Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, A-level Physical Science
- KCL-AF1255
- Organisation
The Nuffield Foundation A-level Physical Science course was planned as an alternative to sixth-form physics and chemistry. The exercise was initiated in 1965 under the control of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project and was organised by Dr John E Spice, Senior Chemistry Master at Winchester College. The first meeting of the Physical Sciences Group with physicists and chemists from the trials schools to discuss the content of the course and form of examination was held in March 1966. Members of the Group, who worked part-time, were responsible for planning and writing the course. The course began in sixteen 'trials schools' (Atlantic College; Bletchley Grammar School; Brighton, Hove and Sussex Grammar School; Cardinal Hinsley Grammar School in Bradford; Christ's Hospital; City of London Girls' School; Cleveland Grammar School in Redcar; Dauntsey's School; Dudley High School; Eastbourne Grammer School; Elizabeth College in Guernsey; Gordonstoun School; Marlborough College; Seaford College in Petworth; Watford Grammar School; and Winchester College) in September 1966 and the first candidates were examined in June 1968.