Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Rogers, Mrs, fl 1884

  • KCL-AF0946
  • Person
  • fl1884

Mrs Rogers, was the widow of an employee at King's College Hospital, and mother of Frank Rogers, also an employee of King's College Hospital.

Rooney, William David, 1921-1979, Air Commodore

  • KCL-AF0584
  • Person
  • 1921-1979

Born 1921; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; joined RAF as an Aircraftman, Jul 1940; trained as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner, 1940-1941; commissioned, Nov 1941; served in Anti Submarine Sqn, Coastal Command, and as an Instructor in RAF training units, 1942-1945; Flight Lt, Secretarial Branch, RAF, Sep 1945; RAF Staff College, Andover, Hampshire, 1952; Wg Cdr, 1959; Instructor, RAF Staff College, Andover, Hampshire, 1957-1960; employed in Intelligence, RAF Element, Allied Forces Southern Europe, Naples, Italy, 1960-1961; Wg Cdr, Administration, RAF Watton, Norfolk, 1965; Officer Commanding RAF Brampton, Technical Training Command, Huntingdonshire, 1966-1968; Gp Capt, 1969; Deputy Director, Directorate General of RAF Manning, Air Force Department, Ministry of Defence, London, 1969-1971; Director of Recruiting, RAF, Ministry of Defence, London, 1971-1973; Deputy Air Officer, Administration, Headquarters, Maintenance Command (later renamed Support Command), RAF, Andover, Hampshire, 1973-1975; Air Cdre, 1974; retired, 1976; died 1979.

Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838, theologian and author

  • KCL-AF1033
  • Person
  • 1795-1838

No information is available on Bertha Browne. Hugh James Rose was born at Little Horsted, Sussex, 1795; educated at Uckfield school; studied at Trinity College Cambridge, 1813-1817 (graduated, BA); ordained deacon, 1818; ordained priest, 1819; curate of Buxted, Sussex, 1819; vicar of Horsham, Sussex, 1821-1830; curate of Little Horsted, Sussex and Uckfield, Sussex; vicar of Glynde, Sussex, 1824-1838; spent a year in Germany for his health, 1824, came into contact with the German rationalistic schools of theology, and published four discourses, 'The State of the Protestant Religion in Germany'; collated to the prebend of Middleton in the church of Chichester, 1827-1833; select preacher at Cambridge, 1828-1830, 1833-1834, and Christian advocate, 1829-1833; a leading exponent of King's College London, and of the idea that religious study and practice should form an integral part of higher education; rector of Hadleigh, Suffolk, 1830-1833; met with William Palmer (1803-1885), Arthur Philip Perceval and Richard Hurrell Froude at Hadleigh, 1833 - this 'Hadleigh Conference' being an important milestone in the development of the Oxford Movement; the Association of Friends of the Church was formed soon after by Froude and Palmer; founder and first editor of the British Magazine and Monthly Register of Religious and Ecclesiastical Information , 1832; chair of divinity, Durham University, 1833-1834; domestic chaplain to Archbishop Howley, 1834; rector of Fairsted, Essex, 1834-1837; perpetual curacy of St Thomas's, Southwark, 1835-1838; Principal of King's College London, 1836; died in Florence, 1838. Publications: include: Inscriptiones Græcæ Vetustissimæ. Collegit et Observationes tum aliorum tum suas adjecit Hugo Jacobus Rose, M A (Cambridge, 1825); The Tendency of prevalent opinions about knowledge considered (Cambridge, 1926); The Commission and consequent Duties of the Clergy; in a series of discourses preached before the University of Cambridge (London and Cambridge, 1828); Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament new edition (London, 1829); Doctrine of the Greek Article applied to the Criticism and Illustration of the New Testament new edition (Cambridge, 1833); The State of the Protestant Religion in Germany; in a series of discourses (Cambridge, 1825); Christianity always Progressive (London, 1829); Brief Remarks on the Disposition towards Christianity generated by prevailing Opinions and Pursuits (London, 1830); Eight Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge at Great St. Mary's in the Years 1830 and 1831 (Cambridge, 1831); Notices of the Mosaic Law: with some Account of the Opinions of recent French Writers concerning it (London, 1831); The Gospel an Abiding System. With some remarks on the "New Christianity" of the St Simonians (London, 1832); An Apology for the Study of Divinity: being, the Terminal Divinity Lecture, delivered in Bishop Cosins's Library, ... Durham (London, 1834); The Study of Church History recommended, being the Terminal Divinity Lecture delivered ... April XV, 1834, before the ... University of Durham (J G & F Rivington, London, 1834); contributed leaders to the British Magazine ; editor of the Encyclopædia Metropolitana .

Rosenbaum, Sidney, 1918-2013, Doctor

  • KCL-AF0585
  • Person
  • 1918-2013

Born, London, 1918; educated Cambridge University; 2 Lieutenant, emergency commission, Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1943; temporary Captain, 1945; Principal Scientific Officer, Army Medical Statistics Branch, War Office, 1951-1963; doctorate, University of London, [1961]; died in 2013.

Ross, Donald Nixon, b 1922, thoracic surgeon

  • KCL-AF0947
  • Person
  • 1922-

Born 4 October 1922, educated at Boys' High School, Kimberley, South Africa; University of Capetown (BSc, MB, ChB, 1946); FRCS 1949; FACC 1973; FACS 1976. Ross was appointed Senior Registrar in Thoracic Surgery, Bristol, 1952; Guy's Hospital: Resident Fellow, 1953; Senior Thoracic Registrar, 1954; Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, 1958; Consultant Surgeon, National Heart Hospital, 1963, Senior Surgeon, 1967; Director, Department of Surgery, Institute of Cardiology, 1970. Awarded Honorary FRCSI 1984; Honorary FRCS Thailand, 1987. Honorary DSc CNAA, 1982. Clement Price Thomas Award, Royal College of Surgeons, 1983. Order of Cedar of Lebanon, 1975; Order of Merit (1st class) (West Germany), 1981; Royal Order (Thailand), 1994. Publications: A Surgeon's Guide to Cardiac Diagnosis , 1962; (jointly) Medical and Surgical Cardiology , 1968; (jointly) Biological Tissue in Heart Valve Replacement , 1972; contributed to the British Medical Journal , Lancet and other journals.

Results 2801 to 2820 of 3581