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PRENTICE, Maj Ronald R [1913-1980] and WICKSTEAD, Capt H Arthur 1913-1989
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Report by Prentice, [Dec] 1944, on Allied Military Mission operations in West Macedonia, Greece, Aug 1943 - Dec 1944

Post Operation Report by Maj Ronald R Prentice, detailing Allied Military Mission operations in West Macedonia, Greece, 10 Aug 1943-21 Dec 1944, including appendices relating to alleged German and Greek atrocities committed 18 Dec 1943-Jul 1944, the nominal roll of Allied Military Mission personnel, anti-Allied activities perpetrated by Greek partisans, 20 Jun 1944-Dec [1944], summary of Operation NOAH'S ARK, 25 Aug 1944-28 Oct 1944, Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) order of battle, 1944, Allied equipment, approximate debts outstanding at Kozani sub-area Headquarters, codenamed BOODLE, 1944, and post-operation findings submitted to General Headquarters, Middle East, Cairo, Egypt. 7 items.

Report by Major Kenneth Scott, [Dec] 1944, on Allied Military Mission operations in West Macedonia, Jul 1943 - Nov 1944

Post Operation Report by Maj Kenneth Farish Scott, Sapper Officer, Royal Engineers, West Macedonia, 1 Jul 1943-5 Nov 1944, detailing demolition operations and reconnaissance patrols with the Allied Military Mission, including the planning and preparation for Operation WASHING, the demolition of the main railway bridge through the Assopos Gorge and Operation ANIMALS, the demolition of railway bridges between Lamia and Domokhos and reconnaissance and demolition missions for Operation NOAH'S ARK, operations by Allied and Greek forces during the German withdrawal from the peninsula. 1 item.

PRENTICE, Maj Ronald R [1913-1980] and WICKSTEAD, Capt H Arthur 1913-1989

  • Collection
  • 1942-1945

Prentice's manuscript diaries, mainly detailing his services at General Headquarters, Middle East Command, Cairo, Egypt, including mention of Long Range Desert Group operations in the Western Desert, 1942; manuscript diaries and notebooks kept by Prentice and Wickstead, mainly relating to SOE operations in West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944; reports, mainly compiled by Allied Military Mission personnel, detailing demolition, intelligence and reconnaissance missions in West Macedonia, combined missions with Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) 9 Div, liaison operations with Raiding Support Regiment and US Operational Group 7 personnel, sabotage targets, and administrative and operational procedures, 1943-1944; papers, in Greek, mainly relating to ELAS partisan activities in West Macedonia, including a copy of the 'National Bands Agreement', memoranda to Allied Military Mission regarding struggles with Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) factions, political proclamations and ELAS propaganda; papers, in Greek, relating to Greek partisan forces not under the jurisdiction of the Allied Military Mission, including memoranda, propaganda and military orders from the Ellinikos Ethnikis Stratos (EES) and Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE) and official Greek government notices, 1943- 1944; maps and photographs of Allied Military Mission areas of operation, 1943- 1944; correspondence between Allied Military Mission commanders and sub-area commanders, 1943-1944, including correspondence between Greek partisan commanders and Prentice, 1944; personal letters from Allied personnel to Prentice, 1946-1955; correspondence between Wickstead, Officer Commanding Signals, Area 1, and Allied personnel, 1944; papers relating to wireless/telegraphy signals, Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; papers, relating mainly to the administration and supply of the Allied Military Mission; German papers, including German 1 Mountain Div operational orders, propaganda, personal letters from German soldiers to family members and German-language newspapers; Greek political papers, notably including propaganda newspapers and party leaflets, including letters to Maj Gen Arthur Wilmot Wadeson Holworthy, 1941-1946; Wickstead's post-war index of Allied Military Mission signals, [1989]; papers relating to post-war publications about SOE operations in Greece, including the working papers for Lt Col Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond's, The Allied Military Mission and the Resistance in West Macedonia (Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 1993); post-war Greek newspapers, leaflets and war memorial publications, 1945-[1991]. 3.3.4 Arrangement: Arranged in the following sections: diaries and notebooks of Maj Ronald R Prentice and Capt H Arthur Wickstead, 1942-1944; documents and papers relating to Allied Military Mission operations, West Macedonia, 1943-1944; papers relating to Greek partisan activities, 1943-1944; maps and photographs of Allied Military Mission areas of operations, 1943-1944; correspondence between Allied Military Mission commanders, 1943-1944 and former Greek partisans, 1946-1955; papers relating to wireless/telegraphy signals, Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; papers relating to the administration, finances and logistics of the Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; German papers, documents and newspapers during the occupation of Greece, 1943-1944; Greek political papers, documents and newspapers, 1941-1946; Wickstead's post-war partial index of signals, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, [1989]; papers relating to post-war publications about the resistance movement in West Macedonia, [1989-1991]; post- war Greek newspapers, leaflets and war memorial publications, 1945-[1991].

Prentice, Ronald R, 1913-1980, Major

Personal correspondence, 1944-1955, between Prentice, present and former colleagues, and former Greek partisans

Personal correspondence between Maj Ronald R Prentice, 1944-1955, and active or retired Allied Military Mission personnel and Greek officers mainly relating to financial assistance, re-commission or compensation. File includes letter to Prentice from Col Hon Christopher (Montague) Woodhouse relating to requests from former wireless operator Pericles Epirotis and Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) informant Maj Kostas Kifissis for assistance, [1945]; letters from former partisan Greeks detailing the domestic situation in Greece during the 1946-1949 Greek Civil War. 19 items.

Papers, May-Dec 2944, relating to Greek politics

Greek papers notably including a report, in English, from the Lebanon Conference, 17-20 May 1944, which brought about the formation of the Greek Government of National Unity under the leadership of Georgis Papandreou; a copy of a speech made at the Lebanon Conference by Greek premier-in-exile Georgis Papandreou affirming the strength of the national government and calling for disbandment of Greek partisan forces; Greek government notice, in Greek, calling for conscription, 12 Nov 1944; proclamation by the Greek national government urging national unity, including Dec 1944 message by Lt Gen Ronald MacKenzie Scobie, General Officer Commanding, Allied Forces, Greece, calling for the cessation of partisan activity in Greece. 4 items.

Papers, Jul 1943 - Sep 1944, relating to resistance work by Greek partisan groups, including KKE and EDES (in Greek)

Papers, in Greek, relating to Greek partisan activities not under the jurisdiction of the Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944, including Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE) and Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) papers and operational orders and anti-Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) propaganda and papers. Papers include most notably the 20 Jul 1943 announcement of the formation of a joint General Headquarters between British Military Mission forces and Greek partisan movements; letter from the citizens of Rizario county to the Allied Military Mission declaring their support for the Polotiki Epitropi Ethnikis Apeleftherosis (PEEA) and requesting ammunition from the Allies, 8 Feb 1944; anti-Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE) and anti-Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) propaganda leaflet distributed by the pro-fascist Panellinios Apeleftherotili Organosis (PAO) calling for support of Metopo Ethnikos Aminis (MEA); undated letter containing information about the strengths of German, Ellinikos Ethnikos Stratos (EES), Greek pro-German forces and Gestapo movements in the Kozani region up to 25 Jul 1944; undated list of food rations distributed to the Greek population by groups such as the Red Cross and the EES; letter from the Mavrodendri detachment of the EES to Allied Military Mission relating to sporadic fighting between ELAS and EES units, 22 Sep 1944. 11 items.

Papers, Aug-Oct 1944, relating to demolition operations, reconnaissance and intelligence, West Macedonia, Greece

Papers relating to Allied Military Mission intelligence gathering and dissemination, demolition operations and reconnaissance missions in West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944, notably including intelligence estimate, dated 4 Aug 1944, relating to possible German options following the commencement of Operation NOAH'S ARK, operations by Allied and Greek forces during the German withdrawal from the peninsula; infiltration estimate from Capt Albert H Lingen, Officer Commanding sub-area at Grevena, codenamed KINBRACE, 16 Aug 1944; intelligence estimates for Operation NOAH'S ARK; papers relating to 'reactionary organisations' protecting German supply routes through the Kozani-Ptolemaïs and the Kastoria-Vitsi areas; field book detailing number of inhabitants within allied areas of operations and their political affiliation; list of Allied demolition targets, including location of action and type of demolition used; allied estimates of German troop locations, Aug-Sep 1944; notebook detailing estimated German unit composition; organisational drawing from General Headquarters, Middle East, Cairo, Egypt, to sub-area commands at Vermion and Vitsi, listing estimated numbers of German forces in Greece and their unit strengths, 9 Oct 1944. 16 items.

Papers, [1989-1991], relating to the history of the resistance movement in West Macedonia, Greence, 1943-1944

Papers relating to post-war publications about the resistance movement in West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944. File includes Capt H Arthur Wickstead's post-war notes relating to the German Army offensive on North Pindus, Jul 1944; Lt Col Nicholas Geoffery Lemprière Hammond's working papers for his book The Allied Military Mission and the Resistance in West Macedonia (Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 1993), including a detailed organisational chart of Allied Military Mission personnel, commanders and Greek supporters; Hammond's editing notes; a typescript copy of Hammond's chapter entitled 'Noah's Ark and the Aftermath'; a partial typescript copy of 'The Planning, Execution and Results of a Large-Scale Operation Against the Partisan Center in the Grammos Mountains on Northern Epirus, Greece-Narrated on the basis of Experience Gathered in 1943-1944' by Commanding General of the German 22 Mountain Corps, General of the Infantry Hubert Lanz. 1 file.

Papers, 1944, relating to the finances of the Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, Greece

Papers mainly relating to the financial status of the Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944, including weekly ledgers, papers detailing pay outs to the local Greek population and financial debts accrued by the Allied Military Mission following the withdrawal of German troops from Greece, 1944. 10 items.

Papers, 1943-1944, relating to logistics, supplies and equipment, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, Greece

Papers relating to the logistics, supplies and equipment of the Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944 and its allied Greek partisan movements, notably including Allied Military Mission field books detailing weapons allocations to sub-area commands and Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) units; Maj Ronald R Prentice's log books detailing food and weapons costs for Allied and ELAS units; message dated 18 Aug 1943 from ELAS 9 Div, concerning ammunition drops. 15 items.

Papers, 1943-1944, relating to Allied Military Mission signals and telegraphy, West Macedonia, Greece

Papers relating to signals and wireless/telegraphy traffic Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944. File includes signals logbooks from Allied Military Mission Headquarters, Pendalophos, codenamed BOODLE; Kozani sub-area Headquarters, codenamed CHEVIOT; Vitsi sub-area Headquarters, codenamed FERTILISER; Grevena landing-ground Headquarters, codenamed KINBRACE; Vermion sub-area Headquarters, Aug-Sep 1944, codenamed MORTLAKE; Siniatsikon sub-area Headquarters, codenamed RAIDER; Vermion sub-area Headquarters, Feb-Apr 1944, codenamned TRUFFLE; Raiding Support Regiment convoy from Eprius, codenamned PATROL; US Office of Strategic Services operatives in Vermion, May-Aug 1944, codenamed MACLEAN; signals traffic log books from Headquarters, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia to General Headquarters, Middle East, Cairo, Egypt; signals traffic from Headquarters, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, to sub-area commands; signals traffic from sub-area commands to Headquarters, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia and deciphered material from Officer Commanding Signals, Allied Military Mission, Capt H Arthur Wickstead. 3 files.

Papers (in Greek), [Jul] 1943 - Sep 1944, relating to resistance operations by the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS)

Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) papers, in Greek, relating to the conduct of Greek resistance operations and liaison missions between ELAS 9 Div, ELAS Macedonian Corps and the Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944. File includes papers relating to the 'National Bands Agreement', July 1943; undated report from the Bureau Italien Liaison concerning reports of soldiers from the 14th Regt (Pinerolo) Div collaborating with ELAS partisans in Mar 1943; ELAS information bulletin, dated 11 Jan-24 Jan 1944, written by Col Stephanos Sarafis detailing the military situation in Northern and Southern Greece, Thrace and East Macedonia, locations of German units and equipment and estimates of forthcoming German operations; letter from ELAS 9 Div Headquarters, dated 3 Apr 1944, to Allied Military Mission claiming that Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) had violated the 29 Feb 1944 'Plaka Agreement' to combine forces; ELAS 9 Div letter of complaint, dated 4 Apr 1944, to the Allied Military Mission detailing EDES assaults on ELAS positions; ELAS memorandum, dated 1 Jun 1944, regarding the infiltration of Macedonian villages by Slav-speaking Komitatzethes (Komitaji) units; ELAS invitation, dated 8 Jun 1944, to the Allied Military Mission to attend a forthcoming dinner to honour visiting Soviet delegation; ELAS 9 Div official order, dated 26 Jun 1944, detailing British assignments in the Kozani-Kastoria region; ELAS newsletters concerning the activities of their political wing, Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo (EAM), 10-18 Jul 1944; ELAS 9 Div letter to Allied Military Mission detailing the German withdrawals towards Konitsa and Kastorias and reported casualties among partisans and civilians in the region, 14 Jul 1944; proclamation to the people of Greece calling for the destruction of alleged German collaborative forces within Panellinios Apeleftherotili Organosis (PAO) and Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES); ELAS order, dated 27 Aug 1944, for 2 Bn, 53 Regt, co-ordinated movement with the British Raiding Support Regiment (RSR) to Vermion; ELAS 9 Div document, dated 11 Sep 1944, warning Greek civilians against collaboration with pro-German factions such as Ellinikos Ethinikos Stratos (EES); ELAS 9 Div list of Allied British and American officers dated 21 Sep 1944. 45 items.

Operation reports by Captain Patrick Evans, Vitsi sub-area, West Macedonia, Apr-Nov 1944

Operations reports by Capt Patrick Hutchinson Evans, Officer Commanding Vitsi sub-area, codenamed FERTILISER A, to Headquarters, Area 1, West Macedonia, Greece concerning liaison with Raiding Support Regiment (RSR) troops and Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) partisans, the limits of Greek partisan (andarte) control, political relations with Serbian and Macedonian partisans and the planning for Operation NOAH'S ARK, operations by Allied and Greek forces during the German withdrawal from the peninsula. File includes operations report detailing sabotage targets selected during the German withdrawal from Greece; record of operations during the German withdrawal from the Vitsi-Florina area, 4 Sep-31 Oct 1944, detailing combined operations with ELAS and the Raiding Support Regiment; report describing general state of conditions at Vitsi sub-area, including mention of fierce anti-royalist propaganda initiated by Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo (EAM) and the subsequent ELAS executions, security measures undertaken by the sub-area and estimated numbers of partisans in the sub-area. 5 items.

Official German orders, messages and other papers, relating to operations in Greece, 1943-1944

Official German documents, in German and Greek, 1943-1944, including captured and translated German operational orders; German propaganda and personal letters from German soldiers to family members. File includes German police poster requesting assistance identifying deceased Greek civilians; propaganda leaflets, including British message dropped on occupied Italian forces, 11 Aug 1943, and German leaflet distributed to Greek partisan forces calling for capitulation; German accounts ledger detailing commodities purchased from the local population, 24 Oct-30 Dec 1943; correspondence to the mayor of Kozani from German occupation forces relating to required foodstuffs, animals, accommodation and inspections of transport; captured and translated German message from General of the Air Force Fink, dated 21 May 1944, concerning allegiances of Greek partisan and national organisations; captured German 22 Mountain Corps report, dated 10 Aug 1944, concerning the political, military, economic and partisan situation in West Macedonia, the composition of Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) and Communist Albanian units, relations between the Allied Military Mission and the Greek partisan forces and suspected Allied order of battle; personal letters from German soldiers in Greece to relatives. 17 items.

Official correspondence, Sep-Oct 1944, between Captain Arthur Wickstead as OC Signals, Area 1, West Macedonia, and Allied Military Mission colleagues

Official correspondence to and from Capt H Arthur Wickstead, Officer Commanding Signals, Allied Military Mission, Area 1, West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944, notably including letter to Wickstead from Maj Ronald R Prentice relating to the situation at Vermion, 12 Oct 1944; situation reports to Wickstead from Capt Patrick Hutchinson Evans, Officer Commanding Vitsi sub-area, codenamed FERTILISER A, relating to events during Operation NOAH'S ARK, the 'Gotsi Affair', in which Bulgarian-speaking 2 Bn, 28 Regt, ELAS 9 Div, led by Gotsi Deltsif, joined Slav-Macedonian partisans to fight against Greek-ELAS soldiers in Vitsi area, Oct 1944, the interrogation of Acting Corporal Franz Brandl, German 1 Mountain Div, 14 Oct 1944, and proposed joint operations between Allied Military Mission forces and the Long Range Desert Group at Florina, 16 Oct 1944. 4 items.

Official correspondence, 1944, between Prentice as GOC Area 1, West Macedonia, and members of the Allied Military Mission

Official correspondence between Maj Ronald R Prentice, General Officer Commanding, Area 1, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, Greece, and members of the Allied Military Mission, including letters to Prentice from Capt Max Backhouse, 25-30 Jan 1944, requesting escorts for Allied reconnaissance missions to Nestoria; general situation report to Prentice from Capt H Arthur Wickstead, 10 Oct 1944; unofficial despatch sent to Prentice from US Capt Ronald J Darr, General Officer Commanding, US Operational Group 7, detailing the actions of soldier Arthur Agoritsas during an ambush near Agras, 9 Oct 1944; correspondence to Prentice from Capt David S Chapman, Royal Army Medical Corps, relating to the medical situation in the Pontokomi region and requests for medical supplies, 23 Sep-11 Oct 1944; letters to Prentice from E Wenger, International Red Cross, Edessa, requesting safe passage of Red Cross vehicles travelling from Athens to Thessoloniki via Kozani and relating to a proposed meeting between Prentice and German Colonel Ritter von Eberling to discuss the terms of German withdrawals from Greece, 25 Sep-2 Oct 1944; letter to Prentice from Capt Geoffrey Chandler relating to requests for a relief mission to Naoussa, 11 Oct 1944; situation reports from Capt Patrick Hutchinson Evans, Vitsi sub-area commander, 11 Apr-16 Nov 1944; Prentice's withdrawal orders, 4-5 Dec 1944. 19 items.

Results 1 to 20 of 35