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NUCLEAR AGE, THE: television documentary series
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Interview with John Foster, former Director of Defence Research and Engineering, Department of Defense, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr John Stuart Foster, Jr, Director, Defense Research and Engineering, US Defense Department, 1965-1973, relating to the Soviet development of an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system, [1968-1969]; the US strategic review and assessment of its world strength, 1969; the US nuclear doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), [1962-1972]; the US military involvement in Vietnam, 1969; the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I (SALT I), 1969-1972; the US development of multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRV) [1968-1972]; the US anti-ballistic missile development programme, [1969-1970]; the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (the ABM Treaty), May 1972; the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I (SALT I), May 1972.

Interview with John Manley, former Deputy Director, Los Alamos Laboratory, 1986

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor John Frederick Manley, Deputy Director, Los Alamos Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, [1943-1948] and Professor of Political Science, Stanford University, California, USA, 1977-1980, relating to the difficulty in retaining US atomic scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, following the Japanese surrender, Sep 1945; the military requirements for US nuclear weapons, 1947-1948; the Bernard Mannes Baruch report, to the United Nations (UN) Atomic Energy Commission, on outlawing atomic war, 1946; the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 1947-1948; the Berlin airlift, Germany, 1948-1949; the detonation of the first Soviet atomic bomb, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, USSR, Aug 1949; US development of thermonuclear weapons (hydrogen bombs), 1949-1952; the importance of Professor Edward Teller in the US thermonuclear development programme, 1949-1952; the opposition by Dr J(ulius) Robert Oppenheimer, to the US development of thermonuclear weapons (hydrogen bombs) 1948-1952.

Interview with John McCone, former Director of the CIA, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with John Alex McCone, Director, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1961-1965, relating to the threat made by US President Harry S Truman of the US use of nuclear weapons against Soviet forces occupying northern Iran, [1946]; US/Cuban relations, 1961-1962; the Bay of Pigs incident, Cochinos Bay, Cuba, Apr 1961; US CIA operations in Cuba, 1961-1962; the discovery of the Soviet deployment of SS-4 'Sandal' Medium Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBM) and SS-5 'Skean' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) to Cuba through US reconnaissance photography, Oct 1962; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the US naval blockade of Cuba, 1962.

Interview with John Scali, former television journalist and diplomatic negotiator, [1987]

Typescript transcript of interview with John A Scali, Diplomatic Correspondent for ABC News, Washington DC, USA, 1961-1971, and US Ambassador to the UN (United Nations), 1973-1975, relating to Scali's role as a US negotiator with Soviet officials in an attempt to find a solution to the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962.

Interview with Joseph Nye, former Deputy Under Secretary, State Department, 1987

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr, Professor of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1969-1987, and Deputy Under Secretary, US State Department, 1977-1979, relating to the US Atoms for Peace programme, 1953; the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Aug 1963; the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Jul 1968; the importance of nuclear non-proliferation as an issue in the US Presidential election campaign, 1976; US President James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter's Non-Proliferation Act, 1978; the development of Indian nuclear research, 1948-1974; the failure of US attempts to prevent the detonation of India's first nuclear device, Rajasthan Desert, India, May 1974; the Arab oil embargo, 1973; speculation on future nuclear proliferation in Pakistan, Brazil and Argentina, 1987; the reaction in Japan to the US Non-Proliferation Act, 1978; the formation of the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation Group (INFCE), 1977; Pakistan's nuclear development programme, [1978]; speculation on Libyan funding for the Pakistani nuclear programme, [1978]; the cessation of all US economic and humanitarian aid to Pakistan, Apr 1979; the nuclear acident, resulting in the release of radioactive gases into the atmosphere, at the US nuclear power station at Three Mile Island, Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania, USA, Mar 1979; the renewal of US aid to Pakistan following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 1980; speculation on nuclear co-operation between Israel and South Africa, 1987; Operation BABYLON, the Israeli air attack on the Osirak nuclear research reactor, Al Tuwaitha, Iraq, 7 Jun 1981.

Interview with journalist Aleksandr Bovin, 1986 (duplicate)

Typescript transcript of interview with Aleksandr Yevgeniyevich Bovin, editorial staff of the philosophy section Kommunist, 1959-1963, relating to US/Soviet arms control issues during the administration of US President James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, 1977-1981; the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II (SALT II) on agreed limits on the numbers and testing of new types of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), Jun 1979; the official visit to the USA by Deng Xiaoping, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USA and the People's Republic of China, Jan 1979; the increase in Soviet influence in Angola, Ethiopia and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen), [1978-1980]; the deferment by the US Senate to ratify the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II (SALT II), due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Jan 1980; US Presidential Directive 59 (PD 59) on the development of the US counter force strategy, of attacking an enemy's nuclear and military forces instead of centres of population or economic targets, in order to deter an enhanced Soviet first strike capability, Jul 1980; the summit meeting between US President Carter and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1979. Copy of 12/11

Interview with journalist Alexsandr Bovin, 1986

Typescript transcript of interview with Aleksandr Yevgeniyevich Bovin, editorial staff of Kommunist, 1959-1963, relating to US/Soviet arms control issues during the administration of US President James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, 1977-1981; the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II (SALT II) on agreed limits on the numbers and testing of new types of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), Jun 1979; the official visit to the USA by Deng Xiaoping, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USA and the People's Republic of China, Jan 1979; the increase in Soviet influence in Angola, Ethiopia and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen), [1978-1980]; the deferment by the US Senate to ratify the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II (SALT II), due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Jan 1980; US Presidential Directive 59 (PD 59) on the development of the US counter force strategy, of attacking an enemy's nuclear and military forces instead of centres of population or economic targets, in order to deter an enhanced Soviet first strike capability, Jul 1980; the summit meeting between US President Carter and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1979.

Interview with journalist Douglas Waller, [1987]

Typescript transcript of interview with Douglas C Waller, journalist and author of Congress and the Nuclear Freeze: an inside look at the politics of a mass movement (University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 1987), and Foreign Policy Correspondent for Newsweek magazine, [1987], relating to the inauguration of US President Ronald (Wilson) Reagan, Jan 1981; the increase in US defence spending during the adminstration of US President Reagan, 1981-[1987]; the US Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, 1980-1985; the speech made by US President Reagan announcing the launch of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), Washington DC, USA, 23 Mar 1983.

Interview with journalist Joseph Alsop, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Joseph Wright Alsop Jr, author and journalist with The New York Herald Tribune, 1932-1935 and 1945-1958, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, 1958-1974, relating to the Berlin airlift, Germany, 1948-1949; the deployment by US President Harry S Truman of nuclear capable Boeing B-29 Superfortresses to US bases in the UK during the Berlin airlift crisis, 1948; the detonation of the first Soviet atomic bomb, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, USSR, Aug 1949; the Korean War, 1950-1953; the Soviet development of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) and the reduction in production of strategic bombers, 1956-1958; the launch of the Soviet Sputnik I and Sputnik II Earth orbiting satellites, Oct and Nov 1957; the US development of the Lockheed UGM-27 Polaris A1 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM), [1955-1960].

Interview with journalist Lothar Ruhl, 1987

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Lothar Ruhl, Journalist, Federal Republic of Germany, [1971]-1980, Deputy Speaker of the Federal German Government, 1980-1982, and Under Secretary, Defence Ministry, Federal Republic of Germany, 1983, relating to the speech by Helmut (Heinrich Waldemar) Schmidt, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, to the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, on the consequences of the planned US deployment of General Dynamics BGM-109G Gryphon Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) and MGM-31C Pershing II Short Range Battlefield Support Missiles on German territory ('Euro-strategic missiles'), 7 Oct 1977; the Soviet deployment of the SS-20 'Saber' Mobile Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM), 1974-1977; the election to the US Presidency of Ronald (Wilson) Reagan, Nov 1980; the adoption by US President Reagan of the 'zero option', whereby the US would not deploy General Dynamics BGM-109G Gryphon Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) and MGM-31C Pershing II Short Range Battlefield Support Missiles if the USSR withdrew SS-4 'Sandal' Medium Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBM), SS-5 'Skean' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) and SS-20 'Saber' Mobile Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM), from west of the Ural mountains, 1981; the US deployment of General Dynamics BGM-109G Gryphon Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) and MGM-31C Pershing II Short Range Battlefield Support Missiles in western Europe, 1983; the summit meeting between US President Reagan and Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, and President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Reykjavik, Iceland, Nov 1986; speculation on the forthcoming signing of the INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) Treaty, Jun 1988; NATO's (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) strategy of flexible response, 1987; the possible US deployment to western Europe of the 'neutron bomb', a thermonuclear enhanced radiation tactical nuclear weapon [1974-1978]; the importance of public opinion in Federal German politics, 1987.

Interview with journalist Mr Mori, [1988]

Typescript transcript of interview with Mr Mori, former Japanese journalist, interviewed at the Atomic Industrial Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 24 Feb [1988], relating to the US Atoms for Peace programme to share nuclear knowledge with other countries, 1953; the origins and aims of Japan's early atomic energy programme, [1953-1965]; the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Jul 1968; the benefits of Japanese nuclear energy during the Arab oil embargo, 1973; the impact in Japan of news of India's detonation of a nuclear device, Rajasthan Desert, India, May 1974.

Interview with journalist Richard Hottelet, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Richard C Hottelet, Journalist, US Office of War Information, 1941-1944, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) News correspondent, Moscow, USSR, May-Dec 1946, relating to Hottelet's impression of the USSR in the immediate postwar period, 1945-1946; an interview between Hottelet and Maximovich Ludvinov, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, [1946]; the Soviet reaction to the US monopoly in nuclear weapons, 1945-1949; the Soviet rejection of the Bernard Mannes Baruch report, to the United Nations (UN) Atomic Energy Commission, on outlawing atomic war, Jun 1946; the banning of foreign broadcast correspondents from the USSR, Dec 1946.

Interview with journalist Richard Hottelet, [1989] (duplicate)

Typescript transcript of interview with Richard C Hottelet, Journalist, US Office of War Information, 1941-1944, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) News correspondent, Moscow, USSR, May-Dec 1946, relating to Hottelet's impression of the USSR in the immediate postwar period, 1945-1946; an interview between Hottelet and Maximovich Ludvinov, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, [1946]; the Soviet reaction to the US monopoly in nuclear weapons, 1945-1949; the Soviet rejection of the Bernard Mannes Baruch report, to the United Nations (UN) Atomic Energy Commission, on outlawing atomic war, Jun 1946; the banning of foreign broadcast correspondents from the USSR, Dec 1946. Copy of 11/55

Interview with journalist Vladimir Bogachev, 1986

Typescript transcript of interview with Vladimir Bogachev, Soviet TASS (Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza - Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) Correspondent, New York, USA, relating to the Cuban Missile crisis, Oct 1962; the US naval blockade of Cuba, 1962; TASS reports during the Cuban Missile crisis, 1962; the Bay of Pigs incident, Cochinos Bay, Cuba, Apr 1961; the character of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, 1953-1964; the summit conference between US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Khrushchev, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1961; Bogachev's opinion of Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968; the nuclear doctrine of counterforce, emphasising limited nuclear strikes against an enemy's armed forces and not against civilian populations, 1962; the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (the ABM Treaty), May 1972; the US nuclear doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), [1962-1972].

Interview with journalist ……… Roberts (first name not given), 1986

Typescript transcript of interview with Mr Roberts, US journalist, Washington DC, USA, 1941-1945, relating to US isolationism, 1918-1941; the impact of the Great Depression in the USA and the rise of Marxism, 1929-1933; the official recognition of the USSR by the USA, 1933; the Nazi-Soviet Pact, 23 Aug 1939; the impact of World War Two in the USA, 1939-1941; the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to a third term as US President, Nov 1940; the popularity of Prime Minister Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill in the USA, 1940-1941; Operation BARBAROSSA, the German invasion of the USSR, Jun 1941; the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii, 7 Dec 1941, and the subsequent participation of the USA in World War Two, 1941-1945; the wartime alliance between the USA, UK and USSR, 1941-1945; the death of US President Roosevelt, 12 Apr 1945, and the leadership of US President Harry S Truman, 1945-1946; the use, by the USAAF (US Army Air Force), of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 6 and 9 Aug 1945; a visit by Roberts to Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a member of the US Strategic Bombing Survey, Japan, Nov 1945; the collapse in US-Soviet relations, 1945-1946; the Bernard Mannes Baruch report, to the United Nations (UN) Atomic Energy Commission, on outlawing atomic war, Jun 1946.

Interview with Kenneth Adelman, former Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, [1988]

Typescript transcript of interview with Kenneth Lee Adelman, Assistant to Donald H Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, 1975-1977, Senior Political Scientist, Stanford Research Center, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 1977-1981, Ambassador and US Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) Organisation, 1981-1983, and Director, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1983-1987, relating to the influence of the US Committee on the Present Danger on the administration of US President Ronald (Wilson) Reagan, 1981-1984; the role of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1983-1987; the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 1983-1986; speculation on the forthcoming signing of the INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) Treaty, Jun 1988; the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START I) between the USA and the USSR, 1982-[1988]; the summit meeting between US President Ronald (Wilson) Reagan and Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, Reykjavik, Iceland, Nov 1986.

Interview with Laurence Lynn, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, [1987]

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Laurence Edwin Lynn, Jr, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1965-1969, and member of the US National Security Council, 1969-1972, relating to the role and primary concerns of the US National Security Council at the beginning of US President Richard Milhous Nixon's administration, 1969; US involvement in the Vietnam War, 1969-1972; US foreign policy, 1969-1972; the National Security Council review of the USA's strategic position in the world, [1969-1970]; the policies of Dr Henry (Alfred) Kissinger, US National Security Adviser, 1969-1973; the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (the ABM Treaty), May 1972; the US nuclear doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), [1962-1972]; the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1969-1972; the US development of multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRV) [1968-1972]; the Soviet development of multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles for the SS-9 'Scarp' Model 4 Heavy Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), [1969]-1971; the US invasion of Cambodia, May 1970.

Interview with Leslie Gelb, former Deputy Director of Policy Planning, Department of Defense, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Leslie Gelb, Deputy Director of Policy Planning, US Department of Defense, 1967-1968, Director of Robert Strange McNamara's, US Secretary of Defense, Vietnam Task Force, 1967-1968, Director of Policy Planning, US Department of Defense, 1968, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning and Arms Control Staff, 1968-1969, correspondent with The New York Times, 1973-1977, and Director, Bureau of Political and Military Affairs, US State Department, 1977-1979, relating to the US deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in western Europe, 1978-1984; the US development of the General Dynamics BGM-109G Gryphon Ground Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM), 1978-1984; the speech by Helmut (Heinrich Waldemar) Schmidt, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, to the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, on the consequences of the planned US deployment of General Dynamics BGM-109G Gryphon Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) and MGM-31C Pershing II Short Range Battlefield Support Missiles on German territory ('Euro-strategic missiles'), 7 Oct 1977; US development of the 'neutron bomb', a thermonuclear enhanced radiation tactical nuclear weapon [1974-1978]; the summit meeting between Chancellor Helmut (Heinrich Waldemar) Schmidt, Federal Republic of Germany, Prime Minister Rt Hon (Leonard) James Callaghan, US President James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter and French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Guadeloupe, Caribbean, 1979; the Soviet deployment of the SS-20 'Saber' Mobile Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), 1974-1977.

Interview with Lynn Davis, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning, [1989]

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Lynn Davis, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning, [1977-1981], relating to the speech by Helmut (Heinrich Waldemar) Schmidt, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, to the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, on the consequences of the planned US deployment of General Dynamics BGM-109G Gryphon Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) and MGM-31C Pershing II Short Range Battlefield Support Missiles on German territory ('Euro-strategic missiles'), 7 Oct 1977; the Soviet deployment of the SS-20 'Saber' Mobile Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM), 1974-1977; the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) decision to deploy US Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) and Pershing II tactical missiles in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1979; the belief in the Federal Republic of Germany that the US deployment of Pershing II missiles was in order to contain any nuclear war with the USSR to Europe and to exclude the US mainland, 1979-1983.

Interview with Marcus Raskin, former member of Special Staff, National Security Council, [1987]

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor Marcus G Raskin, Member of the Special Staff, US National Security Council, 1961-1963, and Professor of Public Policy, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, [1987], relating to the Berlin crisis and the construction of the Berlin wall, Germany, Aug 1961; the US plan for a nuclear first strike by aircraft of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) against the USSR, 1961; the increase in the construction and deployment of US nuclear missiles under the policies of Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968; the US nuclear doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), [1962-1972]; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962.

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