Item report

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# Thumbnail Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 N/A K/PP65/10/1/1 Article by A Hecht, 'Partial inactivation of the incompatibility substance in the stigmas and styles of oenothera', [1928-1966] [1928-1966]
2 N/A K/PP65/10/1/2 Article by A Hecht, 'Colchicine induced tetraploidy in oenothera', 1942 1942
3 N/A K/PP65/10/1/3 Article by A Hecht, 'Induced tetraploids of a self sterile oenothera', 1944 1944 Jan
4 N/A K/PP65/10/1/4 Article by A Hecht and S L Tandon, 'Cytogenic studies of oenothera affinis Camb', 1953 1953 Aug
5 N/A K/PP65/10/1/5 Article by A Hecht and S L Tandon, 'Chromosomal interchanges as a basis for the delimitation of species in oenothera', 1953 1953 Nov
6 N/A K/PP65/10/1/6 Article by Wilfried Stubbe, 'Erbliche chlorophylldefekte bei oenothera', 1955 (in German) 1955
7 N/A K/PP65/10/1/7 Article by Wilfried Stubbe and Dietrich von Wettstein, 'Zur Struktur erblich verschiedener chloroplasten von oenothera', 1955 (in German) 1955
8 N/A K/PP65/10/1/8 Article by Franz Schotz, 'Untersuchungen an panaschierten oenotheren...', 1955 (in German) 1955
9 N/A K/PP65/10/1/9 Article by A Hecht and S L Tandon, 'Cytogenic studies of oenotheramossissima L', 1955 1955 Oct
10 N/A K/PP65/10/1/10 Article, 'Phylogenetic studies in oenothera...', 1955 1955 Dec
11 N/A K/PP65/10/1/11 Article by A Hecht and S L Tandon, 'Cytogenic evidence for the inclusion of oenothera affinis Camb...', 1956 1956 Oct
12 N/A K/PP65/10/1/12 Article by Eric Steiner and Harry Stinson, 'Further evidence of an incompatibility allele system in the complex-heterozygotes of oenothera', 1957 1957 Jul
13 N/A K/PP65/10/1/13 Article [by Wilfried Stubbe], 'Dreifarbenpanaschierung bei oenothera', 1958 (in German) 1958
14 N/A K/PP65/10/1/14 Article by Franz Schotz, 'Periodische ausbleichungserscheinungen des laubes bei oenothera', 1958 (in German) 1958 Aug
15 N/A K/PP65/10/1/15 Article by Franz Schotz and Friedrich Senser, 'Reversible plastidenumwandlung bei der mutante 'weissherz' von oenothera suaveolens desf', 1961 (in German) 1961
16 N/A K/PP65/10/1/16 Article by Wilfried Stubbe, 'Analisis genetico de la correlacion entre los diferentes genomas y plastomas del genero oenothera', 1962 (in Spanish) 1962
17 N/A K/PP65/10/1/17 Article by Franz Schotz, 'Pigmentation untersuchungen an oenothera', 1962 (in German) 1962
18 N/A K/PP65/10/1/18 Article by Mary Schultz, 'Incompatibility relationships in certain complex-heterozygotes of oenothera', 1962 1962 Jul
19 N/A K/PP65/10/1/19 Article by Wilfried Stubbe, 'The role of the plastome in evolution of the genus oenothera', 1964 1964
20 N/A K/PP65/10/1/20 Article by Franz Schotz and Friedrich Senser, 'Untersuchungen uber die chloroplasten-entwicklung bei oenothera', 1964 (in German) 1964
21 N/A K/PP65/10/1/21 Article by Franz Schotz and Helmtraud Bathelt, 'Pigmentanaytische untersuchungen an oenothera', 1964 (in German) 1964
22 N/A K/PP65/10/1/22 Article by Franz Schotz, 'Electronenmikroskopische untersuchungen an den plastiden eines oenotherenbastards mit disharmonischer genom-plastom kombination', 1964 (in German) 1964 Sep
23 N/A K/PP65/10/1/23 Article by Sudhir Kumar and Adolph Hecht, 'Inactivation of incompatibility in oenothera organensis following ultraviolet irradiation', 1965 1965
24 N/A K/PP65/10/1/24 Article by P N Bali and A Hecht, 'The genetics of self incompatibility in oenothera rhombipetala', 1965 1965
25 N/A K/PP65/10/1/25 Article by Franz Schotz and others, 'Untersuchungen uber die plastidenentwicklung und pigmentausstattung der Oenotheren', 1966 (in German) 1966 Mar
26 N/A K/PP65/10/2/1 Article by Reed Rollins, 'Taxonomy today and tomorrow', 1952 1952 Jan
27 N/A K/PP65/10/2/2 Article by D Catcheside, 'The department of microbiology', 1958 1958 May
28 N/A K/PP65/10/2/3 Article by D Catcheside, 'Segregation in tetraploid potatoes', 1959 1959 Aug
29 N/A K/PP65/10/2/4 Article by A J Bateman, 'Induction of polygenic mutations in rice', 1959 1959 Oct
30 N/A K/PP65/10/2/5 Article by W R Duryee about the career of Robert Chambers, 1959 1959
31 N/A K/PP65/10/2/6 Article by Wilfried Stubbe, 'Sind zweifel an der genetischen kontinuitat der plastiden berechtigt?', 1962 (in German) 1962
32 N/A K/PP65/10/2/7 Article by Wifried Stubbe, 'Some notes on the vegetation of the Namib desert', 1962 1962
33 N/A K/PP65/10/2/8 Article by Franz Shotz, 'Zur Kontinuitat der plastiden', 1962 (in German) 1962
34 N/A K/PP65/10/2/9 Article by Herbert Lamprecht, 'Ein neuer typ von teilfarbigkeit der samenschale von pisum', 1963 (in German) 1963
35 N/A K/PP65/10/2/10 Issue of The Botanical Magazine, Nov 1963 1963 Nov
36 N/A K/PP65/10/2/11 Article by Wilfried Stubbe, 'Die plastiden als erbtrager', 1965 (in German) 1965
37 N/A K/PP65/10/2/12 Article by Franz Shotz, 'Zur frage der vermehrung der thylakoidschichten in den chloroplasten', 1965 (in German) 1965 Jan
38 N/A K/PP65/10/2/13 Article by Franz Schotz and Lothar Diers, 'Electronenmikroskopische untersuchungen uber die abgabe von plastidenteilen ins plasma', 1965 (in German) 1965 May
39 N/A K/PP65/10/2/14 Article by Franz Schotz and Lothar Diers, 'Uber den Feinbau pflanzicher mitochondrien', 1965 (in German) 1965 May
40 N/A K/PP65/10/2/15 Article by Franz Schotz, 'Uber die driedmensionale gestaltung des thylakoidsystems in den chloroplasten', 1966 (in German) 1966
41 N/A K/PP65/10/2/16 Article by Franz Schotz and Lothar Diers, 'Beeinflussung der Thylakoidbildung durch disharmonie zwischen genom und plastom', 1967 (in German) 1967 Oct
42 N/A K/PP65/10/2/17 Article by Franz Schotz and others, 'Uber den einfluss einer genom-plastom-disharmonie auf die Thylakoidanordnung', 1968 (in German) 1968
43 N/A K/PP65/10/2/18 Issue of Botany and Agriculture, 1969 1969
44 N/A K/PP65/10/3/1 Article by W E Castle, 'Biological and social consequence of race crossing', 1924, with a 1926 reprint 1924-1926
45 N/A K/PP65/10/3/2 Article by W E Castle, 'Race mixture and physical disharmonies', 1930 1930 Jun
46 N/A K/PP65/10/3/3 Article by H B Fantham, 'Some race problems in Africa', 1936 1936 Feb
47 N/A K/PP65/10/3/4 Article by R Stieg, 'Mischlinge in kinderheiman', 1958 (in German) 1958
48 N/A K/PP65/10/3/5 Article by Hiroshi Hoshi, 'Brief note on some cephalometric results from the longitudinal growth study of the Japanese-American hybrids', 1959 1959 Apr
49 N/A K/PP65/10/3/6 Article by Stanley Porteus, 'Ethnic group differences', 1961 1961 Jan
50 N/A K/PP65/10/4/1 Article by G Albin Matson and H Schrader, 'Bloodgrouping among the Blackfeet and Blood tribes of American Indians', 1933 1933 Aug
51 N/A K/PP65/10/4/2 Article by G Albin Matson, 'A procedure for the serological determination of blood-relationship of ancient and modern peoples...', 1936 1936 Jun
52 N/A K/PP65/10/4/3 Article by Robert Elsdon-Dew, 'The blood groups of the Bantu of South Africa', 1936 1936 Aug
53 N/A K/PP65/10/4/4 Article by P Candela and others, 'New observations on the blood group factors in Simiidi and cercopithecidae', 1940 1940 Dec
54 N/A K/PP65/10/4/5 Article by Eileen Macfarlane, 'Tibetan and Bhotia blood group distributions', 1941 1941 Aug
55 N/A K/PP65/10/4/6 Article by A Weiner and others, 'Blood group factors in the blood, organs and secretions of primates', 1942 1942 Nov
56 N/A K/PP65/10/4/7 Article by Alexander Lipschutz and others, 'The bearing of ethnic and genetic conditions on the blood groups of three Fuegian tribes', 1946 1946
57 N/A K/PP65/10/4/8 Article by H Lancaster, A Price, Olga Kooptzoff and R J Walsh, 'The blood groups of New Guinea natives', 1953 1953 Dec
58 N/A K/PP65/10/4/9 Article by Olga Kooptzoff and R J Walsh, 'The 'Duffy' blood group in Pacific races', 1954 1954 Aug
59 N/A K/PP65/10/4/10 Article by David Rife, 'Distributions of skin pigmentation, dermatoglyphics, tasting ability, and blood groups within mixed negro-white population', 1954 1954 Sep
60 N/A K/PP65/10/4/11 Article by Dianne Dunn and other, 'Blood groups of Filipinos', 1954 1954 Sep - Dec
61 N/A K/PP65/10/4/12 Article by Olga Kooptzoff and R J Walsh, Blood groups of some non-Europeans in Fiji', 1954 1954 Sep - Dec
62 N/A K/PP65/10/4/13 Article by Olga Kooptzoff and R J Walsh, the blood groups of some native inhabitants of the Solomon Islands', 1955 1955 Mar
63 N/A K/PP65/10/4/14 Article by Dianne Dunn and others, 'Blood groups of Koreans', 1955 1955 Mar
64 N/A K/PP65/10/4/15 Article by Olga Kooptzoff and R J Walsh, Blood groups of New Caledonian natives', 1955 1955 Sep
65 N/A K/PP65/10/4/16 Article by R T Simmons, 'A report on blood group genetical surveys in Eastern Asia...', 1956 1956
66 N/A K/PP65/10/4/17 Article by Dianne Dunn and others, 'The blood groups of a third series of New Guinea natives from Port Moresby', 1956 1956 Sep
67 N/A K/PP65/10/4/18 Article by Olga Kooptzoff and R J Walsh, 'The blood groups of some native inhabitants of the Tongan Islands', 1957 1957 Mar
68 N/A K/PP65/10/4/19 Article by Olga Kooptzoff and G Patterson, 'The blood groups of some Cocos Islanders', 1957 1957 Sep
69 N/A K/PP65/10/4/20 Article by H Lehmann and H F Brewer, 'A comment on the present rhesus blood group terminology', 1957 1957 Nov
70 N/A K/PP65/10/4/21 Article by J Kariks and others, 'Blood groups of the native inhabitants of Bougainville, New Guinea', 1957 1957 Dec
71 N/A K/PP65/10/4/22 Article by J J Graydon and others, 'Blood groups in pygmies of the Wissellakes in Netherlands New Guinea...', 1958 1958 Jun
72 N/A K/PP65/10/4/23 Article by Rachel Jakobowicz and others, 'Immunological tolerance within the ABO blood group system', 1959 1959 Jul
73 N/A K/PP65/10/4/24 Article by Henry Gershowitz, 'The Diego factor among Asiatic Indians, Apaches and west African Negroes', 1959 1959 Sep
74 N/A K/PP65/10/4/25 Article by A H Lehmann and A Sharih, 'Tris buffer for differentiation between haemoglobins C and E and separation of haemoglobins from F and 'lepore' from A', 1961 1961
75 N/A K/PP65/10/5/1 Article by Paul Karrer, 'Carotenoid pigments', 1948 1948 Jan
76 N/A K/PP65/10/5/2 Article by Ch'uan-Sheng Chang, 1949, with an issue of Bulletin of the Anatomical Department of the National Taiwan University (in Chinese) 1949 Aug
77 N/A K/PP65/10/5/3 Information about the 1952 International Congress on Anthropology and Ethnology, Vienna (in German) 1952
78 N/A K/PP65/10/5/4 Article by N Macintosh, 'The cohuna cranium: teeth and palate', 1952 1952 Dec
79 N/A K/PP65/10/5/5 Article by Jorgen Jorgenson, 'The Eskimo skeleton', 1953 1953
80 N/A K/PP65/10/5/6 Article by A A Abbie and W R Adey, 'Pigmentation in a central Australian tribe with special reference to fairheadedness', 1953 1953 Sep
81 N/A K/PP65/10/5/7 Article by Phillip Tobias, 'Taaibosch koranas of Ottosdal', 1955 1955 Apr
82 N/A K/PP65/10/5/8 Encyclopaedia entry, 'Physical characteristics', 1958 1958
83 N/A K/PP65/10/5/9 Article by Jon Steffensen, 'Stature as a criterion of the nutritional level of Viking age Icelanders', 1958 1958
84 N/A K/PP65/10/5/10 Article by H J Fleure and Elwyn Davies, 'Physical character among Welshmen', 1958 1958
85 N/A K/PP65/10/5/11 Article by Johann Schaeuble, 'Anthropologische untersuchung der hethitischen skelettfunde...', 1958 (in German) 1958
86 N/A K/PP65/10/5/12 Article by A Abbie, 'Hinc illae Lacrimae', 1958 1958
87 N/A K/PP65/10/5/13 Article by L H Wells, 'A reconsideration of some mandibular profiles', 1958 1958 Mar
88 N/A K/PP65/10/5/14 Programme for a conference on physical anthropology, Mexico, [1943-1959]. In Spanish [1943-1959]
89 N/A K/PP65/10/5/15 Article by Edward Hunt, 'The continuing evolution of modern man', 1959 1959
90 N/A K/PP65/10/5/16 Article by L T Champness and others, 'A study of the population near Aiome, New Guinea', 1960 1960 Jun
91 N/A K/PP65/10/5/17 Article by L H Wells, 'The Australopithecine Skull: anticipation and reality', 1960 1960 Aug
92 N/A K/PP65/10/5/18 Article by L H Wells, 'Bushmen and Hottentot statures: a review of the evidence', 1960 1960 Nov
93 N/A K/PP65/10/5/19 Article by A Abbie, 'A preliminary survey of the growth pattern of Central Australian Aboriginal males', 1961 1961 Mar
94 N/A K/PP65/10/5/20 Article, 'Percepcion del sabor de la phenylthiourea en los guajiro', 1961 1961
95 N/A K/PP65/10/5/21 Article by G Heithersay, 'Further observations on the dentition of the Australian Aborigine at Haast's Bluff', 1961 1961 Feb
96 N/A K/PP65/10/5/22 Catalogue of publications about cultural and physical anthropology, [1948-1961] [1948-1961]
97 N/A K/PP65/10/6/1 Article by A Gabriel, 'Genetic types in teeth', 1948 1948
98 N/A K/PP65/10/6/2 Article by Joseph Birdsell, 'On Various levels of objectivity in genetical anthropology', 1952 1952 Sep
99 N/A K/PP65/10/6/3 Issue of The Heredity, Mar 1954 (in Japanese) 1954 Mar
100 N/A K/PP65/10/6/4 Article by D G Catcheside and Anne Overton, 'Complementation between Alleles in Heterokaryons', 1958 1958
101 N/A K/PP65/10/6/5 Article by Freire-Maia and Quelce-Salgado, 'Genetic analysis in Russian Immigrants', 1960 1960 Sep
102 N/A K/PP65/10/6/6 Article by Freire-Maia, 'The structure of consanguineous marriages and its genetic implications', 1961 1961
103 N/A K/PP65/10/6/7 Article by Ademar Freire-Maia, 'Twin data on hand clasping: a reanalysis', 1961 1961 Apr
104 N/A K/PP65/10/6/8 Issue of American Journal of Human Genetics, Jun 1961 1961 Jun
105 N/A K/PP65/10/7/1 Press cutting 'A new race of prehistoric man', 1953 1953 Sep 26
106 N/A K/PP65/10/7/2 Article by W E Le Gros Clark, 'Reason and fallacy in the study of fossil man', 1955 1955 Jan
107 N/A K/PP65/10/7/3 Article by O Davis, 'Prehistoric culture and ecology', 1958-1959 1958-1959
108 N/A K/PP65/10/7/4 Tourist guide to the caves at Les Eyzies, France, [1953-1959] [1953-1959]
109 N/A K/PP65/10/8/1 Reports produced by the International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems, 1937 1937 Jul
110 N/A K/PP65/10/8/2 Article by J B Birdsell, 'On population structure in generalized hunting and collecting populations', 1958 1958 Jun
111 N/A K/PP65/10/8/3 Article by A Owen, 'Mathematical models for selection', 1959 1959
112 N/A K/PP65/10/9/1 Article by John Harrison, 'A description of an island in northern Yezo by Mamiya Rinso', 1955 1955 Apr
113 N/A K/PP65/10/9/2 Article by D V Gundappa, 'Gokhale for today: liberalism re-stated', 1958 1958 Jul
114 N/A K/PP65/10/9/3 Text of speech made at the Royal Society's 300th birthday celebrations, 1960 1960 Jul 19
115 N/A K/PP65/10/9/4 Lists of candidates for election to the Royal Society, 1960 and 1961 1960-1961
116 N/A K/PP65/10/9/5 Promotional leaflets for Netherlands publisher Dr W Junk, 1965 1965