Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Serby, William Francis, 1896-1981, Army Captain

  • KCL-AF0606
  • Person
  • 1896-1981

Born 1896; served World War One, 1914- 1918; commissioned into 3 Bn (Reserve), The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt), 1915; served on Western Front with 10 (Service) Bn (Battersea), The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt), 1916; wounded in action, France, 1916; Lt, 1917; temporary Capt, 1918; service during Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War, as liaison officer to French and Russian forces, British Military Mission to North Russia (codename ELOPE), North Russian Expeditionary Force, 1918-1919; Bde Maj, Force C, North Russia Expeditionary Force, 1918; County Accountant, Cornwall County Council, 1926-1929; County Accountant, Buckinghamshire County Council, 1929-1938; Treasurer, Buckinghamshire Water Board, 1937-1961; County Treasurer, Buckinghamshire County Council, 1938-1961; served World War Two, 1939-1945; commanded Home Guard, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, 1940-1944; retired 1961; died 1981.

Sharp, Samuel, [1700]-1778, surgeon

  • KCL-AF0949
  • Person
  • [1700]-1778

Born, Jamaica, about 1700; apprentice to William Cheselden, surgeon at St Thomas's Hospital, 1724-1731; spent part of his apprenticeship in France, met Voltaire, and acquired a knowledge of French surgery; freeman of the Barber-Surgeons' Company, 1731; admitted to the Barber-Surgeons' Company, 1732; Surgeon, Guy's Hospital, 1733-1757; assisted Cheselden with his Osteographia , published 1733; acquired an extensive medical practice; resigned his course of anatomical lectures to William Hunter, 1746; Fellow, Royal Society of London, 1749; member, Paris Royal Society, 1749; continued to practise until 1765; toured Italy, 1765; died, 1778. Publications include: A Treatise on the Operations of Surgery, with a description and representation of the instruments used in performing them, to which is prefix'd an introduction on the nature and treatment of wounds, abscesses and ulcers (London, 1739); A Critical Enquiry into the present state of Surgery (London, 1750); Letters from Italy, describing the customs and manners of that country, in the years 1765, and 1766. To which is annexed, an Admonition to gentlemen who pass the Alps, in their tour through Italy (printed by R Cave; sold by W Nicol, London, 1766).

Sharrock, Roger Ian, 1919-1990, Professor of English

  • KCL-AF1301
  • Person
  • 1919-1990

Born 23 August 1919 at Robin Hood's Bay, North Yorkshire; educated at Queen Elizabeth's School, Wakefield, and St John's College Oxford, where he received a First Class Honours in the School of English Language and Literature, 1943; B Litt, 1947; Served with the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 1939-1941; National Buildings Record, 1942-1944; Assistant Master, Rugby School, 1944-1946; Lecturer, University of Southampton, 1946, and Reader, 1962; Professor of English, University of Durham, 1963; Editor of the Durham University Journal, 1964-1968; Professor of English Language and Literature at the University of London, King's College, 1968-1981, and later Emeritus Professor; Fulbright Visiting Professor at the University of Virginia, 1972; Warton Lecturer of the British Academy, 1972; Chairman of the English Association, 1972-1979; General Editor, Oxford Bunyan; died 27 December 1990.

Publications: Songs and Comments (Fortune Press, London, 1945); John Bunyan (Hutchinson's University Library, London, 1954), revised and corrected, 1968; editor of Selected poems of William Wordsworth (William Heinemann, 1958); editor of Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1962); editor of Selected poems of John Dryden (Heinemann, 1963); editor of Keats: selected poems and letters (Oxford University Press, London, 1964); editor of The Pilgrim's Progress (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1965); John Bunyan: the pilgrim's progress (Edward Arnold, London, 1966); editor of The Pelican book of English prose (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1970); The figure in a landscape: Wordsworth's early poetry (Oxford University Press, London, 1973); editor of Bunyan, 'The pilgrim's progress' a casebook (1976); editor of English short stories of today (1976); general editor of The miscellaneous works of John Bunyan (1976); Life and story in 'The pilgrim's progress' (1978); editor of The Holy War, made by Shaddai upon Biabolus, for the regaining of the metropolis of the world, or the losing and taking again of the town of Mansoul: John Bunyan with James F Forrest (1980); Saints, sinners and comedians: the novels of Graham Greene (1984); editor of The life and death of Mr Badman, presented to the world in a familiar dialogue between Mr Wiseman and Mr Attentive: John Bunyan with James F Forrest (1988).

Shattock, Ernest Henry, 1904-1985, Rear Admiral

  • KCL-AF0607
  • Person
  • 1904-1985

Born in 1904; educated at Royal Naval Colleges, Osbourne and Dartmouth; specialised in flying 1927; Cdr, 1938; Capt, 1943; R Adm, 1953; served in World War Two; Chief of Staff to Flag Officer, Naval Air Pacific, 1944-1946; Director Naval Air Warfare Division, Admiralty, 1946-1949; commanded HMS GLORY, 1949-1950; Directing Capt, Senior Officers' War College, 1951; Flag Officer, Malaya, Nov 1953-Apr 1956; retired list, 1956; Naval ADC to the Queen, 1953; died in 1985.

Shaxson, Evelyn Margaret, fl 1924-1925, nurse

  • KCL-AF0950
  • Person
  • 1924-1925

Shaxson was educated at Sherborne School for Girls. She entered nurse training at King's College Hospital, London, in 1924, aged 20.

Shea, Sir John Stuart Mackenzie, Knight, 1869-1966, General

  • KCL-AF0608
  • Person
  • 1869-1966

Born 1869; educated Sedbergh School and Sandhurst; commissioned Royal Irish Regiment, 1888; Lt, 15 Lancers, Indian Army, 1891; Boer War, South Africa, 1900-1902; Major, 1906; Western Front and Palestine, including role as commander 60 Div under the then Gen Edmund (Henry Hynman) Allenby, World War One, 1914-1918; GOC, Central Provinces District, 1921-1923; instrumental in reforming commissioning process for Indians in the British Army in India; ADC General to HM, 1924-1928; Adjutant-General in India, 1924-1928; General, 1926; GOC, Eastern Command in India, 1928-1932; retired 1932; prominent in scouting movement in India and UK; died, 1966.

Shearing, Edwin Albert, b 1915, chemist

  • KCL-AF1302
  • Person
  • 1915-

Born 4 July 1915; BSc, Chemistry and Physics, King's College London, 1933-1935; PhD, Organic Chemistry, King's College London, 1935-1938; worked for ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries).

Shearman, Charles Edward Gowran, 1889-1968, Brigadier

  • KCL-AF0609
  • Person
  • 1889-1968

Born in 1889; educated at Westminster School, London; 2nd Lt, Bedfordshire Regt, 1909; Lt, 1911; Capt, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regt, 1914; served in France and Belgium, 1914-1918; General Staff Officer Grade 3, France, 1917; Bde Maj, France, 1917-1918; Staff Capt, Irish Command, 1920-1921; Bde Maj, Irish Command, 1921-1922; General Staff Officer Grade 3, Eastern Command, 1922-1924; attended Staff College, Camberley, 1926; General Staff Officer Grade 3, later Grade 2, RAF Co-operation, Aldershot, 1928-1930; Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, Western Command, 1930-1932; commanded 1 Bn, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regt, 1933-1937; Assistant Quartermaster General, Northern Command, 1937-1939; served in World War Two; served in Kenya, 1940-1942; retired pay, 1945; died in 1968.

Sheldon, John, 1752-1808, anatomist

  • KCL-AF0951
  • Person
  • 1752-1808

John Sheldon: 1752-1808; ran a private anatomical school in Great Queen Street, London, 1777-1788; Professor of Anatomy to the Royal Academy, 1782; Fellow of the Royal Society, 1784; surgeon to Westminster Hospital, 1786; reputed to be the first Englishman to make a balloon ascent. Alexander Monro: born, Edinburgh, 1733; educated at the school of Mr Mundell; University of Edinburgh, 1752; Professor of Anatomy and Surgery as coadjutor to his father, Alexander Monro, 1755; graduated, MD, 1755; went to London and attended William Hunter's lectures, and after to Paris, Leyden, and Berlin; matriculated, Leyden University, 1757; worked under the anatomist Professor Meckel in Berlin; returned to Edinburgh, 1758; Fellow, College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 1759; Secretary, Philosophical Society of Edinburgh; gave a full course of lectures every year, 1759-1800; stopped lecturing, 1808; died, 1817. Publications include: Essays and heads of lectures on Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Surgery (Edinburgh, 1840); Dissertatio ... de testibus et de semine in variis animalibus, etc (Edinburgi, 1755); Observations, anatomical and physiological, wherein Dr Hunter's claim to some discoveries is examined. With figures (Edinburgh, 1758); De venis lymphaticis valvulosis et de earum in primis origine (Berolini, 1760); A State of Facts concerning the first proposal of performing the paracentesis of the thorax, ... and concerning the discovery of the lymphatic valvular absorbent system of vessels, in oviparous animals (Edinburgh, 1770); A short description of the human muscles; chiefly as they appear on dissection. Together with their several uses, and the synonyma of the best authors John Innes Second edition improved by A Monro (Edinburgh, 1778); Observations on the structure and functions of the Nervous System, etc (Edinburgh, 1783); The Structure and Physiology of Fishes explained, and compared with those of Man and other animals (Edinburgh, 1785); Experiments on the Nervous System, with opium and metalline substances; made chiefly with the view of determining the nature and effects of Animal Electricity (Edinburgh, 1793). John Sheldon: 1752-1808; ran a private anatomical school in Great Queen Street, London, 1777-1788; Professor of Anatomy to the Royal Academy, 1782; FRS 1784; surgeon to Westminster Hospital, 1786; reputed to be the first Englishman to make a balloon ascent.

Results 2941 to 2960 of 3581