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PHYSICS: King's College London departmental records

  • KDPY
  • Collection
  • [1850-1870]

The records of the King's College London Department of Physics comprise minute books, correspondence, staff records, mark books, research notes, lecture notes and texts, inventories of equipment, photographs, press cuttings and printed journal articles and catalogues, [1890]-1984. They notably include minutes and correspondence concerned with departmental equipment and maintenance, 1971-1975; records of staff meetings including arrangements for tutorials and lists of staff publications, 1975-1980; Faculty of Natural Science and Faculty of Education minutes and papers, 1975-1982; correspondence relating to the appointment, training and employment of technical staff by the Department of Physics, 1966-1981; correspondence relating to the planning of the 150th anniversary of the Department including photographs, display captions and off-prints of articles on Professor James Clerk Maxwell, Professor Owen Richardson and Professor Edward Victor Appleton, 1978; papers concerning the merger of Queen Elizabeth College with King's College, 1981-1984; University of London Committee on Academic Organisation: discussion documents, 1979-1981; papers compiled by Professor Ernest Wilson including examination question papers and a mark book on electrical engineering, correspondence concerning the publication of Wilson's research papers and nomination for membership of the Royal Society, and photographs of Wilson and colleagues, [1890]-1928; notes, articles and lecture texts concerning conferences and lectures on crystallography, spectroscopy and X-ray topography, 1978-1981; Departmental equipment order book for the Halley Stewart laboratory, Chesterford Gardens, Hampstead, 1923-1971; data book of experiments conducted in the Department, 1932; inventories of equipment at the Halley Stewart laboratory with record of transfer to King's College London, 1947-1966; printed and manuscript notebooks including databooks describing experiments on resonance, optics and nuclear physics, 1965-1971; Special Physics practical class mark book for experiments carried out by students, with printed guidance notes, 1965-1982; references and testimonials for students, 1947-1970; examination results and records of examiners' meetings, 1976-1981; glass slides of traces of elementary particles through bubble chamber, of graphs and diagrams and laboratory equipment, [1950-1970]; passport size photographs of mainly physics students, but also including some mathematics and chemistry students, 1955-1974; photographs of instruments including early electron microscope and model of DNA, [1955]; photographs of the Wheatstone laboratory physics staff, [1922, 1979]; press cuttings concerning physics staff and students, 1957-1960; offprints of Proceedings of the Physical Society and Proceedings of the Royal Society by Edward Victor Appleton and others concerning ionisation of the earth's atmosphere, the principle of conservation of energy and other topics, 1934-1936; instruction booklets for various pieces of laboratory apparatus including electrical generator and gamma ray detector, 1955-1969. Also outsize teaching diagrams [1850-1870], on subjects including: the mechanics of the telegraph; laying of telegraph cables; hydrostatics; perpetual motion; a water clock (‘clepsydra wheel’); a pendulum bucket engine; bridge construction; eighteenth century designs for a diving bell (ref: KDPY/ILL1-2).

King's College London Department of Physics

DIVINITY: King's College London student records

  • KA/CAN
  • Collection
  • 1870-1883

King's College London Engineering and Applied Sciences, and General Literature and Science divinity lists, 1883 (Ref: KA/CAN/E1), Applied Science and General Literature and Science divinity exams list, 1870-1882 (Ref: KA/CAN/E2). Information contained includes certificates or grades of performance in compulsory divinity classes for non-theological students.

King's College London Registry, 1914-

JEBB, Sir Richard Claverhouse (1841-1905)

  • K/PP68
  • Collection
  • 1854-1884

Papers of Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb, 1854-1884, on Greek subjects, mainly notebooks, comprising notes on classical Greek history, 1854, from Jebb's schooldays at St Columba's, chiefly from lectures of the Reverend W Tuckwell of New College, Oxford, whose principal authority was George Grote, the historian of Greece; notes and essays on Greek history, 1869, 1871; draft history of Bulgaria, 1877; diary of a tour of Greece, 1878; draft of a paper on the remains at Hissarlik read to the Hellenic Society, 1882; letter book of 'Modern Greek Correspondence', 1879-1884, containing original letters sent to Jebb, drafts of his replies, and other material including notes on the language and comments on the teaching of archaeology, relating to the foundation of a School at Athens.

Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse, 1841-1905, Knight, classical scholar, educationist and MP

WILLIAMSON, Frederick (fl 1882-1884)

  • K/PP30
  • Collection
  • 1884

Notebook of Williamson, 1884, created whilst a student at King's College, London, and containing notes on Divinity, Greek, Mathematics, Physics, History, Latin, Greek Testament and English Literature.

Williamson, Frederick, fl 1882-1884

WACE, Very Reverend Henry (1836-1924)

  • K/PP21
  • Collection
  • 1874-1894

Bound volume of printed documents, mainly relating to King's College London, some annotated by Wace, and including, Return made by the Council in compliance with a request received December 1893, from the Education Department ; Instructions to advise and opinion of counsel , 1893; Report of the Committee on grants to University Colleges in Great Britain, 1892; Fifth report of the Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, 1874; Gresham University Commission, The report of the Commissioners appointed to consider the draft charter for the proposed Gresham University in London, 1894, and Answers to the objections raised against the charter of the Gresham University ; Draft charter of the Gresham University, 1893; Corrections of mistakes in evidence affecting University College .

Wace, Henry, 1836-1924, Very Reverend, Principal of King's College London

MOSS, Arthur Leonard (fl 1905-1907)

  • K/PP161
  • Collection
  • 1905-1907

Autograph book belonging to Arthur Leonard Moss, inscribed June 8 1905; comprises photographs, signatures and messages from students of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science at King's College London.

Photographs are enclosed loosely within the book and comprise four unidentified images, photograph 1: black and white photograph of an unidentified man, wearing climbers' clothing and standing on a hill overlooking a mountain range, [1905-1907]; photograph 2: black and white portrait style photograph of an unidentified woman, wearing glasses and a necklace, stamp on reverse reads 'portrait by Reavy, 40 King Street, Manchester and Chorlton', [1905-1907]; photograph 3: black and white postcard photograph of unidentified young girl, standing by a sundial in a garden, [1905-1907]; photograph 4: black and white postcard photograph of young boy seated on a cushion, [1905-1907].

Handwritten messages within the book, are all dated between 1905-1907 and vary in style but include messages of goodwill from friends, notably one enclosing a dried plant stem intended as a charm; poems; sketches and quotations from famous poets.

Moss, Arthur, Leonard, fl 1905-1907

ATTENDANCE: King's College for Women student registers

  • Collection
  • 1909-1914

King's College for Women registers of student attendance, 1909-1914 (Ref: KWA/RAT). Information typically contained includes students' name, course and tutor.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

STUDENTS: King's College for Women ticket records

  • Collection
  • 1901-1914

Ladies' Department, Women's Department, King's College for Women rough day book, 1901-1910 (Ref: KWA/MISC1), containing the signatures of students admitted without a ticket; King's College for Women counterfoils of tickets for intercollegiate courses at the University of London, 1912-1914 (Ref: KWA/MISC2), giving students' name, course, teacher and institution.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London out-letters

  • KA/OLB
  • Collection
  • 1834-1917

The out-letter books contain chronologically arranged copies of a number of significant letters written by or on behalf of the Principal and College Secretary, 1834-1917, in relation to a wide variety of College business. The series does not however, include responses to all letters in the parallel series of in-letters (KA/IC).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

STUDENTS: King's College London Ladies' Department student records

  • Collection
  • 1897-1918

King's College for Women record books, 1897-1917 (Ref: KWA/REC). This series consists of student record books, 1903-1917, giving name, address, age, parent's profession previous education, date of entry, date of matriculation, examinations prior and subsequent to matriculation, terminal reports, subjects taken, positions of responsibility held, prizes and distinctions, and some information on subsequent achievements; record books of examinations, 1905-1918, which gives name and exam studied for, and can be cross referenced to the student record books; record book of students taking London, Oxford and other examinations, 1897-1903, which contains a similar level of information as the student record books; record book of students taking the Archbishop's Diploma in Theology, 1905-1907, giving address, previous education, parents' profession, date of entry, subjects taken, examinations prior to entry and termly reports.

FEES: King's College for Women student records

  • KWA/FB
  • Collection
  • 1906-1919

Women's Department, King's College for Women fees books, 1906-1919 (Ref: KWA/FB). Information typically includes subject being taught, name of tutor, list of students attending, fees received each term, and a termly summary. The fees book post-dating the amalgamation of King's College for Women does not include Home Science students.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

STUDENTS: King's College for Women student registers

  • KWA/R
  • Collection
  • 1878-1919

Ladies' Department, Women's Department and King's College for Women student registers, 1878-1919 (Reg: KWA/R). This series includes a register and file of examination classifications, 1878-1904, 1899, consisting of student listings under subject and class of degree awarded (Reg: KWA/R1, R3a); a register of term lists, 1879-1910, giving the numbers of students (no names) taking each course, tutor and fees for each term, and from 1906 also giving the number of students taking each public examination (Reg: KWA/R2); a register of certificates gained by students, 1884-1896, arranged by subject (Reg: KWA/R3); a register of matriculated students, 1902-1919, containing signature, date and witness (Reg: KWA/R4).

King's College for Women, 1908-1928

ENTRANCE PAPERS: King's College for Women admission records

  • KWA/E
  • Collection
  • 1914-1921

King's College for Women student entrance schedules, 1914-1921 (Ref: KWA/E). These cover Arts and Science subjects, which from 1919 are treated separately. Information contained typically includes name, address, age, parents' profession, previous education, examinations already passed, proposed course of study and subjects. From 1917-1918 some termly grades are included on the reverse of the form.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

McCOMBIE, Frederick Walter

  • K/PP079
  • Collection
  • 1919-1922

Notebooks, Oct 1920-Feb 1921, of Frederick Walter McCombie compiled as part of his engineering degree at King's College, University of London comprising one notebook containing notes on brickwork and stonework and one notebook containing notes on practical electrical technology.

McCombie, Frederick Walter

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London in-letters

  • KA/IC
  • Collection
  • 1926

The correspondence largely contains letters sent to the Secretary of King’s College London concerning all aspects of the business of the College and its related bodies including King’s College School, 1831- 1908; the Ladies Department of King’s College, subsequently King’s College for Women, from 1885; and some aspects of the business of King’s College Hospital, 1839-1909, relating to new appointments and resignations as well as letters from the Secretaries of the Hospital - mainly regarding decisions of the Committee of Management.

The series contains letters from subscribers to the College regarding their donations, shareholdings or the nomination of prospective students; letters from staff include applications for posts, the content of syllabuses, appeals to College Council for funds for improved facilities, the names of prize and scholarship winners, requests to take in boarders, hold posts at other organisations, and resignations; letters from students and parents include general enquiries about the College, applications for enrolment, requests to remove pupils from King’s College School, applications from prize-winners for their prizes, applications for the AKC (Associateship of King’s College) the College’s own academic award, requests for the refunding of fees; letters from the College Architect regarding the building and later redevelopments of the Strand site; letters from businesses connected to the College including those who supplied equipment and groceries to the College and estimates from contractors for building work; letters from external bodies and individuals regarding the use of rooms in the College, donations and gifts to the College museums and Departments; correspondence relating to schools in union with the College; and papers regarding College Commemoration Days and the Gilbart Lectures on Banking.

The series is remarkably complete until the late 1890s. With the appointment of Walter Smith in 1895 came the introduction of a modern filing system (see KAS/GC, AC and AD) although bundles continued to be used on occasion until 1919. A few letters in the collection post date 1919, but these are largely related to loans of letters for historical research.

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

HOLDSWORTH, Edna (fl 1913-1928)

  • Q/PP2
  • Collection
  • 1913-1928

The papers of Edna Holdsworth, 1913-1928, comprise one file of correspondence and prospectus information relating to the student record of Edna Holdsworth, nee Johnson, who studied Household and Social Science at King's College for Women, Kensington, notably application letters, references and some printed information booklets and examination papers, 1915-1916.

Holdsworth, Edna, fl 1913-1928, nee Johnson, student

LEETE, David L (b 1918)

  • K/PP42
  • Collection
  • 1929

Two scrapbooks, 1938-1940, relating to student life at King's College London and at Bristol University during the evacuation of the College there, containing photographs, newspaper cuttings, programmes and Christmas cards; material relating to a 1990 reunion and a special degree presentation ceremony in 1992; bound copies of The King's Engineer , 1937-1941, and the King's College Review , 1937-1941; mounted photographs showing the Engineering finalists, 1940-1941, and the Engineering students returning from a parade to the Daily Herald offices with Reggie [the lion and King's College mascot], 1938, with a medallion presented to Leete for rescuing Reggie from kidnap by Bristol students during a Union Society debate, Nov 1940. Books relating to the history of King's College, namely King's College Engineering Society, 1847-1957 (Private, London, 1957), by William Oswald Skeat, and The Centenary history of King's College London, 1828-1928 , 1929, by Fossey John Cobb Hearnshaw.

Leete, David L, b 1918

ADDRESS BOOKS: King's College London records

  • KA/RAD
  • Collection
  • 1831-1930

King's College London student address books, 1831-1930. Departments covered include Medical School, Senior Department, 1831-1842; Medical, 1851-1907; General Literature and Science, [1859]; Applied Sciences, 1843-1870; Theological Department, 1860; ‘Student Rooms’, 1873-1907; unidentified addresses, [1890]-1900; Associates and Theological Associates, 1904; register of Associates, [1912-1930]; register of graduates, [1912-1930]; former students, pupils and officers, [1900-1910]. Information typically includes name, address and date of matriculation. Some volumes also contain staff details.

King's College London, 1829-

WILSON, Professor Ernest (1863-1932)

  • K/PP9
  • Collection
  • 1914-1931

Offprints of articles by Wilson, 1914-1931, on subjects relating to electrical engineering, from the Proceedings of the Royal Society , 1914-1924, Experimental wireless and the wireless engineer , 1929-1930, The wireless world , 1921, The proceedings of the Physical Society , 1922-1931, The electrician , 1913-1915, and the Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers , 1917-1931, including an article on 'The contribution of King's College to the advancement of engineering during the century, 1829-1929' printed as a supplement to The King's Engineer , Jun 1931. A list of 'Original papers issued from the Sir William Siemens Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, 1891-1928'. Photograph of a string galvanometer, 1924.

Wilson, Ernest, 1863-1932, Professor of Electrical Engineering

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