Key Information
Reference code
- 2004 Dec 2 - Dec 6 (Creation)
Level of description
67pp and 21pp
Scope and content
Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Daniel ‘Danny’ Ayalon, Israeli Ambassador to USA 2002-2006, describing reaction to comments made by George W Bush, US President 2001-2009, regarding a Palestinian state, 2 Oct 2001, and the drafting of the reply by Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, the ‘Czechoslovakia Speech’, 5 Oct 2001; reaction to the Zinni ceasefire plan put forward by Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, 26 Mar 2002; reaction of the Israeli government to the Passover bombing of the Park Hotel at Netanya, Israel, 27 Mar 2002, including the first siege of the compound Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, and the launch of Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD by the Israel Defence Force (IDF), Apr 2002, the UN Security Council resolution to send a fact finding mission to investigate Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Jenin, Apr 2002, and the end of the compound siege and negotiations surrounding the handing over of prisoners to British custody, Apr 2002; the difficulties of negotiating with Yasser Arafat, May 2002; problems with the publication and implementation of the road map for peace plan, 2002; visit of Condoleezza Rice, US National Security Adviser 2001-2005, to Israel, Jun 2003, including discussions regarding the security fence surrounding Gaza; the effect on negotiations of the resignation of Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) as Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority, 2003, and the election of Abu Ala’a, (Ahmed Ali Mohammed Qurei) Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority 2003-2006, in Sept 2003; drafting the exchange of letters between Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and President Bush in which Sharon outlined his disengagement plan, Apr 2004. Also additional extracts from this transcript, made by Brook Lapping during production. Please note that the transcript includes some spellings which have been rendered phonetically.