Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Elliott, Geoffrey Grahame, 1909-1981, Colonel

  • KCL-AF0236
  • Person
  • 1909-1981

Born in 1909; 2nd Lt, Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regt, 1931; Lt, 1933; ADC to Governor andCommander-in-Chief, Malta, 1936-1938; Capt, 1938; Adjutant, 1938-1940; Maj, 1946; General Staff Officer Grade 1, under Director of Land and Air Warfare, War Office, 1946-1948; Lt Col, 1952; General Staff Officer Grade 1, under Director of Mobile Defence Corps, 1955-1956;honorary Col and retired, 1958; died in 1981.

Ellwood, Michael Oliver Dundas, 1894-1984, Captain RN

  • KCL-AF0237
  • Person
  • 1894-1984

Born in 1894; educated at Cheam School, Surrey, and Royal Naval Colleges, Osbourne and Dartmouth; entered RN, 1907; Lt, 1916; Cdr, 1929; retired 1934; rejoined as Capt, 1939; Naval Liaison Officer to Resident Minister for West Africa, 1943-1944; Maintenance Capt, on staff of Flag Officer Commanding West Africa, 1944-1945; Officer Commanding, Anthorn Naval AirStation, 1945-1946; Naval Control of Shipping Officer, 1952; Staff Officer (Trade) to the Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Atlantic Area during NATO Exercise LIFELINE; died 1984.

Else, Joseph, d 1780, anatomist and surgeon

  • KCL-AF0796
  • Person
  • -1780

Joseph Else was Surgeon to St Thomas's Hospital, London from 1768 to 1780. He was appointed Lecturer in Anatomy and Surgery in 1768 on the unification of the medical schools of St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals.

Publications: An essay on the cure of the hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis testis (London, 1770); The works of ... J. E., ... containing a treatise on the hydrocele, and other papers on different subjects in surgery. To which is added, an appendix, containing some cases of hydrocele ... by G Vaux (London, 1782); [An account of a successful method of treating sore legs.] Methode avantageuse de traiter les ulcères des jambes in [Surgical tracts, containing a treatise upon ulcers of the legs.] Traité sur les ulcères des jambes, etc by Michael Underwood MD pp 217-228 (1744 [1784]).

Elwes, Oswald Aloysius Joseph, Cary-, 1913-1994, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0127
  • Person
  • 1913-1994

Born in 1913; 2nd Lt, Royal Lincolnshire Regt, 1933; Lt, 1936; General Staff Officer Grade 3, HQ Western Command, 1940; Bde Maj, Nigerian Bde, 1940-1942; Capt, 1941;General Staff Officer Grade 2, 1 Lines of Communication Sub-Area, North Africa, 1942-1943, 20 Liaison HQ, 1944, and North West Europe, 1945-1946; served with the French Special Air Service, 1944; General Staff Officer Grade 1, North West Europe, 1946; Maj, 1946; General Staff Officer Grade 2, British Military Mission to France, 1947; AMA (General Staff Officer 2), Cairo, 1949-1951; General Staff Officer Grade 2 later Grade 1, HQ Allied Forces in Central Europe, 1955-1958; Lt Col, 1956; General Staff Officer Grade 1, French Forces in Germany, 1958-1959; retired, 1968; died in 1994.

Embleton, Edwin Joseph, 1907-2000, studio manager, Ministry of Information

  • KCL-AF0238
  • Person
  • 1907-2000

Born 1907; joined Odhams Press where he started as a layout and lettering artist and graduated to Studio Manager,1924-1939; Art Director and Studio Manager of General Production Division, Ministry of Information, 1939-1945; returned to Odhams Press, 1945; died, 2000.

Enk, Petrus Johannes, 1885-1960, Professor of Latin

  • KCL-AF1094
  • Person
  • 1885-1960

Born 1885; Professor Ordinarius of Latin language and literature, University of Groningen, Netherlands; Vice President of the British Classical Association; died 1960.Publications: Ad propertii carmina commentarius criticus (Zutphen, 1911); Gratti Cynegeticon quae supersunt of Faliscus Gratius (Zutphen, 1918); Handboek der latijnsche letterkunde (Zutphen, 1928-37); Plauti Mercato (A W Sijthoff, 1932); Propertii Elegiarum of Sextus Propertius (1946); Plauti Truculentus of Titus Maccius Plautus (1953); Catalogus librorum quos M. Tullius Cicero : scripsit eorumque qui de ipso eisque agunt qui libri omnes veneunt in aedibus E. J. Brill bibliopolae leidensis (Brill, Leiden, 1958).

Entwistle, William James, 1895-1952, Professor of Spanish

  • KCL-AF1095
  • Person
  • 1895-1952

William James Entwistle was born on 7 December 1895 at Cheng Yang Kuan; educated by his father and at the China Inland Mission's school at Chefoo (Yantai), until 1910; attended Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen for a year; entered the University of Aberdeen with a bursary, obtaining a first class in classics, with distinctions in Greek history and comparative philology, 1916; joined the Royal Field Artillery, transferring to the Scottish Rifles and was seriously wounded in 1917.

Entwistle was awarded the Fullerton classical scholarship at Aberdeen, 1918; spent 1920 in Madrid, after receiving a Carnegie grant; married Jeanie Drysdale, 1921; became lecturer in charge of Spanish at Manchester, 1921.

Entwistle wrote his first book, The Arthurian Legend in the Literatures of the Spanish Peninsula , 1925; became first Stevenson Professor of Spanish at Glasgow, 1925; became King Alfonso XIII Professor of Spanish studies at Oxford, 1932; awarded a fellowship at Exeter College, 1932. Whilst at Oxford Entwistle wrote over sixty articles, including work concerning Spanish, Portuguese, and South American literary, linguistic, and historical themes; his first major work at Oxford was The Spanish Language , 1936, a descriptive account of the languages of the Iberian peninsula.

Entwistle worked a draft of the Chronicle of John I of Portugal , by Fernão Lopes (1380-1459). Fernão Lopes was a Portuguese chronicler, appointed by King Edward I of Portugal to write the history of Portugal, including Crónica de el-rei D. João I (Chronicle of King John I), first and second part.

Enwistle was joint editor of the Modern Language Review , 1934-1948, general editor of the Year's Work in Modern Language Studies , 1931-1937 and of the Great Languages Series , 1940-1952 and general editor of the linguistic contributions to the new edition of Chambers's Encyclopaedia ; was educational director of the British Council, 1942-1943; made honorary LLD of Aberdeen, 1940, Glasgow, 1951 and LittD of Coimbra and Pennsylvania and was president of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1952. Entwistle died in St Edmund Hall, Oxford, on 13 June 1952.

Publications notably include: The Arthurian legend in the literatures of the Spanish Peninsula (London, Toronto, Dent, New York, Dutton, 1925), The Spanish language: together with Portuguese, Catalan and Basque (Faber & Faber, London 1936), European balladry (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1939), Cervantes, the exemplary novelist (Hispanic Review, 1941),) Russian and the Slavonic languages by W. J. Entwistle & W. A. Morison (Faber & Faber, London, 1949) and Aspects of language (Faber and Faber,London, 1953).

Results 921 to 940 of 3581