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Only top-level descriptions Brian Lapping Associates North America, USA Wars (events)
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FIFTY YEARS WAR - ISRAEL AND THE ARABS: television documentary archive

  • Collection
  • 1948-1998

The collection includes 147 transcripts of interviews, mostly uncut (questions are sometimes omitted), recorded in the making of a six part television documentary ' The Fifty Years War - Israel and the Arabs ' which examines the conflict and peace initiatives arising from Israel's relations with her Arab neighbours and the Palestinians, May 1948 -1998. It also contains video cassettes of the completed documentary, as well as files, video and audio cassettes, press cuttings, and published works gathered in the research and production of the documentary. Interviews were conducted with eyewitnesses from Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, USSR, USA and the former British Mandated Territory of Palestine, recount their memories and describe their involvement in events including the partition of Palestine (1947), Israel's declaration of independence (1948), the Suez crisis (1956), the Six Day War (1967), the Yom Kippur War (1973), the Camp David talks between Israel and Egypt (1978), the Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon (1976, 1982), and the Oslo Agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) (1993-1995). Interviewees include political, military, diplomatic, academic and civilian persons, notably Miriam Eshkol, widow of Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister 1963-1969; Maj Gen Ehud Barak, Israeli Defence Force (IDF), Israeli Chief of General Staff 1991-1995, Minister for the Interior 1995, and Minister for Foreign Affairs 1995-1996; Yair Hirschfeld, Israeli academic at Haifa University; Shimon Peres, Israeli Prime Minister 1977, 1984-1986, 1995-1996, Foreign Minister 1986-1988, 1992-1995, and Minister of Defence 1974-1977; Maj Gen. Ariel Sharon (IDF), Israeli Minister of Defense 1981-1983, Industry and Trade1984-1990, and Construction 1990-1992; Gideon Rafael, Israeli diplomat and representative to the UN, and Foreign Ministry official 1958-1978; Maj Gen Ezer Weizman (IDF), Chief of Operations of the General Staff 1967, Deputy Chief of Staff 1967, and Minister of Defence 1977-1980; George Habash, founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP); Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), economic assistant to Yasir Arafat and Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Minister of Finance; Hanan Ashwari, Palestinian academic and campaigner for Palestinian rights; Saeb Erekat, Palestinian negotiator; Faisal Husseini, Jerusalem PLO representative; Walid Moualem, Syrian Ambassador to the US 1990- ; Farouk Al-Shar'a, Syrian Foreign Minister 1984-; Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egyptian President 1954-1970; Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs 1978; Shams el-din Badran, Egyptian War Minister 1967; General Muhammed Fawzi, Egyptian Chief of Staff 1967 and Defence Minister 1968-1971; Mohammad Jafaar al Numeiri, President of The Sudan 1969-1971, 1971-1985; Jihan Sadat, widow of Anwar al Sadat, President of Egypt 1970-1981; Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999; Zeid Al Rifai, Jordan Prime Minister 1973-1976; Josef Abu Khalil, Maronite Phalange party, and adviser to Bashir Gemayel; Shafiq Al Wazzan, Lebanon Prime Minister and Minister for the Interior 1980-1984; Terje Rød Larsen, Norwegian Socialist; Intissar al-Wazir (Umm Jihad), widow of Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), PLO official; James Addison Baker, US Secretary of State 1989-1992; James Earl (Jimmy) Carter, US President 1977-1981; Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State 1993-1997; Dennis Ross, Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State 1989-1992, Special Middle East Coordinator, US State Department 1994-; and Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the US 1962-1986.

Brian Lapping Associates

WASHINGTON VERSION, THE: television documentary archive

  • Collection
  • 1986-1992

The collection includes uncut audio cassettes, video cassettes and transcripts of interviews, concerning events leading up to the Gulf War (1990-1991) such as the role of the United States in the liberation of Kuwait following its invasion by Iraq, 2 Aug 1990; US relations with the international community coalition which included Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Soviet Union; the role of the United Nations; and the background to decisions taken by the US government in response to the invasion and up until the ceasefire of 28 Feb 1991. It also contains related transcripts of US Congress proceedings, research files, news cuttings, video cassettes of the three episodes of the television documentary The Washington Version as broadcast in the UK, scripts for each episode, draft version of scripts and documentary, as well as uncut video cassette footage of television news reports, press conferences and addresses, contemporary to the conflict. The documentary was advertised as 'a personal history of the Gulf Crisis told by US Cabinet members, their deputies and key allies'. Those interviewed include James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State, 1989-1992; Richard B (Dick) Cheney, US Secretary of Defense, 1989-1993; Robert Gates, Assistant to the US President and Deputy National Security Advisor, 1989-1991; Gen Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor, 1989-1993; James Danforth Quayle, US Vice President, 1989-1993; Stephen Joshua Solarz, Democrat member of US Congress, 1975-1993; Gen Colin Powell, Chairman, US Joint Chiefs of Staff; Gen Norman Schwarzkopf, Commander in Chief; Thomas Stephen Foley, Democrat member of US Congress, 1965-1995, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1989-1995; Ambassador Thomas Reeve Pickering, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 1989-1992; Lawrence S Eagleburger, Deputy Secretary of State, 1989-1992; Richard N Haass, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, Near East & South Asian Affairs, National Security Council, 1989-1993; John Kelly, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, 1989-1991; Robert M Kimmitt, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, 1989-1991; Charles Powell, Baron Powell of Bayswater, Private Secretary to the British Prime Minister, 1984-1991; Dennis B Ross, Director, Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State, 1989-1992; H E Sheikh Saud Nasir Al-Sabah, Kuwait Ambassador to the US, 1981-present; Joseph Charles Wilson IV, Charge d'Affairs, US Embassy, Baghdad 1988-1991; Paul Dundes Wolfowitz, Under Secretary for Policy, US Department of Defense 1899-1993; Sergei Tarasenko, Policy Advisor to Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze 1985-1991; and Martin Indyk, Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy, 1984-1993.

Brian Lapping Associates

WOOLLY AL WALKS THE KITTY BACK: television documentary archive on US diplomacy in the Falklands War

  • Collection
  • 1982

The television documentary _Woolly Al walks the kitty back _examines the international diplomatic efforts to prevent armed conflict between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands, 1982, focussing in particular on the shuttle diplomacy of Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr, US Secretary of State, 1981-1982. The collection includes video recordings and transcripts of interviews conducted in the making of the documentary, as well as news footage and sound recordings relating to the conflict.

Interviews were conducted with eyewitnesses from the Argentine, Britain and United State of America, and included politicians, diplomats and military personnel involved in the development of the British and American response, both diplomatic and military, to the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), 2 April 1982.

Interviewees include Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr, US Secretary of State, 1981-1982; James M Rentschler, US Special Advisor to US President Ronald Wilson Reagan, and National Security Council Western European Department, 1982; Dr Jeane Duane Jordan Kirkpatrick, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 1981-1985; Caspar Willard Weinberger, US Secretary of Defense, 1981-1987; Gen Vernon Anthony Walters, US Ambassador-at-large, 1981-1985; Thomas Enders, Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs, US State Department, 1982; Brig Gen Basilio Lami-Dozo, Commander-in-Chief, Argentine Air Force, and member of the ruling Military Junta, 1982; Ambassador Gustavo Figueroa, First Secretary, Argentine Foreign Ministry, 1982; R Adm Roberto Moya, Chief of the Argentine Military Household, and Naval member of the Malvinas Working Group, 1982; Dr Nicanor Costa Méndez, Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1982; Wenceslao Bunge, Argentine industrialist and unofficial diplomatic representative of the Argentine Air Force, 1982; Estaban Takacs, Argentine Ambassador to the US, 1982; Sir (John) Nicholas Henderson, British Ambassador the US, 1979-1982; Rt Hon Sir John William Frederic Nott, Secretary of State for Defence, 1981-1983; Francis Leslie Pym, Baron Pym of Sandy, Bedfordshire (Lord Pym), Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1982-1983; Rt Hon Cecil Edward Parkinson, Paymaster General and Chairman of the Conservative Party, 1981-1983, and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1982-1983; AF Terence Thornton Lewin, Baron Lewin of Greenwich in Greater London, Chief of the Defence Staff, 1979-1982; and Sir Robin (William) Renwick, Head of Chancery, British Embassy, Washington DC, US, 1981-1984.

Brian Lapping Associates