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PHOTOGRAPHS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: King's College London records

  • K/PH
  • Collection
  • [1720]-2004

King's College London photographs and illustrations constitute an invaluable record of students, staff, College buildings and events from the opening of the College until the present day, 1829-2000. They consist of loose, framed and mounted, or album portrait photographs of a number of academic and non-academic staff, including Principals, Deans, College Secretaries and senior teaching staff such as Heads of Department of most departments and faculties, with some additional support staff such as porters, [1850-2000]; colour and black and white photographs of interior and exterior views of King's College London Old Building in the Strand, including entrances to King's in the Strand and Embankment, Great Hall, Main Entrance Hall, Engineering, Wheatstone and Biological Laboratories with equipment, anatomy dissecting rooms, departmental libraries, Common Rooms, Lecture Halls, King George III Museum, Council Room, individual floors of Old Building and floor plans, [1880-1980]; mainly black and white photographs and slides of the interior and exterior views of Halls of Residence including Halliday Hall, Lightfoot Hall and Wellington Hall, [1970-1990]; mainly black and white photographs and slides of sights around the Strand and King's College, including frontage of houses adjacent to the Strand entrance to King's, the Old Watch House, Somerset House, river Thames, St Clement Danes and St Mary-le-Strand churches, Westminster and Waterloo Bridges, aerial views of King's and surrounding buildings, [1890-1990]; photographs of Day Training College including laboratories, teaching and common rooms, [1917]; photographs, drawings and postcards of the College Chapel including organ, stained glass, altar, entrances and services, 1859-[1980]; photographs showing redevelopment at King's including post- World War Two repairs and extension to Wheatstone Laboratories into car park, various stages of the construction of the Strand Building, [1949-1972]; photographs of the College Library (Strand site) including the Skeat and Furnivall Library, showing issue desks and individual rooms, 1954-1987; photographs and drawings of other buildings connected to King's, principally the Hospital in Portugal Street, Macadam Building, Chelsea scenes such as Lightfoot Hall and Chelsea College, and Cornwall House, [1850-1980]; mainly photographs but also some drawings of events at King's, notably including a cartoon of the duel between the Duke of Wellington and the Earl of Winchilsea in Battersea Fields, 1829, visits by dignitaries including Prince Albert and Queen Elizabeth II, College outings, sporting events, inspections of troops, anniversary events, exhibition displays, dinner engagements, leaving parties, graduations, Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives Annual Lectures, launch of new institutes and departments, portrait painting unveilings, with some Chelsea College events, 1829-2000; photographs of King's during World War Two, notably air raid preparations, students and staff, including during the relocation of King's to Bristol University, 1939-1943; group photographs of students and staff in various departments and faculties, mainly King's College for Women, Theology, Laws, Science and Arts, with some few cricket, football, rowing, hockey and other sports' teams, 1906-[1977]; student rags and events involving the College mascot, Reggie the Lion, [1920-1939]; roll of honour for World War One, with photographs of war memorial, 1914-1918; drawings and photographs of College seal, plaques and coats of arms; negatives of King's illustrations and photographs, with portraits, letters, cartoons, some staff and interior shots, 1929-1980

King's College London, 1829-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London administrative records

  • KAS/AD
  • Collection
  • 1750-1991

Eight series of records relating to administration, finance, estates and special purposes, including papers relating to Secretaries' and Bursars' general correspondence, 1872-1953, 1977-1982, notably including Royal patronage of King's College London, 1901-1911; Indian students, 1906-1922, 1948; appeals by King's College London for endowments and funds, 1872-1907; exhibitions, 1897-1912, 1977-1979; gift of Holbein prints, 1921-1934; the King George III collection of mechanical models and scientific instruments, 1926-1977; Royal visits, 1955-1959, 1978; opening of the new Strand building, 1970-1972; King's College London Annual Dinner Committee minutes and accounts, 1875-1876, 1896-1920; Fellows of King's College London, 1896-1916, 1961-1983; representation of King's College London on the governing bodies of various schools and colleges, 1952-1983, the City Parochial Foundation, 1941-1983, and St Mary-le-Strand Charity, 1923-1985 (KAS/AD1). Annual statements of accounts including departments, 1828-1980; final accounts and reports, 1910-1959; assets and liabilities annual statements, 1833-1853; copy documents of the Royal warrant and grant, charter and various acts, 1829-1906; funds and appeals accounts with lists of donors, 1895-1928, correspondence and working papers relating to financial reorganisation, 1896, 1905-1906; estimates and revised estimates with reports, 1910-1960, printed accounts, abstracts and reports, 1910-1959; Theological Department final accounts and estimates, 1926-1960; Quinquennium reports, grants, estimates and related papers, 1910-1935, 1946-1952, 1974-1975; special apparatus accounts and correspondence, 1920-1952; accounts and correspondence relating to the separation of King's College School, King's College Hospital and Strand School from King's College London, 1908-1911; correspondence and papers relating to non-recurrent, capital and block grants, 1947-1951, 1965-1982; report on the merger of King's College London, Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College, 1984; correspondence concerning loans, debts, income tax, insurance, investments, and departmental expenditure, 1897-1981; trust deeds, correspondence and reports relating to the Staff and College retirement funds and superannuation schemes, 1898-1923, 1930-1931, 1948-1953, 1971-1985 (KAS/AD2). Title deeds and correspondence relating to the advowson of West Barkworth, Lincolnshire, 1750-1957, the benefice of Westmill in Hertfordshire, 1901-1985, and the benefice of Bolney in Sussex, 1957-1968; Building Extension fund donations, 1881-1896, 1907-1910; Agreements, leases, plans, correspondence and reports relating to the letting, purchase, alteration and refurbishment of buildings, 1892-1987, notably laboratories, 1898-1915, 1945-1952, 1960-1966; establishment of the Architectural Museum, 1896-1897; repairs and maintenance of the College organ, 1910-1911, 1929-1932, 1974-1976; various Strand buildings, 1907-1920, 1935-1945; properties in Bristol, 1939-1942; chapel alterations, 1930-1935, 1946-1948; inventories of departmental apparatus 1906-1968; war damage, 1945-1952; Accommodation Committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1987; development of 62-68 Half Moon Lane site, London (Botany and Zoology departments), 1950-1968; Planning and Steering Committees and various subcommittees minutes and papers, 1954-1969; development of King's College London Quadrilateral (Strand site) correspondence, papers, plans and Subcommittee minutes, 1954-1976; alterations to Medical Faculty Building minutes and papers, 1960-1979; correspondence with the National Trust concerning the Roman Bath, 1962-1974; campaign to acquire the East wing of Somerset House public access, 1963-1976 (KAS/AD3). Correspondence, minutes, plans, accounts and inventories relating to the establishment, running and development of King's College London's hostels for students, 1902-1982, notably King's College Hall, 1910-1982, including use by the RAF, 1940-1946; King's College Hostel, Vincent Square, London, 1908-1982, including use as a military hospital during World War One, 1914-1919, and air raid warden station during World War Two, 1939-1942; Halliday Hall, London, formerly Montrose Court Hotel, 1949-1976; Women's Hostel, Queensborough Terrace, London, 1920-1946, Theological Hostel, 42-43 Mecklenburgh Square, London, 1902-1908 (KAS/AD4). Correspondence and papers relating to Service Units and functions, 1966-1977, notably the Animal Unit, 1966-1981, Boat House, 1926-1947; establishment and development of the Computer Unit, 1964-1983; Dining Hall/Catering Department/Refectory Committee 1889-1920, 1942-1983; Rogate Field Centre near Midhurst, Sussex, 1965-1982; Safety Committees, 1957-1982 (KAS/AD5). Papers, relating to personnel including appointments, salaries, sabbatical leave, training, student demonstrations, negotiating, staffing and consultative committees, overall policy and welfare, 1895-1924, 1931, 1938-1939, 1944-1991, notably Advisory Committees on Academic, Clerical, Technical and Manual Staff, 1952-1986; Association of University Teachers Committees, 1938-1939, 1952-1985; various staff appointments and retirements including the Principal, the Dean, and Chairs and Established Readerships, 1895-1920, 1944, 1947-1952, 1956-1991 (KAS/AD6). Papers relating to the Union of Students notably grants, student discipline, clubs, welfare and day nursery, 1898-1922, 1948-1983 (KAS/AD7). Papers relating to World War One, notably research work and munition training to support the war effort, 1914-1921; war memorials, 1918-1941, 1950-1952, 1972-1983; Mitcham Sports Ground, 1919-1931, 1968-1975; emergency arrangements made by King's College London during World War Two 1938-1948; Fire and air raid precautions, 1938-1945; staff and students deferral of National Service 1939-1956; Centenary committees and appeal, 1927-1933; 150th Anniversary celebrations 1975-1981; Development Trust programme 1978-1984 (KAS/AD8).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

GRANT, Gen Sir Charles John Cecil (1877-1950)

  • Collection
  • 1805-1946

Various military papers, mainly dating from the nineteenth century, including standing orders, despatches and a paper by Gen Sir Frederick Roberts on Russia, all probably collected by Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, 1805-1811, 1871-1885, 1918-1921. Correspondence and papers relating to Lt Gen Sir Robert Grant (see above), including material concerning his career, and correspondence from Gen Sir Henry Redvers Buller, 1900. Letters and papers of Charles John Cecil Grant, notably correspondence with Rosebery, mainly letters written whilst on active service on the Western Front, World War One, 1914-1927, French Gen Maxime Weygand, including comments on the Versailles Treaty and the death of French Marshal Ferdinand Foch, 1919-1948, and Lt Gen Sir Oliver William Hargreaves Leese, 3rd Bt, on military operations in Italy during World War Two, 1943-1944. Copies of diary entries and notes written by Charles John Cecil Grant whilst serving as a liaison officer to French Headquarters on the Western Front, World War One, Mar-Nov 1918.

Grant, Sir Charles John Cecil, 1877-1950, Knight, General

MAURICE, Maj Gen Sir Frederick Barton (1871-1951)

  • Collection
  • [1806]-1812

Papers of Major General Sir Frederick Barton Maurice, relating to his letter to the press concerning the government's statements about the strength of the British Army, May 1918, dated 1917-1971, principally comprising Maurice's diary, Jan-May 1918; printed and typescript texts by Maurice, 1918-1919, 1922, notably including 'The story of the crisis of May 1918', dated 1918; correspondence with family and colleagues, 1918-1922, 1925, 1934, 1936; newspaper cuttings, 1918, 1936, 1939; copies of Parliamentary and War Cabinet papers, 1918; correspondence relating to The Maurice Case (Leo Cooper, London, 1972) by Nancy Maurice (Nancy Spears, wife of Maj Gen Sir Edward (Louis) Spears, 1st Bt), 1967-1971. Papers collected by Maurice during the writing of The life of General Lord Rawlinson of Trent (Cassell and Co, London, 1928) and Haldane (Faber and Faber, London, 1937, 1939), comprising letters received by Rt Hon Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane, 1894, 1898, 1902, 1915-1916, 1919, 1928; letters received by Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson of Trent, 1888, 1914-1916, 1918, 1921, notably including letters from Maj Gen Henry Hughes Wilson and Gen Sir Alexander John Godley concerning the Battle of the Aisne, Sep 1914 and operations at Gallipoli, 1915.

Other papers relating to his life and career, 1888-1951, dated 1888-1971, principally comprising letters to his wife describing his service in South Africa, 1899-1900, and as General Staff Officer, 3 Div, France, 1914-1915, and Director of Military Operations, Imperial General Staff, 1915; correspondence, 1915-1919, relating to his service as Director of Military Operations, 1915-1918, notably including letters from Maj Gen Archibald Armar Montgomery-Massingberd, Maj Gen John Humphrey Davidson, Lt Gen Sir George (Norton) Cory, Lt Gen Sir William Raine Marshall, Maj Gen Sir Arthur Lynden Lynden-Bell concerning operations on the Western Front, 1916-1917, and in the Balkans, 1916-1917, Mesopotamia, 1917-1918, and Palestine, 1917; correspondence with Gen Sir Charles Harington Harington, [1923], 1925, 1932, 1934; printed and typescript articles, lectures and other writings, 1913-1943, notably including text of 'On the uses of the study of war', his inaugural lecture as Professor of Military Studies, London University, 1927, text of Maurice's Lee Knowles lecture 'Public opinion in war', and articles on arms limitation, 1921, 1926, the Graeco-Turkish War, 1922, the Corfu Incident, [1923], and the possibility of war between the USA and Japan, 1925; newspaper cuttings, 1912-1919, 1924-1927, 1938, 1945, 1951, principally comprising reviews of his books. Family papers, [1806-1812], principally comprising papers relating to Maurice's grandfather, Frederick Denison Maurice, [1833-1869], 1927; papers relating to his wife's family, [1806-1812], 1874-1879, 1896, 1909-[1915], 1921, notably including personal letters written by her great-grandfather, Spencer Perceval, [1806-1812], and an account of a day during the Paris Commune, written in [1871] by [Norman Spencer].

Maurice, Sir Frederick Barton, 1871-1951, Knight, Major General

DILL, FM Sir John Greer (1881-1944)

  • DILL
  • Collection
  • 1814

Papers, 1814, 1857-1963, of Field Marshal Sir John Greer Dill and his family. Papers relating to Dill's family and family estates date largely from 1857-1953, but include press cuttings, 1814. The collection mainly comprises papers, telegrams and photographs relating to Dill's life and military career, dating from 1901-1944 but particularly from 1914 onwards, and includes correspondence and other papers concerning his service as General Staff Officer 1, 37 Division, and General Staff Officer 1, Operations Branch, General Headquarters, British Armies in France, Western Front, World War One, 1917-1918, notably instructions to 37 Division, 1917; 15 Division Operational Orders for the Battle of Arras, 1917. Official and some personal correspondence and notes, 1916-1939, including record of the advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1919; lecture notes relating to Dill's service as Chief Instructor, Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, 1920, and to his promotion to Lt Gen, 1936; letters from Captain Basil Henry Liddell Hart, Maj Gen Sir Sydney Frederick Muspratt, Maj Gen Arthur Cecil Temperley, and Maj Gen John Dudley Laverack, 1926-1939; correspondence with Field Marshal Sir Cyril John Deverell, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, relating to Dill's service as General Officer Commanding, Palestine and Transjordan, Sep 1936-Jul 1937. Official correspondence relating to Dill's command of 1 Army Corps France and Belgium, 1939-1940, principally including correspondence between Maj Gen Sir Henry Royds Pownall, Chief of General Staff British Expeditionary Force (BEF), and Lt Gen Ronald Forbes Adam, General Officer Commanding 3 Army Corps, Sep-Oct 1939; correspondence between Dill and Maj Gen Hugh Royds Stokes Massy, Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff. and Chief of General Staff Maj Gen Henry Royds Pownall, Oct 1939; correspondence with US Gen George Catlett Marshal, Chief of Staff US Army, relating to Joint Planning Committee, Mar 1940; correspondence on liaison arrangements between the French and British armies in France, Oct 1939, and letter to Dill as Chief of Imperial General Staff, from Lt Gen Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, General Officer Commanding in Chief, Southern Command, Nov 1940. Typescript report relating to imposition of economic sanctions against Ireland due to the refusal of permission for the use of Irish ports by the Royal Navy, Nov-Dec 1940, with letter from Maj Gen Hubert Jervoise Huddleston, General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland District, to Gen Bernard Paget, Chief of Staff, Home Forces, explaining the need for an appreciation of the political situation in Ireland, Jun 1940. Semi-official letters, diaries and notes to Dill as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, War Office, London, 1940-1941, including letter from Rt Hon (Arthur) Neville Chamberlain, Lord President of the Council, Aug 1940, official diary of tour of the Mediterranean, Feb-Apr 1941, correspondence congratulating promotion to Field Marshal, 1941; copy of personal minutes of Prime Minister, Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, May 1941; notes on Dill's visit to Paris, France, with Prime Minister Churchill, including diary of events, May 1940; typescript notes on telephone conversation with Rt Hon (Robert) Anthony Eden, Secretary of State for War, Nov 1940; correspondence with Field Marshal Rt Hon Jan Christian Smuts, Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Pretoria, South Africa, Nov 1941,Gen Bernard (Charles Tolver) Paget, Commander in Chief Home Forces, Nov 1941, Lt Gen Arthur Nugent Floyer-Acland, Secretary to the Secretary of State for War, Nov 1941. Letters and notes relating to Gen Sir Archibald Percival Wavell, Commander-in-Chief India, including notes on operations in Greece, the defence of Egypt, Palestine and Crete, Sep 1941, and personal letter from Lt Gen Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Command, regarding Prime Minister Churchill's negative attitude to Gen Wavell, May 1941. Four albums of photographs relating to Placentia Bay Conference, Newfoundland, Canada, Aug 1941, official visit to Canada, Aug-Sep 1943, and the Casablanca Conference, code name SYMBOL, Jan 1943, including the Prime Minister, Churchill, aboard HMS PRINCE OF WALES and aboard USS AUGUSTA 1941.

Dill, Sir John Greer, 1881-1944, Knight, Field Marshal

HAMILTON, Gen Sir Ian Standish Monteith (1853-1947)

  • Collection
  • 1814-2015

Papers, 1814-2015, relating to Hamilton's life, military career and activities. The collection specifically includes correspondence, 1852-1899; diaries and notebooks, 1870-1899; printed correspondence and speeches of FM Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Waterford and Pretoria, 1878-1893; diaries kept during the siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, 1899-1900; personal and official correspondence during the Second Boer War, 1899-1902, including Hamilton's letters to FM Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Waterford and Pretoria, 1901-1902, and operational correspondence of 10 Div and Hamilton's Force, 1900; Hamilton's diaries of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 and related correspondence, 1902-1905; publications of the Royal Commissions on the war in South Africa and on the Militia and Volunteers, 1903-1904; correspondence as General Officer Commanding Southern Command, 1905-1909, and related official papers; correspondence as General Officer Commanding Mediterranean Command and Inspector General of Overseas Forces, 1910-1914, including papers relating to compulsory and voluntary military service, official reports on overseas forces, and correspondence relating to Hamilton's tours of the West Indies, South Africa, the Far East, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; correspondence as Commander-in-Chief Central Force, Home Defence, 1914-1915; papers as General Officer Commanding Mediterranean Expeditionary Force on Gallipoli, 1915, including correspondence with FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, and the War Office, Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill MP, Lt Gen Sir John Grenfell Maxwell and Lt Gen Sir William Riddell Birdwood; papers relating to Ellis Ashmead Bartlett and Keith Arthur Murdoch, war correspondents on Gallipoli; papers relating to operations at Suvla Bay and Sari Bair, Aug-Sep 1915, and to the efficiency of commanding officers; papers relating to Hamilton's despatches from Gallipoli, and to recommendations for decorations; official despatches, 1914-1919; force orders, intelligence bulletins and other papers of General Headquarters, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force; papers relating to Hamilton's Gallipoli diary; maps and official photographs of the Gallipoli Campaign; depositions of witnesses given to the Dardanelles Commission, with related correspondence, 1916-1919; correspondence with the War Office, 1917-1938; correspondence as Colonel of the Gordon Highlanders, 1912-1949; correspondence relating to ex-servicemen, the British Legion, and to war memorials, 1916-1949; correspondence and papers as Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, 1932-1936; correspondence with major military, political and literary acquaintances, including Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill MP, Rt Hon Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane of Cloan, Capt Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart, John Masefield, FM Sir William Robert Robertson, and senior officers associated with the Gallipoli Campaign, 1916-1949; correspondence relating to the Anglo-German Association and to Anglo-German relations, 1928-1947; correspondence with members of the public and relatives, 1908-1948; business and financial correspondence, 1913-1947; correspondence relating to Hamilton's estate and his literary executors, 1948-1969; papers relating to Hamilton's publications, 1872-1948; speeches, articles and letters to the press, 1918-1947; scrapbooks and press cuttings, 1883-1971; photographs, 1855-1947; publications and other printed material, 1814-1966; diaries, correspondence and publications of Hamilton's wife, Jean Miller Hamilton, Lady Hamilton, 1869-1940; correspondence of Eleanor Charlotte Sellar, 1896-1934, including correspondence with Hamilton, FM Sir George Stuart White and FM Sir Neville Bowles Chamberlain.

Hamilton, Sir Ian Standish Monteith, 1853-1947, Knight, General

SHORT, Brig Sir Noel Edward Vivian (1916-2001)

  • Collection
  • 1815-1994

Papers relating to Brigadier Short's service in Malaya, correspondence, journal articles and photographs, 1950-1994; notably including copies of the Army Quarterly and regimental newsletter Parbate containing articles on Short and on the role of the Staff College, 1958, 1982; copy of an extract from Jai Sixth. The story of the 6th Queen Elizabeth's Own Gurkha Rifles, 1817-1994 by James Lunt (Leo Cooper, London, 1994), including an account by Short of jungle operations during the Malayan Emergency, 1955; typescript copy of a letter written by an ancestor, Charles William Short of the Coldstream Guards, to his mother, 19 June 1815, containing a first hand account of the Battle of Waterloo; brief article by John Parfect on a memorial erected in Ampleforth College by Parfect and Short to Capt Michael Allmand of the Gurkha Rifles; Portrait photographs of Short.

Short, Sir Noel Edward Vivian, Knight, 1916-2001

EDMONDS, Brig Gen Sir James Edward (1861-1956)

  • Collection
  • 1827-1838

Papers created or collected by Edmonds during the course of his life and career, dated 1827-1838, 1852, 1879-1881, 1890-1957, principally comprising typescript memoirs covering his life and career, 1861-1951, and notably concerning his work at the Royal Military Academy, 1890-1896, and in the Intelligence Division of the War Office, 1899-1901, 1904-1908, his service in South Africa, 1901-1902, and in World War One, 1914-1918, at the Geneva Conference, 1906, as General Staff Officer, 4 Div, 1911-1914, and in the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1919-1949, written in [1951]; correspondence with Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, 1922-1954, relating to Churchill's book The World Crisis, 1911-1918 (Thornton Butterworth, London,1923-1929, abridged and revised, 1931); letters from FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig and his wife, 1903-1939, mainly relating to Edmonds' work on the official history of World War One; correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Ernest (Dunlop) Swinton, 1919-1950; texts of lectures,[1908-1947], notably relating to the American Civil War, 1861-1865, laws of war and the organisation of intelligence and information in warfare; typescript and printed articles, 1893-1957, mainly relating to World War One; official army handbooks and reports by Edmonds and others, 1899-1918, 1945; papers related to World War One collected by Edmonds, dated 1900, 1907, 1914-[1945]; presscuttings, [1906-1943], mainly concerning political and military developments and international relations; photographs, 1895-1918, mainly of Edmonds with Army colleagues.

Edmonds, Sir James Edward, 1861-1956, Knight, Brigadier General

COURTHOPE, Charles Frederick (b 1821)

  • K/PP3
  • Collection
  • 1849-1850

Cuttings of illustrations and articles, 1849-1850, presumed from the Illustrated London News and similar, mainly concerning the construction of docks, bridges, ships, and tunnels. Also includes cuttings relating to the Siege of Rome, Italian War of Independence, Apr-Jun 1849.

Courthope, Charles Frederick, b 1821

ALISON, Gen Sir Archibald, 2nd Bt (1826-1907)

  • Collection
  • 1851-1919

Papers, 1851-1919, relating to the military career of Sir Archibald Alison, including: detailed sketch map of Lucknow Garrison, India, 1851; memoranda to Alison from Lt Gen Sir Colin Campbell, Commander of British expedition to suppress Indian Mutiny, concerning troop movements, India, and operations at Lucknow for the relief of Lucknow Garrison, India, 1857; correspondence relating to British military operations in India, 1858-1862; records of service and correspondence relating to Alison's appointments, 1858-1892, with correspondents including Sir Henry Thurston Holland, 1st Lord Knutsford, Secretary of State for the Colonies, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge, Commander in Chief of the British Army, and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Secretary of State for War; press cuttings relating to Alison's career, 1863-1907, including article, 'The brains of the Army', The Word, 17 Nov 1880, detailing the work of the Intelligence Department under Alison; official correspondence, 1868-1892; lithograph map of the battle of Amoaful (Amoafo), Ghana, printed by the Topographical Department of the War Office, 1874; letter from Alison's cousin, Gen Sir Montagu Gilbert Gerard, with detailed account of the capture of Kabul, Afghanistan, 1880; official correspondence relating to the campaign in Egypt, 1882-1883, chiefly concerning appointments, the state of the troops, organisation, and the necessity of retaining a permanent force in Egypt; memoranda by Alison, 1885-1886, on subjects including the Government of India proposals for a permanent increase in British troops in India, demobilisation in Egypt, Colonel Sir Charles Wilson's failure to reach Khartoum in time to relieve General Charles Gordon, and the importance of mounted infantry; notes [1889], by Alison on his career, 1845-1881; correspondence and press cuttings relating to Alison's death and funeral, 1907; correspondence between the Alison family and Blackwoods publishers, 1914-1918, concerning a possible biography of Alison; article, 'The European Brigade under Brigadier General Sir Archibald Alison in the Ashanti War, 1873-1874' by Major General Sir Charles Walker Robinson, Alison's son-in-law, [1919].

Alison, Sir Archibald, 1826-1907, 2nd Baronet, General

SPEARS, Maj Gen Sir Edward Louis (1886-1974)

  • Collection
  • 1851-[1974]

Papers, mainly on World War One compiled by Sir Edward Louis Spears, 1851-[1974]; notably including official World War One correspondence and telegrams, to GHQ, 1 Army, Gen Douglas Haig, Lt Gen Sir Henry Wilson and other officers, on infantry composition, munitions and artillery, lists of officers, colonial troops, morale, observation and intelligence gathering, the lessons of specific campaigns, the employment of tanks, casualties, prisoners of war (POWs), training, public opinion, operational orders for the French 6 Army by Gen Emile Fayolle, and more generally relations between the French and British armies, meetings, views and opinions by and concerning French C-in-C Henri-Philippe Petain, French Northern Army Commander, Ferdinand Foch, and Robert Nivelle, French C-in-C, 1916-1917, an interview with Georges Clemenceau, French Prime Minister from Nov 1917, US, Japanese, Greek and other correspondence and communications over Siberia, Japan, Finland, Bulgaria, and demands for independence by Eastern European peoples, US participation in the War and opinions on President Woodrow Wilson, Italian military offensives, precis of interviews with corps and army commanders, manuscript diary (1915), on the Russian civil war, post-war commerce, correspondence with Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill on post-war claims, the current political and military situation, especially in Russia, and Versailles peace conference papers, 1914-1920 (Spears Section 1); unpublished material collected by Spears for his publications on the War, including a report of events for 122 Bd, Royal Field Artillery (1916), detailed memoranda and correspondence concerning operations notably comprising copy letters between FM Sir Douglas Haig, Gen Nivelle, and others including to the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, and on reinforcements, the German postions, the Calais Agreement of February 1917, 1 and 3 Army operations, Franch Army mutinies in 1917, extracts from a diary covering the Battle of Arras, Apr 1917, the politics of liaison, interviews with French and British officers, including French C-in-C Henri-Philippe Petain and Lt Gen Sir Launcelot Edward Kiggell reflecting on strategic and other concerns, 1916-1938 (Spears Section 2); printed material by other authors on World War One used by Spears in his published studies, [1917-1964] (Spears Section 3); draft notes and chapters for Spears' published works on World War One, [1919-1974] (Spears Section 4); original source material and notes by Spears on the 1870 Siege of Paris, mainly rough notes and draft chapters on the Siege, original and copy letters from participants describing events and an exercise book containing lecture notes redating the Franco-Prussian War, [1851-1974] (Spears Section 5); newspaper reviews of Spears' books and critics' letters, 1930-1969 (Spears Section 6); material relating to a war memorial at Mons, 1936-1968 (Spears Section 7); personal papers, mainly articles on the life of Spears [1918-1974] (Spears Section 8), maps, principally of Arras, Bullecourt and Mons, during 1917 [1917]-1959 (Spears Section 9); photographic material, post cards and watercolour sketches, including of trenches, damaged buildings, troops and officers, and a visit to the Balkans in 1920, 1914-[1920] (Spears Section 10); photocopies of some items of Second World War material transferred to Churchill College, Cambridge, mainly on the fall of France, General de Gaulle, and French resistance, [1940-1943].

Spears, Sir Edward Louis, 1886-1974, 1st Baronet, Major General

BIRD, Lt Col Aylmer Douglas Wilberforce (1908-1972)

  • BIRD
  • Collection
  • 1857-1972

Papers relating to his military career, 1937-1972, principally comprising recruitment poster for North Staffordshire Regt, 1937; unsigned account of operations of 2 Bn North Staffs Regt, France, 12 May-1 Jun 1940, written in [1940]; unsigned account of operations of 6 Bn North Staffordshire Regt, France, 1 Jul-31 Aug 1944, written in [1944]; The Battle of Flanders by Kenneth Adam (Hutchinson and Co, London, 1940); papers relating to his service with North Staffordshire Regt in Trieste, 1951-1953, principally comprising press cuttings concerning protests against the Allied Military Government in Trieste, 1953, and official photographs of visit by Adm Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet, [1952-1953]; copies of letters written to his family during his service in Korea, 1953-1954; press cuttings relating to evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France, 1940. Papers relating to Bird's grandfather Gen James Lewis Bird, 1857- 1938, notably including copy of a letter from Gen James Lewis Bird to his sister Pamela, 2 Jun 1857, describing the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny at Meerut, India, May-Jun 1857.

Bird, Aylmer Douglas Wilberforce, 1908-1972, Lieutenant Colonel

PYMAN, Gen Sir Harold English (1908-1971)

  • Collection
  • 1860-1901

The collection covers Pyman's career from 1937 until 1963 when he suffered a severe stroke which forced his retirement in 1964. The earliest papers date from Pyman's work with the Royal Tank Cadre in converting the 17/21 Lancers from a cavalry to an armoured regiment. There are also papers from Pyman's period as an instructor at the Staff College in Quetta, India, 1939-1941. Pyman was involved in the World War Two campaigns by the 8 Army in the Western Desert, in 1941 as General Staff Officer with 7 Armoured Div, 30 Corps and in 1942-1943 as Commander of the 3 Royal Tank Regiment, 10 Armoured Div, 30 Corps. The papers consist mostly of Pyman's assessments of lessons learned from the ongoing campaigns particularly with regard to tanks and armoured units. In 1944-1945 Pyman was Brigidier General Staff, 30 Corps, 2 Army in the Normandy landings and the invasion of Northern Europe, with particular responsibility for organisation and planning of the Rhine crossing and advance to the Baltic. This is reflected in the papers which largely consist of planning studies and reports for the operations involved, this section also contains maps used in the campaign. Pyman's next appointment was as Chief of General Staff, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, 1945-1946 which is documented by a series of diaries which reflect the tasks faced by Pyman in this command including dealing with the build up of tension between newly liberated former colonies keen to assert their right for independence and the former colonial powers such as France and Netherlands. Pyman spent 1946-1949 as Chief of Staff, Middle East Land Forces and kept monthly diaries which form the bulk of this section of the collection. The diary entries and additional papers reflect the debate over policy in the Middle East in the British Government and Military command, they include detail on the British withdrawal from Greece, the problem of illegal Jewish immigrants and their internment in Cyprus, the end of the British mandate in Palestine and the the effect of this on relations between Britain with Egypt and the other Arab states and the subsequent Arab Israeli conflict. This section of the collection also contains correspondence between Pyman and Maj Gen Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey on personal matters and on the Middle East. There are also papers from Pyman's work at the Ministry of Supply as Director General of Fighting Vehicles, 1951-1953, Director of Weapons Development, War Office, 1955-1956 mostly brief diary entries and lecture texts. Pyman was also General Officer Commanding, British Army on the Rhine, 1953-1955 and General Officer Commanding, 1 British Corps, 1956-1958 and the papers relating to these commands consist mostly of lectures, reports and directives reflecting his interest in armoured divisions and training. There are some papers, mostly personal correspondence and press cuttings, from Pyman's final command as Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Northern Europe in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). The collection also contains correspondence relating to Pyman's role as Colonel Commandant of the Royal Tank Regiment and The Royal Armoured Corps and a series of letters covering the reorganisation of the Berks and Westminster Dragoons, of which he was Honorary Colonel. The rest of the collection consists of diaries, correspondence, speeches, writings including the draft copy and papers relating to his autobiography, some preparatory work on a history of the 2 Army and reference works. The collection also includes the Boer War diaries and other papers of Col James Redmond Patrick Gordon who commanded the 1 Cavalry Bde of the South African Field Force 1900-1901 which were given to Pyman by a friend.

Pyman, Harold English ('Pete'), 1908-1971, Knight, General

BETHELL, Adm Hon Sir Alexander Edward (1855-1932)

  • Collection
  • 1865-1979

Papers relating to early naval career, 1872-1907 including midshipman's log books; papers relating to service as Director of Naval Intelligence, 1909-1912, Commander-in-Chief, East Indies, 1911-1918, commander of Royal Naval War College, Portsmouth, 1913-1914, commander of 3 Battle Fleet and Channel Fleet, 1914-1915 and Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth, 1916-1918; correspondence with Adm Sir Alexander Duff, 1917-1918, AF Lord Fisher, 1909-1918 and AF Lord Jellicoe, 1913-1918; personal papers and correspondence, 1865-1932; miscellaneous papers, 1901-1911; correspondence between the family and researchers using the papers, 1935-1979.

Bethell, Sir Alexander Edward, 1855-1932, Knight, Admiral

FIELD, Maj Harry Gooding (1866-1946)

  • K/PP112
  • Collection
  • 1866-1946

Typescript copy of the memoirs of Harry Gooding Field entitled 'Adventures in Finance', 21 Oct 1942, detailing his accountancy career working in Canada, the United States, Malaysia and Singapore, with copies of birth, marriage and death certificate and other official documents relating to Harry Gooding Field.

Field, Harry Gooding, 1866-1946, accountant

CAMPBELL, Maj Gen Lorn Henry Dick (1846-1913)

  • Collection
  • 1868-1914

Papers relating to his life and military career, 1868-1914, principally comprising press cuttings relating to his service in the Afghan War, 1878-1879, and in Waziristan, India, 1881, and China, 1900-1901; photographs relating to his service in China, 1900-1901; typescript translations of letters from Chinese General Li-Antang to Adm Sir James Andrew Thomas Bruce, regarding the surrender of forts by Chinese forces during the Boxer Rebellion, 1900.

Campbell, Lorn Henry Dick, 1846-1913, Major General

POORE, Lt Col Roger Alvin (1870-1917)

  • Collection
  • 1869-1879

Papers relating to his life and career, 1896-1902, 1908-1918, principally comprising letters to his family, 1896-1902, notably describing his service in operations in Orange Free State and Transvaal, South Africa, 1899-1900; notebook relating to his service in South Africa, 1899-1902, containing copies of brigade and divisional orders, notes on horses health, lists of men killed and financial accounts; 'Notes from beleaguered Kimberley', an account of the siege and relief of Kimberley, Feb 1900, by one of his colleagues, [1900]; letters to his wife, 1913-1917, notably describing his service in the UK, 1914-1917, and on the Western Front, 1917; letters to Poore's wife from Lt Col William Brooksbank Garnett, Commanding Officer, 2nd Bn, Royal Welch Fusiliers, 1917-1918, chiefly concerning the circumstances of Poore's death; army message book containing notes on explosives, 1917; photographs of Poore, 1882-1917. Family papers, 1869-1879, 1893, 1899-1979, notably including papers relating to Poore's wife, Mrs Lorne Margery Poore (née Dennistoun), 1869-1879, 1899-1979; correspondence with his sister, Nina Hamilton, wife of Duke of Hamilton, concerning Poore's management of a suspense account established to provide for the Hamilton's children, 1904-1916.

Poore, Roger Alvin, 1870-1917, Lieutenant Colonel

LIDDELL HART, Capt Sir Basil Henry (1895-1970)

  • Collection
  • 1870-1976

Capt Sir Basil Liddell Hart's papers reflect his position as the foremost military theorist in Britain between World Wars One and Two, as an influential military correspondent and as a prolific author of books on military theory and history. As such he sustained throughout his life an extensive correspondence with a wide variety of prominent individuals, including those in the armed forces, politicians, playwrights, journalists, military historians, embassy officials and clergymen.The collection includes Liddell Hart's files containing correspondence with several thousand individuals, as well as with government departments and military establishments, and clubs and political parties; his own military writings, including diary notes, memoranda, books, articles, letters to the press and texts of lectures; and an extensive collection of reference material, mainly comprising newspaper cuttings and pamphlets, covering a wide range of topics including military history, politics and society. The collection includes a small quantity of correspondence with Lady Liddell Hart, particularly after 1970.Correspondence with individuals, 1916-1970, with related papers, 1/1-780; general correspondence, 1904-1976, including with Embassy staff, Israeli military personnel, and researchers, 2/1-3241; correspondence with British and overseas publishers, military and non-military journals, news agencies, literary and legal advisers, 1919-1970, 3/1-196; correspondence with official institutions, 1927-1970, including government departments, military establishments and museums, with correspondence relating to official histories of World Wars One and Two, 4/1-39; correspondence with political parties, clubs and organisations, 1922-1970, 5/1-35; letters to newspapers and journals, 1927-1968, 6/1927/1-6/1968/2; writings relating to military matters, 1910-1925, including diaries and notebooks, 7/1910/1-7/1925/13; papers relating to early life and career, 1895-1925, including service in World War One, 8/1-355; manuscripts, typescripts, proofs and reviews of books written or edited by Liddell Hart, with related papers, 1925-1970, 9/1-32, which includes notes on talks with T E Lawrence, 9/13, papers relating to German generals of World War Two, 9/24, and correspondence and papers relating to tanks, 9/28; published articles, including book reviews, with related papers, 1925-1969, 10/1925/1-10/1969/19 plus miscellaneous and supplementary papers; unpublished papers, 1925-1970, including appointment diaries, records of conversations and papers on military matters, and papers relating to Leslie Hore-Belisha, 1937-1957, 11/1925/1-11/1970/1 plus undated memoranda; notes for lectures, speeches, broadcasts and interviews, 1926-1969, with related correspondence, 12/1926/1-12/1969/4 plus miscellaneous papers; papers including presscuttings and copy letters relating to life and career, 1925-1970, 13/1-112; non-military material, including papers relating to religion, philosophy, sport, aviation, science, psychology and fashion, 1913-1969, 14/1-93; reference material, including original and published papers and proofs of publications, relating to military history, politics and society, 15/1-7, 16; military manuals and pamphlets, 1870-1961, 15/8.

See below for those individuals who passed their own private papers to Liddell Hart.

The following individuals passed their own private collections of papers to Liddell Hart: Brig George Fothergill Ellenberger (1895-[1974]), 15/9; Maj Henry Ellis D Harris (1913-1983), 15/10; Maj Gen Sir Percy Cleghorn Stanley Hobart (1885-1957), 15/11; Maj Gen George Mackintosh Lindsay (1880-1956), 15/12; Col Karol Lubinski (1890-[1972]), 15/13; Col Roderick ('Rory') Macleod (1891-1984), 15/14; Reginald William Winchester (Chester) Wilmot (1911-1954), 15/15.

Hart, Sir Basil Henry Liddell, 1895-1970, Knight, Captain, military historian

UNDERHILL, Evelyn (1875-1941)

  • K/PP75
  • Collection
  • 1874-1997

Papers of and relating to Evelyn Underhill, 1874-1997 and undated, comprising personal correspondence of and concerning Underhill, 1888-1969 and undated, the correspondents including Baron Friedrich von Hugel (three letters, 1911-1916), Underhill's husband Hubert Stuart Moore (117 letters from Underhill to Moore, 1890-1912 and undated, and 30 letters from Moore to Underhill, 1898-1906 and undated), Rabindranath Tagore (typed transcripts of 10 letters from Underhill to Tagore, 1913-1914), and members of the Underhill family, the subjects ranging from Catholicism, travels in Italy, Switzerland and France, publications and lectures, spiritual matters and advice, mysticism, health, and World War Two; correspondence, 1907-[1954], with various publishers concerning Underhill's publications (some posthumous) and broadcasts, including copyright, costs, sales and royalties; manuscripts and typescripts containing proposed holiday itineraries and recording Underhill's impressions while travelling in Italy, Switzerland and France, 1898-1899, 1901-1907; poetry, 1917-1923 and undated, including some work which was published; a speech at King's College London on being elected a Fellow, 1927; an article on 'The Fountain of Life: an iconographical study', published in 1910; material relating to spiritual development, 1921-1939, mainly under the guidance of Baron Friedrich Von Hugel and including transcripts of his letters, 1921-1924, and other items on spiritual advice, confessions, goals and progress; papers relating to retreats and religious writings, 1924-1932 and undated, including notebooks and texts of addresses; printed material by and concerning Underhill, 1926-1941, 1990, including some of her publications; press cuttings, 1891-1949, mainly reviews of Underhill's work but also including early published pieces; sketchbooks and drawings, 1892-1911 and undated, including sketches and watercolours of marine scenes in Britain, ecclesiastical subjects, and Italian and French architecture; photographs, c1925-c1930s and undated, including a photograph and negatives of Underhill (one at Pleshey), a portrait of Baron Von Hugel, marine views, and views of French and Italian castles and towns; material relating to the Underhill family, 1874-1940, including the marriage certificate of Evelyn Underhill's parents, 1874, a family tree, c1891, a copy of Evelyn Underhill's will, 1940, and details of books in Dr Williams's Library, London, which originated from Underhill's library; obituaries of and articles about Underhill, 1941-1997, including theses, bibliographies, memoirs, biographical material and reflections on her work; newsletters of the Evelyn Underhill Association, 1992-1997.

Underhill, Evelyn, 1875-1941, Christian mystic

BALLARD, Brig Gen Colin Robert (1868-1941)

  • Collection
  • [1874]

Correspondence, [1874], 1900-1901, 1914-1916, principally comprising letters to his family describing his service with 6 Corps, Mounted Infantry, South Africa, 1900-1901, and with 1 Norfolk Regt and 7, 95 and 14 Infantry Bdes, France and Belgium, 1914-1916, notably at the Battle of Mons, Aug 1914.

Ballard, Colin Robert, 1868-1941, Brigadier General

Results 1 to 20 of 649