, about an attack on Mudhawara railway station 1918 Jan 28
354 JOYCE 1/J/18 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams to Joyce, 2 Feb 1918, about radio communications and possible bombing operations 1918 Feb 2
355 JOYCE 1/J/19 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams, 3 Feb 1918, about recent bombing operations 1918 Feb 3
356 JOYCE 1/J/20 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams, [13 Feb 1918], about recent operations [1918 Feb 3-13]
357 JOYCE 1/J/21 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams, 18 Feb 1918, about recent reconnaissance operations 1918 Feb 18
358 JOYCE 1/J/22 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams to Joyce, 20 Feb 1918, forwarding a report 1918 Feb 20
359 JOYCE 1/J/23 Report by Lieutenant Siddons, 16 Feb 1918, on the Nagb el Eshtar-Maan road 1918 Feb 16
360 JOYCE 1/J/24 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams, 21 Feb 1918, about information from a captured Turkish pilot 1918 Feb 21
361 JOYCE 1/J/25 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams, 25 Feb 1918, about recent operations 1918 Feb 25
362 JOYCE 1/J/26 Letter from Captain Furness-Williams, 1 Mar 1918, about a shot down Turkish plane 1918 Mar 1
363 JOYCE 1/K/1 Report on a bombing raid by C Flight, 14 Sqn Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 1 Oct 1917 1917 Oct 1
364 JOYCE 1/K/2 Report on a bombing raid by Detached Flight 14 Sqn Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 2 Oct 1917 1917 Oct 2
365 JOYCE 1/K/3 Report on a bombing raid by Detached Flight 14 Sqn Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 7 Oct 1917 1917 Oct 7
366 JOYCE 1/K/4 Report on a bombing raid by Detached Flight 14 Sqn Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 17 Oct 1917 1917 Oct 17
367 JOYCE 1/K/5 Report on a bombing raid by Detached Flight 14 Sqn Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 17 Oct 1917 1917 Oct 17
368 JOYCE 1/K/6 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 27 Dec 1917 1917 Dec 27
369 JOYCE 1/K/7 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 4 Jan 1918 1918 Jan 4
370 JOYCE 1/K/8-9 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 22 Jan 1918 1918 Jan 22
371 JOYCE 1/K/10 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 23 Jan 1918 1918 Jan 23
372 JOYCE 1/K/11 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 24 Jan 1918 1918 Jan 24
373 JOYCE 1/K/12 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 25 Jan 1918 1918 Jan 25
374 JOYCE 1/K/13 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 11 Feb 1918 1918 Feb 11
375 JOYCE 1/K/14 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 3 Mar 1918 1918 Mar 3
376 JOYCE 1/K/15 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 5 Mar 1918 1918 Mar 5
377 JOYCE 1/K/16 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 7 Mar 1918 1918 Mar 7
378 JOYCE 1/K/17-18 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 9 Mar 1918 1918 Mar 9
379 JOYCE 1/K/19 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 18 Mar 1918 1918 Mar 18
380 JOYCE 1/K/20 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 3 Apr 1918 1918 Apr 3
381 JOYCE 1/K/21 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 30 Apr 1918 1918 Apr 30
382 JOYCE 1/K/22 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF 2 May 1918 1918 May 2
383 JOYCE 1/K/23 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 11 May 1918 1918 May 11
384 JOYCE 1/K/24 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 12 May 1918 1918 May 12
385 JOYCE 1/K/25 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 14 May 1918 1918 May 14
386 JOYCE 1/K/26 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 16 May 1918 1918 May 16
387 JOYCE 1/K/27 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 17 May 1918 1918 May 17
388 JOYCE 1/K/28 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 19 May 1918 1918 May 19
389 JOYCE 1/K/29 Report on a bombing raid by X Flight RAF, 22 May 1918 1918 May 22
390 JOYCE 1/L/1-2 Reconnaissance report by Detached Flight 14 Sqn Royal Flying Corps, 2 Oct 1917 1917 Oct 2
391 JOYCE 1/L/3 Reconnaissance report by Detached Flight 14 Sqn Royal Flying Corps, 6 Oct 1917 1917 Oct 6
392 JOYCE 1/L/4 Reconnaissance report by Detached Flight 14 Sqn Royal Flying Corps, 15 Oct 1917 1917 Oct 15
393 JOYCE 1/L/6-7 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 27 Dec 1917 1917 Dec 27
394 JOYCE 1/L/8-9 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 29 Dec 1917 1917 Dec 29
395 JOYCE 1/L/10 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 4 Jan 1918 1918 Jan 4
396 JOYCE 1/L/11-12 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 15 Jan 1918 1918 Jan 15
397 JOYCE 1/L/13 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 25 Jan 1918 1918 Jan 25
398 JOYCE 1/L/14-15 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 1 Feb 1918 1918 Feb 1
399 JOYCE 1/L/16-17 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 11 Feb 1918 1918 Feb 11
400 JOYCE 1/L/18-19 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 18 Feb 1918 1918 Feb 18
401 JOYCE 1/L/20 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 25 Feb 1918 1918 Feb 25
402 JOYCE 1/L/21 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 25 Feb 1918 1918 Feb 25
403 JOYCE 1/L/22 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 3 Mar 1918 1918 Mar 3
404 JOYCE 1/L/23 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Akaba, 5 Mar 1918 1918 Feb [sic
405 JOYCE 1/L/24 Reconnaissance report by X Flight Royal Flying Corps, Decie, 13 Mar 1918 1918 Mar 13
406 JOYCE 1/L/25 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Akaba, 18 Apr 1918 1918 Apr 18
407 JOYCE 1/L/26 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Decie, 27 Apr 1918 1918 Apr 27
408 JOYCE 1/L/27 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Decie, 28 Apr 1918 1918 Apr 28
409 JOYCE 1/L/28 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Decie, 30 Apr 1918 1918 Apr 30
410 JOYCE 1/L/29 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Akaba, 2 May 1918 1918 May 2
411 JOYCE 1/L/30 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Akaba and Decie, 8 May 1918 1918 May 8
412 JOYCE 1/L/31 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Decie, 9 May 1918 1918 May 9
413 JOYCE 1/L/32 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Decie, 11 May 1918 1918 May 11
414 JOYCE 1/L/33 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Decie, 14 May 1918 1918 May 14
415 JOYCE 1/L/34 Reconnaissance report by X Flight RAF, Decie, 16 May 1918 1918 May 16
416 JOYCE 1/O/1 Letter from Boris Guriel to Joyce, Jan 1963, requesting information on the 1918 meeting of Emir Feisal and Chaim Weizmann 1963 Jan 22
417 JOYCE 1/O/2-7 Notes by Joyce, 1963, on the 1918 meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal [post 1963 Jan 22]
418 JOYCE 1/O/8 Letter from Boris Guriel to Joyce, Feb 1963, forwarding notes by Chaim Weizmann on Weizmann's 1918 meeting with Emir Feisal 1963 Feb 15
419 JOYCE 1/O/9 Copy notes by Chaim Weizmann, Jun 1918 1918 Jun 2 - 7
420 JOYCE 1/O/10 Letter from Boris Guriel to Joyce, Apr 1963, about the 1918 meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal 1963 Apr 26
421 JOYCE 1/O/11 Draft letter from Joyce to Boris Guriel, Apr 1963, forward his account of the 1918 meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal 1963 Apr 2
422 JOYCE 1/O/12 Letter from Boris Guriel to Joyce, Apr 1963, about Joyce's account of the 1918 meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal 1963 Apr 10
423 JOYCE 1/O/13 Draft letter from Joyce to Brigadier Clayton, [1918?], with an account of the 4 Jun 1918 meeting of Emir Feisal and Chaim Weizmann [1918]
424 JOYCE 1/O/14 Account by Joyce, [1918], of the meeting of Emir Feisal and Chaim Weizmann [1918]
425 JOYCE 1/O/15 Letter from Boris Guriel to Joyce, May 1963, about Joyce verifying his account of the 1918 meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal 1963 May 30
426 JOYCE 1/O/16 Letter from Joyce to Boris Guriel, Jun 1963, with a corrected text of Joyce's account of the 1918 meeting of Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal 1963 Jun 17
427 JOYCE 1/O/17 Letter from Boris Guriel to Joyce, Jul 1963, enclosing text about Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal's 1918 meeting 1963 Jul 2
428 JOYCE 1/O/18 Copy of Joyce's account [1918] of the meeting of Emir Feisal and Chaim Weizmann [1918]
429 JOYCE 1/O/19 Copy extract from the memoirs of Chaim Weizmann, [1918] [1918]
430 JOYCE 1/O/20 Photograph of Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal, [1918] [1918 Jun 4]
431 JOYCE 1/Q/1 Letter from the Commander in Chief, Arab Army, to Joyce, 30 Oct 1917, requesting medical supplies (in Arabic with English summary) 1917 Oct 30
432 JOYCE 1/Q/2 Map of Great Britain with place names in Turkish, [1917] [1917]
433 JOYCE 1/Q/3 Letter from Emir Feisal to Joyce, 12 Jan 1918, relating to payment (in Arabic with English summary) 1918 Jan 12
434 JOYCE 1/Q/4 Intelligence report, [3 Feb 1918], about the location of Turkish forces and a recent attack (in Arabic with English summary) [1918 Feb 3]
435 JOYCE 1/Q/5 Letter from Nuri al-Said, 29 Jan 1918, about the battle of Gruf-el Darawish (Jurf al-Darwish) (in Arabic, with English translation) 1918 Jan 29
436 JOYCE 1/Q/6 Note from Mahmud Helmi Elsamura, 28 Feb 1918, about the region around Tafila 1918 Feb 28
437 JOYCE 1/Q/7 Letter from Captain Peake to Abdel Megid, [Apr-May 1918], with orders for a railway sabotage operation [1918 Apr - May]
438 JOYCE 1/Q/8 Intelligence report, [18 May 1918], by Ibn al-Najdawi, about recent Turkish Army operations (in Arabic with English translation) [1918 May 18]
439 JOYCE 1/Q/9 Letter from Nuri al-Said to Joyce, 10 Oct 1918, requesting a share of captured Turkish goods (in Arabic with English translation) 1918 Oct 10
440 JOYCE 1/Q/10 Letter from Nuri al-Said to Joyce, 11 Oct 1918, about British Army personnel eligible for awards from Emir Feisal (in Arabic with English translation) 1918 Oct 11
441 JOYCE 1/Q/11 Letter from Nuri al-Said to Joyce, 12 Oct 1918, requesting car tyres (in Arabic with English translation) 1918 Oct 12
442 JOYCE 1/Q/12 Request, Oct 1918, for car parts 1918 Oct
443 JOYCE 1/Q/13 Certificate awarding Joyce a decoration from the Sultan of Egypt, Oct 1918 (in Arabic with English summary) 1918 Oct
444 JOYCE 1/Q/14 Letter from the Director of the Syria and Hejaz Railway to the Military Governor of Syria, 1918, about repairs to the railway (in Arabic with English summary) 1918
445 JOYCE 1/Q/15 Notification of the award to Joyce of a decoration from Emir Hussain, 1919 1919
446 JOYCE 1/Q/16 Letter from Mohammed Amin Kaimakan to Joyce, [c 1918], about stores including a hospital tent [1917-1919]
447 JOYCE 1/Q/17 Open letter, [c 1918] to the Commander in Chief of the 4 Turkish Army, in support of Emir Hussein [1917-1919]
448 JOYCE 1/Q/18 Letter from Ga'faar el Askari to Joyce, [c 1918], requesting a replacement Maxim machine gun [1917 - 19]
449 JOYCE 1/Q/19 Report, [c 1918] about former Turkish officer Mohammed Saad el Din [1917-1919]
450 JOYCE 1/Q/20 Copy letter from Emir Hussein to Sherif Zeid, [c 1918], about possibly removing Emir Feisal from his position as Officer Commanding Northern army [1917-1919]