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DE COURCY-IRELAND, Capt Stanley Brian, RN (1900-2001)
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DE COURCY-IRELAND, Capt Stanley Brian, RN (1900-2001)

  • Collection
  • 1990 (covers 1900-1951)
  • Memoir by Captain Stanley Brian de Courcy-Ireland, A Naval Life (Englang Publishing, Poulton, Gloucestershire, second edition, 2002), written in 1990, detailing his life and career, 1900-1951, including the scuttling of the captured German Fleet at Scapa Flow, 1919, and his service at Combined Operations Headquarters, 1944-1945, under Maj Gen Robert Edward Laycock. Also, further notes on the scuttling of the German fleet, 1919, written as a review of Dan Van Der Vant's THE GRAND SCUTTLE (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1982); notes on the visit, 25 Dec 1944, to HMS AJAX in port at Piraeus, Greece, by Archbishop Damaskinos Papandreou, Archibishop of Athens, for talks with Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Ireland, Stanley Brian, de Courcy-, 1900-2001, Captain, Royal Navy