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SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London administrative records

  • KAS/AD
  • Collection
  • 1750-1991

Eight series of records relating to administration, finance, estates and special purposes, including papers relating to Secretaries' and Bursars' general correspondence, 1872-1953, 1977-1982, notably including Royal patronage of King's College London, 1901-1911; Indian students, 1906-1922, 1948; appeals by King's College London for endowments and funds, 1872-1907; exhibitions, 1897-1912, 1977-1979; gift of Holbein prints, 1921-1934; the King George III collection of mechanical models and scientific instruments, 1926-1977; Royal visits, 1955-1959, 1978; opening of the new Strand building, 1970-1972; King's College London Annual Dinner Committee minutes and accounts, 1875-1876, 1896-1920; Fellows of King's College London, 1896-1916, 1961-1983; representation of King's College London on the governing bodies of various schools and colleges, 1952-1983, the City Parochial Foundation, 1941-1983, and St Mary-le-Strand Charity, 1923-1985 (KAS/AD1). Annual statements of accounts including departments, 1828-1980; final accounts and reports, 1910-1959; assets and liabilities annual statements, 1833-1853; copy documents of the Royal warrant and grant, charter and various acts, 1829-1906; funds and appeals accounts with lists of donors, 1895-1928, correspondence and working papers relating to financial reorganisation, 1896, 1905-1906; estimates and revised estimates with reports, 1910-1960, printed accounts, abstracts and reports, 1910-1959; Theological Department final accounts and estimates, 1926-1960; Quinquennium reports, grants, estimates and related papers, 1910-1935, 1946-1952, 1974-1975; special apparatus accounts and correspondence, 1920-1952; accounts and correspondence relating to the separation of King's College School, King's College Hospital and Strand School from King's College London, 1908-1911; correspondence and papers relating to non-recurrent, capital and block grants, 1947-1951, 1965-1982; report on the merger of King's College London, Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College, 1984; correspondence concerning loans, debts, income tax, insurance, investments, and departmental expenditure, 1897-1981; trust deeds, correspondence and reports relating to the Staff and College retirement funds and superannuation schemes, 1898-1923, 1930-1931, 1948-1953, 1971-1985 (KAS/AD2). Title deeds and correspondence relating to the advowson of West Barkworth, Lincolnshire, 1750-1957, the benefice of Westmill in Hertfordshire, 1901-1985, and the benefice of Bolney in Sussex, 1957-1968; Building Extension fund donations, 1881-1896, 1907-1910; Agreements, leases, plans, correspondence and reports relating to the letting, purchase, alteration and refurbishment of buildings, 1892-1987, notably laboratories, 1898-1915, 1945-1952, 1960-1966; establishment of the Architectural Museum, 1896-1897; repairs and maintenance of the College organ, 1910-1911, 1929-1932, 1974-1976; various Strand buildings, 1907-1920, 1935-1945; properties in Bristol, 1939-1942; chapel alterations, 1930-1935, 1946-1948; inventories of departmental apparatus 1906-1968; war damage, 1945-1952; Accommodation Committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1987; development of 62-68 Half Moon Lane site, London (Botany and Zoology departments), 1950-1968; Planning and Steering Committees and various subcommittees minutes and papers, 1954-1969; development of King's College London Quadrilateral (Strand site) correspondence, papers, plans and Subcommittee minutes, 1954-1976; alterations to Medical Faculty Building minutes and papers, 1960-1979; correspondence with the National Trust concerning the Roman Bath, 1962-1974; campaign to acquire the East wing of Somerset House public access, 1963-1976 (KAS/AD3). Correspondence, minutes, plans, accounts and inventories relating to the establishment, running and development of King's College London's hostels for students, 1902-1982, notably King's College Hall, 1910-1982, including use by the RAF, 1940-1946; King's College Hostel, Vincent Square, London, 1908-1982, including use as a military hospital during World War One, 1914-1919, and air raid warden station during World War Two, 1939-1942; Halliday Hall, London, formerly Montrose Court Hotel, 1949-1976; Women's Hostel, Queensborough Terrace, London, 1920-1946, Theological Hostel, 42-43 Mecklenburgh Square, London, 1902-1908 (KAS/AD4). Correspondence and papers relating to Service Units and functions, 1966-1977, notably the Animal Unit, 1966-1981, Boat House, 1926-1947; establishment and development of the Computer Unit, 1964-1983; Dining Hall/Catering Department/Refectory Committee 1889-1920, 1942-1983; Rogate Field Centre near Midhurst, Sussex, 1965-1982; Safety Committees, 1957-1982 (KAS/AD5). Papers, relating to personnel including appointments, salaries, sabbatical leave, training, student demonstrations, negotiating, staffing and consultative committees, overall policy and welfare, 1895-1924, 1931, 1938-1939, 1944-1991, notably Advisory Committees on Academic, Clerical, Technical and Manual Staff, 1952-1986; Association of University Teachers Committees, 1938-1939, 1952-1985; various staff appointments and retirements including the Principal, the Dean, and Chairs and Established Readerships, 1895-1920, 1944, 1947-1952, 1956-1991 (KAS/AD6). Papers relating to the Union of Students notably grants, student discipline, clubs, welfare and day nursery, 1898-1922, 1948-1983 (KAS/AD7). Papers relating to World War One, notably research work and munition training to support the war effort, 1914-1921; war memorials, 1918-1941, 1950-1952, 1972-1983; Mitcham Sports Ground, 1919-1931, 1968-1975; emergency arrangements made by King's College London during World War Two 1938-1948; Fire and air raid precautions, 1938-1945; staff and students deferral of National Service 1939-1956; Centenary committees and appeal, 1927-1933; 150th Anniversary celebrations 1975-1981; Development Trust programme 1978-1984 (KAS/AD8).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

FINANCE OFFICE: King's College London records

  • KAF
  • Collection
  • 1828-1990

Financial records of King's College London, 1828-1990, comprising bills, 1828-1895 (Ref: KA/BB); ledgers, 1829-1980 (Ref: KA/L, KFT/L, KHP/L); journals, 1829-1977 (Ref: KA/J, KHP/J); cashbooks, 1829-1983 (Ref: KA/CB, KA/CBD, KA/MF, KFT/CB, KH/CB, KHV/CB, KHP/CB, KHW/CB, KHH/CB); account books, 1828-1959 (Ref: KA/AB, KAF/WPB); bursary and trust account and scholarship books (Ref: KA/BT); salaries and wages books, 1849-1981 (Ref: KA/SAB, KA/WSB); fees books, 1831-1972 (Ref: KA/SAB, KA/WSB, KA/PFB, KA/SFB, KA/MFB). Financial records were usually compiled by the College clerks under the direction of the College Secretary.

King's College London, 1829-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London academic department administrative records

  • KAS/AC2
  • Collection
  • 1830-1983

Correspondence, reports, minutes, accounts and papers relating to Academic Schools, Faculties and Departments concerning appointments, buildings, bequests, mergers, equipment, finance, scholarships and endowments, courses and examinations, research grants, staff appointments, fees, admissions, students and grants, 1830-1841, 1851-1983, comprising Faculty of Education, 1965-1982; Faculty of Engineering, 1882-1982; Faculty of Medicine, 1923-1930, 1946-1955, 1972-1981; Faculty of Natural Science, 1940-1955, 1969-1975; School of Slavonic Studies, 1915-1937; Faculty of Theology, 1977-1983; Departments of Anatomy, 1900-1913, 1932, 1936-1948, 1966-1981; Arabic, 1894-1904; Architecture, 1890-1914; Arts, 1856-1860, 1897-1917, 1939-1956, 1971-1981; Biochemistry, 1936, 1965-1981; Biological Sciences, 1967-1976, 1983; Biophysics, 1948, 1952, 1962-1982; Botany, 1916-1918, 1923-1936, 1962-1977; Plant Sciences, 1977-1981; Chemical Engineering, 1965; Chemistry, 1897-1918, 1940-1945, 1960-1983; Civil Service Classes, 1892-1918; Classics, 1909-1917, 1970-1982; Commerce, 1872, 1918; Day Training College, 1890-1947; Department for the Training of Teachers, 1914-1939/40; Education Department 1939/40-1952/53; Engineering, 1882-1883, 1890-1980; Civil Engineering, 1977-1983; Mechanical Engineering, 1977-1981; Electrical Engineering, 1978-1981; English, 1840, 1893-1918, 1926, 1931-1934, 1959-1980; Evening Classes, 1896-1916, 1921-1929; French, 1946-1982; Geography, 1951-1953, 1961-1982; Geology, 1896-1918, 1965-1981; German, 1902-1958, 1977-1982; Modern Greek, 1917-1919, 1927, 1945-1946, 1961; Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1961-1977; Histology, 1918; History, 1877-1878, 1909-1918, 1938-1948, 1968-1977, 1981; Human Environmental Studies, 1973-1983; Icelandic, 1914; Italian, 1903, 1915-1918; Journalism 1923-1931, 1936-1939, 1944-1946; University of London Board of Laws, 1900-1952, 1971-1983; Mathematics, 1872, 1906, 1969-1982; Medicine, 1834-1837; 1851-1984; Metallurgy 1919; Music, 1962-1981; Natural Science, 1890-1917; School of Oriental Studies, 1895-1917; School of Chinese, 1899-1916; Palaeography 1972-1976; Pharmacology, 1925, 1966-1982; Philosophy, 1965-1966, 1971-1975, 1981; Physics, 1896, 1904-1918, 1926-1982; Physiology, 1891-1919, 1926, 1935-1939, 1949-1981; Economic Science and Statistics, 1851, 1904-1916, 1931; Portuguese, 1913-1924, 1948-1960, 1958-1982; Psychology, 1902-1904, 1914-1917, 1939-1947; Public Health, 1894-1917; Bacteriology, 1898-1902, 1910-1917, 1923-1925; Spanish, 1913-1922, 1937-1952, 1966-1970, 1977-1982; Theology, 1830-1841, 1862, 1864, 1888-1983; War Office Classes, 1916-1925; War Studies, 1959-1981; Zoology, 1905-1914, 1918, 1925, 1965-1970, 1977-1981.

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

LIBRARY: King's College London administrative records

  • KAL
  • Collection
  • 1830-1998

The records of King's College London Library consist of committee minutes, correspondence, memoranda and other papers, 1830-1998. These include the principal Library Committee minutes and correspondence , 1871-1994; Library Resources Co-ordinating Committee (LRCC) minutes and papers, 1974-1993; Library Services Management Team papers, 1990-1994; minutes of the Strand Campus Users Committee, 1987-1990; minutes, correspondence, reports and memoranda concerning the strategic planning and general policy of the Library including Library Reports, 1987-1990, quinquennia, the University Grants Committee, building, mergers, individual campus libraries committee minutes and overall Library aims and objectives, 1925-1994; papers relating to grants, expenditure and finance, including invoices, 1933-1993; general papers concerning the day-to-day management of the Library including constituent libraries, Second World War disruption, security issues, noise, user/reader services, information retrieval and cataloguing, rare books and Special Collections, policy on periodical subscription, binding and repair, interlibrary loans, publicity and relations with the Students' Union, 1932-1995; correspondence with departments, faculties and schools concerning accessioning policies, 1934-1992; register of borrowers, 1845-1854, 1962-1968, and general correspondence with readers, 1946-1993; papers relating to Library equipment including automation, 1986-1992; papers on building and planning, including the Library Planning and Accommodation Sub-committee, notes on Strand libraries, Cornwall House, Manresa Road, Chelsea, and Hampstead sites, 1948-1993; papers relating to staff and staffing levels, including lists, appointments, appraisals, questionnaires, staff meeting minutes and establishment papers, 1933-1997; individual personnel records of Library staff, 1957-1998; manuscript and typescript Library catalogues and shelf lists, including the Marsden Library, 1830-1993; papers relating to stock, including stock checks and transfers, 1989-1994, accessions registers, 1847, 1932-1975, correspondence and registers of gifts and bequests, including the private papers of academics, 1898-1992, indexes to journals and serials, 1931-[1963]; 1986-1992; papers of Hedwig Pollock, rare book librarian, 1943-1967, including professional correspondence, detailed descriptions of very rare books and manuscript texts and some fragments from a 16th century volume; papers relating to the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives and Library, including correspondence with Trustees, minutes of the Trustees and external funding, 1959-1996; interlibrary co-operation and computerised data collection and librarianship including the Standing Conference of Librarians of Libraries of the University of London, Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL), British Library Research and Development Department, Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre (MARC), Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS), European Union Trans-European Mobility Scheme for University Studies (TEMPUS) and Standing Conference of National and University Libraries (SCONUL), 1955-1998.

King's College London Library, 1831-

COUNCIL SPECIAL COMMITTEES: King's College London records

  • KA/CS
  • Collection
  • 1835-1938

The records of the special committees of the Council of King's College London consist of minutes and some other papers, mainly concerning appointments to posts, 1835-1938; notably including Medical Department, Medical Committee and Hospital Committee minutes and papers on the allocation of teaching space, laboratory provision, appointments to surgical and other posts including Physiology, the Sambrooke Registrarship, a proposed museum for medical exhibits, outpatients and the provision of hospital beds, the Bacteriological Department and the development of other new departments, and the removal of the Hospital, 1835-1910; minutes of a Special Committee into College Finances, 1895-1896; papers relating to King's College School including the selection of pupils, staff appointments, accommodation and the School's relocation, 1849-1910; papers concerning Engineering at King's including the teaching of drawing, the curriculum and appointments, 1891-1910; minutes of the Committee of Education including the financial standing of the Department, 1891-1893; minutes of various committees relating to the education of women, 1881-1905; committees relating to academic Chairs including those of Ecclesiastical History, Exegesis of the New Testament, Fine Art, Arts of Construction, Chemistry, Geology, Italian, Mechanical Engineering, Natural Philosophy, Political Economy and Sanskrit, 1835-1938; relating to the office of the Principal, 1868; relating to the Council's recognition of the General Board and Boards of Departments, 1869; proposals to amalgamate the Chairs of Chemistry, 1870; relating to the teaching of Physics, 1884; proposals to revive the teaching of Oriental languages, 1884; committees concerned with the nomenclature of departments and faculties, most notably the reorganisation of General Literature and Science, 1887; Building Committee minutes and other papers relating to site maintenance including tenders for new construction, laboratories and a photographic room, 1835-1904; Strand School, 1904-1910; Theological minutes and papers including the Theological Professorial Board, Hostel, the Inspection of Theological Colleges and the College Chapel, 1841-1938.

King's College London Council, 1829-

SERIALS & PERIODICALS: King's College London printed material

  • K/SER
  • Collection
  • 1836-2014

King's College London Publications: Serials and Periodicals, 1836-2014. This class of ephemera contains 150 distinct titles of annual/termly periodical comprising newsletters and magazines about the College, its students and staff, illustrating its academic work and social life from the earliest years to the present day. Most series are incomplete and sometimes contain only single editions of predominantly recent titles. The main series of publications comprise long running College magazines such as King's College Review/Lucifer (1899-1966), of which there exist bound and duplicate sets, King's College London News (1981-1984), The King's College London Report (1993-2000), Comment (1984-2001) and the staff bulletin, Viewpoint (1973-1979) and Library staff magazine, Ex Libris (later retitled No Comment ) (1996-2001). They also include departmental and faculty periodicals and newsletters such as The Kingsman (1958-1978), which was one of several journals associated with the Theology Faculty, the War Studies Review (1994-1998), War Studies Journal (1995-1999) and Department of War Studies Diary (1993-1997), The Siphon , magazine of the Faculty of Science (1946-1968), the Nurses' League Journal (1926-2000), King's College School Magazine (1890-1903), King's College London Association newsletter, later retitled In Touch (1972-1999), Computer Unit newsletters (1967-1996) and the Ladies' Department Magazine (1896-1914). They also include support services and Trades Union magazines and newsletters including of the Library and NALGO, Development Office, Chaplaincy and Staff Development and Training, Students' Union and Rag magazines, most prominently, Magus (1974-1985). The collection contains a few examples of periodicals external to King's College, mainly concerned with the Higher Education sector, such as the Newsletter of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (1995-1998) and relating to various aspects of the work of the University of London. Content is very broad and diverse, including events listings, College and departmental news, obituaries, sporting fixtures, society business and original articles, particularly in The King's Engineer (1922-1968) and Lucifer (1951-1966), whose distinctive ironical and experimental character was reflected in critical commentary on South Africa and Vietnam, pornography and censorship, examples of cutting edge poetry, alongside theatre reviews and original articles, drawings and caricatures including by Derek Jarman and the writer and broadcaster, Michael Bukht.

King's College London, 1829-

PHYSICS: King's College London departmental records

  • KDPY
  • Collection
  • [1850-1870]

The records of the King's College London Department of Physics comprise minute books, correspondence, staff records, mark books, research notes, lecture notes and texts, inventories of equipment, photographs, press cuttings and printed journal articles and catalogues, [1890]-1984. They notably include minutes and correspondence concerned with departmental equipment and maintenance, 1971-1975; records of staff meetings including arrangements for tutorials and lists of staff publications, 1975-1980; Faculty of Natural Science and Faculty of Education minutes and papers, 1975-1982; correspondence relating to the appointment, training and employment of technical staff by the Department of Physics, 1966-1981; correspondence relating to the planning of the 150th anniversary of the Department including photographs, display captions and off-prints of articles on Professor James Clerk Maxwell, Professor Owen Richardson and Professor Edward Victor Appleton, 1978; papers concerning the merger of Queen Elizabeth College with King's College, 1981-1984; University of London Committee on Academic Organisation: discussion documents, 1979-1981; papers compiled by Professor Ernest Wilson including examination question papers and a mark book on electrical engineering, correspondence concerning the publication of Wilson's research papers and nomination for membership of the Royal Society, and photographs of Wilson and colleagues, [1890]-1928; notes, articles and lecture texts concerning conferences and lectures on crystallography, spectroscopy and X-ray topography, 1978-1981; Departmental equipment order book for the Halley Stewart laboratory, Chesterford Gardens, Hampstead, 1923-1971; data book of experiments conducted in the Department, 1932; inventories of equipment at the Halley Stewart laboratory with record of transfer to King's College London, 1947-1966; printed and manuscript notebooks including databooks describing experiments on resonance, optics and nuclear physics, 1965-1971; Special Physics practical class mark book for experiments carried out by students, with printed guidance notes, 1965-1982; references and testimonials for students, 1947-1970; examination results and records of examiners' meetings, 1976-1981; glass slides of traces of elementary particles through bubble chamber, of graphs and diagrams and laboratory equipment, [1950-1970]; passport size photographs of mainly physics students, but also including some mathematics and chemistry students, 1955-1974; photographs of instruments including early electron microscope and model of DNA, [1955]; photographs of the Wheatstone laboratory physics staff, [1922, 1979]; press cuttings concerning physics staff and students, 1957-1960; offprints of Proceedings of the Physical Society and Proceedings of the Royal Society by Edward Victor Appleton and others concerning ionisation of the earth's atmosphere, the principle of conservation of energy and other topics, 1934-1936; instruction booklets for various pieces of laboratory apparatus including electrical generator and gamma ray detector, 1955-1969. Also outsize teaching diagrams [1850-1870], on subjects including: the mechanics of the telegraph; laying of telegraph cables; hydrostatics; perpetual motion; a water clock (‘clepsydra wheel’); a pendulum bucket engine; bridge construction; eighteenth century designs for a diving bell (ref: KDPY/ILL1-2).

King's College London Department of Physics

PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE: King's College London administrative records

  • KAP
  • Collection
  • 1863-1997

The records of the Principal's Office, King's College London, comprise minutes, correspondence and memoranda, 1863-1997. These notably include minutes of the Delegacy of King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry, 1989-1990, and various committee minutes including those of the Health and Welfare Committee, Joint Medical Advisory Committee and the Committee for the London Institutes for Advanced Study, 1974-1990; a run of general correspondence relating to College business including staff salaries, property, events, scholarships and relations with other universities, 1944-1979; but also more specifically, personal correspondence with Principal Richard William Jelf, 1863-1864; correspondence and papers on quinquennia and outlining the strategic direction of the College and constituent academic departments, including merger negotiations and the College Charter, 1933-1992; Principal's files relating to named departments, faculties and schools, including the United Medical and Dental Schools Merger, 1988-1997; correspondence on students including named individuals, the Student's Union and some pass lists, 1946-1979; correspondence concerning staff appointments, including professorial and other senior vacancies such as Secretaryship and Principalship, individual Chairs, salary scales, sabbaticals and staff-student relations, 1920-1997, correspondence concerning scholarships and awards, 1988-1997; papers relating to College property including proposals for the redevelopment of the College in Bloomsbury, expansion into Somerset House, Strand, and student residences, 1920-1985; minutes and correspondence concerning College libraries including the Ronald Burrows Memorial Library, 1931- 1977; correspondence and papers on the management of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, including with donors, 1977-1994; correspondence concerning hospitality and entertainment including Fellows' dinners and graduations, public and inaugural lectures, orations, royal visits and student events, 1946-1997; correspondence and papers charting the relationship of King's with the federal University of London, including Heads of Schools and reports on teaching, post-war reconstruction and the future of Goldsmith's College, 1943-1987; assorted memoranda, 1896-1978.

King's College London Principal's Office, 1831-

ACADEMIC BOARD: King's College London committee records

  • KA/PB
  • Collection
  • 1868-1990

The records of the General Board/Professorial Board/Academic Board and the Committee of Deans at King's College consist of minute books, agenda books, guard books and other papers, 1868-1990; notably including a set of minutes of the Board, 1868-1990, specifically manuscript minute books with signatures, 1868-1948, typescript minute books with signatures, 1948-1980; unsigned typescript minute books, 1980-1985, loose unsigned minutes, 1985- 1990, with rough minutes, 1869-1898 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/M, KA/PB/MP, KA/G/RM); agenda books summarising the minutes of the main series, 1910-1980, and also the main Faculty Board Committee minutes, 1904-1915 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/AM); guard books containing typescript reports presented to the Board and the various sub-committees of the Board, 1927-1970 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/GB); signature books of members of the Professorial Board and the Faculty Boards, 1919-1935 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/SB); minutes of the Professorial Board General Purposes Committee, 1969- 1980; Professorial Board Public Lectures Committee minutes, 1958-1960 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PBS/M); minutes of the Committee of Deans (Ref: KCLCA KA/DE/M); manuscript terms of reference for the Board including notes on its origins, 1870 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/RG). The range of topics covered is very broad, including examinations, endowments, public and special lectures, student residences, women students, King's College Hospital, Library, relations with the University of London and the King's Council and Delegacy, and especially staff appointments, obituaries and the development of individual departments and faculties. The more recent volumes of the minutes of the Committee of Deans also contain circulars and memoranda relating to the strategic development of the College.

King's College London Academic Board, 1980-


  • KS
  • Collection
  • 1868-1911

Records, 1868-1911, of King's College School, including annual lists of pupils and amounts paid for books, 1868-1896, and indexes of books in use [late 19th century] (Ref: KS/LI); papers on the removal of the School to Wimbledon, 1897; cash accounts for Trustees meetings, 1897-1900; correspondence on raising funds for the School, 1902-1903; correspondence on the financial consequences of severance of the School from King's College London, 1905-1906; applications for the headmastership, 1906; correspondence on a proposal for a pupils' boarding house in Wimbledon, 1909-1910; correspondence and papers on School affairs including transfer of the School from King's College London, financial affairs, the new governing body, and applications for the headmastership, 1909-1911 (Ref: KS/F).

King's College School, 1831-

HEADMASTER: Strand School general and policy records

  • Collection
  • 1875-1977

General and policy files, 1875-1977, of the Headmaster of the Strand School, comprising correspondence and papers on the Civil Service Department, King's College London, including a formal agreement between King's College London and William Braginton for him to conduct classes at the College for the second class clerkship in the Civil Service, 1875, Headmaster's reports, 1898-1911, staff appointments, details on pupils, examinations, syllabus and other subjects, and removal of the girls' classes to Red Lion Square, Holborn, 1909 (Ref: KSS/GPF1); records on buildings and property, including laboratories and sports facilities, 1900-1908 (Ref: KSS/GPF2); records on staff appointments and related matters, 1892-1910, 1956-1957, 1965-1969 (Ref: KSS/GPF3); general files, including the move of the Strand School and resignation of William Braginton, 1906-1911, proposed reorganisation or closure of the school, 1956-1977, and school trips, 1960-1964 (Ref: KSS/GPF4); drafting of lesson and exam timetables and selection of subjects by pupils, 1956-1969 (Ref: KSS/GPF5); records relating to annual prize-givings, 1956-1968 (Ref: KSS/GPF6); records relating to London County Council, including recognition of and grants to the school, 1897-1913, records relating to conference of Headmasters and mistresses of LCC maintained schools, 1942-1946, and records of the LCC School Care Committee on individual pupils, 1969-1970 (Ref: KSS/GPF7); records on recognition of school, inspections by the Ministry of Education, and other matters, 1899-1913, 1956, and statistics on pupils and staff, 1957-1970 (Ref: KSS/GPF8); records relating to other outside bodies, the subjects including examinations, 1902, 1908 and undated (Ref: KSS/GPF9).

Strand School, London, 1897-1979


  • KW
  • Collection
  • 1878-1939

Records, 1878-1939, of King's College London Ladies' and Women's Departments and King's College for Women from inception, and including material postdating absorption by King's College London in 1915. Comprising minutes, 1878-1928, including the Executive Committee of the Ladies' Department, 1878-1902, Committee of Management of the Women's Department, 1902-1910, Committee of Management of King's College for Women, 1910-1913, King's College for Women Delegacy, 1913-1915, Board of Principal Teachers of King's College for Women, 1910-1928, King's College for Women Board of Studies for Home Science and Economics, 1908-1914, and various finance committees from 1891 and other subordinate committees; agendas and draft minutes, 1885-1915; accounts, 1878-1916, comprising annual balances, 1878-1885, termly balances, 1889-1890, printed balance sheets, 1878-1905 (incomplete) with annual reports to the Committee of Management to 1887, comparative statements of income and expenditure, 1904-1916, printed accounts, 1910-1914, estimates, 1913-1915, and memoranda on estimates, 1914-1916; ledgers, 1890-1910, and journal, 1890-1896; cash books, 1890-1919; fees books, 1906-1919, and miscellaneous vouchers, receipts and bills, 1907-1914; warden's outletter books, 1910-1915; general and policy files, 1899-1919, on subjects including scholarships and prizes, courses, staff appointments, incorporation into the University of London, development of the college including establishment of the home science course, proposed amalgamation with King's College, and files relating to administration after amalgamation with King's College London in 1915, including proposed acquisition of a hostel for women; building and maintenance files, 1882-1917, including premises in Kensington Square; student address books, 1894-1917 and undated, most including details of courses being taken; record books, 1897-1918, with students' details; registers of attendance for various courses, 1909-1914; registers, 1878-1919, including exam class lists and lists of students; miscellaneous records, 1901-1914, comprising some student records and a manual of instructions for the Bursar; syllabi and prospectuses, 1878-1916; scrapbooks, 1888-1910, including lecture notices and press cuttings; rough notes summarising a course of lectures on hygiene and sanitation, 1913; printed ephemera, 1888-1923, with material postdating fusion with King's College in 1915, including historical sketch of King's College Ladies' Department, c1902, undated history of nos 11-12 Kensington Square, lectures, reports, prospectuses, and an appeal for the Home Science Department, 1914; material relating to King's College Hostel for Women, 58 Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater, 1921-1939, including minutes of the management committee, ledgers, cash books, wages books and inventory; 16mm film of King's College for Women staff and students, 1927-1928, with explanatory notes; entrance schedules for arts and sciences, 1914-1921, giving students' details; papers and correspondence, 1880-1924, on general administration, buildings and accommodation at Kensington Square and Bayswater, grants to the College, staff appointments, and transfer of King's College for Women to King's College and the future of the Home Science Department.

King's College for Women, 1908-1928

FINANCE: Chelsea College financial records

  • CAF
  • Collection
  • 1888-1983

South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, Chelsea College Financial Records, 1888-1983. These consist of bound sets of annual accounts, 1895-1983 (Ref: C/ACC); salaries books for academic and non-academic staff, 1898-1966 (Ref: CA/SAB); wages signature books, 1913-1962 (Ref: CA/WSB); ledgers, 1891-1964 (Ref: CA/L); cash books, 1888- 1930 (Ref: CA/CB); payments cash books, 1895-1963 (Ref: CA/CB); finance journals, 1932-1963 (Ref: CA/J); staff payroll files, 1985-1986 (Ref: CAF/FP); fees book registers for day classes, 1895-[1928], fees book registers for evening classes, 1897-1915 (Ref: CA/SFB), statistics books, 1907-1938 (Ref: CA/STATS), miscellaneous register, 1897-[1913] (Ref: CA/REG). Information contained in fees books typically includes name, age, occupation, classes, time per week and fees. Statistics books contain information on terms kept, student hours per registration, per subject and class entries per term. The miscellaneous register contains lists of certificates awarded to students, the wording on them and distribution details.

Chelsea College, 1972-1985

COMMITTEES: Chelsea College governing body records

  • CA
  • Collection
  • 1888-1985

South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, Chelsea College Governing Body, Council and Academic Board Minute Books, 1888-1985. This series of minute books comprises one of the most important sources of evidence of the strategic and academic development within the Polytechnic and College from the earliest subscription campaign for the new Institute to the closure of Chelsea when it merged with King's in 1985. It comprises the main class of College governance minutes with a duplicate set covering the years 1906-1966, and in particular the manuscript minutes of the Executive or Governing Body of the South Western Polytechnic (with index), 1881-1906; printed and bound minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1906-1918; printed and bound copies of the minutes of the Governing Body and Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1919-1922; printed and bound copies of the minutes of the Governing Body, 1923-1966; folders of typescript minutes of the Governing Body, 1966-1972 (Ref: CA/G/M); folders containing typescript Chelsea Council minutes, 1972-1985 (Ref: CA/C/M). Governing Body/Council minutes typically contain information on appointments and salaries, strategic and academic planning, academic services, scholarships and student numbers, the relationship with other Higher Education institutions and merger details. Incomplete manuscript and typescript Board of Studies and complete typescript Academic Board and Senate minutes, 1917-1931, 1962-1985 (Ref: CA/S/M), covering topics including departmental organisation, examinations, grants and student discipline; meeting papers relating to the Senate minutes, 1972-1985 (Ref: CA/S/MP). Minutes of Special Committees of the Governing Body/Council such as Non-Academic Staff Committee, 1966-1981, Sites and Buildings, 1966-1985; Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1967-1985; Residence and Refectories Committee/Amenities Committee, 1967-1985; Development Committee, 1971-1976; Staff Association, 1956-1976; Sports Ground Committee, 1972-1985; Joint Athletic Ground Committee, 1922-1939; Joint Policy Committee, 1973-1978 (Ref: CA/CS/M, CA/M); Special Committee meeting papers for the Academic Planning Committee and a working party on the College Library, 1965-1983 (Ref: CA/CS/MP).

Chelsea College Govening Body, 1972-1985

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: Chelsea College administrative records

  • CAS
  • Collection
  • 1889-1998

Chelsea College Secretary's files, 1889-1998. These records reflect all aspects of the academic and administrative work of the College, ranging from strategic planning, building maintenance and finance through to University of London business where applicable to Chelsea College, notably including South-Western Polytechnic and subsequent College schemes and correspondence on the relationship of the College with the University of London, 1889-1985; governance, namely Chelsea College Senate membership, agendas, committees and other business, 1972-1985; Council minutes, agendas and membership, 1972-1987; King's, Queen's and Chelsea (KQC) Management Committee and Joint Policy Committee correspondence and papers, 1983-1985; University of London Senate agendas and minutes, 1983-1985 (Ref: 1985/CAS, 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS); papers relating to major committees such as academic planning group correspondence, 1983-1984; Finance and General Purposes Committee, Planning and Staffing Committee papers, 1983-1985, planning and resources committee papers, 1989-1991 (Ref: 1997/CAS, CAS/GC2); the general running of the College, including patents, 1972-1987; copyright, 1970-1989; College safety, 1977-1985; Data Protection Act, 1985-1987; Students' Union and student welfare, 1966-1985; a proposed merger with Westfield College, University of London, 1982-1987; the Swinnerton-Dyer Committee report documents, 1980-1982; St George's Hospital Medical School papers reflecting administrative concerns, 1976-1986; agreements and contracts with publishing companies and scientific equipment suppliers, 1968-1985; papers relating to the arsenic poisoning of porters at Chelsea College including cuttings and police investigations, 1966-1971, 1998, (Ref: CAS/AD1, 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS); personnel and staff related files including on contracts, salaries, leave entitlements, performance targets, trade unions, principally NUPE and NALGO, staff appointments and lists, 1967-1987; Academic Staff Committee minutes, papers and correspondence, 1969-1985; Technical and Manual Staff Committees, 1971-1985; demonstrators and visiting lecturers, 1975-1981 (Ref: CAS/AD8); papers relating to College property, [1970-1988] (Ref: 1987/CAS, CAS 1989); academic related papers concerning various departments at King's spanning the merger of Chelsea and King's in 1985, including Biophysics, Chemistry, English, Physiology, Spanish, Theology and War Studies, 1977-1989, Chelsea Departmental papers including the Nuffield programme, Library and Computing Department, 1966-1988 (Ref: 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS, 1992 CAS).

Chelsea College Secretary, 1972-1985

LIBRARY: Chelsea College administrative records

  • CAL
  • Collection
  • 1895-1987

Chelsea College Library records, 1895-1987, comprise papers collected by the College Library or describing the work of the Library on the Chelsea campus following the merger with King's College in 1985, notably correspondence with the College Secretary and departments, 1974-1980; papers relating to Library computerisation, 1979-1987; staffing and salary matters, 1978-1985; University Grants Committee papers on libraries, 1974-1982; History and Philosophy of Science Library correspondence and bibliography, 1964-1987; Chelsea Campus Libraries Users Committee notes, 1985-1987; finance, 1975-1977; concerning the College History Collection, 1965-1974; notes relating to building and planning at the King's Road site, 1971-1987; University of London merger and other papers, 1978-1983; reports on medical education in London, 1980; concerning Library private papers, 1949-1970; Library Annual Reports, 1963-1987 (1992/CAL, CAL/1986); correspondence concerning Library donors and Zoology reprints, 1967-1985 (Ref: 1986/CAL); accessions registers, 1921-1975 (Ref: CAL/RG); lists of current periodicals, 1960-1974 (Ref: CAL/RGJ); payments books for stock, equipment and expenses, 1960-1973 (Ref: CAL/CB); Library staff personnel files for leavers between 1970-1976 (Ref: CAL/FP); material concerning the history of the College accumulated by the Library, including charters, official reports, with some press cuttings, 1914-1981 (Ref: CAL/H).

Chelsea College Library, 1972-1985

SYLLABUSES & PROSPECTUSES: Chelsea College printed material

  • C/SYL
  • Collection
  • 1895-1985

South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Syllabuses & Prospectuses contains sets of general undergraduate prospectuses for Chelsea courses, 1895-1985, and of general postgraduate syllabuses, 1967-1985; prospectuses for specific undergraduate and postgraduate component courses of study including physics, chemistry, electronics, pharmacy and science education, 1962-1985 (Ref: C/SYL)

Chelsea College, 1972-1985

HALL, Hubert (1857-1944)

  • K/PP66
  • Collection
  • [1896]

Manuscript notes by Hubert Hall on the Red Book of the Exchequer (a volume, originating in the 13th century, containing precedents and memoranda), undated [1896].

Hall, Hubert, 1857-1944, archivist


  • CR
  • Collection
  • 1896-1934

Registers of Constance Road Workhouse/Institution, 1896-1934, consisting of 'Register of lunatics No 2', 1896; 'Register of lunatics No 3', 1896-1897; 'Register of lunatics No 5', 1897-1898; ''Register of lunatics No 18', 1910; 'Register of lunatics No 23', 1915-1916; register of 'Examination of alleged lunatics H & B', 1921-1934; 'Register of articles etc found on inmates', 1912-1922; 'Register of articles etc found on inmates', 1922-1928; register of deaths, 1929-1933.

Constance Road Institution, 1914-1937

DEAN'S OFFICE: King's College London records

  • KAD
  • Collection
  • 1907-1987

The records of the Dean's Office at King's College London comprise minutes, correspondence, papers and reports, 1907-1987. These include minutes of the Conference of Principals of Theological Colleges, of which the Dean was a member, 1907-1932; minutes of meetings of Associates of King's College to elect Council members, 1911-1972; general correspondence covering a wide variety of College business including College finances, the University of London Board of Studies in Theology, the organisation of the AKC programme, the training of ordinands, external examiners, scholarships and prizes, staff applications and proposed appointments, public lectures and sermons, the publication of books by staff, Church music and art including the maintenance of the Chapel, the Student Christian Movement, the University of London Chaplaincy, King's Theological Society, and the theological College at Warminster, 1916-1987; reports considering the direction and future of Warminster College, 1945-1968; papers on the King's College Hostel, Vincent Square, including plans, newspaper cuttings and a pamphlet, 1918-1951; the Annual Giving Campaign reports and minutes of meetings, 1962-1965; reports dealing with arrangements for the 150th anniversary of the College, 1978-1979.

King's College London Dean's Office, 1903-

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