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ISRAEL AND THE ARABS - ELUSIVE PEACE: television documentary archive
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Filmed interview, 2004, with Hassam Mohammed Abdul Hadi (Haj Hamil), al-Aqsa Mosque guard

One VHS video cassette of filmed interviews with Palestinian Haj Hamil, guard at the al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, and Nassr Korse, bodyguard to Fatah member Faisal Husseini, and a third unidentified individual, in Arabic. Total running time of 42 minutes. See ELUSIVE PEACE 3/9 for transcript.

Filmed interview, 2005, with with Shaul Mofaz, Chief of General Staff, Israeli Defence Force, 1998-2002

One DVD recording of a filmed interview with Shaul Mofaz, Minister of Defence, 2002-2006, and Chief of General Staff, Israeli Defence Force, 1998-2002, in Hebrew with simultaneous English translation. Total running time of 44 minutes. See ELUSIVE PEACE 2/14 for transcript.

ISRAEL AND THE ARABS - ELUSIVE PEACE: television documentary archive

  • Collection
  • 1996-2005

The collection includes 63 transcripts of interviews recorded in the making of television documentary Israel and the Arabs: Elusive Peace which examines the Arab-Israeli conflict and peace initiatives, 1999-2005. It also contains a DVD of the completed documentary, copies of the recorded interviews on VHS and DVD, as well as documentaries, press cuttings, and published works gathered in the research and production of the documentary.

Interviews were conducted with eyewitnesses from Israel, the former British Mandated Territory of Palestine, the USA and the UK. The interviewees recount their memories and describe their involvement in events including various diplomatic negotiations, 1999-2005, including the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, USA, 2000; the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, 2000; the assassination of Gen Rehavam Zeevi, Israeli Minister for Tourism, 2001; the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre, New York, USA, 2001; the bombing of the Park Hotel, Netanya, Israel, 2002; the siege of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, by Israeli Defence Forces, 2002; the siege of Yasir Arafat’s Presidential compound, Ramallah, West Bank, 2002; the capture of the weapons freighter KARINE A by Israeli Defence Forces, 2002; Israeli military action at the Palestinian refugee camp, Jenin (Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD), 2002; the assassination of al-Asqsa Martyrs’ Brigade member Raed Karmi, 2002 and the development of the ‘road map for peace’, 2002-2005.

Interviewees include political, military, diplomatic and civilian persons, notably Shimon Peres, Prime Minister of Israel, 1984-1986 and 1995-1996; Benjamin (or Binyamin) Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, 1996-1999; Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel, 1999-2001; Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006; Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Defence Minister and Leader of the Israeli Labour Party, 2001-2002; Shaul Mofaz, Minister of Defence, 2002-2006; Chief of General Staff, Israeli Defence Force, 1998-2002; Daniel Ayalon, Israeli Ambassador to USA, 2002-2006; Danny (or Dani) Yatom, Director of Mossad, 1996-1998; Security Advisor under Ehud Barak, 1999-2001; Yasir Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1996-2004; Abu Mazen (also known as Mahmoud Abbas), President, Palestinian National Authority, 2005-2008 ; Abu Ala’a (also known as Ahmed Qurei), Prime Minister, Palestinian National Authority, 2003-2006; Nabil Sha’ath (also Nabil Shaath), Foreign Minister, Palestinian National Authority, 2003-2005, and Prime Minister, Dec 2005; Saeb Erekat, Head of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Steering and Monitoring Committee, 1995-2003; Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi (also Abd al-Aziz Rantisi), Ismail Abu Shanab and Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Yassin, co-founders of Hamas; William Jefferson (‘Bill’) Clinton, US President, 1993-2001; Gen Colin Powell, United States Secretary of State, 2000-2005; Martin Indyk, US Ambassador to Israel 1995-1997 and 2000-2001; Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State 1997-2001; Samuel ‘Sandy’ Berger, US National Security Advisor 1997-2001; Alastair Crooke, former Security Advisor to the European Union High Representative and Head of Foreign and Security Policy; Michael, Baron Levy, Tony Blair’s personal envoy to the Middle East 1998-2007; Sir Sherard (‘Louis’) Cowper-Coles, British Ambassador to Israel 2001-2003.

Notes on the Palestinian objections to the Zinni ceasefire plan, 2002

‘Palestinian Objections to Zinni Plan’, document outlining objections to the ceasefire plan put forward by Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, prepared by the Palestinian negotiating team including Mohammed Dahlan, Jibril Rajoub and Saeb Erekat.

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