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BAD TRIP TO EDGEWOOD - US Army drug testing, television documentary archive
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Television documentary, Unit 731, 1985, on Japanese Army biological warfare testing, World War Two

'Unit 731'. VHS (Vertical Helix Scan) video cassette of a Television South (TVS) documentary titled Unit 731 about Lt Surgeon General Shiro Ishii and Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army which conducted biological warfare tests on humans, including prisoners of war, during 1933-1945. Directed by David C Rea, and produced by Peter Williams. 55 minutes

Television documentary, Mission Mind Control, 1979, on CIA chemical agent testing

'Mission Mind Control, PAL copy'. VHS (Vertical Helix Scan) video cassette of 'News Closeup: Mission mind control', a documentary broadcast on American Broadcasting Companies television network, 30 Jan 1979, produced and written by Paul Altmeyer relating to CIA testing of chemical agents on humans. 90 minutes

Television documentary, Guinea Pig Soldiers, 1975, on US Army and CIA chemical agent testing

World in Action: Guinea Pig Soldiers'. VHS (Vertical Helix Scan) video cassette of a Granada Television production, titled World in Action: Guinea Pig Soldiers' relating to the cover up of US Army and CIA testing of incapacitating agents on humans, Gus Macdonald, Executive Director and David Boulton, Producer. 30 minutes

Reports on US Army chemical testing, and related papers, 1951-1977

Army documents'. Copies of sections of Inspector General, Department of the Army, 'Use of volunteers in Chemical Agent Research', 10 Mar 1976; advertisement for volunteers for the Chemical Warfare Laboratory at Army Chemical Centre, Maryland; 'Chemical Warfare Laboratories Report 2071 on psychochemical agents', 14 Sep 1956; Edgewood Arsenal report titled 'Human assessment of EA1729 and EA3528 by inhalation route' by James Ketchum, George K Aghajanian, and Oscar H L Bing, Jul 1964; 'Clinical investigation of EA1729' by Van M Sim Jun 1961; 'Special Report, First Psychochemical Conference 12 May 1954', Amedeo S Marrazzi, Sep 1955; and 'US Army Activity in the US Biological Warfare programs' Vol I and II, 24 Feb 1977.

Printed information, 1968 and 1987-1992, on US Army chemical and medical research facilities

Army literature'. US Army Medical Research and Development Command Newsletter, Nov 1989-May 1992; Information booklets about US Army bases with biological and chemical research facilities-Fort Detrick and Fort McClellan; printed literature relating to US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease, US Army Medical Biological Development Research Program, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defence, Chemical Corps, and Chemical Research Development and Emergency Centre. Also annotated information from seminars about the US Army Medical Chemical Defense Research Program, and US Army Medical Biological Defense Research Program.

Press release and press cuttings, 1979-1984, relating to US Army and CIA biological testing in the USA, 1950s and 1960s

Public trials: Florida and Washington'. Church of Scientology press release regarding US Army secret biological testing in Washington DC in 1964-1965, accompanied by extracts of the Army report of the study; copies of newspaper articles concerning biological test in Washington as well as CIA biological testing in Florida during 1955, and zinc cadmium sulfide used in tests in San Francisco 1965 and 1967.

Press cuttings and related papers, 1980-1992, concerning the death of drug test subject Harold Blauer

Guinea-pigs: Harold Blauer'. News articles and papers relating to death of Harold Blauer as result of injection of Experimental Agent 1298 at New York State Psychiatric Institute, 8 Jan 1953, the revelation by the US Army in 1975 that the cause of death was a lethal dose of a mescaline derivative (Experimental Agent 1298), and subsequent court proceedings of Blauer's daughter Elizabeth Barrett. Includes copies of Blauer's medical case notes.

Press cuttings and related papers, 1975-1991, concerning drug test subject James Stanley

Guinea-pigs: James Stanley'. Copies of news articles, 1987, relating to the Supreme Court ruling in the suit of James Stanley, unwitting volunteer of US army testing of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in 1958. Also correspondence between Harry Johnston MC, Florida, and the Department of the Army concerning a Private Bill For the Relief of James B Stanley [1989-1990], and transcripts of committee hearings.

Press cuttings and related papers, 1975-1978, concerning the suicide of drug test subject Frank Olson

Guinea-pigs: Frank Olson'. Copies of newspaper cuttings describing the 1975 reopening of the case of Dr Frank R Olson who apparently committed suicide after being an unwitting subject of CIA testing of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in Nov 1953. Also reports of the Presidential apology to the Olson family, and thee black and white negatives of images of Olson family's audience with US President Gerald Ford, 21 Jul 1975. Also contains notes of interviews with Col Vincent L Ruwet present during administering of LSD to Olson, Mrs Herbert G Tanner, wife of HG Tanner unwitting subject of LSD test with Olson; Dr Benjamin Wilson worked on Chemical Corps test projects; Lyman Kirkpatrick, CIA Inspector General who investigated Olson's death; and Sidney Gottlieb, the doctor involved in the testing project; copy of article by Tad Szule 'The CIA's electric kool-aid acid test'; copies of censored memoranda from US Department of Army relating to Olson's death.

Papers, 1975-1990, on the testing of BZ at Edgewood

BZ-3 Quinuclidinyl Benzilate'. Copies of newspaper articles, scientific reports, and memoranda relating to testing of 3 quinuclidinyl benzilate (BZ) on US Army volunteers at Edgewood, storage and disposal of the chemical, and the campaign by American Citizens for Honest in Government, sponsored by the Church of Scientology.

Papers, 1964-1992, relating to follow-up research on former test volunteers

LSD-US Army follow-up studies'. Letters and survey form from National Research Council, Washington, relating to follow-up study of US servicemen participating in experimental testing of LSD between 1955-1967, 30 May 1984 attached to Dept of the Army Information for Members of Congress 6 Dec 1979; article 'Army suspends drug test program' 23 Aug 1975 from Facts on File World News Digest, 5 Oct 1990; LSD follow-up study report, US Army Medical Department, US Army Health Services Command, Oct 1980, 158pp; copy of American nuclear guinea pigs: three decades of radiation experiments on US citizens report prepared by the Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, US House of Representatives, Nov 1986, 38pp; photocopy of 'Veterans as government guinea pigs: are they receiving care and compensation?' DAV Magazine, Oct 1991, 5pp; photocopy of building location map at Edgewood Arsenal; results of National Library of Medicine MEDLINE Database search on 'physostigmine and chemical and nerve and agents', 18 Sep 1992, 9pp; Possible Long-term health effects of short term exposure to chemical agents, Volume 3 Final Report: current health status of test subjects, Committee on Toxicology, Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Washington DC 1985. 99pp

Papers, 1964-1973, relating to the effects of LSD

Medical research papers'. Copies of letters and information sent to William R Jordan relating to the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD); notes on scientific article 'LSD through inhalation route', James Ketchum, George K Aghaganian and Oscar H L Bing, Edgewood Arsenal, July 1964; CAR 301060: estimate of minimal effective dose in man (U), Edgewood Arsenal Technical Memorandum EATM 114-12, Arthur H Hayes, July 1967; Department of Army memoranda re approval of drug testing project, 6 Mar 1972-Oct 1973

Papers, 1959-1992, relating to the research and development of chemical weapons in the USA and USSR

Chemical warfare'. Copies of articles and reports concerning chemical weapons development and testing in the US and USSR. Including an annotated bibliography produced for Congress titled 'Chemical and Biological Warfare: Selected references 1988-1991, Valentin Leskovesek Oct 1991; and a section of 'Summary of major events and problems, US Army Chemical Corps, Jan 1960.

Papers, 1954-1980, relating to biological agent testing conducted in New York, 1950s and 1960s

Public trials: New York'. Copy of Dept of Army report of 'A study of the vulnerability of subway passengers in New York City to covert attack with biological agents', Jan 1968; American Citizens for Honesty in Government press release and research report relating to open air testing of biological agents by the CIA in New York 1956; copies of CIA memoranda concerning funding of MKULTRA Subproject 30, May 1954; copies of newspaper articles 1979-1980 relating CIA biological testing in NY during 1956 and 1966; and 'Report on CIA/ Army open-air testing submitted to Congress' with accompanying papers released by the American Citizens for Honesty in Government.

Papers, 1953-1993, relating to chemical and biological warfare research at Porton Down, UK

UK Tests.' File containing research notes, extracts of reports, interview notes, newspaper articles, scientific articles, correspondence and memoranda concerning research into chemical and biological warfare conducted at the UK Ministry of Defence establishment at Porton Down, Wiltshire, from 1916-1970s. Mentions Nancekuke Base, Cornwall and accidental exposure of Thomas H Griffiths to nerve gas in 1958.Also includes material relating to the Tripartite (quadripartite) Agreement between US, UK and Canada (and later Australia) regarding research into chemical and biological weapons and parallels with the human 'guinea pigs' used to test lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) at Edgewood Arsenal, background notes on Bad Trip to Edgewood programme with notes recording conversation with Dr James Ketchum, former US Army psychiatrist at Edgewood Arsenal who visited Porton Down in 1965, and scripts for Bad Trip to Edgewood documentary.

Notes, 1992, on preliminary research interviews with former volunteers for drug testing at Edgewood, Maryland

Interview notes'. Typescript notes of preliminary research interviews conducted Jul-Aug 1992, with US Army volunteers in the LSD and BZ drug testing programme at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, from 1956 to 1971, including William Spellbring, Troy Roark, James Dell, Steve Bonner, Maurice Hahn, James Stanley, William Jordan, Lyman Lewis, Roger Hagerman, Chris Roop, Ronald Brookes Mason (formerly Ronald Tatanish), Calvin Sweet, and Otto Hytien, in which they describing their test experiences, their reasons for participating in the tests, subsequent career and medical conditions. Also notes on interviews with other individuals in involved in testing programs including Richard Kupfer, Attorney for James Stanley; Rita Furman-former wife of Ron Tatanish; Dr Richard P Wheat, doctor at Stanford University Hospital San Francisco concerning cases of Serratia Marcescens infection 1950 and the death of Edward Nevin; Belinda Blauer, daughter of Harold Blauer who received a lethal injection of an experimental agent at New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1953; and Dr James Ketchum, US Army psychiatrist at Edgewood Arsenal 1961-1966, 1968-1971, describing tests he carried out and comments on the films made of the test subjects reactions.

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