Carter, John, 1748-1817, architect

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Carter, John, 1748-1817, architect

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Born, 1748; attended school in Battersea and Kennington until 1760; worked as an artist for his father, Benjamin, a sculptor, until his death, [1763]; apprenticed to Joseph Dixon, surveyor, from around 1764; private work as draughtsman including for Henry Holland of Piccadilly, 1768; drawings for Builder's magazine , 1774-1786; first employed by Society of Antiquaries to draw subjects including St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, the abbeys at Bath and St Alban's and cathedrals at Exeter, Durham and Gloucester, 1780; begins to draw for the antiquarian, Richard Gough, who incorporated illustrations by Carter in his Sepulchral monuments in Great Britain , 2 vols (London, 1786, 1796); introduced to patrons including John Soane and Horace Walpole, 1781; published Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in this kingdom , 2 vols (London, 1780, 1787); exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1786; begins publication of Views of ancient buildings in England , 6 vols (London, 1786-1793); Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, 1795; begins publishing The ancient architecture of England , 2 vols (London, 1795, 1807); periodically composed music and operas including The white rose and The cell of St Oswald ; published important series of articles warning against inappropriate restoration and the demolition of ancient monuments under the title 'Pursuits of architectural innovation', in Gentleman's magazine , 1798-1817; died, 1817. Publications: Views of ancient buildings in England , 6 vols (London, 1786-1793); Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in this kingdom , 2 vols (London, 1780, 1787); The ancient architecture of England , 2 vols (London, 1795, 1807). Contributions to Builder's magazine , 1774-1786, and Gentleman's magazine , 1798-1817.

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0100 KCLCA



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