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AMLOT, Air Cdre Douglas Lloyd (1910-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1950

Collection includes manuscript memorandum by Amlot to 6 Sqn RAF Headquarters relating to the suppression of terrorist activities in Palestine, 15 Sep 1938; and press cuttings relating to the Royal Pakistan Air Force, 1948-1950, including mention of Pakistan's procurement of Dakota aircraft, Nov 1949; Amlot's inauguration of the first University Air Sqn at Dacca, East Pakistan, Nov 1949; articles written by Amlot relating to Royal Pakistan Air Force training, strategy, and force strengths, Aug-Sep 1950.

Amlot, Douglas Lloyd, 1910-1979, Air Commodore


  • Collection
  • 1920-1974

Copies of papers of Col Alexander Dumaresq Bennett, including photographs, papers and press cuttings relating to his service with Mohmand Field Force, North West Frontier Province, India, 1935-1936, including a report on a night ambush 28-29 Sep [1935] and Bennett's record of service.Papers of Edward Claude Pine-Coffin including portrait photograph; group photograph [of the 14 Punjabi Regiment] and souvenir booklet relating to the Shanghai Defence Forces, May 1927.Copies of papers of John Trenchard Pine-Coffin including papers relating to his OBE, 1963; photograph of John Pine-Coffin, 1974 and recommendation for Joint Services Staff College, 1955.

Bennett, Alexander Dumaresq, b 1887, Colonel

BIRD, Lt Col Aylmer Douglas Wilberforce (1908-1972)

  • BIRD
  • Collection
  • 1857-1972

Papers relating to his military career, 1937-1972, principally comprising recruitment poster for North Staffordshire Regt, 1937; unsigned account of operations of 2 Bn North Staffs Regt, France, 12 May-1 Jun 1940, written in [1940]; unsigned account of operations of 6 Bn North Staffordshire Regt, France, 1 Jul-31 Aug 1944, written in [1944]; The Battle of Flanders by Kenneth Adam (Hutchinson and Co, London, 1940); papers relating to his service with North Staffordshire Regt in Trieste, 1951-1953, principally comprising press cuttings concerning protests against the Allied Military Government in Trieste, 1953, and official photographs of visit by Adm Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet, [1952-1953]; copies of letters written to his family during his service in Korea, 1953-1954; press cuttings relating to evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France, 1940. Papers relating to Bird's grandfather Gen James Lewis Bird, 1857- 1938, notably including copy of a letter from Gen James Lewis Bird to his sister Pamela, 2 Jun 1857, describing the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny at Meerut, India, May-Jun 1857.

Bird, Aylmer Douglas Wilberforce, 1908-1972, Lieutenant Colonel

BURNETT-STUART, Gen Sir John Theodosius (1875-1958)

  • Collection
  • 1913-1945

Copies of unpublished typescript memoirs, 1895-1945, by Burnett-Stuart, Chapter 1-12, 152pp, and Chapters 14-23, 191pp. Papers relating to Belgian military exercises, 1913, including typescript 'Report on the Belgian Grand Manoeuvres 1913' by Capt Harry Cecil Johnson, General Staff, with five printed maps of areas of Belgium, notably Namur, Dinant and Brussels [1913]. Copies of correspondence relating to the Moplah Rebellion, 1921-1922, including correspondence with Col Edward Thomas Humphreys, commanding Malabar Force, Sep 1921-Feb 1922; correspondence with Gen Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson of Trent, Commander-in-Chief of the Army in India, Freeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st Baron Willingdon of Ratton, Governor of Madras, Lt Gen Sir William Raine Marshall, General Officer Commanding in Chief, Southern Command, India, Lt Gen Sir John Stuart Mackenzie Shea, General Officer Commanding Central Provinces District, India, Maj Gen Sir Archibald Armar Montgomery, Deputy Chief of General Staff, India, Col Walter Patrick Hore-Ruthven, 2nd Baron Ruthven, commanding Bangalore Bde Area, Southern Command, India, Col Henry Karslake, General Staff Officer 1, Headquarters Peshawar, India, and Col William Henry Beach, Deputy Director (Intelligence), General Staff, India, with typescript copy of order of battle, Malabar Force, India, 1921-1922, and lecture on the Moplah rebellion [1924]. Papers relating to Burnett-Stuart's service as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Command, UK, 1934-1938, including typescript memorandum by Burnett-Stuart 'British Defence Policy', Apr 1935; typescript memorandum by FM Sir Cyril John Deverell, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 'The organisation, armament and equipment of the Army', Nov 1936; typescript volume 'Southern Command. Annual report on training of the regular Army 1936-1937'; typescript address by Burnett-Stuart, 'Southern Command Winter Exercise (The Mobile Division) 1936-1937'.

Stuart, Sir John Theodosius, Burnett-, 1875-1958, Knight, General

CAMPBELL, Gen Sir Frederick (1860-1943)

  • Collection
  • 1878-1932

Papers of Gen Sir Frederick Campbell, 1878-1932, chiefly relating to Tibet and the North West Frontier, including plan of route taken by the Younghusband Expedition from Siliguri, Bengal, India to Lhasa, Tibet, showing altitudes and sites of skirmishes, 1904; transcript of a lecture entitled 'Reminiscences of Tibet'; photographs including from the Tibet expedition, 1904; monasteries; bridge; British officers; Tibetan houses; a wall painting; 3 Rolls Royce armoured cars, Sep 1915; defeated Afghan troops; moveable column, 1914; aerial photograph of a Fort, 18 Feb 1916; Dargai Mountain, showing area held by Afridis, Tirah campaign, North West Frontier, 1898; 'route along which assault [British on Afridis] was made' and British officer with [Indian] troops; photograph album labelled 'Tibet 1904, Siliguri to Gyantse and Lhasa, 24 May – 8 July snapshots taken by J H Moody 40th Pathans' including photographs of camps with pitched tents, British officers, views of mountain peaks, troops in mountain passes, camp furniture, Mount Chomolhari, camp at Tuna, Tibet, game of hockey at Tuna, (40 Pathans versus 23 Pioneers), camp at [Khangma], Tibet, views of Niani, Tibet, Gyantse, street scene and British officer and Indian troops with objects taken from a monastery; correspondence including personal letters, 1912-1919, chiefly congratulations on operations, North West Frontier, Sep 1915, and on Campbell’s promotion to General, 1919; correspondence relating to morale among troops of 1 (Peshawar) Div, 1918-1919; on defence of North West Frontier Province, India, World War One, 1928 and 1931-1932 and on 1 Div, 1919-1936; reports including on action at Hafiz Kor, North West Frontier [now Pakistan], 5 Sep 1915, by Campbell as General Officer Commanding 1 (Peshawar) Div; on operations on Swat, Buner and Mohmand borders, 19 Jun – 27 Oct 1915; by Campbell as General Officer Commanding 1 Div on 'Charsadda Raid and roundup, 7-8 Dec 1915'; report on operations in Swat, 28-29 Aug and 27 Oct 1915; report on operations in Buner, 17, 26 and 31 Aug 1915 and report on casualties, 1913-1915; certificates, 1878-1898 including Campbell’s certificate of DSO, 1898; press cuttings; Campbell’s accounts of his military service, 1926; notes on Campbell’s medals and record of active service.

Campbell, Sir Frederick, 1860-1943, General


  • MF565-MF608
  • Collection
  • 1953-1961

The Papers of John Foster Dulles and of Christian A Herter, 1953-1961 are microfilmed copies of minutes of telephone conversations, memoranda, reports, and correspondence between Dulles and Herter as US Secretary of State and Under Secretary of State respectively (1953-1959), and Herter as US Secretary of State (1959-1961), and White House staff members, Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon, Central Intelligence Agency Director Allen Welsh Dulles, members of the US Senate and House of Representatives, US armed forces personnel and US political lobbyists. Material included in the collection relates to the International Information Agency re-organisation, 1953; the Panama Canal Treaty, 1953; the Republic of China Mutual Defense Treaty, 1953; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy and his quest for communist infiltrators in the US, 1953; the cease-fire in Korea and Prisoner of War exchanges, 1953; the coronation of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, 1953; Far Eastern and Asian policy; the treason trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, 1953; the Federal Bureau of Investigation clearance of African-Americans for government posts; the depreciating civil situation on Indochina; atomic agreements with Great Britain; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); the India/Kashmir Crisis, 1954; deteriorating Arab-Israeli relations, 1954-56; the US intervention into Guatemala, 1954; the French defeat in Indochina, 1954; the European Common Market; visit of Rt Hon Sir Anthony Eden to the US; the Suez Crisis, 1956; the Soviet invasion of Hungary, 1956; NATO and nuclear weapons; US stance on French and British colonialism; the testing of US satellite 'Vanguard' and the subsequent space race with the Soviet Union, 1957; the Mutual Security Program; American troops in Lebanon as part of a UN force, 1958; Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon and the political defence of US foreign policy. Correspondents include President Dwight David Eisenhower; Gen Juan Domingo Peron, president of Argentina; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill; Marshal Josip Broz (Tito), Prime Minister of Yugoslavia; Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India; Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Gen Douglas MacArthur; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr; Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of the Republic of Egypt; Special Assistant to the President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; Gen Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, President of France; Rt Hon (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, President of the Republic of China; Hussein ibn Talal, King of Jordan; Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers; David Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel; Fidel Castro, Prime Minister of Cuba.

EISENHOWER, DWIGHT D: US President's diaries, 1953-1961

  • MF293-MF320
  • Collection
  • 1953-1961

The Diaries of Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953-1961, consists of a varied body of microfilmed manuscripts that contain several categories of material, arranged chronologically by month and year. Diary entries and dictated correspondence are filed in folders entitled 'DDE Diary'; 'DDE Personal Diary'; or 'DDE Dictation'. The bulk of actual diary entries falls into the years 1953-1956. Another prominent category is memoranda of telephone conversations with the more detailed conversations dating prior to 1959. The largest body of material is the official White House staff memoranda, reports, correspondence, and summaries of congressional correspondence. These types of documents are found in folders labelled 'Miscellaneous', 'Goodpaster', 'Staff Memos', and after 1957, 'Staff Notes'. Herein are the memoranda of conversations, or 'memcons', prepared by Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President of the United States. From 1956 to the end of the administration, 'Toner Notes' were produced, so named for White House staff member Albert Toner, who with fellow White House Research Group member Christopher Russell, prepared daily intelligence briefings for the President. Material in the collection includes entries relating to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy and the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg; correspondence with Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon; Prisoners of War exchanges in Korea; rapprochement between Argentina and the US; military aid to Yugoslavia; Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' speech 1953; the situation in Indochina, 1954; the use of psychological warfare in the Third World; relations between the US and the People's Republic of China; France and the European Defence Community; waning British and French colonial ties; the Baghdad Pact, 1955; the Suez Crisis, 1956; US Joint Chiefs of Staff strategic planning in Europe; the Soviet invasion of Hungary, 1956; plans for mutual security arrangements with favoured nations; the Military Assistance Program; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the African- American civil rights movement; military officer exchanges between Israel and the US; the American, British and Canadian Army Standardization Program; US Department of Defense budgetary matters; the 'Vanguard' satellite program, 1957; nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy and the US-Soviet 'missile gap'. Correspondents include HM King George V; Gen Juan Domingo Peron, president of Argentina; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill; Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India; Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Gen Douglas MacArthur; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr; Special Assistant to the President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; Gen Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, President of France; Rt Hon (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers; (David) Dean Rusk, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, 1953-1959; Herbert Hoover, Jr, Under Secretary of State, 1954-1957; Christian Archibald Herter, Under Secretary of State, 1957-1959.

Eisenhower, Dwight David, 1890-1969, US President, General

ELLIOTT, Col Geoffrey Grahame (1909-1981)

  • Collection
  • [1944-1953]

Papers relating to his military career, 1944-1952, dated [1944-1953], [1960-1980], comprising account of advance of 2 Bn, Essex Regt through Northern France and Belgium, June-Oct 1944, notably covering the attack on Le Havre, 10 Sep 1944, written in [1945], with appendix dated [1960-1980]; account of withdrawal of 2 Infantry Bde from Belgium and Northern France, May 1940,culminating in their evacuation from Dunkirk on 1 Jun 1940, written in [1944-1945]; notes on the allotment and loading of vehicles, Operation OVERLORD, June 1944; map of German defences at Le Havre, issued by [the War Office], 1944; map showing position of 51 and 49 Div to the north of Le Havre, 7 Jun 1944, issued by the War Office, 1947; two accounts of the work of 1 Bn, The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regt, in Malaya, 1952, written in [1953].

Elliott, Geoffrey Grahame, 1909-1981, Colonel


  • MISC31
  • Collection
  • 1937

Typescript chart, in German, detailing the organisation and function of the different levels of the German National Socialist Democratic Workers' (Nazi) party, 1937

HARRIS, Sqn Ldr Norman Francis (1907-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1994

From pillar to post (Newton, Swindon, 1995), a memoir of his life covering the period 1939-1978, notably his service in the RAF in the UK and East Africa, 1939-1945, and his political career in Kenya, 1945-1961, as Mayor of Nairobi, Nairobi City Councillor, Elected Member of the Legislative Council and Minister of the Crown for Information and Broadcasting, written in 1994 andpublished in 1995.

Harris, Norman Francis, 1907-1994, Squadron Leader

HART DYKE, Brig Trevor (1905-1995)

  • Collection
  • 1946

The peace divided', an account of his life and career, 1905-1948, notably his service in India with the Queen's Royal Regt, in Africa with King's African Rifles, and in UK, 1938-1940, 1941-1944, Gibraltar, 1940-1941, South East Asia, 1945, East Africa, 1946-1947 and Berlin, 1948, compiled in 1970 by Ben Lockwood, Hart Dyke's stepson, from notes left by Hart Dyke and printed in1995. 'Normandy to Arnhem, a story of the infantry', an account of his service with 4 Bn, (Hallamshire Bn), York and Lancaster Regt in the UK, 1943-1944, and North West Europe, 1944-1945, written using regimental war diaries in 1946 and originally printed in 1966, reprinted by 4 Bn, Yorkshire Volunteers in 1991.

Dyke, Trevor Hart, 1905-1995, Brigadier

HOGAN, Sir Michael (1908-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1951

Papers relating to the assassination of Sir Henry Gurney, High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya, by the Malayan Races' Liberation Army on 6 Oct 1951, namely an unsigned official report on the assassination and the subsequent action taken by the police and the military, written in 1951, a plan of the ambush scene, 1951, and two photographs of Gurney's funeral procession, 1951.

Hogan, Sir Michael Joseph Patrick, 1908-1986, Knight, Chief Justice of Hong Kong

HOWELL, Brig Gen Philip (1877-1916)

  • Collection
  • 1879-1916

The papers cover the period, 1879-1916, and include papers on Howell's service as a correspondent for The Times in the Balkans, including photographs and newspaper cuttings, 1903; papers on Howell's training at Staff College, Quetta, India, and Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, including notes on Cavalry organization and tactics and on the establishment of Frontier Intelligence organization in India, 1904-1914; papers on service as Officer Commanding 4 Hussars, including Operational orders, accounts of Allied operations on Western Front, personal diaries and manuscript maps of Western Front trenches, 1914-1915; Operational orders from service as Brig Gen, General Staff Cavalry Corps, Western Front, 1915; official and semi-official correspondence from service as Chief of Staff, Salonika, including personal diaries, correspondence relating to attempts to secure Bulgarian entry in World War One on the Allied side, and correspondence relating to allegations of Howell leaking memoranda to a Suffragete newspaper called Britannia, 1915-1916. The collection also includes Howell family correspondence, 1879-1889, mostly between Howell's father and grandfather, and from 1909-16 between Howell and his wife Mrs Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell [nee Buxton].

The papers of Howell's wife, Mrs Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell [nee Buxton], 1910-1966, include an account of Howell's life entitled, Philip Howell. A Memoir By His Wife (1942, London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd) and letters from Capt (Edward) Hugh Buxton and Maj (Abbot) Redmond Buxton [Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell's brothers], concerning Allied withdrawal from Anzac Cove and Sulva Bay, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915-1916.

Howell, Philip, 1877-1916, Brigadier

HUTCHINSON, Lt Col Donald Bertram Wynne (1910-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1930-1935

Copy photographs relating to his voyage to India, 1930, and his service in the Indian Army, 1930-1935, with list of subjects.

Hutchinson, Donald Bertram Wynne, 1910-1983, Lieutenant Colonel

IRAN - THE MAKING OF US POLICY, 1977-1980: papers from the US National Security Archive

  • MFF11
  • Collection
  • 1943-1980

Iran: The Making of US Policy, 1977- 1980, is a themed microfiche collection which presents an integrated record of US foreign policy relating to Iran, 20 Jan 1977-29 Jan 1980. Included are memoranda, cabled messages, US embassy and consulate messages, Department of State reports, Central Intelligence Agency reports, US National Security Council reports and studies, and academic historical and political studies of the Middle East generally and Iran specifically, 21 Jan 1943-30 Apr 1980. Although the focus of this document set is on the 1977-1980 period, nearly one-third of the documents listed in the catalogue relate to the period prior to 1977. These are materials that were used in the preparation of the major internal inter-agency review of US-Iranian relations, the US Department of State 'White Paper'. The collection covers the beginning of the popular protests and mass demonstrations that resulted in the Iranian revolution of Feb 1979, which overthrew the pro-American monarchy of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, and established the Islamic Republic of Iran. The collection also covers efforts by the US and the Iranian Provisional Government under Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan to normalise relations between Iran and the US, which were frustrated by challenges from Islamic organisations including the Revolutionary Council. The collection records in detail the US reaction to the Iranian Constitutional Assembly, which pitted secular against religious forces during the drafting of the new constitution and which led to the formal establishment of a theocracy and the loss of Iran as a US strategic ally, Feb-Jun 1979. Documents include US Department of State report detailing the stability of Iran under the Shah and the effectiveness of SAVAK, the Iranian domestic and foreign intelligence agency, as a law enforcement agency, 28 Jan 1977; US Embassy, Teheran, Annual Policy and Resource Assessment report identifying US interests in Iran as stable, 4 Apr 1977; briefing paper for Cyrus Roberts Vance, US Secretary of State, for his first visit with the Shah, 30 Apr 1977; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report affirming the stability of the Iranian political regime, Aug 1977; US Department of State cables relating to the police suppression of anti-Shah demonstrations at Qom, the religious centre of Iran's Shiite community, and the resulting series of mass demonstrations against the Shah, Jan-Dec 1978; US Department of State inspection memorandum describing US relations with Iran as excellent, 4 May 1978; US Department of State memoranda concerning meeting of 13 May 1978, at which chief Iranian military and security personnel devised plans to deal with the rise of anti- government demonstrations, 23 May 1978; cable from William H Sullivan, US Ambassador to Iran, relating to the increasing dissent in Iran and the Shah's fears of the religious opposition to his monarchy presented by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 1 Jun 1978; US Department of State airgram relating to meeting held between the Shah and Nasser Moghaddam, Director of SAVAK, in which the Shah ordered that all future demonstrations be broken up by force, 22 Jul 1978; US Department of State cable concerning the Iranian armed forces being put on alert in all major towns in Iran following a series of anti-government bombings, 14 Aug 1978; reports from the US Embassy, Teheran, relating to the 'Black Friday' massacre of anti-government protesters in Jelah Square, Teheran, 8 Sep 1978; US Department of State cable relating to riots in Teheran resulting in the destruction of Western businesses and the occupation of the British Embassy, Teheran, 5 Nov 1978; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report relating to the wave of anti-government protests in Iran during the spring of 1978, 5 Nov 1978; US Department of State cable from Ambassador Sullivan to the White House urging the US government to consider that the Shah may have to abdicate in favour of a coalition government, 9 Nov 1978; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) profile of Khomeini describing him as the central figure in the anti-Shah movement and his proposed regime as xenophobic and hostile towards Western interests in the region, 20 Nov 1978; US Embassy reports to Washington, DC, relating to the Shah's departure from Iran, Jan 1979; US Department of State cables relating to the return of Khomeini to Iran from Paris, France, and his subsequent demands for the resignation of the Iranian Provisional Government, Feb 1979; US Embassy reports relating to the establishment of the Islamic Revolutionary Council under the leadership of Khomeini, Feb 1979; US Department of State cables relating to the deteriorating civil situation in Iran and growing anti-US sentiments, culminating in the seizure of the US Embassy, Teheran, and 66 of its employees, Feb-Nov 1979.


  • MISC32
  • Collection
  • [1942-1945]

Anti-British propaganda leaflet, in Arabic, Hindi, and Urdu; anti-British propaganda leaflet calling for the Indian Independence League in East Asia to assist the Japanese in ridding Asia of all British influences; anti-French propaganda leaflet distributed in Indo- China announcing the fall of Singapore to the Japanese, 1942

KENNEDY, Maj Gen Sir John Noble (1893-1970)

  • Collection
  • 1911-1972

Papers relating to Kennedy's career, 1911-1972, notably narrative diaries of his service on the Western Front during World War One, narrative diaries of his service with the British Military Mission to South Russia, 1919-1920; narrative diaries and papers relating to his senior planning role at the War Office during World War Two; typescript of, and papers relating to, an unpublished memoir of his period as Governor of Southern Rhodesia, 1969. A collection of official photographs relating largely to Kennedy's service at the War Office between 1939 and 1945, has been included at the end of the collection, as has a group of unpublished memoirs written by Col Roderick (Rory) Macleod, presented by the author to Kennedy in 1966.

Kennedy, Sir John Noble, 1893-1970, Knight, Major General

LAWSON, Lt Col William Arnold Webster (1864-1943)

  • Collection
  • 1899-1902

Copies of papers relating to service in Second Boer War, South Africa, 1899-1902, principally comprising letters to his family describing his service with 10 Bn, Imperial Yeomanry, 1900-1901, notably action near Boshof, Orange Free State, in which Boer Gen Count de Villebois-Mareuil was killed, Apr 1900, and the failed attempt to rescue 13 Bn, Imperial Yeomanry at Lindley, OrangeFree State, Jun 1900.

Lawson, William Arnold Webster, 1864-1943, 3rd Baron Burnham, Lieutenant Colonel

LANGLANDS, Brig Eric Wilfrid (1897-1995)

  • Collection
  • [1957-1977]

Copies of papers relating to his service in the Indian Army, 1918-1947, dated [1957-1977], 1984, [1985], 1988, principally comprising typescript notes for a talk on the Pakistani-Afghan border, 1957; a typescript account of his service with the Gurkha Rifles, North West Frontier, India, 1921-1923, written in [1957-1977]; 'A Gurkha in Rajputana', a typescript account of his servicein the Indian Army, 1930-1935, written in [1977]; 'Last days of the Raj', a typescript account of his experiences in India in 1947, written in [1985]; 'Mutiny in the Himalaya', a typescript text concerning the attempted mutiny of the state army of Chamba, India in 1926, [1926].

Langlands, Eric Wilfrid, 1897-1995, Brigadier

LINDSAY-YOUNG, Lt Col Evelyn (1893-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1913-1969

Certificates, notifications of appointments and typescript curriculum vitae relating toLindsay-Young's career, 1914-1944, with printed article by Capt John Stewart Noall Bernays entitled 'The Sudan troubles of 1924' from The Green Tiger, May 1933. Typescript account of Lindsay-Young's service in Ireland during the Anglo-Irish War, 1920-1922, entitled 'Under the shadow of darkness-Ireland 1920'. Typescript text of lecture by Lindsay-Young relating to hisservice as Commanding Officer, 1 Bn, Leicestershire Regt, Malaya, 1941-1942, with printed map of Malaya, 1938, annotated by Lindsay-Young with events in the Malayan campaign, 1941-1942. Typescript account by Lindsay-Young of his service with Headquarters, 4 Line of Communication Sub Area, British Liberation Army, from Lille, France, Sep 1944, to Berlin, Germany,Aug 1945. Papers relating to Lindsay-Young's service in Belgium, 1944, including typescript memorandum on the reporting of German atrocities, Sep 1944; typescript 'Brussels garrison refugee plan' outlining procedures to be adopted if German forces advance towards Brussels [Dec 1944]. Papers relating to the Potsdam Conference, Germany, codename TERMINAL, on thesurrender terms for Japan, and the boundaries and peace terms for Europe, Jul-Aug 1945, including manuscript and typescript notes for an article on the Potsdam Conference by Lindsay-Young [1945]; typescript 'Report on Operation TERMINAL, 12th June-15th August, 1945' by Brig Owen Murton Wales, commanding 4 Line of Communication Sub Area, with thirteenuncaptioned photographs relating to the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 1945. Papers, photographs and newspaper cuttings relating to Lindsay-Young's service in the Control Commission for Germany, Berlin and Flensburg, 1945-1948, including sixty five mostly uncaptioned photographs of Berlin and Potsdam, Germany, May-Jun 1945; typescript notes entitled 'Group commanders conference, Kiel',Jun 1947; letter to Lindsay-Young from AVM Hugh Vivian Champion de Crespigny, Regional Commissioner for Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, relating to a proposal to establish a Patent Office for Germany, Oct 1947. Papers and maps relating to the history of the Frisian Islands, Germany, 1936-1969, including printed map of Langeness Island, 1936; typescriptnotes on Groede-Appellard Island [1947].

Young, Evelyn Lindsay-, 1893-1986, Lieutenant Colonel

Results 1 to 20 of 88