Guy's Hospital School of Nursing, London

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Authorized form of name

Guy's Hospital School of Nursing, London

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Description area


The first nursing staff were appointed to Guy's Hospital by the Court of Committees, 11 May 1725. In 1877, the Superintendent and one of the physicians began giving lectures to nurses. Guy's Hospital School of Nursing was established in 1880. E Cooper Perry, Dean of Guy's Hospital Medical School and Superintendant of the Hospital, directed a significant reorganisation of nursing provision and training at Guy's Hospital. In 1902 the Henrietta Raphael Nurses Home opened. Applicants for appointment as probationers were received for preliminary training courses before entering the wards. That same year the Guy's Past and Present Nurses League was formed. In 1923, the age of entry for Probationer Nurses was reduced from 23 to 21 years. In 1924, nurses from the Cancer Hospital, Royal Ophthalmic Hospital and Royal Sea-Bathing Hospital, Margate, were admitted for two years further training at Guy's, in order to obtain registration. By 1929, the length of training stood at three and a half years, by 1937, it had been extended to four years. In 1932, the Women's Training School was established to manage the School of Nursing, the School of Massage and Medical Gymnastics, and the School of Electrotherapy and Radiography. In 1939, the School of Midwifery was added to its responsibilities. About 1945, the Preliminary Training School moved to Holmsdale, Redhill, and the nurses attended the Redhill Technical School for some courses as well as one day per week at Guy's Hospital. In 1965, it was returned to the Guy's Hospital site.

Relationships area

Related entity

Thomas Guy and Lewisham School of Nursing, 1985-1991 (1985-1991)

Identifier of related entity


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Type of relationship

Thomas Guy and Lewisham School of Nursing, 1985-1991

is the successor of

Guy's Hospital School of Nursing, London

Dates of relationship


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Authority record identifier


Institution identifier

0100 KCLCA



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