Key Information
Reference code
- 1958-2005 (Creation)
Level of description
56 boxes or 0.56m3
Scope and content
Papers relating to the development of CCADD, 1958-1964; minutes of meetings including executive committee meetings, executive sub-committee meetings, annual general meetings, management committee meetings, research group meetings, publications group ... »
System of arrangement
56 boxes, arranged in sections as above.
General Information
Name of creator
Biographical history
The Council on Christian Approaches to Defence and Disarmament was founded in the early 1960s as a response to the Cold War; it arose from the Institute of Strategic Studies, founded in 1957, and was intended to be a separate but parallel body for ... »
Custodial history
Presented to the Centre by Brian Wicker, Chairman of CCADD, 2006; and Brenda Bailey, 2007.
Conditions governing access
Open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of two forms of identification, to include one photographic ID.
Conditions governing reproduction
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied from open material for research purposes only.
Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, via the Archives.
Language of material
- English
Uploaded finding aid
Existence and location of originals
Please note: We require 7 days notice to retrieve this collection as part, or all of it, is held off-campus. Read more ›
Publication note
PAX: The History of a Catholic Peace Society in Britain 1936-1971', PhD by Valerie Flessati, University of Bradford, 1991, contains information about CCADD.
People and Organisations
- Bailey, Sydney, 1916-1995, peace campaigner (Subject)
- Council on Christian Approaches to Defence and Disarmament (Subject)
- BASIC, British-American Security Information Council (Subject)
- Churches Peace Forum (Subject)
- Council for Arms Control (Subject)
- Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (Subject)
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Subject)
- Pax Christi International (Subject)
- Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Subject)
- Sydney Bailey Memorial Lecture and Thanksgiving Book Fund (Subject)
- VERTIC, Verification Technology Information Centre (Subject)
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000.
Archivist's note
Entry compiled by Katharine Higgon.