Showing 3581 results

Authority record

While, Alison, fl 1972-1995, nursing educationalist

  • KCL-AF0983
  • Person
  • 1972-1995

Education, BSc sandwich course in Sociology and Social Administration, University of Southampton, 1972-1977; nursing training at St Thomas's Hospital, 1973-1975; MSc at South Bank Polytechnic, 1978-1980; PhD Nursing Studies, University of London, 1995; work at Department of Nursing Studies, Chelsea College, 1980-1985; King's College London, 1985-2002; Senior Lecturer, 1989; Professor of Community Nursing, 1992; specialist expertise in chronic disease care for people living at home. Publications: Health visiting and health experience of infants in three areas (London, 1985); edited Research in preventive community nursing care. Fifteen studies in health visiting (Chichester, 1986); Caring for children. Towards partnership with families (London, 1991); edited Health in the inner-city (London, 1991); Alison While, Julia Roberts and Joanne Fitzpatrick, A comparative study of outcomes of pre-registration nurse education programmes (London, 1995); Alison While, Christina Citrone and Jocelyn Cornish, Bereaved parents' views of caring for a child with a life-limiting incurable disorder (London, 1996). See also numerous articles and reports on the subject of nursing and palliative care.

Wheeler, Thomas Norman Samuel, 1915-1990, Major General

  • KCL-AF0700
  • Person
  • 1915-1990

Born in 1915; educated at St Helen's College, Southsea and Royal Military College, Sandhurst; commissioned into Royal Ulster Rifles, 1935; served in Palestine, 1937-1939; Lt, 1938; Adjutant, 1940-1941; General Staff Officer Grade 3, Canadian Corps HQ, 1941; Bde Maj, 38 Irish Bde, 1941-1942; Capt, 1943; Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, Middle East Land Forces, 1942-1943; Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster General, Sudan, 1943; Assistant Quartermaster General, General HQ, Middle East Land Forces, 1943-1944; served with British Military Mission to Albania, 1943-1944, and 2nd Bn, Royal Ulster Rifles, 1944-1945; Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, Airborne Division, Palestine, 1945-1948; Maj, 1948; Military Assistant to Adjutant General to the Forces, War Office, 1949-1950; General Staff Officer Grade 1, UK Services Liaison Staff, Australia, 1951-1952; General Staff Officer Grade 1 and Col, General Staff, HQ Northern Army Group and HQ, British Army of the Rhine, 1954-1957; Lt Col, 1958; Col, General Staff, British Army of the Rhine; commanded 1 Bn, Royal Ulster Rifles, Cyprus, 1958-1959; commanded 39 Infantry Bde Group, Northern Ireland, 1960-1962; Chief of Staff, 1 (British) Corps, British Army of the Rhine, 1962-1963; General Officer Commanding 2 Div, 1964-1966; Chief of Staff, Contingencies Planning, SHAPE, 1966-1969; Chief of Staff, HQ, British Army of the Rhine, 1969-1971; retired, 1971; died in 1990.

Wheeler, Sir Henry Neil George, 1917-2009, Knight, Air Chief Marshal

  • KCL-AF0699
  • Person
  • 1917-2009

Born in 1917; educated St Helens College, Hants; Royal Air Force College, Cranwell, 1935; Bomber Command, 1937-1940; Fighter and Coastal Commands, 1940-1945; Royal Air Force and US Army Staff Colleges, 1934-1944; Cabinet Office, 1944-1945; Directing Staff, Royal Air Force Staff College, 1945-1946; Far East Air Force, 1947-1949; Directing Staff, Joint Services Staff College, 1949-1951; Bomber Command, 1951-1953; Air Ministry, 1953-1957; Assistant Commandant, Royal Air Force College, 1957-1959; Officer Commanding, RAF Laarbruch, 1959-1960; Imperial Defence College, 1961; Ministry of Defence, 1961-1963; Senior Air Staff Officer, Headquarters, RAF Germany, 1963-1966; Assistant Chief of Defence Staff (Operational Requirements), Ministry of Defence, 1966-1967; Deputy Chief of Defence Staff, 1967-1968; Commander, Far East Air Force, 1969-1970; Air Member for Supply and Organisation, Ministry of Defence, 1970-1973; Controller, Aircraft, Ministry of Defence Procurement Executive; 1973-1975; retired 1975; died in 2009.

Wheeler, Michael Mortimer, 1915-1992, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0701
  • Person
  • 1915-1992

Born in 1915; educated at Rugby School and Christ Church College, Oxford; Barrister, Grey's Inn, 1938; served in World War Two with Royal Artillery (Territorial Army); served in Italy, 1944-1945; Lt Col, 1946; Barrister, Lincoln's Inn, 1946; Deputy High Court Judge (Chancery Div), 1972-1989; died in 1992.

Wheatstone, Sir Charles, 1802-1875, Knight, Professor of Experimental Philosophy

  • KCL-AF1337
  • Person
  • 1802-1875

Born Gloucester, 1802; moved to London, 1806; school in Vere Street, London, 1813; placed with uncle Charles, musical instrument maker, Strand, London, 1816; worked under father, William, musical instrument maker, 1818-1823; early demonstrations of experiments into acoustics and the transmission of sound, 1821; first paper published on 'New experiments in sound', in Annals of philosophy , 1823; inherited musical instrument business belonging to uncle, Charles, 1823; relocated business to Conduit Street, London, 1829; invented kaleidophone, 1826-1827; Michael Faraday delivers first lecture on sound on behalf of Wheatstone, Royal Institution, London, 1828; Wheatstone announces invention of concertina, 1830; invents stereoscope, 1830-1832; experiments to measure velocity of electricity, 1830-1837; Professor of Experimental Philosophy, King's College London, 1834-1875; work on electricity generation, [1834-1850]; lectures on sound at King's College London, 1836; Fellow of Royal Society, 1836; invents constant cell battery, [1836]; first patent on electric telegraph with William Fothergill Cooke, 1837; first public demonstration of stereoscope, Royal Society, 1838; installs five needle telegraph, Paddington to West Drayton, London, 1838-1839; work on improvements to electric telegraph, [1840-1845]; high point of work on polarisation of light, [1840-1870]; 'Wheatstone Bridge' invented, 1843; conducts earliest submarine telegraph cable experiment in Swansea Bay, 1844; invents iron core galvanometer, 1845; assists work of parliamentary Select Committee on Ordnance concerning electrical detonation devices, 1855; perfects first practical ABC telegraph, 1858; establishes Universal Private Telegraph Company, 1861; with Carl Wilhelm Siemens invents self-excited generator, 1867; knighted, 1868; died 1875.

Publications: The scientific papers of Sir Charles Wheatstone (London, 1879).

Weston, Spencer Vaughan Percy, 1883-1974, Brigadier General

  • KCL-AF0698
  • Person
  • 1883-1974

Born 1883; educated at Wellington; served in World War One, 1914-1918 with Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire) Regt; served on Western Front, 1915-1918; awarded MC, 1916; Capt, 1916; awarded DSO, 1917; temporary Lt Col, 1917-1918; Commanding Officer, 17 (Service) Bn, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt), 1917-1918; temporary Brig Gen, 1918- 1919; General Officer Commanding 122 Bde, 41 Div, 1918-1919; re-employed by Army as Lt Col, 1940-1946; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; Officer Commanding troops on transport ships, notably RMS QUEEN MARY, and Inspector of Transports with rank of Col, 1940-1946; survivor of sinking of HM Transport EMPRESS OF CANADA by Italian submarine LEONARDO DA VINCI, off Sierra Leone, West Africa, 1943; died 1974.

Westfield College, Department of Computer Science

  • KCL-AF1336
  • Organisation

King's College London Department of Computer Science was established in 1984 as part of the Faculty of Natural Science when it transferred from Westfield College. After the merger with Chelsea College and Queen Elizabeth College in 1985, it formed part of the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, currently known as the School of Physical Sciences and Engineering.

West, Victor, 1919-2002, Lance Corporal

  • KCL-AF0697
  • Person
  • 1919-2002

Born, 1919; 1 Rangers King's Royal Rifle Corps; served Crete 1941; Prisoner of War, Germany, escaped Apr 1945. Publications: Part 2 orders: WWII poems (Salamandar Imprint, London, 1999); The horses of Falaise: poems on the experiences of a fighting soldier in World War II (Salamandar Imprint, London, 1975).

West, George, 1909-1987, lecturer

  • KCL-AF1335
  • Person
  • 1909-1987

Sidney George West was born 28th March 1909; educated at Norbury College; took matriculation examination for King's College London, 1923; educated at King's College London, 1926-1932, notably studied Intermediate BA, Latin, Greek, English and Ancient History 1926-1927; second and third year English and Latin 1928-1929; MA in English, 1930-1932; achieved George Smith Studentship 1929, First Class Honours English and University Postgraduate Travelling Studentship 1930.

West worked as a part time assistant lecturer in the Department of English, King's College London, 1932-1933; lectured in English at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, 1934; lectured and became Head of Department of Portuguese, King's College London, 1936-1941; Director of the British Institute of Studies, Lisbon, 1941; Director, Students' Department, British Council, 1952. Awarded an OBE (Civil Division) in 1937. Died 1987.

Publications: The new corporative state of Portugal: an inaugural lecture delivered at King's College, London, the 15th February, 1937 (Lisbon, S P N Books, 1937); The new corporative state of Portugal: an inaugural lecture delivered at King's College, London, the 15th February, 1937 (London, New Temple Press, 1937); A projecçào de 'Os Lusíadas' através das traduçòes inglesas / (confer. Tr. de C. Estorninho. Separata da revista Bracara Augusta) (Braga, 1973).

Results 141 to 160 of 3581