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NUCLEAR AGE, THE: television documentary series
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Continuation of interview with Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of Intelligence, CIA, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Ray Steiner Cline, Deputy Director of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1962-1966, Special Adviser, US Embassy, Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, 1966-1969, Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, US State Department, 1969-1973, and Director of World Power Studies, Georgetown Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, USA, 1973-1984, relating to the Bay of Pigs incident, Cochinos Bay, Cuba, Apr 1961; assassination attempts on Dr Fidel Castro (Ruz), Prime Minister of Cuba, [1958-1962]; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the leadership and character of US President Kennedy, and of his brother, Robert Francis Kennedy, US Attorney General, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the discovery of the Soviet deployment of SS-4 'Sandal' Medium Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBM) and SS-5 'Skean' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) to Cuba through US reconnaissance photography, Oct 1962; the US naval blockade of Cuba, 1962; Cuban influence and involvement in Angola and Nicaragua, 1963-[1989]; the increase in production of Soviet Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), 1964-1965.

Continuation of interview with US Lieutenant General James Gavin, 1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with US Lt Gen James Maurice Gavin, Army Member, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, Office of the US Secretary of Defense, 1949-1955, Chief of Research and Development, Office of the US Secretary of Defense, 1955-1958, and US Ambassador to France, 1961-[1963], relating to US development of tactical nuclear weapons, 1952-1953; the role and importance of the Strategic Air Command (SAC), USAF (US Air Force), 1952-1960; the adoption of the new US military strategy, 'The New Look', based on a reduction in conventional forces and an increased reliance on thermonuclear and tactical nuclear weapons, 1953; US development of the Chrysler Jupiter SM-78 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), 1954-1957; the deployment of US tactical nuclear weapons in western Europe to counter the perceived threat of a Soviet invasion, [1955-1962].

Continuation of interview, Mar 1986, with McGeorge Bundy, former Special Assistant for National Security Affairs

Typescript transcript of interview with McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to US Presidents John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1961-1966, and Professor of History, New York University, USA, 1979-[1989], relating to the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the discovery of the Soviet deployment of SS-4 'Sandal' Medium Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBM) and SS-5 'Skean' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) to Cuba through US reconnaissance photography, Oct 1962; the US naval blockade of Cuba, 1962; the leadership and character of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Aug 1963; the removal of US Chrysler Jupiter SM-78 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) from Turkey, 1965.

Interview [1989], with presidential advisor Georgy Shakhnazarov (duplicate)

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Georgy Khosroevich Shakhnazarov, Adviser to Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1988-1991, relating to the Soviet policy of 'perestroika' (the economic and social restructuring of Soviet society), introduced by Gorbachev, [1985-1989]; the strategic purpose behind the Soviet deployment of SS-18 'Satan' and SS-19 'Stiletto' missiles in Europe, 1976-1977; the improvements in relations between the USSR and the USA, 1987-1989; the role of nuclear arms in international relations, [1989]. Copy of 12/54

Interview (extract) with physicist Petr Kapitsa, [1984]

Typescript transcript of an extract of an interview with Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Director, Institute of Physical Problems, Soviet Academy of Science, Moscow, 1935-1946 and 1955-[1962], relating to Professor Niels Henrik David Bohr, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and his open letter to the United Nations on the necessity for the adoption of peaceful atomic policies, 9 Jun 1950.

Interview (extracts) with Gennadi Gerasimov, formerly of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, [1989]

Typescript transcript of extracts of an interview with Gennadi Ivanovich Gerasimov, correspondent for international relations and disarmament, Novosti Press, 1972-1978, relating to the supply of arms by the US to Contra guerrillas in Nicaragua, 1981-1989; the deployment of Soviet SS-20 'Saber' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) in eastern Europe, 1977; the summit meeting between US President Ronald (Wilson) Reagan and Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, and President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Washington DC, USA, 1987.

Interview with Admiral [Elmar] Schmaling, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Adm Schmaling, Director, Office for Studies and Exercises within the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Germany, [1989], relating to the deployment of US tactical nuclear weapons on West German territory, [1989]; NATO's (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) strategy of flexible response, [1988]; the INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) Treaty, Jun 1988.

Interview with Air Chief Marshal Sir Kenneth Cross, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with ACM Sir Kenneth (Brian Boyd) Cross, Air Officer Commanding in Chief, RAF Bomber Command, 1959-1963, relating to the US reaction to the launch of the Soviet Sputnik I and Sputnik II Earth orbiting satellites, Oct and Nov 1957; the relationship between RAF Bomber Command and the Strategic Air Command (SAC), USAF, 1959-1963; the cancellation of the US Douglas Skybolt Air Launched Ballistic Missile (ALBM) programme, [1960]; the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 1958-1963.

Interview with Aleksandr Alekseyev, former Ambassador to Cuba, 1986

Typescript transcript of interview with Aleksandr Ivanovich Alekseyev, Soviet Counsellor, Havana, Cuba, 1960-1962, and Ambassador to Cuba, 1962-1967, relating to the Cuban revolution, 1956; Operation MONGOOSE, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to destabilise Cuba and assassinate Dr Fidel Castro (Ruz), Prime Minister of Cuba, 1960; the sinking of the French cargo ship, LE GOUVRE, Havana harbour, Cuba, 4 Mar 1960; the US embargo on Cuban sugar imports, 1960; the US refusal to supply oil to Cuba, 1960; the Bay of Pigs incident, Cochinos Bay, Cuba, Apr 1961; the discovery of the Soviet deployment of SS-4 'Sandal' Medium Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBM) and SS-5 'Skean' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) to Cuba through US reconnaissance photography, Oct 1962; the Cuban Missile crisis, Oct 1962; the US naval blockade of Cuba, 1962; negotiations between Castro and Soviet Deputy Prime Minister Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, 1962; the shooting down of a US Lockheed U2 high altitude photographic reconnaissance aircraft, Cuba, 1962; the effect of the Cuban Missile crisis on the leadership of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, 1962-1964.

Interview with Aleksei Adzhubei, son-in-law of Premier Nikita Khrushchev, Dec 1986

Typescript transcript of interview with Aleksei Ivanovich Adzhubei, son in law of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, 1953-1964, Editor of Izvestia, [1960-1963] and Member of Soviet Journalist's Delegation to Cuba, 1962, relating to the US opinion of Khrushchev, 1961-1963; the summit conference between US President Dwight David Eisenhower and First Secretary Khrushchev, Geneva, Switzerland, Jul 1955; the Suez crisis, 1956; the meeting between Khrushchev and Castro, United Nations Organisation, New York, USA, [1959]; the meeting between US Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon and Khrushchev, [1959]; the Soviet deployment of SS-4 'Sandal' Medium Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBM) and SS-5 'Skean' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) to Cuba, 1962; the Cuban Missile crisis, Oct 1962; the Berlin crisis, Germany, 1961; Khrushchev's character, 1953-1964; the British and French nuclear development programmes, 1947-1960; the withdrawal of French forces from the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) Military Committee, 1966.

Interview with ambassador Ryukichi Imai, 1987

Typescript transcript of interview with Japanese Ambassador Ryukichi Imai, Japanese Disarmament Ambassador, Geneva, Switzerland, [1983-1986], relating to the US Atoms for Peace programme to share nuclear knowledge with other countries, 1953; US technical and financial support for the Japanese nuclear energy programme, 1954-[1960]; the Japanese anti-nuclear movement, 1954-[1960]; the radioactive contamination of the Japanese fishing vessel FUKURYU MARU (LUCKY DRAGON) and its crew, from US thermonuclear tests, Operation CASTLE, Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls, Marshall Islands, Pacific Ocean, Mar 1954; the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Aug 1963; the detonation of the first Chinese nuclear weapon, Lop Nor, People's Republic of China, Oct 1964; the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Jul 1968; the benefits of Japanese nuclear energy during the Arab oil embargo, 1973; Japanese reaction to the news of India's detonation of a nuclear device, Rajasthan Desert, India, May 1974; the impact on the Japanese nuclear industry of US President James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter's Non-Proliferation Act, 1978.

Interview with anti-nuclear campaigner Arty Alpert, [1988]

Typescript transcript of interview with Arty Alpert, member of the American Friends Services Committee and an activist for the US Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, 1980-1985, relating to the activities of the US Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, 1980-1985; the role of the American Friends Services Committee, Concord, New Hampshire, USA, 1981-1984.

Interview with anti-nuclear campaigner Lord Soper, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Reverend Donald Oliver Soper, Baron Soper, Methodist Minister and Superintendent of the West London Mission, 1936-1978, and member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 1958-[1989], relating to the foundation of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 1958; speculation on the connection between the foundation of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and the detonation of the first British thermonuclear weapon, Operation GRAPPLE, Malden Island, Line Islands, Pacific Ocean, May 1957; the perceived political, moral and military reasons for the UK's deployment of an independent nuclear deterrent, 1958-1989; the deployment of US tactical nuclear weapons in western Europe, [1955-1962].

Interview with Arkadiy Shevchenko, formerly of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mar 1986

Typescript transcript of interview with Arkadiy Nikolayevich Shevchenko, Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1956-1978, and UN Under Secretary General for Political and Security Council Affairs, 1973-1978 (defected to USA, 1978), relating to relations between US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, 1953-1964, and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, 1958-1964; the Bay of Pigs incident, Cuba, Apr 1961; the construction of the Berlin wall, Germany, Aug 1961; the Cuban missile crisis, Oct 1962.

Interview with arms control advisor Albert Carnesale, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor Albert Carnesale, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1969-1972, member of the US delegation for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I (SALT I), 1970-1972, Lucius Littauer Professor of Public Policy and Administration, and Provost of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1974-1981, and Academic Dean, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1981-1991, relating to US/Soviet relations during the administration of US President Ronald (Wilson) Reagan, 1981-1989; US expenditure on defence, 1981-1982; the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 1983-1986; Soviet opposition to the US development of SDI, 1984-1986; the summit meeting between US President Reagan and Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, and President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Reykjavik, Iceland, Nov 1986.

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