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HOLDSWORTH, Edna (fl 1913-1928)

  • Q/PP2
  • Collection
  • 1913-1928

The papers of Edna Holdsworth, 1913-1928, comprise one file of correspondence and prospectus information relating to the student record of Edna Holdsworth, nee Johnson, who studied Household and Social Science at King's College for Women, Kensington, notably application letters, references and some printed information booklets and examination papers, 1915-1916.

Holdsworth, Edna, fl 1913-1928, nee Johnson, student

ARTS: King's College London faculty records

  • KFA
  • Collection
  • 1898-1995

The records of the Faculty of Arts/School of Humanities at King's College London comprise minutes, correspondence and other papers, 1898-1995. These notably include bound Faculty Board minutes covering academic issues such as teaching, examinations and staffing, 1898-1989; minutes of the Humanities Computer Users' Committee with supporting materials, 1990-1993; correspondence on the relationship between the School and the Library, including School of Humanities Library Committee minutes, 1989-1993; research grant applications, proposals and costings, financial forecasts and budgetary planning for the School, 1990-1993; statistics on staff-student ratios and examination results within the various constituent departments of the Faculty, 1982-1985; typescript memorandum relating to the relocation of the College to Bristol during World War Two and air raid protection, 1941; papers relating to the Graduate School of the Prince of Wales's Institute of Architecture, 1994-1995; Faculty photographs of class intakes, 1965-1973.

King's College London Faculty of Arts

ADDRESS BOOKS: King's College for Women student records

  • Collection
  • 1894-1955

King's College for Women student address books, 1894-1917 (Ref: KWA/RAD), student address book, 1908-1955 (Ref: Q/RAD1). Information typically includes student addresses and courses being taken.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

ENTRANCE PAPERS: King's College for Women admission records

  • KWA/E
  • Collection
  • 1914-1921

King's College for Women student entrance schedules, 1914-1921 (Ref: KWA/E). These cover Arts and Science subjects, which from 1919 are treated separately. Information contained typically includes name, address, age, parents' profession, previous education, examinations already passed, proposed course of study and subjects. From 1917-1918 some termly grades are included on the reverse of the form.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

ATTENDANCE: King's College for Women student registers

  • Collection
  • 1909-1914

King's College for Women registers of student attendance, 1909-1914 (Ref: KWA/RAT). Information typically contained includes students' name, course and tutor.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

FRENCH: King's College London departmental records

  • KDF
  • Collection
  • 1926-1983

The records of the King's College London French Department comprise a series of personnel files of senior members of staff, 1926-1988, and a small quantity of correspondence and papers relating to student numbers and timetabling of courses, 1926-1934.

King's College London Department of French

GERMAN: King's College London departmental records

  • KDG
  • Collection
  • 1932-1995

The records of the King's College London German Department consist of correspondence, order books and photographs, 1932-1995. These include correspondence concerning awards and prizes to students, correspondence with alumni, the method of student appraisals, applications for research funding granted to members of staff, the appointment of language assistants in the department as part of a German academic exchange scheme, relating to the heads of department, notably including correspondence with prominent scholars such as Professor Wolfgang Mohr, and especially concerning German Society drama productions including their organisation, funding and publicity, with photographs, 1959-1995; papers relating to the Beaver College Center for Education Abroad, 1982-1986; papers relating to applications for the vacant Chair of German, 1993- 1994 (closed); order books for publications requested by the department for incorporation in the library, 1932-1960; lists of students, [1944-1946].

King's College London Department of German

GERMAN: King's College London departmental student records

  • KDG/FP
  • Collection
  • 1918-1992

King's College London Department of German register of students, 1918-1937 (Ref: KDG/RG), record cards, [1950-1952], 1966-1982 (Ref: KDG/FPC), postgraduate student files, 1997-1998 (Ref: KDG/FPPG), student correspondence in the administrative series, 1955-1992 (Ref: KDG). The record cards cover all pass students and are subdivided into those taking German as part of a general degree or subsidiary subject, and German Honours students. Information contained typically includes photograph, name, college number, addresses, date of entry, honours course, subsidiary course, general degree subject, age, date of birth, previous education and examinations passed, National Service, proposed occupation, and scholarships. The Honours students' records include some details on the degree examination, higher degrees taken and studies abroad. The postgraduate series contains only a few files for PhD and research students. Information includes an application for admission as a postgraduate student, correspondence, awards application, details of previous degree, supervisor's report, dissertation/thesis outline and submission. The administrative series includes correspondence with and concerning students, 1955-1984, correspondence concerning awards and prizes to students, 1973-1992, correspondence regarding the registration of postgraduate students, 1969-1988, which includes whether the students were full or part-time, the name of their supervisor and date of registration.

King's College London Department of German

GRAVESON, Professor Ronald Harry (1911-1991)

  • K/PP39
  • Collection
  • 1923-1988

Papers, 1929-1988, containing articles relating to law by Graveson, correspondence with academic institutions and publishers concerning Graveson's articles, reviews by Graveson of others' work, texts of lectures and addresses given by Graveson, contributions to various law committees and law conferences, Graveson's notes taken as a law student, and papers of the Commonwealth-American Legal Studies course, 1959-1965. Printed material, 1923-1977, including books and articles by Graveson, and law reviews, journals and periodicals collected by him, many relating to legal education. Theses, 1935-[1957], containing various drafts and manuscripts of Graveson's theses, including chapters written by Graveson for A century of family law (1857-1957) with Francis Roger Crane (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1957).

Graveson, Ronald Harry, 1911-1991, Professor of Law

LIFE SCIENCES: King's College London faculty records

  • KFLS
  • Collection
  • 1976-1998

Faculty of Life Sciences/School of Life Sciences material at King's College London comprises minutes, correspondence, memoranda and personnel files, 1976- 1998. These notably include the School general files, 1990-1994; Divisional Executive Committee minutes, 1989-1996; papers relating to the strategic direction of the Faculty and School including the Subject Area Review Committee (SARC); typescript Strategic Plan, 1989-1993; minutes of the King's College London Academic Policy Group, 1990-1994; minutes of the King's Planning and Resources Committee, 1989-1994; papers relating to the merger of King's with the United Medical and Dental Schools, 1991-1993; minutes of the Academic Committee of the School of Biological Sciences, 1976- 1984; papers relating to the Interdisciplinary Research Centre, 1988-1989; correspondence concerning the establishment and function of the Centre for Mental Health Services Development, 1992-1993; correspondence on the International Centre for Underutilised Crops, King's College, 1991; research funding memoranda, correspondence and reports, notably with the Science and Engineering Research Council, 1988-1994; correspondence concerning student prizes in the Faculties of Natural Science and Engineering, 1978-1990; papers relating to a legal case involving the Department of Biochemistry, 1987; Divisional staff appointments, 1987; some staff personnel files, 1979-1998.

King's College London Faculty of Life Sciences

STUDENTS: King's College London signature books

  • KA/SB
  • Collection
  • 1831-1974

King's College London Students' Signature Books acknowledging individual agreement to be bound by the College rules and regulations, including General Literature and Science signature books, 1831-1930 (KA/SB1-3), Medical students' register of matriculations, 1838-1943 (KA/SB4-6), Theological students' register of matriculations, 1846-1974 (KA/SB7), Evening Classes signature book, 1865-1875 (KA/SB8), Science, 1905-1925 (KA/SB9), Arts, 1906-1920 (KA/SB10). Information typically includes, date of entry and signature of student, some volumes include the name of witness and department. Vocational theological students were also required to subscribe to the Thirty Nine Articles.

King's College London, 1829-

STUDENTS' UNION: King's College London records

  • KU
  • Collection
  • 1874-1994

Records, 1874-1994, of King's College London Union Society, Students' Union, and other student societies, including minutes of Union Society general meetings, 1895-1981 (Ref: KU/M1), Union Society Executive, 1919-1983 (Ref: KU/M2), Union Society Finance Committee, 1918-1975 (Ref: KU/M3), United Common Room general meetings and committee, 1908-1949 (Ref: KU/UCR/M), and Women's Common Room and consultative meetings, 1920-1947 (Ref: KU/WCR/M); records of various sports clubs and charitable and cultural societies, 1874-1982 (Ref: KU/SO); ledgers, 1923-1939 (Ref: KU/L); cashbooks, 1895-1965 (Ref: KU/CB); handbooks of the Union Society, 1914-1975, and Students Union, 1975-1992 (Ref: KU/HAN); invitations, replies to invitations, and other messages, including material relating to the Royal Family, 1946-1970 (Ref: KU/FS); various printed ephemera, 1982-1994, including material on clubs and societies, Student Union finance, committees, and elections (Ref: KU/EPH); boat club photographs, 1921-1947 (Ref: KU/PH). Papers and correspondence, 1963-1994 but dating mainly from the late 1970s onwards, include officers' reports, Students' Union administration and finance, accounting, committees, elections, campaigns, the shop, bars, and other facilities, welfare, societies, events and other services, the National Union of Students, University of London General Union Committee, and organisation and affairs of King's College London and the University of London.

King's College London Students' Union

KING'S COLLEGE LONDON: University of London examination results

  • UL/ER
  • Collection
  • 1920-1990

Pass lists for King's College London students covering all faculties, 1920-1968, 1970-1990 (Ref: UL/ER), created by the University of London Registry. Information contained typically includes name, subject and class of degree, although this is not a comprehensive series.

University of London Registry

LEETE, David L (b 1918)

  • K/PP42
  • Collection
  • 1929

Two scrapbooks, 1938-1940, relating to student life at King's College London and at Bristol University during the evacuation of the College there, containing photographs, newspaper cuttings, programmes and Christmas cards; material relating to a 1990 reunion and a special degree presentation ceremony in 1992; bound copies of The King's Engineer , 1937-1941, and the King's College Review , 1937-1941; mounted photographs showing the Engineering finalists, 1940-1941, and the Engineering students returning from a parade to the Daily Herald offices with Reggie [the lion and King's College mascot], 1938, with a medallion presented to Leete for rescuing Reggie from kidnap by Bristol students during a Union Society debate, Nov 1940. Books relating to the history of King's College, namely King's College Engineering Society, 1847-1957 (Private, London, 1957), by William Oswald Skeat, and The Centenary history of King's College London, 1828-1928 , 1929, by Fossey John Cobb Hearnshaw.

Leete, David L, b 1918

SPANISH AND SPANISH-AMERICAN STUDIES: King's College London departmental student records

  • KDS/FP
  • Collection
  • [1960-1990]

King's College London Department of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies undergraduate and postgraduate student files, [1960-1990] (Ref: KDS/FP/FPPG). File information typically consists of correspondence and references. Some may also include examination entry forms, giving papers taken, record sheets with course marks, and application for admission forms giving name, address, date of birth, nationality, previous education, interests and activities.

King's College London Department of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies

EXAMINATIONS: Queen Elizabeth College question papers

  • Q/EX
  • Collection
  • 1923-1985

Queen Elizabeth College examination question papers, 1923-1985, constituting an incomplete series of bound BSc examination question papers, 1923, 1970-1985; MSc Nutrition question papers, 1969-1984; undergraduate and postgraduate Manpower Studies examination question papers, 1977-1985; a timetable for BSc exams, 1940.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

REGISTRY: Queen Elizabeth College student records

  • QAR/FP
  • Collection
  • 1918-1987

Household and Social Science Department, King's College for Women, King's College of Household and Social Science and Queen Elizabeth College student files, 1918-1987 (Ref: QAR/FP), Queen Elizabeth College student record cards [1960-1985] (Ref: QA/FPC). The level of information contained varies, but undergraduate files typically give the name and address of students, student number, transcript printout, 'A' Level results, description of course, course units and examination results for each session, value and grades, title of course, notification of student grant, total awarded and amount paid each term. Later files also include UCCA (Universities Central Council on Admissions) forms. Information contained in postgraduate files includes enrolment form, letter of acceptance, admission form, transcript information, Federal Government Scholarship form and correspondence. The record cards supplement the file series and generally include name, student number, photograph, nationality, date of birth, dates of entry and leaving, address, previous education, course units, values, grades and final degree result.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

NATURAL SCIENCE: King's College London Registry student record cards

  • Collection
  • 1948-1969

Record cards for BSc (Special) degree students, 1948-1969 (Ref: KA/R/FPC). This series contains students of the Faculty of Natural Science where the BSc (Special) Degree was offered as an alternative to the BSc (General) Degree. Information typically contained on the cards includes name, date of birth, address, session, course, other subjects taken, special subjects, essay titles, terminal results, degree taken, previous education and attached course notes.

King's College London Faculty of Natural Science

HACKETT, Gen Sir John Winthrop (1910-1997)

  • Collection
  • [1944]-1997

Papers, [1944]-1997, accumulated by Gen Sir John Winthrop Hackett. The bulk of the material (125 boxes) comprises Hackett's papers, 1958-1997, including official and personal correspondence, texts of lectures, press cuttings and published material. The papers range over Hackett's career and interests, the subjects including his official posts as Commandant, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, 1958-1961, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, 1963-1964, and Commander in Chief, British Army of the Rhine, 1965-1966; King's College London and other academic institutions; his lecture 'The profession of arms' and other conferences, lectures and speeches, including Kermit Roosevelt lecture tour, 1967; publications including I was a stranger (1977) and Third World War (1978); UK and overseas military associations and institutions, including the Queen's Royal Irish Hussars and Queen's Royal Hussars, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Royal United Services Institution, Institute of Strategic Studies; annual memorial visits to Arnhem. A smaller accession (5 boxes) comprises papers and correspondence, largely typescripts and printed material, accumulated by Hackett on military matters, largely but not wholly pertaining to the 1980s and including, for example, news cuttings, correspondence and conference papers on nuclear proliferation and debate on the issues; some material relates to Hackett's Warfare in the ancient world , published in 1989. Another accession (1 box) comprises typescript essays with related papers, photographs and plans concerning the Battle of Arnhem collected by Lt Col Theodore A Boeree, including extracts from the diary of Miss Riek van der Vlist, [1944], kept at Hotel Schoonard, the temporary British hospital during the Battle of Arnhem; a file of press cuttings on various military matters, 1968-1970; press article by Gen Hackett on Arnhem, 1974; two letters between Hackett and Dr Hedwig Delekat of Mainz, Germany, Jul-Aug 1968, concerning the fact that Hackett had no connection with Gen Halket, who served under Wellington. The collection also includes various military periodicals (27 boxes).

Hackett, Sir John Winthrop, 1910-1997, Knight, General, Principal of King's College London

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