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FALL OF THE WALL: television documentary archive on the end of Communist rule in East Germany
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Transcript of interview, [1994], with Wolfgang Rahder and Mrs Rahder, parents of Jens Illing, East German riot police conscript

Typescript transcript of interview with Wolfgang Rähder and Mrs Rähder, mother and stepfather of Jens Illing, conscript in East German riot police (see item 3/7), and residents of Leipzig, describing their motivation in participating in the demonstrations in Leipzig against the East German government; their son's warning concerning the planned use of force against demonstration planned for 9 Oct 1989; and the speech of Kurt Masur, East German musician to the demonstrators. 12pp Language: German

Transcript of interview, [1994], with West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher

Typescript transcript of interview with Hans-Dietrich Genscher, West German Foreign Minister during 1989, describing West German discussions with Hungarian leaders including Nemeth Hungarian Prime Minister, and Gyula Horn, Hungarian Foreign Minister, concerning Hungary's moves toward political reform and West German economic assistance; decisions concerning the transportation of East German refugees from the West German Embassy in Prague, by train to West Germany, Oct 1989; and the opening of the border between Hungary and Austria. Also comments on meeting with Eduard Shevardnadze, USSR Foreign Minister, Bonn, May 1988. 9 pp (2 copies) Language: German

Transcript of interview, [1994], with USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev

Typescript transcript of translated interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, USSR 1985-1991 and first President 1990-1991, discussing changes in Soviet policy; development of perestroika under his leadership; meetings with Soviet bloc leaders in Moscow attending Konstantin Chernenko's funeral, 1985; response of members of the Warsaw Pact to perestroika; relations with Erich Honecker (General secretaries of the Socialist Unity (Communist) Party, German Democratic Republic 1971-1989); attendance of the East German Fortieth Anniversary celebrations, October 1989 and subsequent meetings with East German leaders. 10pp

Transcript of interview, [1994], with Stasi officer Helmut Stoss

Typescript transcript of interview with Helmut Stöss, Staatssicherheitsdienst (Stasi) (East German State Security) officer on duty at Bornholmer Street border crossing in Berlin, describing the opening of the border between East and West Berlin on 9 Nov 1989. 16pp Language: German

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Prague Communist Party Secretary Miroslav Stepan

Typescript transcript of translated interview, 22 May 1994, with Miroslav Stepan, Prague Communist Party Secretary, discussing the Czechoslovakian reform program in 1989; the gathering of East German refugees in the West German embassy in Prague, 1989; relationship with the East German government; arrangements for transporting the East Germans to West Germany, Oct 1989. 35 pp

Transcript of interview, [1994], with Otto Von Habsburg, President of the International Pan European Union

Typescript transcript of translated interview 30 May 1994, with Otto Von Habsburg, President of International Pan European Union since 1971, member of European Parliament since 1979, explaining his role as host of the Pan-European Picnic at Sopron, Hungary on 19 Aug 1989, its initial aim and ultimate significance in the fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. Mentions the involvement of Imre Poszgay, Hungarian Minister of State, and his daughter Walburga Von Habsburg. 27pp, page 24 missing

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Milos Jakes, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia

Typescript transcript of translated interview 22 May 1994, with Milos Jakes, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 1987-1989, describing the character of Erich Honecker, General Secretary of the Socialist Unity (Communist) Party, German Democratic Republic 1971-1989; German - Soviet relations; the role of sport in East German recognition; attitude of the Czech government to East German refugees in the West Germany Embassy, Prague; Honecker's solution to Prague refugee crisis; effect of opening of Hungarian border on 19 Aug 1989; the presence of Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, USSR 1985-1991, at the German Democratic Republic's Fortieth Anniversary celebrations, East Berlin 6 October 1989; response of East Germans to Gorbachev. 64pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Miklos Nemeth, Prime Minister of Hungary

Typescript transcript of translated interview 26 May 1994, with Miklós Németh, Hungarian Prime Minister 1988-1990, discussing the emergence of multi-party democracy in Hungary; his first meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, USSR 1985-1991 and first President 1990-1991, Mar 1989; plans for the rehabilitation and reburial of Imre Nagy (former Hungarian prime minister executed by the Soviets in 1958); plan for dismantling Austrian – Hungarian border fence; Hungary's signing of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 28 July 1951, Mar 1989 and its implications for East German refugees; relationship with East German government; visit of US President George Bush to Hungary, Jul 1989; meeting with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl 25 Aug 1989; decision to open Hungarian borders and response of East German government; and the influence of Eduard Shevardnadze, USSR Foreign Minister, on Soviet foreign policy. 95pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Mark Palmer, US Ambassador to Hungary

Typescript transcript of interview with Mark Palmer, US Ambassador to Hungary 1986 – 1990 describing the visit of George H W Bush, US President, 1989-1992, to Hungary, Jul 1989; the US attitude to Hungarian reforms; and his own support for the Hungarian opposition parties. 13pp

Transcript of interview, [1994], with Leipzig police chief Herr Strassenburg

Typescript transcript of interview with Herrn Strassenburg, Leipzig police chief, describing Discussions with leaders of government and security forces, Staatssicherheitsdienst (Stasi), concerning the police response to the demonstrations in Leipzig, Sep-Oct 1989; and the decision not to use force against the demonstration, 9 Oct 1989. 13pp Language: German

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Laslo Mayas, organizer of the Pan European Picnic

Typescript transcript of interview 24 May 1994, with Dr Laszlo Mayas, organiser of Pan European Picnic, describing the picnic arrangements at Sopron, Hungary, 19 Aug 1989 to mark the dismantling of the electronic fence along the Austrian - Hungarian border. Also describes the crossing of East Germans to Austria preempting the ceremonial border opening. 39pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Istvan Roka, Hungarian border official

Typescript transcript of translated interview 26 May 1994, with Istvan Roka, Hungarian border official, describing events of 19 Aug 1989 at the Austrian Hungarian border, the first crossing of East German refugees during the Pan European picnic at Sopron, Hungary. 26pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Imre Poszgay, Hungarian Minister of State

Typescript transcript of translated interview 24 May 1994, with Imre Poszgay, Hungarian Minister of State during 1988-1989 and reform leader, describing the Hungarian reform movement; the rehabilitation and reburial in1989 of Imre Nagy (1896-1958), Hungarian Prime Minister 1953-1955 and again in 1956 during the anti-Soviet uprising, executed in 1958; their relationship with the Soviet Union; decision to open the Austrian Hungarian border; East German refugees in Hungary; involvement with the Pan European Picnic, 19 Aug 1989; meeting of Hungarian and West German leaders in Bonn 1989; Hungary's relationship with German Democratic Republic government and the response of the latter to the announcement of opening of Hungarian border. 68pp

Transcript of interview, [1994], with Horst Teltschik, foreign policy advisor to West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl

Typescript transcript of interview with Horst Teltschik, foreign policy advisor to West German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, during 1989, describing the economic conditions in Hungary and Poland; discussions concerning West German economic assistance for Hungary and meetings with Hungarian government officials 1987-1989. Also comments on meetings with Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, USSR 1985-1991 and first President 1990-1991, in 1988 and 1990. 14pp Language: German

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