Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Cohn, Ernst Joseph, 1904-1976, Professor of Law and Barrister-at-Law

  • KCL-AF1061
  • Person
  • 1904-1976

Born 1904; Standing Counsel on German Law to Rear Headquarters of the Control Commission for Germany, to the Control Office for Germany and Austria, and to the Foreign Officer German Section; Doctor of Law and Professor of Laws, University of Breslau; Assistant Magistrate in the district of the Appeal Court of Breslau; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn; PhD, University of London; Visiting Professor of European Laws, King's College London, 1967-1975; died 1976.

Publications: A Guide to Legal Aid for the Poor with Robert Egerton (Stevens & Sons: London, 1947); The Uniform Laws on International Sales Act 1967 A commentary by Cohn, R H Graveson and Diana Graveson (Butterworths, London, 1968); Manual of German law Second edition, 2 vols [Comparative law series. no. 14.] (British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, London, 1968, 1971).

Codrington, John Alfred, 1898-1991, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0149
  • Person
  • 1898-1991

Born 1898; educated at Harrow, Christ Church, Oxford and Strasbourg University; served with French Red Cross, France, 1915-1916; Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1916-1917; commissioned into the Coldstream Guards, 1917; served in World War One, 1914-1918; service on Western Front with 3 Bn, Coldstream Guards, 1917-1918; Lt, 1918; garrison duty, Cologne, Germany, 1918-1919; Aide de Camp to Lt Gen Sir (George) Tom (Molesworth) Bridges, Head of British Mission Allied Armies of the Orient, Smyrna, Turkey, 1920; service with 3 Bn, Coldstream Guards, Turkey, 1922-1923; service in UK with 1 Bn, Coldstream Guards, 1923-1925; Capt, 1926; British Liaison Officer to French forces, Syria, 1926-1929; service in UK, 1929-1930; attached to French Army and served with 13 Dragoons in France and 2 Spahis and the French Foreign Legion in Algeria, 1930; service in UK, 1930-1932; served in the Sudan and Egypt with 1 Bn, Coldstream Guards, 1932-1933; Aide de Camp to FM Sir Philip Walhouse Chetwode, 7th Bt, Commander-in-Chief of the Army in India, 1933-1935; Maj, 1935; retired 1937; attached to Foreign Office, 1939-1942; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; Assistant Chief of Staff, Gibraltar, 1942-1943; Special Liaison Officer, Algiers, 1943-1944; Honorary Lt Col, 1948; died 1991.

Clutton, George Lisle, 1909-1970, Knight, diplomat

  • Person
  • 1909-1970

Born, 1909; educated Bedford School and Merton College, Oxford; Assistant Keeper, Prints and Drawings, British Museum, 1934-1939; served in the British Army, 1939-1940; seconded to Foreign Office, 1940; transferred to Stockholm, Sweden, 1944; First Secretary, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1946-1948; Head of African Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1950; Minister at the UK Liaison Mission, Japan, 1950-1952; Foreign Office liaison officer with MI6, 1952-1955; Ambassador to the Philippines, 1955-1959; Ambassador to Poland, 1960-1966; died, 1970.

Clive, Sir George Sidney, 1874-1959, Knight, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0148
  • Person
  • 1874-1959

Born in 1874; educated at Harrow School and Royal Military College, Sandhurst; 2nd Lt, Grenadier Guards, 1893; Lt, 1897; served in Nile Expedition, 1898, and South Africa, 1899-1902; Capt, 1900; passed Staff College, 1903-1904; General Staff Officer, War Office, 1905-1909; Maj, 1909; General Staff Officer, London District, 1910-1914; head of British missions, General HQ, France, 1915-1918; Military Governor, Cologne, 1918-1919; commanded 1 Infantry Bde, Aldershot, 1920; British Military Representative, League of Nations, Geneva, 1920-1922; Military Attaché, Paris, 1924-1927; Director of Personal Services, 1928-1930; Military Secretary to Secretary of State for War, 1930-1934; retired, 1934; died in 1959.

Clive, Percy Archer, 1873-1918, Captain

  • KCL-AF0147
  • Person
  • 1873-1918

Born in 1873; entered Grenadier Guards, 1891; served in West Africa, 1897; Capt, 1899; served in South Africa, 1899-1901; MP (Liberal Unionist) for South Herefordshire, 1900-1906; Parliamentary Private Secretary to Rt Hon (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer; MP (Unionist) for South Herefordshire, 1908-1918; rejoined Grenadier Guards, 1914; commanded 7 Bn, East Yorkshire Regiment, 1916-1918; died in 1918.

Cline, Henry, 1750-1827, surgeon

  • KCL-AF0780
  • Person
  • 1750-1827

Born, London, 1750; educated, Merchant Taylors' School; apprenticed to Mr. Thomas Smith, surgeon to St Thomas's Hospital, 1767; frequently lectured for Joseph Else, then lecturer on anatomy; diploma from Surgeons' Hall, 1774; attended a course of John Hunter's lectures, and was much influenced by them, 1774; lecturer on anatomy, St Thomas's Hospital, 1781-1811; Surgeon, St Thomas's Hospital, 1784-1811; examiner at the College of Surgeons, 1810; Master of the College of Surgeons, 1815; delivered the Hunterian oration, 1816, 1824; President of the College of Surgeons, 1823; died, 1827. Publications: On the Form of Animals (Bulmer & Co, London, 1805).

Clifford, Esmond Humphrey Miller, 1895-1970, Colonel

  • KCL-AF0145
  • Person
  • 1895-1970

Born in 1895; educated at Clifton College and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; entered Army, 1914; service in World War One, France and Belgium, 1915-1917 and Italy, 1917-1919; Assistant British Commissioner, Anglo-Italian Jubaland Boundary Commission, 1925-1928; Senior British Commissioner, British Somaliland-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1931-1936; Chief Engineer, China Command, 1940-1941; Prisoner of War, 1941-1945; retired in 1948; British Commissioner, Kenya-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1950-57; died in 1970.

Results 2941 to 2960 of 3581