Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Murrell, Eric Sidney, d 1983, author

  • KCL-AF1245
  • Person
  • -1983

Studied at Lincoln College, Oxford, 1922-1930; submitted thesis for the degree of B Litt, Oxford University, 1930; died, 1983. Connection with King's College London not known. Publications: "Girart de Roussillon" and the "Tristan" Poems (Bales & Wilde, Chesterfield, 1926); as editor, The Death of Tristan, from Deuce MS 189 ([New York, 1928]); For your tomorrow: a cipher-sergeant's diary, 1941-1945, by 2075687, known in civilian life as Eric S Murrell (Dorchester Plush, c1999), concerning Burma campaign, World War Two.

Musgrave, Trenham Christopher, 1916-1999, Group Captain

  • KCL-AF0506
  • Person
  • 1916-1999

Born 1916, joined RAFVR 1938; Sgt 1938; Pilot Officer 1939; Flying Officer 1940; 53 Sqn, Thorney Island, Jan-Apr 1941, flying Blenheims, made 17 operational flights, mainly against shipping and French coastal targets; Flight Lt 1941; 297 Sqn, Hurn, May 1942- Jan 1943, mainly involved in airborne troop training; Sqn Ldr 1942; AFC 1942; Sqn Ldr "Tactics" 38 Wing, Northavon, Feb 1943 - Aug 1944; Wg Cdr 1944; commanded 296 Sqn, Sep 1944 - May 1945, mainly involved in airborne training and operations including Battle of Arnhem (Operation MARKET GARDEN), Sep 1944; OBE 1945; Wg Cdr Ops, HQ 38 Group, 1947-48; Staff College 1948; Gp Capt 1948; retired 1960; died 1999.

Myers, Edmund Charles Wolf, 1906-1997, Brigadier

  • KCL-AF0507
  • Person
  • 1906-1997

Born 1906; educated at Haileybury, the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and Caius College and Gonville College, Cambridge University; commissioned into the Corps of Royal Engineers, 1926; Secretary, Royal Engineers Flying Club, 1934-1935; service in Palestine, 1936; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; service in the Middle East, Italy, the Balkans and the Far East, 1941-1944; served with 7 Armoured Div, Western Desert [1939-1942]; service with Special Operations Executive (SOE), Greece, 1942-1943; commanded British Military Mission to Greek partisans in German occupied Greece, Jul 1942-Sep 1943; commanded operation to demolish the Gorgopotamos viaduct, Greece, Nov 1942; awarded DSO, 1943; commanded Operation WASHING, the destruction of the Asopos viaduct, Greece, Jun 1943; temporary Brig, 1943; awarded CBE, 1944; served in North West Europe, 1944-1945; service in the Far East, 1945; Lt Col, 1946; Col, 1949; served in 1 Commonwealth Div, Korean War, 1951-1952; Brig, 1955; Chief Engineer, British Troops in Egypt, 1955-1956; Deputy Director, Personnel Administration, War Office, 1956-1959; retired, 1959; Chief Civil Engineer, Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company Limited, 1959-1964; Construction Manager, Power Gas Corporation Limited, Davy-Ashmore Group, 1964-1968; Regional Secretary, British Field Sports Society, 1968-1971; died 1997.

Publications: Greek entanglement (Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1955).

Descriptions of Greek resistance groups (Greek: andartes) related to this collection:

ÅÁÌ: The National Liberation Front (Greek: Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo) led by Georges Siados was a Communist group affiliated with the KKE - the Communist Party of Greece (Greek: Kommounistiko Komma Elladas).

The military arm of EAM was ELAS, The National People's Liberation Army, (Greek: Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos), led by Ares Velouchiotis (real name Athanasios (Thanasis) Klaras).

EDES: The National Republican Greek League (Greek: Ethnikos Demokratikos Ellenikos Syndesmos), was an anti-Communist, Republican group, led by political leader Nikolaos Plasteras and military leader Gen Napoleon Zervas.

EKKA: National and Social Liberation (Greek: Ethnike kai Koinonike Apeleftherosis) led by Demetrios Psarros was a liberal, anti-Communist, Republican group.

Nash, John Kevin Tyrie Llewellyn, 1922-1981, Professor of Civil Engineering

  • KCL-AF1247
  • Person
  • 1922-1981

Born 1922; educated Newtown School, Waterford, and Trinity College, Dublin; Demonstrator in Civil Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin; Assistant Engineer with K.D.C Group on Phoenix Caissons for Mulberry Harbour, 1943-1944; Factory Engineer, Messrs Johnson Brothers, Ireland, 1944; Junior Science Officer, Soil Mechanics Division, Road Research Laboratory, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1944-1946; Lecturer, 1946-1951, Reader, 1951-1961 and Professor of Civil Engineering, 1961-1981, King's College London; Head of Civil Engineering Department, King's College London, 1971-[1981]; Assistant Principal, King's College London, 1973-1977; Consultant to Nigerian Government on engineering education in Nigeria, 1963; Soil Mechanics Consultant on Kainji Dam, Nigeria, and various earth and rock-fill dams in Nigeria, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus, Portugal, Greece, Sudan, Britain and Ireland, 1961-1969; expert witness for National Coal Board at Aberfan Tribunal, 1966-1967, and for British Petroleum (BP) at the Sea Gem Enquiry, 1967; Consultant for foundations of London Bridge and Humber Bridge; Chairman, British Geotechnical Society, 1959-1961; Member of the Council, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1959-1968; Secretary-General, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1967-1981; Chairman, Editorial Panel of Geotechnique , 1960-1966; Fellow of King's College London, 1972; Governor, Leighton Park School, Reading, 1974; died 1981.

Publications: Civil engineering (Robert Hale, London, 1957); The elements of soil mechanics in theory and practice (Constable and Co, London, 1951).

National Training College for Cookery

  • KCL-AF1248
  • Organisation

The National Training School of Cookery (NTSC) was set up in 1873 to promote knowledge of cookery, and became a limited company in 1888. The College broadened its syllabus to include other aspects of domestic economy and, in 1902, this was recognised in a change of title when it became the National Training School of Cookery and Other Branches of Domestic Economy, and finally the National Training College of Domestic Science (NTCDS) between 1931 and the College's closure in 1962. Although it was a competitor of Queen Elizabeth College, in practice there existed close links between the executive committees of the institutions, and when the NTCDS closed in 1962 some of its assets were transferred to the Department of Nutrition at QEC.

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