Showing 3581 results
Authority recordAston, Sir George Grey, 1861-1938, Knight, Major General
- KCL-AF0024
- Person
- 1861-1938
Born in 1861; educated at Westminster School and Royal Naval College, Greenwich; joined Royal Marine Artillery, 1879; served in Sudan, 1884; member of the Foreign Intelligence Committee, Admiralty, 1886; service in the Naval Intelligence Department, Admiralty, 1887-1890; Staff College, 1891; Intelligence Officer, Mediterranean Fleet, 1892-1895; Professor of Fortification, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 1896-1899; served in Boer War, South Africa, 1899-1900; Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, Royal Marines, 1901; Secretary to Naval Reserves Committee, 1902; Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, Staff College, 1904-1907; Brig Gen, General Staff, South Africa, 1908-1912; publication of Defence of United South Africa as a part of the British Empire (Cape Times, Cape Town, 1910); publication of Letters on Amphibious Wars (John Murray, London, 1911, 1920); ADC to the King, 1911-1917; attached to Headquarters Staff, South African Forces, 1912; Special Service, Admiralty War Staff, 1913-1914; publication of Staff Duties and other Subjects (Hugh Rees, London, 1913); Chairman of the Committee on Defence of Admiralty Oil Reserves, 1914; commanded expeditions to Ostend and Dunkirk, 1914; publication of Sea, Land and Air Strategy (John Murray, London, 1914); Commandant, 1914-1917; Maj Gen and retired, 1917; publication of The Triangle of Terror in Belgium (John Murray, London, 1918); employed in secretariat of the War Cabinet, 1918-1919; publication of War Lessons New and Old (John Murray, London, 1919); Memories of a Marine: an amphibiography (John Murray, London, 1919); Mostly about Trout (G Allen and Unwin, London, 1921); The Problem of Defence (P Allan and Co, London, 1925); Letters to young flyfishers (P Allan and Co, London, 1926); The Navy Today (Methuen and Co, London, 1927); The Study of War for Statesmen and Citizens (Longmans and Co, London, 1927, 1973); The Life of Nelson (London, 1928); The Biography of the late Marshal Foch (Hutchinson and Co, London, 1929); His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (G G Harrap and Co, London, 1929); The Great War of 1914-1918 (Thornton Butterworth, London, 1930); Secret Service (Faber and Faber, London, 1930); editor of Hamley's Operations of War and of the Study of War (1927).
Aston, Stanley Collin, 1915-1992, Colonel, Professor of Modern Languages
- KCL-AF0023
- Person
- 1915-1992
Born 1915; educated at City School, Lincoln, St Catherine's College, Cambridge University, and the University of Clermont, France; Bye-Fellow, Magdalene College, Cambridge, 1938-1943; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; service with The Suffolk Regt, Royal Marines Div and the Intelligence Corps, 1939-1946; served as General Staff Officer 3 (Intelligence), Royal Marines Div, [1941]-Mar 1942; service as General Staff Officer 2 (Intelligence), 121 Force, Operation IRONCLAD, the British capture, from the Vichy French, of Diego Suarez, Madagascar, May 1942; Fellow of St Catherine's College, Cambridge, 1943; Secretary, Modern Humanities Research Association, 1945-1950; Dean, St Catherine's College, Cambridge, 1946-1957; service with the Cambridgeshire Regt and the Royal Anglian Regt, Territorial Army, 1946-1980; University lecturer, Cambridge, 1946-1982; Chairman, Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force, 1947-1977; Territorial Army and Auxiliary Forces, Cambridgeshire Regt, and Cambridge University Officer Training Corps, from 1948; Chairman, Modern Humanities Research Association, 1950-1968; Member, International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), 1952-1975; Secretary General, International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures, 1954-1978; Visiting Professor, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1955-1956 and 1961-1962; Tutor, St Catherine's College, Cambridge, 1957-1959; Deputy Lieutenant, Cambridgeshire, 1960; Bursar, St Catherine's College, Cambridge, 1961-1979; Chairman, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Territorial Army, 1967-1977; President, Modern Humanities Research Association, 1970; Deputy Honorary Col (Territorial Army), Royal Anglian Regt, 1972-1980; awarded OBE, 1973; Vice President, International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), 1975-1979; President, International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), from 1979; President, St Catherine's College, Cambridge, 1980; died 1992. Publications: Peirol, troubadour of Auvergne (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1953).
Ataíde, António de, 1567-1647, 1st Count of Castro-Daire
- KCL-AF1012
- Person
- 1567-1647
Born 1567; participated in the expedition of the Marquês de Santa Cruz to the island of Terceira, 1587; served under Don Martinho de Rivera, General of the Galleys of Spain; served as Captain of Horse; Frontier Commander of Alcobaça; General of the Armada of the Coast; Colonel of Infantry; Captain Major of the Indian Fleets, 1611-1612, undertook round voyage from Lisbon to Goa; Captain General of the Portuguese Home Fleet, 1618-1621; removed from command due to the loss of the ship NOSSA SENHORA DA CONCEIÇÃO to Algerine warships in 1621, subsequently absolved of blame; Gentleman of the Chamber of Philip IV, King of Spain, and Steward to Queen Isabella; Councillor of the State Council of Portugal; President of the Council of Aragon; Ambassador Extraordinary to Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1629; appointed with the Conde de Vale de Reis as joint Governor of Portugal under the Spanish Crown, 1631-1633; President of the Board of Conscience and Military Orders; imprisoned in 1641 on suspicion of involvement in pro-Spanish activities, subsequently acquitted and released; died 1647; buried in the Church of San Francisco, Lisbon.
Publications: Cargos que resultaram da devassa que os governadores de Portugal mandaram tirar a D Antonio de Ataide da nau da India 'Nossa Senhora da Conceição' que os inimigos queimaram no ano de 1621, e reposta de D Antonio nos argos (Lisbon, 1622); Sentenças dadas sobre a devassa que se tirou de Dom A. de Atayde Capitão General da armada de Portugal (P Crasbeek, Lisbon, 1624); Viagens do Reino para a Índia e da Índia para o Reino, 1608-1612. Diários de navegação coligidos por D. António de Ataíde no século XVII . With introduction and notes by Comandante Humberto Leitão (3 vols, Lisbon, 1957).
Atkins, Henry Gibson, 1871-1942, Professor of German
- KCL-AF1013
- Person
- 1871-1942
Born 1871; educated at Queen Elisabeth Grammar School, Atherstone, Warwickshire; studied privately in France and Germany and at Trinity College, Cambridge; Professor of German at King's College London, 1900-1937; Fellow, 1912; Assistant Principal, 1919-1923 and 1925-1937; Member of the University of London Senate, 1918-1933 and of the University Court, 1929-1933; Joint Editor of the Modern Language Review ; died 1942. Publications: include A short history of French literature with Professor Leon Emile Kastner, (Blackie and Son, London, 1900); Goethe's poems with Professor Kastner, (Blackie and Son, London, 1902); A skeleton French grammar (Blackie and Sons, London, 1902); A skeleton German grammar (Blackie and Sons, London, 1902); Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Methuen and Co, London, 1904); The teaching of modern foreign languages in school and university (with Henry Leonard Hutton), (Edward Arnold, London, 1920); A history of German versification (Methuen and Co, London, 1923); The student in purgatory (translated from Hans Sachs); Heine...with a portrait (Routledge and Sons, London; E P Dutton and Co, New York, 1929); The poems of Annette von Droste-Hülshoff (Sidgwick and Jackson, London, 1933); German literature through Nazi eyes (Methuen and Co, London, 1941).
Atkins, Sir John, 1875-1963, Knight, physician
- KCL-AF1014
- Person
- 1875-1963
Born, 1875; educated at Guy's Hospital, MB 1901; on staff of the Imperial Yeomanry Hospital, South Africa, 1901; returned to Guy's Hospital as Assistant House Surgeon and Clinical Assistant, [1902-1904]; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1903; General Practitioner in West Kensington, 1904-1914; served on staff of Commander-in-Chief, Sir John French, 1914-1918; Assistant Director-General of the Army Medical Service; became interested in improving the teaching of domestic science and home economics and initiated a subscription campaign to provide for a hostel for such students in King's College for Women, 1911; a distinct department for women emerged in 1915; knighted (KCMG), 1919; became Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Department/College, 1922-1958; died, 1963.
ATS, Auxiliary Territorial Service
- Corporate body
Austen, Sir Alfred Reade Godwin-, 1889-1963, Knight, General
- KCL-AF0280
- Person
- 1889-1963
Born in 1889; educated at St Lawrence College, Ramsgate and Royal Military College, Sandhurst; joined South Wales Borderers, 1909; served at Gallipoli and in Mesopotamia, 1915-1919, on Staff of 40 Infantry Bde and 13 Div; Staff College, Camberley, 1923-1925; staff appointments, War Office, Royal Military College, Sandhurst and Egypt; publication of The Staff and the Staff College (Constable and Co, London, 1927); commanded 2nd Bn, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 1936-1937; employed with British Military Mission to Egyptian Army, 1937-1938; commanded 14 Infantry Bde in Palestine Rebellion, 1938-1939; Maj-Gen, 1939; Commanded 8th Division, 1939; served in East Africa, Abyssinia, and Libya; Director of Research, War Office, 1942-1943; Vice Quartermaster General, War Office, 1943-1944; Quartermaster General, India Command, New Delhi, 1945; Principal Administrative Officer, India Command, New Delhi, 1945-1946; Lt-Gen 1946; Gen, 1946; retired pay, 1947; died in 1963.