Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Parsons, Sir Lawrence Worthington, 1850-1923, Knight, Lieutenant General

  • KCL-AF0533
  • Person
  • 1850-1923

Born in 1850; Lt, Royal Artillery, 1870; Capt, 1880; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1881-1889; Maj, 1886; Lt Col, 1896; Col on Staff, South Africa, 1900-1901; Col on Staff, Salisbury Plain District, 1901-1903; Maj Gen 1903; Maj Gen, 1903; Inspector General, Artillery, India, 1903-1906; Lt Gen, 1909; commanded 6 Div, Cork, 1906-1909; retired 1909; re-employed to command 16 (Irish) Div, 1914-1915; replaced as Commanding Officer and retired, 1915; Col Commandant, Royal Artillery, 1917; died in 1923.

Parsons, Frederick Gymer, 1863-1943, anatomist and anthropologist

  • KCL-AF0919
  • Person
  • 1863-1943

Frederick Gymer Parsons was born 1863. He was educated at St Thomas's Hospital, obtaining DSc London, FRCS, FSA. Parsons served as Demonstrator and Lecturer at St Thomas's Hospital; Lecturer at London School of Medicine for Women; Hunterian Professor at Royal College of Surgeons; Senior Warden, Apothecaries' Hall; Examiner at the University of Oxford, Cambridge, Aberdeen, London, Birmingham, National University of Ireland, University of Wales, Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Surgeons, Apothecaries Hall, and other bodies; President Anatomical Society; Vice-Pres. Royal Anthropological Institute; President Section H British Association. He was appointed Research Fellow in Anthropology at St Thomas's Hospital; late Professor of Anatomy, University of London; Lecturer at St Thomas's Hospital and at Bethlem Royal Hospital. Parsons was also editor of the St Thomas Hospital Gazette. He married Mary Parker (died 1915), He died on 11 March 1943. Publications: The History of St. Thomas's Hospital , Methuen & Co: London, 1932-1936.

Parkes, Thomas, 1888-1971, Corporal

  • KCL-AF0532
  • Person
  • 1888-1971

Served with O Company, 4 Bn, Special Bde, Royal Engineers, France, 1916; married Gertrude Clegg, 1917; worked as a teacher after the war; Head teacher in a school in Lowestoft, 1939; died in 1971.

Parker, Robert Malcolm, 1918-1996, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0531
  • Person
  • 1918-1996

Born, 1918; educated: Mill Hill School; Merton College, Oxford 1937-1939 and 1945-1946. 1st class Hons in Maths BA and MA; Royal Engineers, Oct 1939; 2nd Lt, Mar 1946; field units and HQ 8th Army; mentioned in despatches twice, once in 1943 other unknown; served in France, [1940]; North Africa including El Alamein, 1942; Italy, 1943-1944; Staff College Camberley, 1944; MBE, 1944; served in Holland and Germany including the battle of Arnhem, 1944-1945; Lt Col, [1945]; OBE, [1945]; Head of Maths, Repton School, 1947-1949; Administrative Assistant in Education Dept, Salop County Council, 1949-1953; Assistant Education Officer then Deputy Director of Education, West Sussex County Council, 1953-1967; Chief Education Officer, Somerset County Council, 1967-1974; retired, 1974; died, 1996.

Parker, Dorothy Ellen, fl 1900-1921, English student at King's College London

  • KCL-AF1117
  • Person
  • 1900-1921

Sir Israel Gollancz, born 1863; educated at the City of London School, University College London, Christ's College Cambridge, 1883-1887; degree awarded, 1887; Quain English Student and Lecturer, University College, 1892-1895; University Lecturer in English at Cambridge, 1896-1906; Professor of English Language and Literature at King's College London, 1903-1930; founding member and first Secretary of the British Academy, 1902-1930; President of the Philological Society, 1919-1922; died, 1930. Publications include: Pearl (London, 1891); Cynewulf's Christ (London, 1892); Exeter book of Anglo-Saxon poetry (London, 1895); Hamlet in Iceland (London, 1898); The sources of Hamlet (London, 1926). He was also editor of a number of important Shakespeare and other editions including The Temple Classics, The King's Library and The Mediaeval Library.

Park, John James, 1795-1833, Professor of English Law and Jurisprudence

  • KCL-AF1271
  • Person
  • 1795-1833

Born, 1795; student, Lincoln's Inn, London, 1815; called to the Bar, 1822; Professor of English Law and Jurisprudence, King's College London, 1831-1833; died, 1833.

Publications: The topography and natural history of Hampstead (White, Cochrane & Co, London, 1814); A treatise on the law of dower; particularly with a view to the modern practice of conveyancing (London, 1819); A contre-projet to the Humphreysian code; and to the projects of redaction of Messrs Hammond, Uniacke and Twiss (London, 1828); Juridical letters, addressed to the Right Hon R Peel, in reference to the present crisis of law reform (London, 1830); An introductory lecture delivered at King's College (London, 1831); What are courts of equity? a lecture delivered at King's College (London, 1832); The dogmas of the constitution. Four lectures (London, 1832); Conservative reform. A letter (London, 1832); Systems of registration and conveyancing. A lecture delivered at King's College London (London, 1833).

Panzer, Georg Wolfgang Franz, 1755-1829, physician and entymologist

  • KCL-AF0914
  • Person
  • 1755-1829

Georg Wolfgang Franz Panzer, physician and entymologist, lived in Nuremburg, Germay. He collaborated with Jacob Sturm, engraver, to produce a volume titled Faunae Insectorum Germanicae Initia [Elements of the German insect fauna] (Nuremberg, [1792-]1793-1813, in 109 parts. In this volume Panzer's short textual descriptions and Sturm's individual, hand-colored engravings of more than 2600 insects. The work was continued through part 190 (1829-1844) by G.A.W. Herrich-Schaeffer. Panzer died 28 May 1829. Publications: Observationum Botanicarum specimen (Norimbergae et Lipsiae, 1781); Beytrag zur Geschichte des ostindischen Brodbaums, mit einer systematischen Beschreibung desselben ... Nebst einer Kupfertafel (Nurnberg, 1783); De dolore (Altorfii, [1785?]); Versuch einer naturlichen Geschichte der Laub- und Lebermoosse nach Schmidelschen-Schreberschen und Hedwigschen Beobachtungen (Nurnberg, 1787); Deutschlands Insectenfaune oder entomologisches Taschenbuch fur das Jahr 1795 (Nurnberg, [1795.]); Faunae Insectorum Americes Borealis prodomus, etc (Norimbergae, 1794); Faunae Insectorum Germanicae Initia, oder Deutschlands Insecten, herausgegeben von Dr G. W. F. Panzer. Zweyte Auflage. [Continued by] Dr G. A. W. Herrich-Schaffer ( Nurnberg [& Ratisbon], 1796[-1844]); Symbolae Entomologicae ... Cum tabulis XII. aeneis [coloured] (Erlangae, 1802); Viro ... venerabili G. W. Panzero parenti suo ... gratulatur, simulque quaedam de D. J. G. Volcamero, ... additis duabus ad illum epistolis H. Boerhaave et I. Pitt[on] Tournefort, ... exponit D. G. W. F. Panzer (Norimbergae, 1802); Systematische Nomenclatur uber weiland ... J. C. Schaeffers naturlich ausgemahlte Abbildungen regensburgischer Insekten, etc. (D. J. C. Schaefferi iconum insectorum circa Ratisbonam indigenorum enumeratio systematica opera et studio G. W. F. P.) (Erlangen, 1804); Kritische Revision der Insektenfaune Deutschlands (2 Bdchn. Nurnberg, 1805); Index entomologicus sistens omnes insectorum species in G. W. F. Panzeri Fauna Insectorum Germanica descriptas atque delineatas ... adjectis ... observationibus. Pars 1. Eleutherata (Norimbergæ, 1813); Ideen zu einer kunftigen Revision der Gattungen der Graser. L.P. ( Munchen, 1813). Jacob Sturm was born in Nuremburg, German, 1771, the son of Johann Georg Sturm, engraver. He was apprenticed to his father, who trained him in drawing and copperplate engraving. He rose to prominence aged only sixteen with the publication of his engraveings in a work by Pallas [c1787]. In 1791-1792 he published a set of 100 hand-colored copperplate engravings of insects called Insekten-Cabinet nach der Natur gezeichnet und gestochen [Insect cabinet, drawn and engraved from nature]. In 1796 Sturm published the catalogue of his own insect collection. As a result of his work and expanding network of contacts with entomologists and other scientists, his collection grew so rapidly that he issued an enlarged second edition only four years later, in 1800, and eventually a third in 1826 and a fourth in 1843. His became one of the largest and most valuable private collections in Europe, consulted and cited by entomologists throughout the scientific world. From the 1790s until his death in 1848, Sturm produced engravings for a wide array of natural-history publications in Germany. He was a founding member of the Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zu Nürnberg in 1801, and was made an honorary member of many prestigious scientific societies throughout Germany, Russia, and Sweden, as well as of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the General Union Philosophical Society of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. In 1846 Sturm was awarded a Doctorate of Philosophy honoris causa by the University of Breslau. He died at his home in Nuremberg in 1848. Publications: Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen [Germany's flora in illustrations from nature, with descriptions] (Nuremberg, [1796-]1798-1848[-1862]); Deutschlands Fauna in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen [Germany's fauna in illustrations from nature, with descriptions] (Nuremberg, 1797-1857); Abbildungen zu Karl Illigers Uebersetzung von Oliviers Entomologie [Illustrations for Karl Illiger's translation of Olivier's "Entomologie"] (Nuremberg, 1802-1803); Schreber's Beschreibung der Gräser nebst ihren Abbildungen nach der Natur [Description of the grasses with illustrations drawn from nature] (Leipzig, [1766-] 1769-1772 [-1779], new ed. 1810); Panzer's Deutschlands Insectenfaune [German insect fauna] (Nuremberg, 1795); and Kritische Revision der Insectenfaune Deutschlands... [Critical revision of the German insect fauna] (Nuremberg, 1805-1806); Albrecht Wilhelm Roth's Catalecta Botanica quibus Plantae Novae et Minus Cognitae Describuntur atque Illustrantur [Botanical account in which new and lesser known plants are described and illustrated] (3 vols. Leipzig, 1797-1806); Kaspar Maria Graf von Sternberg's Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt [An attempt at a geognostical-botanical presentation of the flora of the primeval world] (Leipzig, Prague, & Regensburg, [1820-]1825-1838) and Revisio Saxifragarum Iconibus Illustrata [Revision of the Saxifrages, illustrated by pictures] (3 vols. v.1-2: Regensberg, 1810-1822; v.3: Leipzig, 1831); Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Essenbeck's System der Pilze und Schwämme [System of fungi and mushrooms] (Wurzberg, 1816) and Bryologia Germanica, oder Beschreibung der in Deutschland und in der Schweiz wachsenden Laubmoose [German mosses, or Descriptions of deciduous mosses growing in Germany and Switzerland] (Nuremberg, 1823-1831); David Heinrich Hoppe's Caricologia Germanica, oder Beschreybungen und Abbildungen aller in Deutschland wildwachsenden Seggen [German sedges, or Descriptions and illustrations of wild-growing sedge grasses in Germany] (Nuremberg, 1835).

Results 1041 to 1060 of 3581