Carless, Albert, 1863-1936, Professor of Surgery

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Carless, Albert, 1863-1936, Professor of Surgery

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Born, 1863, educated, King's College School, 1876-1880, entered Medical Department, King's College London, 1880; Carter Gold Medal and Prize for Botany, 1882; Warneford Prize for Theology and Leathes Prize for Religious Knowledge, 1883; member Royal College of Surgeons, 1885; obtained honours in Materia Medica at the first Bachelor of Medicine Examination in 1883, final with honours in Obstetrics and in Forensic Medicine, 1886, first class honours and Gold Medal, Bachelor of Surgery Examination, 1887; Gold Medal, Master of Surgery Examination, 1888; appointed House Surgeon, King's College Hospital to John Wood, Professor of Clinical Surgery, 1886; Sambrooke Surgical Registrar, 1889; appointed Assistant Surgeon to King's College Hospital and Teacher of Practical Surgery, Teacher of Operative Surgery, and Surgeon, 1898; Professor of Surgery in King's College, 1902-1918, resigned from honorary staff, Senior Surgeon to King's and Consulting Surgeon, 1919; elected Chairman of the Medical Board, 1914, Colonel in the Army Medical Service, and Consulting Surgeon to Eastern Command, 1914-1918; elected a Fellow of King's College London, 1908, Honorary Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, 1920, Honorary Medical Director of Barnardo Homes following retirement from King's College. Died 1936. Publications: With William Rose, A manual of surgery (London, 1898), 19th edition (London, 1960).

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0100 KCLCA



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