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Minutes and meeting papers of UMDS Accommodation Committee, 1982-1984, 1986

Minutes and papers of the United Medical Schools of Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals Accommodation Committee, a sub-committee of the School Council (Academic Board), 20 Dec 1982-3 Aug 1984, 10 Jan 1986, relating to the reallocation of space within the school buildings to various departments.

Papers relating to The Cicely Saunders Foundation, 1998-2005

The charity was founded to promote research on the care and treatment of all patients with progressive illnesses. Originally incorporated as the Dame Cicely Saunders Foundation, 2001, it became the Cicely Saunders Foundation, 2002-2007, and subsequently Cicely Saunders International, 2007-. Saunders served as Founder Trustee and President, 2002-2005.

Minutes and meeting papers of Guy's, King's, St Thomas's (GKT) Strategey Group, 1995-1996 realting to the merger of UMDS with King's College London

Minutes and papers of the Guy's, King's, St Thomas's (GKT) Strategy Group, 22 Jun 1995-15 Nov 1996, relating to discussion concerning the merger of the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals with the medical school of King's College London.

Papers of the Student Medical Education Committee, UMDS, 1990-1996

Papers of the Student Medical Education Committee (SMEC) including Insight - UMDS Education News 1991, 1993, 1994, 1996; Report on the use of teaching beds by clinical students at Guy's and St Thomas's, Charles Phillips and Edward McKintosh, Nov 1990; Survey into stress amongst second year pre-clinical medical students at UMDS, Omar Rahim, Apr 1994; Medical student stress survey- a report of the findings, A Corner, A May, C Phillips and J Simmons, May 1990.

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