Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Walker, Richard Hearn, 1914-1982, Brigadier

  • KCL-AF0681
  • Person
  • 1914-1982

Born 1914; educated at Bedford School, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich and Jesus College, Cambridge; commissioned into the Corps of Royal Engineers, 1934; Lt, 1937; served in World War Two, 1939- 1945; Adjutant to Commander Royal Engineers, 3 Div Royal Engineers, Belgium and France, 1940; temporary Capt, 1940-1942; General Staff Officer 2, War Office, 1941- 1942; Capt, 1942; Bde Maj, 206 Infantry Bde, 1942; temporary Maj, 1942-1944; General Staff Officer 2, Junior Staff School, 1942-1943; Bde Maj, Army Group Assault Bde, 1943-1944; temporary Lt Col, 1944-1947; Senior Officer Royal Engineers 1, British Military Mission, Greece, 1945-1947; Maj, 1947; General Staff Officer 2, War Office, 1949-1952; General Staff Officer 1, Far East Land Forces, 1953-1955; Lt Col, 1955; Col, 1958; Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters Scottish Command, 1958-1962; Brig, 1962; commanded Corps Royal Engineers, 1 British Corps, 1962-1965; Chief of Staff, Northern Ireland Command, 1965-1967; commanded Engineer Support Group, 1967-1969; Aide de Camp to the Queen, 1968- 1969; retired 1969; Clerk to Dean and Chapter, Durham Cathedral, 1969; clerk to Lord Crewe Trustees, 1969; Vice President of St John's Ambulance Bde, County Durham; Deputy Lieutenant for County Durham, 1975; died 1982.

Wall, Richard Gittins, 1906-1995, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0682
  • Person
  • 1906-1995

Born in 1906; Controller, Birmingham Division, Great Western Railway; 2nd Lt, Officers' Emergency Reserve, 1940; R[ailway] T[ransportation] O[fficer], Northern France, 1940; Staff Capt, War Office, 1941-1942; Principal Military Landing Officer, 3 British Div, North Africa, [1942]; Principal Military Landing Officer, 78 Div, Sicily, 1943; Landing Officer, 3 Canadian Div, Normandy; died in 1995.

Wallace, William Graham, 1893-1985, Major

  • KCL-AF0683
  • Person
  • 1893-1985

Born 1893; 2nd Lt, 3 Bn, London Regt, 1914; served in Sudan, 1915, Gallipoli, 1915, and France and Belgium, 1916-1918; died in 1985.

Walsh, Edmund James Paton, 1897-1985, Brigadier

  • KCL-AF0534
  • Person
  • 1897-1985

Born 1897; Wellington College, Berkshire, until 1916, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; Royal Artillery, 1918-1935; service in Palestine and Syria, 1940; Assistant Provost Marshal on GHQ, Northwestern Expeditionary Force (Norway); Deputy Provost Marshal, 1 Army, North Africa, [1942-1943]; Chief Instructor and Commandant, C Wing, Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), 1943-1944; served in Allied Control Commission Germany, including on the Quadripartite Commission charged with the detection of war criminals, [1944-1947]; retired from active service and promoted to Brigadier, 1947; Governor HM Prison Service; died 1985.

Walsh, Ridley Pakenham, Pakenham-, 1888-1966, Major General

  • KCL-AF0528
  • Person
  • 1888-1966

Born 1888; educated at Cheltenham College and the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; commissioned into Corps of Royal Engineers, 1908; Instructor, Royal Military College, Duntroon, Australia, 1914-1915; served in World War One, 1914-1918; service at Gallipoli and on the Western Front, 1915-1918; Brevet Maj, 1919; British Representative, International Commission, Teschen, Czech-Polish frontier, 1919-1920; Instructor in Tactics and Bde Maj, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, Kent, 1923-1926; General Staff Officer 2, War Office, 1927-1930; Brevet Lt Col, 1928; Imperial Defence College; Assistant Adjutant General, War Office, 1934-1935; Brig, General Staff, Eastern Command, 1935-1939; Maj Gen, 1939; Commandant, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, Kent, and Inspector, Corps of Royal Engineers, 1939; Engineer in Chief, BEF (British Expeditionary Force), France, 1939-1940; awarded CB, 1940; General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland District, 1940-1941; Corps Commander and acting Lt Gen, 1941; Commander, Salisbury Plain District, 1942; Controller General, Army Provision (EG), 1943-1946; Vice Chairman, Harlow New Town Development Corporation, Essex, 1947-1950; President, Cheltonian Society, 1948-1949; died 1966. Decorations: CB, MC. Publications: Outline history of the Russo-Japanese War [1924]; Elementary tactics (Sifton, Praed and Company, London, 1926); History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, Volumes VIII and IX (Longmans, London, 1959).

Walters, Jack Dalrymple, 1897-1981, Commander RN

  • KCL-AF0684
  • Person
  • 1897-1981

Born in 1897; educated at Royal Naval Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth; served on HMS DORIS, Mediterranean, 1914-1915, HMS VALIANT, North Sea, 1916-1917, HMS LOBELIA, Mediterranean, 1917-1918, HMS CALYPSO, Baltic, 1918, and HMS TRING, English Channel, 1920; retired from RN, 1920, but rejoined to fight in World War Two; died in 1981.

Warburton, Bartholomew Elliott George, 1810-1852, writer

  • KCL-AF1333
  • Person
  • 1810-1852

Born 1810 in Tullamore, King’s county, Ireland; educated by private tutor at Wakefield, Yorkshire; admitted as undergraduate to Queen’s College, Cambridge, 1828; transferred to Trinity College, Cambridge, 1830; gained BA, 1834, MA, 1837; entered to study law at Inner Temple, 1832; admitted King's Inn, Dublin, 1833; called to Irish bar in 1837, but abandoned law to manage his Irish estates, travel, and write, under the pseudonym Eliot Warburton; travelled extensively through Syria, Palestine and Egypt, 1843; accounts of travels published as series of articles entitled ‘Episodes of Eastern Travel’ in The Dublin University Magazine, 1843-1844; collected articles on Near East travels published as The Crescent and the Cross, or, Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel, 1845; Zoe: an Episode in the Greek War published in aid of the Irish poor, 1847; Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers published, 1849; published novel Reginald Hastings, 1850; edited Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his Contemporaries, 1851; appointed by the Atlantic and Pacific Junction Company to negotiate a treaty with the native Indian peoples over the strategic geographical area of Isthmus of Darien [now Isthmus of Panama], 1851; died on voyage to South America when Royal Mail steamship Amazon caught fire, 1852; Darien, or, The Merchant Prince posthumously published, 1852.

Publications: The Crescent and the Cross, or, Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel (London, 1845); Zoe: an Episode in the Greek War 1847; Hochelaga or England in the New World by George Warburton, edited by Eliot Warburton (London,1846); Memoirs of prince Rupert and the Cavaliers including their private correspondence (London, 1849); Reginald Hastings; or, A tale of the troubles in 164- (London, 1850); Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his Contemporaries, by Robert Folkestone Williams, edited by Eliot Warburton (London, 1851); Darien, or, The Merchant Prince (London, 1852).

Ward, Ralph Bagshaw, 1911-1992, Group Captain

  • KCL-AF0685
  • Person
  • 1911-1992

Born 1911; commissioned into RAF, [1929]; served with 11 Sqn, RAF, North West Frontier, India, 1930-1933; Flying Officer, 1931; Flight Lt, 1936; Instructor, RAF Flying Training Command, UK, 1939; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; service with RAF Bomber Command, 1939-1942; shot down on raid on Kiel, Germany, and captured by German forces, 25 Feb 1942; POW, East compound, Stalag Luft III, Germany, 1942-1945; member of escape committee and helped to plan 'wooden horse' POW escape [29 Oct 1943]; worked for Imperial Airways, 1946-1950; changed surname by deed poll, from Abraham, to mother's maiden name, Ward, Feb 1949; acted in and Technical Adviser for the film The wooden horse, released in 1950; served as Wg Cdr, Administration, RAF Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, and the Air Ministry, 1950-1952; Air and Military Attaché to the British Embassies in Peru and Ecuador, and Air Attaché to Chile and Bolivia, 1952-1955; served at RAF Hullavington, Wiltshire, 1956-1957; retired 1958; died 1992.

Results 3361 to 3380 of 3581