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ISRAEL AND THE ARABS - ELUSIVE PEACE: television documentary archive
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Transcript of interview with former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, 2005

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State 1997-2001, describing mediating at negotiations between President Hafez al-Assad, President of Syria 1971-2000, Farouk al-Shara, Syrian Foreign Minister 1984-2006 and Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, Damascus and Washington, Dec 1999; meeting with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, Ramallah, Jun 2000, to persuade him to attend the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David; events and negotiations at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, 11-25 Jul 2000; mediating at cease fire negotiations between Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat at the residence of the US Ambassador, Paris, France, 4 Oct 2000.

Transcript of interview with General Colin Powell, 2005

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Gen Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, 2001-2005, describing his visit to Israel in reaction to the first siege of the compound of Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, and the launch of Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD by the Israel Defence Force (IDF), including meetings with Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, and Yasser Arafat, and problems with Powell’s farewell statement, Apr 2002; meeting between George W Bush, US President 2001-2009, HRH Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (King of Saudi Arabia 2005-2015) and HRH Prince Bandar Bin Sultan Bin Abdulaziz, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the USA 1983-2005, at Crawford, Texas, Apr 2002; the formulation of a speech given by George W Bush calling for new Palestinian leadership, 24 Jun 2002; meetings between King Abdullah II of Jordan, George W Bush and Condoleezza Rice, US National Security Advisor 2001-2005, regarding the creation of the road map for peace plan and problems with the writing and implementation of the road map, 2002; negotiations during the summit held in Aqaba, Jordan, to implement the road map plan, Jun 2003; drafting the response from President Bush to the disengagement plan of Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, Apr 2004; reaction to President Yasser Arafat’s death, Nov 2004.

Transcript of interview with Hamas co-founder Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, 2003

Typescript transcript of an interview with Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi (also known as Abd al-Aziz Rantisi and Abdel Ali Abdul Majid Aziz al-Rantisi), co-founder of Hamas; describing an Israeli attempt on Rantissi’s life; his vision for Palestine’s future, and the relationship between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

Transcript of interview with Hamas driver Majid Za'tri, 2005

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Hamas driver Majid Za’tri, describing his involvement with Hamas, including the suicide bombing of a Jerusalem bus which broke the ceasefire declared by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Aug 2003. 15 pp. Also transcript of the same filmed interview with minor differences in editing and transcription.

Transcript of interview with Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, [2003]

Typescript transcript of interview with Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of Hamas (assassinated Mar 2004), describing the Palestinian relationship with Jews; the relationship between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority; the willingness of Hamas to uphold the 2003 ceasefire; rejection of the ‘road map for peace’ plan; his opinion of Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority 2003, and Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1993-2004; the conditions that Hamas would accept in any peace settlement; his lack of fear of martyrdom.

Transcript of interview with Hamas member Abbas Al Sayyad, 2005

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Hamas member Abbas Al Sayyad (Abbas Mohammed Mustafa Al Sayyad), member of Hamas in charge of planning for the Park Hotel bombing, Netanya, Israel, Mar 2002, describing his time in hiding prior to the bombing, reactions to the death of Raed Karmi, al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade member, Jan 2002, and Hamas strategy.

Transcript of interview with Head of National Security Council, Major General Giora Eiland, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Maj Gen Giora Eiland, Head of National Security Council 2004-2006, describing the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, May 2000; the effect on politics in the Middle East of the 11 Sept 2001 World Trade Centre attacks; the decision to assassinate Raid Karmi, leading member of Al-Aqsa Brigade, Sept 2001; reaction to the Zinni ceasefire plan put forward by Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to the Israel and Palestinian National Authority, 26 Mar 2002; the launch of Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD in Jenin and the UN Security Council resolution to send a fact finding mission to investigate the Operation, Apr 2002; the question of how to deal with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, Apr 2002; discussion of tactics used against Hamas, including targeted actions against identified individuals, 2002; negotiations surrounding the road map for peace plan and the withdrawal of the Israel Defence Force from Gaza, Jun 2003; the decision to attempt to assassinate the leadership of Hamas following a suicide bombing in Jerusalem, Aug 2003; negotiations surrounding ‘The Disengagement Plan’, issued by Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, Apr 2004; Ariel Sharon’s visit to Washington, Apr 2004.

Transcript of interview with Israeli Defence Force officer Noam Chayut, 2005

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Noam Chayut, Israeli Defence Force Officer 1998-2003, describing the occupation of Tulkarem (Tulkarm), Oct 2001 and giving a detailed account of his experiences commanding an Israeli Defence Force regiment during Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Jenin, Apr 2002; with analysis of the psychological and moral impact of the operation on the soldiers and civilians involved.

Transcript of interview with Lieutenant General Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, Chief of the General Staff 1995-1998, describing Israeli-Syrian negotiations in Washington, USA, Dec 1999, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA, Jan 2000 and Geneva, Switzerland, Jan 2000; events at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, including disagreements and discussions within the Israeli negotiating team, particularly regarding the division of Jerusalem, official and private meetings between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, the decision by Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, to leave the negotiations early and his subsequent change of mind; meetings hosted by Jacques Chirac, President of France 1995-2007, at a peace summit in Paris, Oct 2000. Some manuscript annotations.

Transcript of interview with National Security Adviser Jabril (Jibril) Rajoub, 2004

Typescript transcript of rolls 206-207 of a filmed interview with Jabril Rajoub, National Security Adviser to Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, describing negotiations between Arafat and Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006 and leader of the Likud party 1999-2005; Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and al-Asqa mosque, Sep 2000; the death of Abu Ali Mustafa, Secretary-General of the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine 2000-2001, Aug 2001; negotiations with Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, 2002; the assassination of Gen Rehavam ‘Ghandi’ Zeevi, Israeli Minister of Tourism, Oct 2001; the ‘road map for peace’ plan, 2002-2003.

Transcript of interview with Palestinian Legislative Council member Ziad Abu Amar, 2003

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Ziad Abu Amar, academic and member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, describing his talks with Hamas on behalf of Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), President of the Palestinian National Authority 2005-2008 ; the ceasefire declared by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Jun 2003; the Hamas suicide bombing of a Jerusalem bus, Aug 2003. Also transcript of the same filmed interview, with minor differences in text and editing.

Transcript of interview with politician Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Defence Minister and Leader of the Labour Party 2001-2002, describing reaction to the assassination of Gen Rehavam ‘Ghandi’ Zeevi, Israeli Minister of Tourism, Oct 2001; meeting with Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, and Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, regarding the capture of a weapons shipment from the Palestinian freighter KARINE A, Jan 2002; making the decision to assassinate Raid Karmi, leading member of Al-Aqsa Brigade, Sept 2001; reaction of the Israeli government to the Passover bombing of the Park Hotel at Netanya, Israel, 27 Mar 2002, including planning of a potential offensive against Hamas, the idea to build the security fence and options for dealing with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004; Ariel Sharon’s meeting with Gen Colin Powell, US Secretary of State 2001-2005, Apr 2002; the conduct of Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Apr 2002; the assassination of Salah Shehadeh, Hamas military leader, Jul 2002; account of meeting Arin Ahmed, failed suicide bomber, and discussing her experience and motivation, Aug 2002.

Transcript of interview with politician Joseph ('Tomy') Lapid, [2005]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Joseph (Tomy) Lapid, founder and President of the Shinui Party 1999-2006, and Minister of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister 2003-2006, describing the reception of the ‘road map for peace’ plan by the Israeli government, including discussions over whether to approve the plan, Apr 2003; the Middle East Peace Summit at Aqaba, Jun 2003; the Israeli policy of targeted assassinations, Aug 2003; the impact of the resignation of Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), Palestinian Prime Minister 2003, and problems with Abu Ala’a (Ahmed Ali Mohammed Qurei), Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority 2003-2006, Sept 2003; the formulation a unilateral separation plan by Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, Dec 2003. This transcript includes manuscript annotations and corrections. Also transcript of the same filmed interview with minor differences in text and editing.

Transcript of interview with politician Shlomo Ben-Ami, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Shlomo Ben-Ami, Israeli Minister of Public Security 1999-2000; Foreign Minister, 2000-2001, describing his role as advisor to Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, in 2000; talks with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, May-Jun 2000; events at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, including the difficulties of negotiating with the Palestinians and disagreements within the Israeli negotiating team, particularly regarding the division of Jerusalem; Ehud Barak’s meeting with Yasser Arafat at Kochav Yair, Israel, 25 Sept 2000.

Transcript of interview with politician Silvan Shalom, 2005

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Silvan Shalom, Finance Minister, 2001-2003 and Foreign Minister, 2003-2006, describing the Israeli government’s reaction to the Hamas suicide bombing of the Park Hotel, Netanya, Israel, Mar 2002; the UN Security Council resolution to send a fact finding mission to investigate Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Jenin, Apr 2002; the second siege of the compound of Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, Sept 2002; the road map for peace plan and the Middle East Peace Summit, Aqaba, Jordan, Jun 2003; the necessity of building the security fence, Jul 2003; the reception by the Israeli government of the disengagement plan from Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, Jun 2004; his relationship with Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak, President of Egypt 1981-2011. Also typescript transcript of the same filmed interview with retranslation of certain passages and manuscript annotations.

Transcript of interview with politician Yisrael Hasson, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Israel (Yisrael) Hasson, Deputy Director of the Israeli Internal General Security Service (Shabak), 2000, describing events at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, including official and private meetings between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, disagreements and discussions within the Israeli negotiating team, particularly regarding the division of Jerusalem and the decision by Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, to leave the negotiations early and his subsequent change of mind; negotiations with the Palestinians in Washington, Sept 2000.

Transcript of interview with politician Yosef ('Yossi') Beilin, 2005

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Yosef ‘Yossi’ Beilin, Israeli Minister of Justice, 1999-2001 and Chairman of the Meretz-Yachad Party, 2004-2007, describing attempts to begin Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in the period 1996-1999; the holding of regular meetings between Beilin and Palestinians Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), later Prime Minster, 2003, and President, 2005-2008, of the Palestinian National Authority, and Saeb Erekat, Head of Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Steering and Monitoring Committee, 1995-2003 at the home of Egyptian Ambassador Mohammed Bassiouni (the Bassiouni Forum), 1998, leading to the Wye Agreement to reinstate implementation of the Interim Agreement of Sept 25, 1995, (the Oslo II Agreement), Oct 1998; the difficulties of holding negotiations in the face of opposition from Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel 1996-1999.

Transcript of interview with President Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), [2005]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), President of the Palestinian National Authority, 2005-2008, describing internal Palestinian political reform, the establishment of the post of Prime Minister in the Palestinian Cabinet and the final illness and death of Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, in 2004. Also additional extracts from the transcript with manuscript annotations and corrections.

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