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COLD WAR, THE: television documentary archive
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Transcript of interview with writer Yakov Etinger, 1995

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Yakov Etinger, relating to the arrest of Etinger and his father during the 'Doctor's plot', an anti-Semitic conspiracy against Jewish Doctors that had treated leading members of the Soviet Communist Party, Oct-Nov 1950; including anti-Semitism in the USSR, 1948-1953; the arrest of his father on suspicion of murder following the death of Aleksandr Sergeevich Shcherbakov, Commissar of the Soviet Armed Forces, 1945; the death of his father in Soviet custody, Mar 1951; Etinger's imprisonment in the Lubyanka prison, Moscow, USSR, 1950-1951; the pivotal role of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin during the 'Doctor's plot', 1950-1953; Etinger's sentence of ten years imprisonment in the Soviet Gulag slave labour camps, 1951, and subsequent release, 1954. 24pp

Transcript of interview with writer Ralph De Toledano, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Ralph De Toledano, Editor, Newsweek magazine, 1948-1950, and co author with Victor Lasky of Seeds of treason, The true story of the Hiss-Chambers tragedy, Funk & Wagnalls Co, New York[1950], relating to the investigations into communist subversion in the US, including the investigation of Alger Hiss, a US State Department official charged with perjury for denying passing secret documents to Whitaker Chambers, a courier for the Communist Party, 1949-1950 and the role of Richard B Nixon in the investigation; the effect of the trial on Nixon's career; the activities of the House Un-American Activities Committee; the campaign against alleged communists and communist sympathisers in US society instigated by Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, 1950-1954, (McCarthyism); the role of McCarthy's counsel, Roy Cohen; Nixon's relationship with McCarthy; Nixon's relationship with Dwight L Eisenhower and the 1952 US Presidential election where Nixon was elected Vice President; the influence and methods of McCarthy; the role of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its head J Edgar Hoover in the investigation of communist espionage in the US and the evidence of Igor Gusenko, Soviet defector to Canada; and Toledano's assessment of the severity of communist threat to the US during the Cold War. 34pp

Transcript of interview with writer Pavel Kohunt, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Pavel Kohunt, Czechoslovakian poet, writer and play write, relating to the impact of the political regime in Czechoslovakia on the Czech writing; the significance of the Czech Writers Conference, 1967; the effect of the Soviet occupation, Aug 1968; his response to the Czechoslovak signing of the Helsinki Final Act, 1975 concerning protection of human rights, and his involvement in the composition of the human rights manifesto Charter 77, 1977. 16pp

Transcript of interview with Wing Commander Donald Hanson, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Wg Cdr Donald Hanson, RAF, relating to the Berlin Airlift, Germany, Jun 1948-Sep 1949; the operational use by RAF Transport Command of the Douglas C-47 Dakota and Handley Page Hastings aircraft to ferry supplies into West Berlin, 1948-1949; the supplying of flour and coal, and the organisation of the airlift, 1948-1949.

Transcript of interview with White House staff member George McKee Elsey, 1995

Typescript transcript of interview with George McKee Elsey, advisor to US President Harry S Truman, and member of White House Staff, 1947-1953, relating to US, British and Soviet talks on the future boundaries of East European states, Potsdam, Germany, 17 Jul-2 Aug 1945; US use of nuclear weapons against Japan, Aug 1945; the development of US policy towards Soviet Union during the term of President Truman, including the significance of the 'long telegram', analysis if Soviet policy in the light of Russian history by George F Kennan, US Embassy, Moscow, Feb 1946, and the Clifford Elsey Report on US Soviet relations, Sep 1946; fears of Soviet influence in western Europe following World War 2; bipartisan support in US congress for the policy of military and economic aid for any country threatened by Communism, Mar 1947 (Truman Doctrine), and for the Marshall Plan, the US European Recovery Program, 1948; Truman's assessment of the communist threat in the US; US reaction to the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China under a communist regime, Oct 1949; and the campaign against alleged communists and communist sympathisers in US society instigated by Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, 1950-1954, (McCarthyism). 32pp

Transcript of interview with Walt Whitman Rostow, National Security adviser to President Lyndon Johnson, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Walt Whitman Rostow, Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security 1961; State Dept, 1961-1966, Special Assistant to the US President, 1966-1969, relating to US involvement in the conflict in Vietnam during the Presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963 and Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969; US relations with China, during the Vietnam conflict; Kennedy's relation with Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, 1953-1964, and US reaction to the construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961. 57pp

Transcript of interview with villager Deli Huseyin, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Deli Hüseyin, Greek villager, 1944-1949, relating to the social and economic conditions in Greece during the Greek Civil War, 1944-1949; the scarcity of good quality mules in Greece during the Civil War, 1944-1949; the influence of US aid to Greece and the supply of good quality mules to the local population, [1947-1949]. 4pp

Transcript of interview with Viet Cong leader Tran Bach Dang, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Tran Bach Dang, Viet Cong leader in Saigon, [1968-1975], relating to US involvement in Vietnam, [1961]-1975; the importance of the Tet offensive as a turning point in the Vietnam War, Jan-Feb 1968; the unpopularity of the regime of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem, 1955-1963; the first deployment of US ground forces to Vietnam, 1965; combat in the Iron Triangle, an area between Ben Suc, Ben Cat and the Saigon River, and Cu Chi, South Vietnam, 1967-1968; the supply of war materials from North Vietnam to South Vietnam via the Ho Chi Minh Trail, 1959-1975; the uprising against South Vietnamese President Diem's regime, 1960; Viet Cong opposition to the administration of Gen Nguyen Van Thieu, President of South Vietnam, 1967-1975; the objectives of the Tet offensive, 1968; the capture of Saigon by the NVA (North Vietnamese Army), 30 Apr 1975; the restoration of diplomatic relations between the USA and Vietnam, 1995. 15pp

Transcript of interview with Vice President Aleksandr Rutskoi, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Aleksandr Vladimirovich Rutskoi, Russian Vice President, 1991, relating to the political and economic reforms in the Soviet Union during Gorbachev's term of office 1985-1991, including the increasing popularity of Boris Yeltsin; the attempted coup d'etat against Gorbachev, Dec 1991, and Gorbachev's resignation. 15pp

Transcript of interview with Vice Admiral Joe Williams, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with V Adm Joe Williams, Jr, US Navy, 1961-[1980], relating to the US development of the Lockheed UGM-27 Polaris A1 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM), [1955-1960]; the role of US Navy fleet ballistic missile submarines, 1961-[1980]; the difficulty for the USSR in locating and destroying a US Navy fleet ballistic missile submarines, 1961-[1980]; Williams' tours of duty on US Polaris submarines, 1961-[1969]; the targets in the USSR for US SLBMs, 1961-[1980]; competition between the US Navy and the Strategic Air Command (SAC), USAF, for control of nuclear delivery systems, 1961-1968; Williams' opinion of the USSR, 1961-[1969]; Soviet attempts to locate and track US Navy fleet ballistic missile submarines, 1961-[1980]; the opinion in the US Navy of Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, and of his 'whiz kids' defence advisors brought into the US Pentagon mostly from the RAND Corporation and the Harvard Business School, 1961-1968; the US strategic doctrine of mutually assured destruction (MAD), 1967; the impossibility of one crew member launching a US SLBM, 1961-[1980]. 25pp

Transcript of interview with Vice Admiral James Bond, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with US V Adm James Bond, POW, North Vietnam, 1966-1973, and President, Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, 1976-1979, relating to his experience as aircraft pilot during the Tonkin Gulf debacle, when the false sighting of North Vietnamese torpedo's directed at US destroyers, was used by President Johnson as justification for US bombing of North Vietnamese targets, Aug 1964. Also comments on his experiences as prisoner of war in North Vietnam, 1966-1973. 42pp

Transcript of interview with US State Department employee Martha Halloran Mautner, 1995

Typescript transcript of interview with Martha Halloran Mautner, US State Department employee, stationed in Moscow, 1945-1948, and Berlin, 1950-[1956], relating to her experiences in Moscow, including difficulties of relationships with local people, working with George F Kennan, US diplomat, and author of the 'long telegram', his analysis of Soviet policies in the light of Russian history, Feb 1946; reaction of Soviet leaders and US personnel in Moscow to the US announcement of military and economic aid for any country threatened by Communism, Mar 1947 (Truman Doctrine), and the Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill's 'Iron curtain' speech at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA, 5 Mar 1946; the rise of anti-communist feeling in the US and the campaign against alleged communists and communist sympathisers in US society instigated by Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, 1950-1954, (McCarthyism); the publication of The Soviet World Outlook by the US State Department and development of public and institutional education in the field of Soviet studies; witnessing the unreported famine in the Ukraine, 1947; West Berlin during the 1950s and the response in response of Berlinners to the death of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, 5 Mar 1953; the East German Revolt, 1953; the Hungarian revolt, 1956; and development of US strategy in dealing with the Soviet Union. 50pp

Transcript of interview with US State Department employee John S Service, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with John S Service, US State Department, 1945-1951, relating to the reaction in the US to the establishment of the People Republic of China under a communist regime, Oct 1949, including the dismissal of members of the US State Department as scapegoats for the break in US Chinese relations; the campaign against alleged communists and communist sympathisers in US society instigated by Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, 1950-1954, (McCarthyism); allegations against Service and his experience of the Tiding Subcommittee (US Senate) hearings, investigations by the State Department board and the Loyalty Review Board leading to his dismissal from the State Department, (1951); the findings of the US Supreme Court of illegal discharge by the State Department, 1957. 23pp

Transcript of interview with US State Department employee Franklin Lindsay, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Franklin Lindsay, US State Department, relating to relating to US strategy to preventing the spread of Soviet influence in Europe following World War 2 including providing military and economic aid to Yugoslavia, supporting the development of Radio Free Europe and assisting émigrés to maintain democratic leadership in radio contact with countrymen under Soviet rule; the role of the Committee for Free Europe; the attitude of John Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State, 1953-1959, and his brother, Alan Dulles, Head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to the permanence of Soviet rule; difficulties in developing resistance movements in Soviet countries following World War 2 and in the face of Soviet infiltration. 23pp

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