Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Pickering, Frederick Pickering, 1909-1981, Professor of German

  • KCL-AF1279
  • Person
  • 1909-1981

F P Pickering, to whom the manuscript notes are attributed, is probably Francis Pickering Pickering, born in Bradford, 1909; educated at Grange High School, Bradford; Leeds University (BA); Gilchrist Travelling Studentship; Germanic literature and languages at Breslau University (PhD); Lektor in English, 1931-1932; Assistant Lecturer and Lecturer in German, University of Manchester, 1932-1941; Bletchley Park (Hut 3), 1941-1945; Head of German Department, University of Sheffield, 1945-1953; Professor of German, University of Reading, 1953-1974; later Emeritus Professor; Dean of the Faculty of Letters, University of Reading, 1957-1960; Goethe Medal, Goethe Institute, Munich, 1975; died, 1981. His connection with King's College London is not known. Publications: Christi Leiden in einer Vision geschaut (1952); Augustinus oder Boethius? (2 volumes, 1967, 1976); University German (1968); Literatur und darstellende Kunst im Mittelalter (1968), translated as Literature and Art in the Middle Ages (1970); The Anglo-Norman Text of the Holkham Bible Picture Book (1971); Essays on Medieval German Literature and Iconography (1980); articles and reviews in English and German journals.

Piggott, Arnold Howard, 1904-1996, Commander RN

  • KCL-AF0541
  • Person
  • 1904-1996

Born in 1904; educated at Taunton School and HMS CONWAY; Midshipman, Royal Naval Reserve (RNR), 1921; service with Canadian Pacific Steamship Company, 1921; Lt, 1928; commanded Royal Naval Reserve contingent, Armistice Day ceremony, London, 1930; Lt Cdr, 1937; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; appointed to command inshore minesweeping flotilla, 1940; commanded HMS VAN MEERLANT, 1940-1941; wounded and lost a leg when HMS VAN MEERLANT sunk by mine, Thames estuary, Jun 1941; served in Admiralty on Staff of Second Sea Lord and in the Combined Operations Division; Cdr, 1944; retired from Royal Naval Reserve, 1945; died 1996.

Pincher, (Harry) Chapman (1914-2014), journalist and author

  • KCL-AF0542
  • Person
  • 1914-2014

Born, India, 1914. 

Educated: Darlington Grammar School and King's College London; BSc in Botany, 1935. 

Taught at Liverpool Institute High School for Boys, 1936-1940. 

World War Two, 1939-1945: joined Royal Armoured Corps, 1940; Technical Scientific Officer, Rocket Division, Ministry of Supply, 1943-1946. 

Defence, science and medical editor, Daily Express, 1946-1973. 

Assistant Editor, Daily Express, and Chief Defence Correspondent, Beaverbrook Newspapers, 1972-1979.


Breeding of farm animals (Harmondsworth: New York: Penguin, 1946)

A study of fishes (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1947)

Into the atomic age (London: Hutchinson, 1947)

Spotlight on animals (London: Hutchinson & Co, 1950)

Evolution (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1950)

co-author with Bernard Wicksteed, It's fun finding out (1950)

Sleep, and how to get more of it (London: Daily Express, 1954)

novel, Not with a bang (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1965)

novel, The giantkiller (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1967)

novel, The penthouse conspirators (London: Joseph, 1970)

Sex in our time (London: Weidenheld & Nicholson, 1973)

novel, The skeleton at the Villa Wolkonsky (London: Joseph, 1975)

novel, The eye of the tornado (London: Joseph, 1976)

Inside story: a documentary of the pursuit of power (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1978)

novel, The four horses (London: Joseph, 1978)

novel, Dirty tricks (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1980)

Their trade is treachery (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1981)

novel, The private world of St John Terrapin: a novel of the Cafe Royal (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1982)

Too secret too long: the great betrayal of Britain's crucial secrets and the cover-up (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1984)

The secret offensive: active measures: a saga of deception, disinformation, subversion, terrorism, sabotage and assassination (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1985)

Traitors - the labyrinths of treason (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1987)

A web of deception: the Spycatcher affair (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1987)

novel, Contamination (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1989)

The truth about dirty tricks: from Harold Wilson to Margaret Thatcher (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 1991)

One dog and her man, by Dido (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1991)

autobiography, Pastoral symphony: a bumpkin's tribute to country joys (Shrewsbury: Swan Hill Press, 1993)

A box of chocolates, by Dido (London: Bantam, 1993)

Life's a bitch: a canine commentary on human affairs, by Dido (Shewsbury, Swan Hill, 1996)

Tight lines: the accumulated lore of a lifetime's angling (London: Robert Hale, 1997)

Treachery: betrayals, blunders and cover-ups: six decades of espionage (Edinburgh: Mainstream, 2011)

autobiography, Dangerous to know (London: Biteback, 2014)

Pirie, Sir George Clark, 1896-1980, Knight, Air Chief Marshal

  • KCL-AF0543
  • Person
  • 1896-1980

Born 1896; served in World War One, 1914-1918; commissioned into 3 (Reserve) Bn, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 1914; Lt, 1915; Capt, 1916; served with Royal Flying Corps, 1916-1918; service with 34 Sqn, Royal Flying Corps, Western Front, 1917; served in Palestine, 1917-1918; awarded MC, 1918; transferred to RAF, 1918; relief of Diwaniyah, Iraq, 1921; RAF Staff College, Andover, Hampshire, 1925; service in Iraq, 1928; Wg Cdr, 1932; Air Staff Officer, Directorate of Operations and Intelligence, Department of the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Ministry, 1934-1937; Gp Capt, 1937; Air Attaché, Washington DC, USA, 1937-1940; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; Air Officer Commanding Northern Ireland, 1941; Air Officer in charge of Administration, Middle East, 1941-1943; awarded CBE, 1942; awarded CB, 1943; Director General, War Organisation, Air Ministry, 1943-1945; Deputy Allied Air Commander-in-Chief, South East Asia, 1945-1946; created KBE, 1946; Allied Air Commander-in-Chief, South East Asia, 1946-1947; Inspector General, RAF, 1948; Member, Air Council for Supply and Organisation, 1948-1950; ACM, 1949; Head of Air Force Staff, British Joint Services Mission to the USA, 1950-1951; retired, 1951; created KCB, 1951; Chairman, Air League of the British Empire, 1955-1958; died 1980.

Pitchforth, Gerald S, 1901-2003, civil engineer and astrologer

  • KCL-AF0544
  • Person
  • 1901-2003

Served in World War Two with No 2 Inland Waterways and Port Construction Unit, Royal Engineers and was involved in the preparation of dossiers on enemy occupied ports for use by port construction and repair companies.

Pitt, Barrie William Edward, 1918-2006, author, historian

  • KCL-AF0545
  • Person
  • 1918-2006

Born, 1918; educated, Portsmouth Southern Grammar School; bank clerk, 1935; served in Army, Second World War; surveyor, 1946; began writing, 1954; Information Officer, Atomic Energy Authority, 1961; Historical Consultant to the BBC series 'The Great War', 1963; editor, Purnell's History of the Second World War, 1964; editor in chief, Ballantine's Illustrated History of World War Two, 1967; editor in chief, Ballantine's Illustrated History of the Violent Century, 1971; editor, Purnell's History of the First World War, 1969; editor, British History Illustrated, 1974-1978; consultant editor, The Military History of World War Two, 1986; died, 2006.

Pitt, Charles John William, 1907-1996, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0546
  • Person
  • 1907-1996

Born 1907; Rhodes scholar from Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), 1929; forester in Colonial Forest Service, Tanganyika, East Africa; returned to UK, 1939; served 22 (EA) Infantry Bde, Abyssinia, 1940-1942, as platoon commander of the 1/6 (Tanganyika) King's African Rifles; Madagascar, 1942-1943; died 1996.

Results 2581 to 2600 of 3581