Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Riddell, Ralph Anthony, 1900-1979, Major General

  • KCL-AF0575
  • Person
  • 1900-1979

Born in 1900; commissioned into Royal West Kent Regt, 1919; Lt, 1921; Adjutant, 1935-1927; Capt, 1930; Staff Capt, 1932-1934; General Staff Officer for Weapons Training, Eastern Command, 1934-1936; served in Palestine, [1936-1939]; Maj, 1938; Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, 1938-1939; Brig, 1947; ADC to King George VI, 1949; retired, 1955; died in 1979.

Ridley, Dan Dunglinson, 1916-2006, Colonel

  • KCL-AF0576
  • Person
  • 1916-2006

Born 1916, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne; Staff Training College, Camberley, 1939; Royal Artillery, 1940-1945; General Staff Officer, Military Government of the Greater Berlin Area, Germany, 1945-1946; Staff Captain, Department of the Adjutant General of the Forces, War Office, 1947-1948; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1949; Major 1952; Colonel, 1964; Military Attaché, Warsaw, Poland, 1965; retired 1970; died 2006.

Ridley, Leslie R, 1907-1982, Group Captain

  • KCL-AF0577
  • Person
  • 1907-1982

Born in 1907; educated at City of Norwich School; joined RAF as a signals apprentice, 1922; served with No 99 Sqn, Brize Norton, 1925; Instructor, Ovetta Signals School, India, 1926; designed and supervised installation of first Indian Intercommmand Wireless Station, Ambala, 1927; member of Air India Signals Staff, Simla and Delhi, 1930; served with No 28 Sqn, 1932, and No 58 Sqn, 1933; in charge of RAF Direction Finding Organisation and Lecturer in Direction Finding for School of Air Navigation, Andover, 1935; joined team of scientists engaged in developing radar, 1936, and specialised in aerial systems and transmitters; appointed to command a new radar station at Stoke Holy Cross, Norfolk, 1939; in technical command of radar stations in Biggin Hill area, 1940; Officer Commanding 75 Wing, Keston, Kent, 1941; Wg Cdr Radar (Ground), Air Ministry, 1942; Wing Cdr Radar (Air), Air Ministry, 1943; Senior Staff Officer, 72 Wing HQ, Mons, Belgium, 1945; commanded 72 Wing HQ, Bonn, Germany, 1946; Staff Officer in command of Administration, 90 Group HQ, Medmenham, Berkshire, 1947; Head of Radio 6, Air Ministry, 1948; Command Radio Officer, Middle East Air Force HQ, Abu Swer, Egypt, 1949; Station Commander, RAF Chigwell, 1952; joined Ministry of Supply as Assistant Director of Electronics, 1954; retired, 1957; died in 1982.

Riley, Quinton Theodore Petroc Molesworth, 1905-1980, Lieutenant Commander RN and polar explorer

  • KCL-AF0578
  • Person
  • 1905-1980

Born 1905; educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge University; Polar explorer, 1931-1937; British Arctic Air Route Expedition, 1931-1932; Arctic expedition, led by Gino Watkins, Greenland, 1933; British Graham Land Expedition, led by John Rymill, Antarctica, 1934-1937; joined Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, 1938; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; temporary Lt, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, 1939; served on intelligence missions in Finland and Norway, 1939-1940; Instructor, Independent Companies (forerunners of the Commandos), UK, 1940-1941; Instructor, Winter Warfare School, Iceland, 1941-1942; service with Combined Operations Command, 1943; participated in Operation AVALANCHE, the Allied landings at Salerno, Italy, Sep 1943; Commanding Officer, 30 RN Commando, 1943, and 30 Assault Unit, 1943-1944; temporary acting Lt Cdr, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, [1944]; served in Intelligence Division, Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia (SACSEA), Ceylon, 1944; Staff Officer, G2 (Intelligence) Division, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), France, Germany and the Channel Islands, 1944-1945; service in Germany, 1945-1947; retired 1947; served on Essex County Council and Braintree Rural District Council; killed in road accident, 1980. Publications: With Richard Taylor, Discovery of the poles (Penguin, London, 1957).

Ritchie, Walter Henry Dennison, 1901-1984, Major General

  • KCL-AF0579
  • Person
  • 1901-1984

Born in 1901; educated at St John's College, Southsea; 2nd Lt, Royal Army Signals Corps, 1925; Lt, 1927; Capt, 1935; Staff Capt, 1936-1939; served in France, North Africa and Italy, 1939-1945; Maj, 1939; Adjt, 1939; served with 15 Army Group, 1943; Deputy Quartermaster General to Gen Sir Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, Commander-in-Chief, Allied Armies in Italy (15 Army Group), 1943-1944, and to Lt Gen Mark Wayne Clark, Commanding Gen, 15 Army Group, 1944-1945; Brig in charge of administration, British Troops in Egypt and Chairman of Operation SATIRE Works Committee, 1946-1947; Maj Gen, 1953; Director of Quartering, War Office, 1953-1954; Director of Supplies and Transport, War Office, 1954-1957; retired, 1957; Col Commandant, Royal Army Signal Corps, 1959-1964; Honorary Col, 101 Army Emergency Reserve Regt, Royal Corps of Transport, 1965-1967; died in 1984.


Results 2761 to 2780 of 3581