Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Franklin, Reginald George, b 1899

  • KCL-AF1106
  • Person
  • 1899-

Born 1899; postgraduate student, Faculty of Natural Science, King's College London, 1924-1926.

Franklin, Alfred White, 1905-1984, Honorary Consulting Paediatrician

  • KCL-AF1105
  • Person
  • 1905-1984

Born, 1905; educated, Clare College, Cambridge and St Bartholomew's Hospital, London; Lawrence Scholarship and Gold Medal, St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1933 and 1934; Temple Cross Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1934-1935; Honorary Consulting Physician, Department of Child Health, St Bartholomew's Hospital; Honorary Consulting Paediatrician, Queen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital, London; co-founder, The Osler Club, London; President, British Society for Medical History, 1974-1976; President, International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, 1981-1982; died, 20 September 1984.

Publications: Editor of The care of invalid and crippled children (Oxford University Press, London, 1960); editor of World-blindness or specific developmental dyslexia (Pitman Medical Publishing Company, London, 1962); editor of Cancer report 1948-1952 with M P Curwen (E & S Livingstone, Edinburgh & London, 1963); editor of Children with communication problems (Pitman Medical Publishing Company, London, 1965); editor of Selected writings of Lord Moynihan (Pitman Medical Publishing Company, London, 1967); editor of Assessment and teaching of dyslexic children with Sandhya Naidoo (London, 1970); compiler of The Tunbridge Wells study group on non-accidental injury to children: report and resolutions (Tunbridge Wells, 1973); editor of Concerning child abuse: papers presented by the Tunbridge Wells study group on non-accidental injury to children (Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1975); Pastoral paediatrics (1976); Widening horizons of child health: a study of the medical health needs of children in England and Wales [1976]; editor of The challenge of child abuse: proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Royal Society of Medicine, 2-4 June 1976 (1977); editor of Child abuse: prediction, prevention and follow up (1977); editor of The abused child in the family and in the community: selected papers from the second international congress on child abuse and neglect, London, 1978 with C Henry Kempe and Christine Cooper (1980); editor of Family matters: perspectives on the family and social policy (1983).

Foxon, George Eric Howard, 1908-1979, biologist

  • KCL-AF0800
  • Person
  • 1908-1979

Born 1908; educated, King's College School, Wimbledon, Queens' College Cambridge; BA 1930, 1st Class Hons Natural Science Tripos Pt II, 1931; Assistant in Zoology, University of Glasgow, 1932-1937; MA 1934; Assistant Lecturer and Lecturer in Zoology, University College, Cardiff, 1937-1948; MSc (Wales) 1943; Professor of Biology and Head of Biology Department, Guy's Hospital Medical School, 1948-1972; Reader in Biology, University of London, 1948-1955; Professor of Biology, University of London, 1955-1972; Chairman, British Universal Film Council, 1959-1963, 1967-1969; Emeritus Professor, University of London, 1972-1979; Fellow Cambridge Philosophical Society; Fellow Linnean Society; Fellow, Institute of Biology; Fellow, Zoological Society; died, 1979. Publications: Report on Stomatopod Larvae, Cumacea and Cladocera [1930]; Stomatopod Larvæ, etc (London, 1939); various scientific papers, mainly dealing with the comparative study of the heart and blood system of vertebrate animals.

Fowke, Villiers Loftus Philip, 1887-1940, diplomat

  • KCL-AF0253
  • Person
  • 1887-1940

Born 1887; educated at St. Pauls School and at New College, Oxford; student interpreter at the British Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, 1913; appointed second assistant in Seoul, Korea, 1915; became acting Vice Consul in Kobe, Japan 1915; Vice Consul in Kobe, 1919; 1924-25 was the acting Consul in Dairen (Dalian, China); retired from the consular service in 1928; died 1940.

Foulkes, Charles Howard, 1875-1969, Major General

  • KCL-AF0252
  • Person
  • 1875-1969

Born in India, 1875; commissioned into the Army as 2nd Lt, Royal Engineers, 1894; service in Sierra Leone, West Africa, 1897-1899; service in the Boer War, 1899-1900; assistant commander on the Anglo-French Boundary Commission, Northern Nigeria, 1902-1904; service in West Africa, 1903; appointed Capt and married Dorothea Oakey, 1904; command of the Ordnance Survey of Scotland, 1904-1909; command of 31 (Fortress) Company, Ceylon, 1909-1912; command of L Company at RE Depot, Chatham, 1913; appointed Major, 1914; service on the Western Front, World War One, 1914-1918; appointed Gas Adviser, 1915; command of Special Brigade, and Director of Gas Services, 1917; President of the Chemical Warfare Committee, 1918; service in North West FrontierProvince, India, 1919-1920; appointed Lt Col, Commander, Royal Engineers in Fermoy, Ireland and Director of Irish Propaganda, 1921; Commander, Royal Engineers in Northumbria, 1922; appointed Col and Deputy Chief Engineer, Southern Command, 1924; Chief Engineer, Aldershot Command, 1926-1930; ADC, 1928; appointed Maj Gen, 1930; publication of Gas! The Story of the Special Brigade (W Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1934); Colonel Commandant, Royal Engineers, 1937-1945; publication of Commonsense and ARP, a practical guide for householders and business managers (C Arthur Pearson, London, 1939); awarded Gold Medal of the Institution of Royal Engineers, 1964; died in Hampshire, 1969.

Fordyce, George, 1736-1802, physican

  • KCL-AF0798
  • Person
  • 1736-1802

Born, Aberdeen, 1736; educated, school at Fouran, University of Aberdeen; trained with his his uncle, Dr John Fordyce of Uppingham, [1851-1855]; medical student, University of Edinburgh, 1855; M D, 1758; studied anatomy under Albinus at Leyden, 1759; commenced a course of lectures on chemistry, 1759; added courses on materia medica and the practice of physic, 1764, and continued to teach for nearly thirty years; licentiate of the College of Physicians, 1765; Physician, St Thomas's Hospital, 1770-1802; Fellow, Royal Society, 1776; 'speciali gratia' fellow of the College of Physicians, 1787; important part in compiling the new 'Pharmacopeia Londinensis,' issued 1788. assisted in forming a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge, 1793; died, 1802. Publications include: Elements of Agriculture and Vegetation , [Edinburgh, 1765]; Elements of the Practice of Physic third edition (J Johnson London, 1771); A Treatise on the digestion of food (London, 1791); A Dissertation on Simple Fever, or on fever consisting of one paroxysm only (J Johnson, London, 1794); A second dissertation on fever; containing the history and method of treatment of a regular tertian intermittent (London, 1795); A third dissertation on fever Containing the history and method of treatment of a regular continued fever, supposing it is left to pursue its ordinary course (London, 1798-99); A Fourth Dissertation on Fever. Containing the history of, and remedies to be employed in irregular intermitting fevers (J Johnson, London, 1802); A fifth dissertation on fever, containing the history of, and remedies to be employed in, irregular continued fevers edited by W C Wells (J Johnson, London, 1803).

Fordyce, Charles Elphinstone, 1897-1980, Army Captain

  • KCL-AF0251
  • Person
  • 1897-1980

Born in 1897; educated at Shrewsbury and Royal Military College, Sandhurst; 2nd Lt, Seaforth Highlanders, 1916; Lt, 1918; Capt, 1927; served on North West Frontier, India, 1930-1931; Reserve of Officers, 1931; rejoined Regt, 1939; died in 1980.

Results 2561 to 2580 of 3581