Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Danny (Dani) Yatom, Director of Mossad, 1996-1998 and Security Adviser to Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, describing the early negotiations of the Barak administration with Yasser Arafat, ... »
Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Danny (Dani) Yatom, Director of Mossad, 1996-1998 and Security Adviser to Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, describing the early negotiations of the Barak administration with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, including Barak’s meeting with Arafat at the Erez Checkpoint, 11 Jul 1999; Barak’s relationship with William Jefferson ‘Bill’ Clinton, US President 1993-2001, including summit meetings, Washington, USA, 15-19 Jul 1999; attendance of the funeral of King Hassan of Morocco, 24 Jul 1999; Barak’s second meeting with Arafat at the Erez Checkpoint, 27 Jul 1999; negotiations with Syria, Dec 1999-Jan 2000, including peace talks at Washington and Shepherdstown, USA, and Geneva, Switzerland; events at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, including disagreements and discussions within the Israeli negotiating team, particularly regarding the division of Jerusalem, official and private meetings between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, Ehud Barak’s decision to leave the negotiations early and his subsequent change of mind; Barak’s meeting with Yasser Arafat at Kochav Yair, Israel, 25 Sept 2000; the visit of Ariel Sharon, leader of the rival Likud party 1999-2005, to the Temple Mount and al-Asqa mosque, Jerusalem, Israel, and the subsequent violent demonstrations, 28-29 Sept 2000; cease fire negotiations at the residence of the US Ambassador, Paris, France, 4 Oct 2000, particularly the behaviour of Jacques Chirac, President of France 1995-2007; the lynching of two Israeli reservists in Ramallah and the decision to make retaliatory attacks, Oct 2000.