Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Brett, Percy Croad, fl 1917, medical student

  • KCL-AF0759
  • Person
  • fl1917

Percy Croad Brett of West Hampstead was a medical student, probably at St Mary's Hospital Paddington. John Ernest Frazer was born, London, 1870; educated at Dulwich College; trained at St Bartholomew's Hospital; worked in London and provincial hospitals; health injured by post-mortem wound; took up anatomy as speciality, 1900; Demonstrator, St George's Hospital; transferred to King's College Hospital, 1905; Lecturer, St Mary's Hospital, 1911; acted as Out Patient Surgeon during World War One; Professor of Anatomy, University of London, 1914-1941; Hunterian Professor, Royal College of Surgeons, 1915-1916; Harveian Lecturer, 1924; Member of Council and President, Anatomical Society; Examiner, Universities of London, Durham, Oxford, and Cambridge; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons; Professor Emeritus, University of London, 1942; died, 1946. Publications: The Anatomy of the Human Skeleton (J & A Churchill, London, 1914); Buchanan's Dissection Guide with Edward Barclay-Smith and R H Robbins (Bailliere & Co, London, 1930); A Manual of Embryology (Bailliere & Co, London, 1931); Manual of Practical Anatomy with Reginald Henry Robbins 2 volumes (Bailliere & Co, London, 1937); Buchanan's manual of anatomy including embryology sixth edition edited by J E Frazer (Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London, 1937); numerous papers, mainly Embryological in Journal of Anatomy and other Journals.

Brent, Harry Woodfall, 1834-1911, Vice Admiral

  • KCL-AF1030
  • Person
  • 1834-1911

Born in Middlesex, 1834; entered the Royal Navy as a cadet, 1848; commissioned as a midshipman, 1850, and served on HMS CALEDONIA, HMS CASTOR and HMS STYX; promoted Lieutenant, 1854, and served on HMS ALGIERS; commanded HMS DAISY (gunboat), 1856; served on HMS BELLEROPHON, [1867-1870]; requested to revise Royal Navy publications, 1874; promoted Captain, and commanded HMS UNDAUNTED, 1875; appointed to the Admiralty Torpedo Committee, 1875; Captain, HMS HIMALAYA, 1879; appointed Director of the Indian Marine, 1881-[1883]; Captain, HMS AMETHYST, 1883, HMS HERCULES, 1885, and HMS BLACK PRINCE, 1887; took part in the Spithead Review, 1887; retired as Captain, 1889; promoted Vice-Admiral, 1896; died 1911. Publications: The Law of Port Helm. An examination into its history and dangerous action; with suggestions for its abolition with Philip Howard Colomb (J D Potter, Harrison & Sons, London, 1866).

Bregman, Ahron, b 1958, military historian

  • KCL-AF0087
  • Person
  • 1958-

Born 1958

served in Israeli Army, 1976-1982, Litani campaign, South Lebanon, 1978

Lebanon War, 1982

Major (Reserve) 1982-

parliamentary assistant, Knesset, Israel, 1985-1988

PhD, Department of War Studies, King’s College London, 1994

consultant and associate producer for BBC television documentary series, The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs, 1998, and Elusive peace: Israel and the Arabs, 2005

Teaching Fellow, Department of War Studies, 2003-

Publications: with Jihan El-Tahri, The fifty years war: Israel and the Arabs (Penguin, London, 1998); Israel’s wars: a history since 1947 (Routledge, London, 2000); A history of Israel (Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, 2000); Elusive peace: how the Holy Land defeated America (Penguin, London, 2005); editor, Warfare in the Middle East since 1945 (Ashgate, Farnham, 2008); Occupation: Israel and the occupied territories since 1967 (Penguin, London, 2012)

Bray, Eustace Arthur, 1884-1973, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0086
  • Person
  • 1884-1973

Born in 1884; 2nd Lt, East Yorkshire Regt, 1903; Lt, 1905; Capt, 1914; served at Gallipoli, 1915, and in Egypt, 1916; Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General, 11 Div, Egyptian Expedition Force, 1916 and British Armies in France, 1916-1918; Maj, 1918; Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, 11 Div, British Armies in France, 1918-1919; Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, British Army on the Rhine, 1919; served in operations in Iraq, 1919-1920; Lt Col, 1931; died 1973.

Bramwell, Anthony Robert Southey, 1927-1981, Professor of Aeuronautical Engineering

  • KCL-AF0085
  • Person
  • 1927-1981

Born in 1927; began his career as a commercial artist illustrating RAF technical manuals, then undertook various jobs at Royal Aeronautical Establishment; wrote doctoral thesis on helicopter stability and went on to teach at Bedford Technical College; appointed Senior Lecturer, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, City University, 1966; appointed Head of Department, 1977; also carried out research into helicopter dynamics, acted as a consultant to the Ministry of Defence and to industry, and served as a member of the Helicopter Research Advisory Group; died in 1981. Publications: Helicopter dynamics (Arnold, London, 1976)

Bradbury, George Charles, 1906-1995, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0084
  • Person
  • 1906-1995

Lt Col G C Bradbury born 21 July 1906; served 6 years in ranks (1924-30); 2nd Lt 1930; Joined Indian Army 1931; Lt 1932; Capt 1938, Major 1946; served in 10th Baluch Regt, 1938-1947.

The 10th Baluch Regt: sprang from the old Bombay Army and its predecessors were freely used to sort out India's problems in and around the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. The senior battalion originated in the 2nd (Marine) Bn of the 12th Regt of Bombay Native Infantry raised in 1820. In 1838, as the 24th Regt of Bombay Native Infantry, they stormed Aden, bringing the Colony under the British flag. The 26th Bombay Native Infantry was raised in 1825 as the 2nd Extra Bn of Bombay Native Infantry, changing its name a year later. Sir Charles Napier raised two Regts in Karachi - the 1st and 2nd Belooch Regts - for local service within Sind in 1844 and 1846 respectively. The term 'local' was interpreted fairly loosely when it became necessary to send the 2nd Belooch to the Persian War in 1856-1857, a campaign frequently overshadowed by the events of the Great Mutiny in 1857. The 1st was in Karachi when the news of the insurrection reached the Commissioner. Sir Bartle Frere despatched them with all haste, on foot across the Sind desert in May to join the siege artillery train on its way to Delhi, the only Bombay unit to join the Delhi Field Force. The Regt was brought into the regular line for its services in Central India and it became the 27th Regt of Bombay Native Infantry in the post-Mutiny realignment. The 2nd Belooch, in the meantime, had qualified for a similar change in status for their work on the NW Frontier and became the 29th Regt of Bombay Native Infantry. In 1858, Major John Jacob raised a local battalion, soon to be known as Jacob's Rifles and they made such a reputation in and around Jacobabad that they, too, were accorded regular status, becoming the 30th Regt of Bombay Native Infantry or Jacob's Rifles in 1861. In World War I the Regt served in India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Muscat and Aden, France and East Africa. The 129th Battalion in the 3rd (Lahore) Division, was the only battalion of the Regt to serve on the Western Front, the first Indian Regt to attack the Germans, the first also on two other counts - to lose the first British officer and to earn the first Victoria Cross, this by Sepoy Khudadad Khan at Hollebeke. In the Second World War 16 Battalions served in India, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Malaya, Burma, Iraq, Italy, Palestine, Greece and Libya India, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Libya and Palestine.

Boyle, Robert Verelst, 1907-1988, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0082
  • Person
  • 1907-1988

Born 1907; educated Clifton College and Royal Military College Sandhurst; commissioned into The Loyal Regiment as 2nd Lieutenant, 1927; Lieutenant, 1930; Senior Staff Officer, Bannu, North West Frontier Province, 1934; secondment to the Nigeria Regiment, Royal West African Frontier Force, 1936-1938; Captain, 1937; instructor, Army School of Chemical Warfare, 1938-1939; General Staff Officer 3 at General Headquarters, British Expeditionary Force, 1939-1941; General Staff Officer 2, Headquarters Combined Operations, UK, 1941-1942; General Staff Officer 1, Headquarters Combined Chiefs of Staff, USA, 1942-1944; Major, 1944; US Army Strategic Planning Staff, 1944; second in command, 2 Battalion, The Loyal Regiment, Italy, 1944; second in command, 1 Battalion, The Loyal Regiment, Palestine, 1945; General Staff Officer 1 (Operations and Plans), General Headquarters Mideast, 1945-1947; second in command, 1 Battalion, The South Lancashire Regiment, Trieste, 1947-1948; command, 1 Battalion, The Loyal Regiment, Somaliland, Cyprus and Egypt, 1948-1950; Lieutenant Colonel, 1948; Directorate of Military Training, War Office, 1950-1952; retired, 1952; joined Richard Thomas and Baldwins Ltd, 1956; died 1988.

Boyd, Ian Herbert Fitzgerald, 1907-1978, Major General

  • KCL-AF0080
  • Person
  • 1907-1978

Born 1907; educated at Fettes College, Edinburgh, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich and Christ's College, Cambridge; commissioned into the Royal Engineers, 1927; Lt, 1930; served in India, 1930-1934; Mohmand, North West Frontier, India, 1933; Electrical and Mechanical Engineering course, UK, 1934-1936; Engineer Staff Officer and Field Engineer, Rawalpindi, India, 1936-1940; Waziristan, 1936; Capt, 1938; Staff Officer Royal Engineers 3, Delhi, India, 1939-1940; service in World War Two, 1939-1945; Second in Command of Indian Engineer Training Depot, 1940-1941; temporary Maj, 1940-1944; Staff College, Quetta, India, 1941-1943; Instructor, Staff College, Quetta, 1943-1944; Maj, 1944; Commanding Officer, Forward Airfield Engineer Group, Burma, 1944-1945; temporary Lt Col, 1944-1946; served in Malaya, 1945; Chief Instructor (Plant, Roads, Airfields), School of Military Engineering, Chatham, Kent, 1945-1948; Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, War Office, 1948-1950; Chairman, Western Union Committee on Logistics, 1948-1950; awarded OBE, 1950; Lt Col, 1950; temporary Col, 1950-1953; Col, Q (Movements), Far East Land Forces, 1950-1953; Col, 1953; Deputy Quartermaster General, British Army of the Rhine, 1954-1957; awarded CBE, 1957; Brig, 1957; Chief Engineer, Far East Land Forces, 1957-1959; Chief Engineer, Northern Army Group NATO and British Army of the Rhine, 1959- 1962; Maj Gen, 1960; awarded CB, 1962; retired 1963; Col Commandant, Corps of Royal Engineers, 1966-1972; died 1978.

Boyd, George Edward Lennox-, 1902-1943, Major

  • KCL-AF0410
  • Person
  • 1902-1943

Born, 1902; educated at Bradfield College, Berkshire; 2 Lt, Highland Light Infantry, 1927; attended Christ Church, Oxford, 1928-1930; Lieutenant, 1930; visited USA, 1936; visited Spain as an observer, Spanish Civil War, 1938-1939; visited Germany with his brother, Lt Donald Breay Hague Lennox-Boyd, 1939, both were arrested; Donald Lennox-Boyd died in custody, but George Lennox-Boyd was released; Major, 1940; elected a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, 1940; died of pneumonia, Scotland, 1943.

Results 3261 to 3280 of 3581