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Copy text of the Protocol of Sevres, 24 Oct 1956, detailing the terms for a British-French response to an attack on Egypt by Israel

The Protocol of Sèvres, stating the terms for an Anglo-French response to an Israeli offensive in Egypt, signed by David Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel, Christian Paul Francis Pineau, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Patrick Henry Dean, Deputy Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office of Great Britain. Two copies. 3pp (Reproduced from the copy in the Ben-Gurion archive at Sde Boqer, Israel)


  • Collection
  • 1956

Transcripts of interviews relating to political, diplomatic and military aspects of the Suez Crisis of 1956, with Rt Hon Julian Amery, Baron Amery of Lustleigh; Sir Harold Beeley; Sir Frederick Arthur Bishop; Rt Hon Sir Frank Cooper; Sir Patrick Henry Dean; Sir (Arthur) Douglas Dodds-Parker; Sir William Goodenough Hayter; Rt Hon Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home, Baron Home of the Hirsel; Brig Kenneth Hunt; Rt Hon Douglas Patrick Thomas Jay, Baron Jay of Battersea; Gen Sir Frank Douglas King; Sir Donald Arthur Logan; Roger Mellor Makins, 1st Baron Sherfield; Sir Guy Elwin Millard; Sir David Bruce Pitblado; Sir Richard Royle Powell; (George Frank) Norman Reddaway; Sir (D'Arcy) Patrick Reilly; Sir Archibald David Manisty Ross; Sir (Charles Arthur) Evelyn Shuckburgh; Sir Denis Arthur Hepworth Wright. Copies of the Protocol of Sèvres, 24 Oct 1956, recording the agreements reached between the governments of Great Britain, France and Israel during discussions held in France, 22-24 Oct 1956, on a joint politico-military response to Egypt's nationalisation of the Suez Canal.

Institute of Contemporary British History

Transcript of interview with Lord Home, 1989-1991, former Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations

Transcript of interview with Rt Hon Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home, Baron Home of the Hirsel, Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to the attitude of Rt Hon Sir (Robert) Anthony Eden MP, Prime Minister, towards Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt; the role of the Commonwealth in British foreign policy. 2pp

Transcript of interview with Sir Denis Wright, 9 May 1990, former Assistant Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office

Transcript of interview with Sir Denis Arthur Hepworth Wright, Assistant Under Secretary of State at the Foreign Office during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to the dissatisfaction of Wright and other Foreign Office officials with the policy of the British Government and Sir Ivone Augustine Kirkpatrick, Permanent Under Secretary of State at the Foreign Office, towards Egypt and the USA during the Suez Crisis. Two copies, minor variations. 11pp

Transcript of interview with Sir Donald Logan, 1989-1991, former secretary to John Selwyn-Lloyd, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1956

Transcript of interview with Sir Donald Arthur Logan, Assistant Private Secretary to Rt Hon John Selwyn Brooke Selwyn-Lloyd MP, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to the discussions between the governments of Britain, France and Israel at Sèvres, France, 22-24 Oct 1956, leading to the signing of the Protocol of Sèvres, stating the terms for an Anglo-French response to an Israeli offensive in Egypt. Two copies, minor variations. 19pp

Transcript of interview with Sir Douglas Dodds-Parker, 1989-1991, former Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs

Transcript of interview with Sir (Arthur) Douglas Dodds-Parker, Joint Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs during the Suez Crisis of 1956, including Dodds-Parker's early career in the Sudan Political Service; the 'Dodds-Parker Committee', established in 1956 to initiate clandestine activities against the Egyptian Government; his reaction to being told on 31 Oct 1956 by Rt Hon (Harold) Anthony Nutting MP, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, of the prior discussions between Great Britain, France and Israel to attack Egypt, and of Nutting's intention to resign; the disapperance of sensitive official papers from the Foreign Office relating to the Suez Crisis. Two copies. 13pp

Transcript of interview with Sir William Hayter, 1989-1991, former British Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Transcript of interview with Sir William Goodenough Hayter, British Ambassador to the USSR during the Suez Crisis of 1956, including the visit of Nikolai Alexandrovich Bulganin, Soviet Prime Minister, and Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Communist Party, to London in 1956; the response of Charles Bohlen, US Ambassador to the USSR, to the Anglo-French offensive in Egypt; the British response to Bulganin's note of 5 Nov 1956 hinting at Soviet military action against Great Britain and France. 16pp

Transcript of interview, 12 Jun 1989, with Conservative MP Julian Amery

Transcript of interview with Rt Hon Julian Amery, Baron Amery of Lustleigh, Conservative MP during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to Amery's experiences of the Middle East, and to the 'Suez Group' of backbench Conservative MPs opposed to the policy towards Egypt of Rt Hon Sir (Robert) Anthony Eden MP, Prime Minister. 18pp

Transcript of interview, 16 May 1989, with Sir Harold Beeley, former Assistant Under Secretary at the Foreign Office

Transcript of interview with Sir Harold Beeley, Assistant Under Secretary at the Foreign Office during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to Beeley's career prior to the Suez Crisis as a member of the Foreign Office Research Department during World War Two, as a British Secretary of the Anglo American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine in 1946, in the Eastern Department of the Foreign Office and as a Counsellor of Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, 1950-1953. 29pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Brigadier Kenneth Hunt, formerly in charge of executive operations planning, War Office

Transcript of interview with Brig Kenneth Hunt, responsible for executive operations planning at the War Office during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to planning considerations for operations MUSKETEER and MUSKETEER REVISE (Anglo-French offensive in Egypt). 15pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with former Labour MP Douglas Jay

Transcript of interview with Rt Hon Douglas Patrick Thomas Jay, Baron Jay of Battersea, Labour MP and Shadow Treasury and Board of Trade Spokesman during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to the attitude of Rt Hon Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskill MP, Leader of the Labour Party, towards British Government policy during the Suez Crisis, and discussions between Gaitskill and Rt Hon Sir (Robert) Anthony Eden MP, Prime Minister, in Aug-Sep 1956 on the possible use of British forces in Egypt. 10pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with General Sir Frank King, former GSO2, 16 Independent Parachute Brigade Group

Transcript of interview with Gen Sir Frank Douglas King, General Staff Officer 2 (Air), 16 Independent Parachute Bde Group during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to planning and training considerations for the airborne assault of 16 Para Bde on Gamil Airfield, Port Said, Egypt, on 5 Nov 1956. 11pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Lord Sherfield, former British Ambassador to the USA

Transcript of interview with Roger Mellor Makins, 1st Baron Sherfield, British Ambassador to the USA and Joint Permanent Secretary of the Treasury in 1956, mainly relating to the strength of diplomatic relations between Great Britain and the USA prior to the Suez Crisis of 1956, and joint initiatives on Middle East policy; economic difficulties faced by Great Britain during the Suez Crisis. Two copies, minor variations. 9pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Norman Reddaway, former Deputy Director of the Information Research Department, Foreign Office

Transcript of interview with (George Frank) Norman Reddaway, Deputy Director of the Information Research Department (IRD) in the Foreign Office during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly regarding the establishment of IRD in 1948, its work in disseminating information on the Communist bloc and the Middle East, and the impact of the Suez Crisis on the management of information and media relations. 15pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Sir David Pitblado, former secretary to Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden, during the Suez Crisis, 1956

Transcript of interview with Sir David Bruce Pitblado, Principal Private Secretary to Rt Hon Sir (Robert) Anthony Eden MP, Prime Minister, and Treasury Official attached to the British Embassy in the USA in 1956, mainly relating to the work of the Prime Minister's Private Office and the personality of Eden; economic difficulties faced by Great Britain at the time of the Suez Crisis of 1956. 13pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Sir Evelyn Shuckburgh, former Assistant Under Secretary of State for Middle East Affairs

Transcript of interview with Sir (Charles Arthur) Evelyn Shuckburgh, Assistant Under Secretary of State for Middle East Affairs at the Foreign Office prior to the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to Shuckburgh's Descent to Suez, diaries 1951-1956 (Weidenfield and Nicolson, London, 1986); the personality of Rt Hon Sir (Robert) Anthony Eden MP as Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister; the Anglo-American initiative, 'Alpha Project', 1954, undertaken by Shuckburgh and Francis Russell, Counsellor at the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, to improve Arab-Israeli relations. Two copies, minor variations. 24pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Sir Frank Cooper, former Head of the Air Staff Secretariat

Transcript of interview with Rt Hon Sir Frank Cooper, Head of the Air Staff Secretariat during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to relations between the Ministry of Defence, the Chiefs of Staff and the Foreign Office during the Suez Crisis; the work of the Air Ministry during operation MUSKETEER REVISE (Anglo-French offensive in Egypt), the quality of British aircraft involved and the role of psychological warfare in British air operations. Two copies, slight variations. 11pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Sir Frederick Bishop, secretary to Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden during the Suez Crisis, 1956

Transcript of interview with Sir Frederick Arthur Bishop, Principal Private Secretary to Rt Hon Sir (Robert) Anthony Eden MP, Prime Minister, during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to Bishop's contact with Eden during the Suez Crisis, Eden's health, Eden's choice of advisers, and the opinions of senior Cabinet ministers and civil servants towards Eden's policy with Egypt, including Rt Hon Richard Austin Butler MP, Lord Privy Seal, Rt Hon Maurice Harold Macmillan MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Rt Hon Sir Norman Craven Brook, Secretary to the Cabinet. Two copies. 15pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Sir Guy Millard, former secretary to Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden, during the Suez Crisis, 1956

Transcript of interview with Sir Guy Elwin Millard, Private Secretary to Rt Hon Sir (Robert) Anthony Eden MP, Prime Minister, during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to the work of the Prime Minister's Private Office and the personality of Eden during the Suez Crisis; relations between Eden, the Foreign Office and the USA. 14pp

Transcript of interview, 1989-1991, with Sir Patrick Dean, former Deputy Under Secretary at the Foreign Office

Transcript of interview with Sir Patrick Henry Dean, Deputy Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to the role of the Permanent Under Secretary's Department of the Foreign Office during the Suez Crisis, particularly its relations between the Chiefs of Staff, service planning staff of operation MUSKETEER REVISE (Anglo-French offensive in Egypt), and the Joint Intelligence Committee. 6pp

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