Guy's Hospital Medical School College

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Guy's Hospital Medical School College

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As early as 1839 the Treasurer of Guy's Hospital Medical School had attempted to provide a residential college for students but the plan failed as the School could not meet the expense. Before the establishment of the College, many students lived in poor conditions in the neighbourhood of the hospital. By 1885 the need for residential accommodation had become more urgent with the appointment of more resident house-officers by the Hospital. The Hospital agreed to help with the funding and a college was built on a site on Maze Pond next to the hospital. The College was formally opened in 1890. During the Second World War the College was badly damaged, and most of the building rebuilt and refurbished. The College was reopened in 1946 under the management of the Medical School. The College was later demolished to make way for the building of Guy's Tower.

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Institution identifier

0100 KCLCA



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