Showing 25 results
Archival descriptionTranslated press releases issued by the military groups opposing British forces in Aden, 1967
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- 1967 Mar 18 - 1967 Jul 7
Translations of daily communiqués issued by the NLF (National Liberation Front) and FLOSY (Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen) relating to their military operations against British forces in Aden. 1 file
Transcript of a recording of Dunbar, 1973, recalling his service in Suez, 1956
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- 1973
Typescript of recording made by Dunbar for the Airborne Forces Museum, Aldershot, Hampshire, relating to his experiences as Brig Maj of 16 Independent Parachute Bde Group during operations against the Egyptian Army at Port Said, Egypt, during the Suez Crisis, Nov 1956. This copy submitted by Dunbar to the Ministry of Defence and returned with covering letter, classifying Dunbar's recollections as 'Restricted'. 9pp
Transcript of a recording of Dunbar, 1973, recalling his service in Palestine, 1945-1948
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- 1973
Typescript of recording made by Dunbar for the Airborne Forces Museum, Aldershot, Hampshire, relating to his experiences as a Company Commanding Officer of 8 Bn The Parachute Regt, and as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General and Quarter Master General of 3 Parachute Bde in Palestine, 1945-1948, including riot control and the finding of an illegal radio transmitter operated by the Stern Gang in Tel Aviv; the loss of senior non commissioned officers due to the reduction of the army after World War Two. 5pp
Transcript of a recording of Dunbar, 1973, recalling his service in Cyprus, 1956
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- 1973
Typescript of recording made by Dunbar for the Airborne Forces Museum, Aldershot, Hampshire, relating to his experiences as Brigade Major of 16 Independent Parachute Bde Group in Cyprus in 1956, mostly concerning operations of the Brigade against the EOKA (Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston) guerrilla movement. 5pp
Papers relating to South American defence policies, [1966]
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- [1966]
Papers of Dunbar at the Imperial Defence College, relating to South America, comprising typescript memorandum entitled 'South America - defence policy and the Communist threat', containing brief synopsis of Communist activities and the tasks of the armed services in South America; manuscript notes by Dunbar on the strength and organisation of the armies of Chile, Guyana and Venezuela. 1 file
Papers relating to defence and South East Asia, 1966
- DUNBAR 1/9
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- 1966
Papers of Dunbar at the Imperial Defence College relating to South East Asia, comprising typescript notes on the Pacific Treaty signed between the USA, Australian and New Zealand on 1 Sep 1951; the ANZAM Defence Committee formed in 1950 by Australia, New Zealand and the UK; the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed on 8 Sep 1954. 3pp. With South East Asia, a reference map, prepared by the Central Office of Information, London, Dec 1965. 1 file
Papers on Chinese and Russian foreign policy, 1965-1966
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- 1965 - 1966
Papers of Dunbar at the Imperial Defence College, relating to the foreign policies of China and the USSR, including typescript memorandum entitled 'Soviet and Chinese foreign policy - divergences due to doctrinal beliefs'; notes by Dunbar concerning relations between NATO and the USSR over Berlin and Germany; manuscript notes by Dunbar 'on lecture on Communism', 5 Jan 1965, regarding the theories of Karl Marx. 1 file
Outline of the the responsibilities of the Director of Infantry, 1969
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- 1969 Mar 25
Ministry of Defence terms of reference for responsibilities to be undertaken by the Director of Infantry. 3pp
Newsletters and regimental journals, 1966-1968, relating to British forces operations in Aden
- DUNBAR 2/1
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- 1966 - 1968
Published material pertaining to operations of British forces in Aden, including newsletters of 45 Commando, Royal Marines, Apr 1966-Nov 1967; newsletters of 1 Bn The King's Own Royal Border Regt, May-Nov 1967; extracts from St George's Gazette (journal of The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers) vol 85, Jun-Nov 1967; journal of 1 Bn The Lancashire Regt (Prince of Wales's Volunteers) in Aden, Autumn 1967; journal of 1 Bn The Parachute Regt in Aden, Jul 1967; The White Rose, journal of The Prince of Wales's Own Regt of Yorkshire, Oct 1967; extracts from newsletters of 1 Bn The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's), Sep 1967; British newspaper cuttings, Jul-Oct 1968, relating to the role of Lt Col Colin Mitchell, Commanding Officer of 1 Bn Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and his battalion during the recapture and occupation of Crater town, Aden, Jul-Nov 1967. 1 file
- DUNBAR 2/5
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- 1967 - 1968
Texts of lectures and talks by Dunbar on British operations in Aden in 1967 and the role, responsibilities and influence of Great Britain in Southern Arabia, with associated notes, including speech on Aden to a Rotary Club luncheon, 28 Nov 1968; lecture, 1967, on 'Military problems of counter insurgency', with reference to Aden and and US operations in Vietnam. 1 file
Instructions for Colonels of Regiments, 1965
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- 1965 Sep 27
Ministry of Defence instructions for Colonels of Regiments on their appointment, duties, travel and visiting entitlements. 13pp
DUNBAR, Maj Gen Charles Whish (1919-1981)
- Collection
- 1953-1977
Papers, 1953-1977, including draft of article relating to the role of air transport in army supply, published in the Army Journal; Imperial Defence College background study notes, 1966, on international relations, the UK economy, research and development; papers relating to Aden, 1967, including extracts of regimental journals relating to operations of British units in Aden, situation reports of 1 Bn the Lancashire Regt (Prince of Wales's Volunteers), translations of daily communiqués of FLOSY (Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen) and NLF (National Liberation Front), texts of speeches and official briefing papers of Headquarters MELF, notes and drafts for a book by Dunbar on Aden; articles by Dunbar, 1971-1973, relating to operations of 8 Bn (Midland Counties) the Parachute Regt in France, Belgium and Palestine, 1944-1948, and 16 Independent Parachute Bde Group in Cyprus and Suez, 1956.
Dunbar, Charles Whish, 1919-1981, Major General
Draft text for an unpublished book on Aden, with related papers, 1968-1977
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- 1968 - 1977
Notes and partial drafts for an incomplete book by Dunbar on his experiences as Brigadier, General Staff, Middle East Land Forces (MELF) in Aden during 1967, and including article by Dunbar on AF Sir Michael Le Fanu, former Commander-in-Chief Middle East, and related correspondence with Richard Baker for Baker's biography of Le Fanu, Dry Ginger (W H Allen, London, 1977). With correspondence, Sep 1968-Mar 1969, between Dunbar, Air Cdre Frederick Beresford Sowrey, former Senior Air Staff Officer, Middle East Command (Aden), and Lt Col Sir Julian Tolver Paget, 4th Bt, relating to Paget's book Last post. Aden, 1964-67 (Faber, London, 1969). 1 file
Draft article on army air transport, 1953-1955
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- 1953 - 1955
Undated typescript draft of 'Airportability', article by Dunbar on army air transport, containing comparisons of the relative merits of the C119 Fairchild Flying Boxcar, the C121 Lockheed Constellation, the C123 Fairchild Provider, the C124 Douglas Globemaster, the C130 Lockheed Hercules, the Blackburn Beverley, and heavy helicopters. Published in the Army Journal. 12pp
Defence College study pamphlet on the USA, 1966
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- 1966
Pamphlet entitled 'Imperial Defence College background study number 6', on the USA, regarding the internal constitutional, political, economic and social problems of the USA; main aims and strategy of US foreign policy; policies of the USA and Communist nations towards the uncommitted nations; possible changes in US foreign policy, 1966-1976. 33pp
Defence College study pamphlet on the UK economy, with related papers, 1965-1966
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- 1965 - 1966
Pamphlet entitled 'Imperial Defence College background study no 3', on the UK economy, including notes on national income and public finance, balance of payments, overseas trade and aid to developing countries. With Imperial Defence College study notes on the economics of nuclear power, Jan 1965. 1 file
Defence College study pamphlet on multilateral co-operation, 1966
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- 1966
Pamphlet entitled 'Imperial Defence College background study number 5', on multilateral cooperation, including notes on the Western European Union, the European Communities (Euratom, European Coal and Steel Community, European Economic Community), the European Free Trade Associaton, NATO, the Council of Europe, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 11pp. With pamphlet prepared by the Board of Trade Office for Scotland on Scottish industry and development, Mar 1966; notes and statistics on UK working manpower. 1 file