Cadell, Colin Simpson, 1905-1996, Air Commodore

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Cadell, Colin Simpson, 1905-1996, Air Commodore

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Dates of existence



Born 1905; educated at Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University, RAF College, Cranwell, Lincolnshire and Ecole Supérieur d'Électricité, Paris, France; commissioned into the RAF, 1926; served with 4 Sqn, RAF Farnborough, 1927-1929; service with 208 Sqn, Heliopolis, Egypt, 1929-1931; attended Ecole Supérieur d'Électricité, Paris, France, 1932-1933; Flight Lt, 1933; served with 2 Sqn, RAF Manston, Kent, 1933-1934; Aide de Camp to Sir Miles Wedderburn Lampson, Ambassador to Egypt and High Commissioner for the Sudan, 1934-1936; service with 45 Sqn, Helwan, Egypt, 1936; Senior Technical Officer, RAF Signals School, Cranwell, Lincolnshire, 1936-1937; Sqn Ldr, 1937; student at RAF Staff College, 1 (Bomber) Group, Andover, Hampshire, 1937-1938; Operations Branch, Air Ministry, 1938-1940; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; employed on the 'Beetle Scheme', the establishment of a nationwide combined services communications network, 1940; Wg Cdr Operations, 80 Wing, RAF Countermeasures Unit, Radlett, Hertfordshire, 1940-1941; Deputy Director of Intelligence 4, Intelligence Department, London, 1941-1943; involved in the development of the intelligence listening station at Chicksands, Bedfordshire, 1941-1943; Chief Signals Officer, Middle East, Cairo, Egypt, 1943; Director of Telecommunications and of Signals, Air Ministry, 1944-1946; awarded CBE, 1944; RAF Turnhouse, Lothian, 1946-1947; retired, 1947; Managing Director, International Aeradio, 1947-1958; Director, Carron Company, 1958-1971; Director, Royal Bank of Scotland, 1963-1969; Deputy Lieutenant, Linlithgowshire, 1963-1972; Chairman, Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee, 1972-1982; Vice Lieutenant for West Lothian, 1972-1988; Member of Queen's Body Guard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers); died 1996.

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Institution identifier

0099 KCLMA



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