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SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London out-letters

  • KA/OLB
  • Collection
  • 1834-1917

The out-letter books contain chronologically arranged copies of a number of significant letters written by or on behalf of the Principal and College Secretary, 1834-1917, in relation to a wide variety of College business. The series does not however, include responses to all letters in the parallel series of in-letters (KA/IC).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London in-letters

  • KA/IC
  • Collection
  • 1926

The correspondence largely contains letters sent to the Secretary of King’s College London concerning all aspects of the business of the College and its related bodies including King’s College School, 1831- 1908; the Ladies Department of King’s College, subsequently King’s College for Women, from 1885; and some aspects of the business of King’s College Hospital, 1839-1909, relating to new appointments and resignations as well as letters from the Secretaries of the Hospital - mainly regarding decisions of the Committee of Management.

The series contains letters from subscribers to the College regarding their donations, shareholdings or the nomination of prospective students; letters from staff include applications for posts, the content of syllabuses, appeals to College Council for funds for improved facilities, the names of prize and scholarship winners, requests to take in boarders, hold posts at other organisations, and resignations; letters from students and parents include general enquiries about the College, applications for enrolment, requests to remove pupils from King’s College School, applications from prize-winners for their prizes, applications for the AKC (Associateship of King’s College) the College’s own academic award, requests for the refunding of fees; letters from the College Architect regarding the building and later redevelopments of the Strand site; letters from businesses connected to the College including those who supplied equipment and groceries to the College and estimates from contractors for building work; letters from external bodies and individuals regarding the use of rooms in the College, donations and gifts to the College museums and Departments; correspondence relating to schools in union with the College; and papers regarding College Commemoration Days and the Gilbart Lectures on Banking.

The series is remarkably complete until the late 1890s. With the appointment of Walter Smith in 1895 came the introduction of a modern filing system (see KAS/GC, AC and AD) although bundles continued to be used on occasion until 1919. A few letters in the collection post date 1919, but these are largely related to loans of letters for historical research.

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London governance records

  • KAS/GC
  • Collection
  • 1828-1992 (ongoing)

From 1828-1909 the Council was the College's governing and executive body, exercising the powers of the College as provided in the Charter or Statutes. The King's College London (Transfer) Act 1908 incorporated the college into the University of London, and the Delegacy became the governing body of King's College. The Council thereafter governed the Theological Department only, which was separately administered from the rest of the College. The Delegacy was a committee of the Senate of the University of London, which had to ratify all major decisions. By the Royal Charter of 1980, King's College London was reconstituted, merging the Theological Department with the Faculty of Theology and the Council again became the governing body for the whole College. Between 1909-1980 the Court, as the financial board of the University of London, controlled the finances of the College through the custody, control and disposition of all property, funds and investments. The Academic Board advises the Council on all academic matters. The Professorial Board became known as the Academic Board in 1980.

The records comprise five series covering the period 1828-1992: records of the College's governing bodies, records relating to College constitution, policy and structure, relationship with the University of London, external bodies and the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals. These include minutes, papers and correspondence, 1890-1983, of the following: the Court, 1906-1938, 1966-1979; College Council and its committees, 1890-1983; Delegacy, 1909-1989, including the new site at Bloomsbury, 1921-1926; building works estimates, 1963-1977; the international interchange of students, 1909-1918; research into Radio Telegraphy, 1924-1941; Delegacy membership 1960-1980; Professorial Board minutes and papers, 1936-1939, 1958-1979; Academic Board minutes and papers, 1980-1983; Academic Board correspondence, 1917-1983 notably relating to appointments and alternative BSc examinations, 1929-1939; Theological Professorial Board minutes, 1920, agendas and papers, 1932-1938, 1967-72; Committee of Deans minutes and papers, 1921, 1956-1982; Heads of Departments' meetings with the Principal, 1976-1983; Joint Committee of the Council and Delegacy minutes and papers, 1972-1973; various development committees, 1976-1983, 1991-1992 (KAS/GC1). Provisional Committee of King's College London original resolution, report and petition for establishment, 1828-1833; draft charter (not granted), 1855-1863; papers and correspondence relating to the proposed 'University for London', 1844-1892, including draft charter for 'Albert University', 1891; University of London Act (1895) and Commission with related papers and correspondence, 1889-1901; King's College London Act (1903) with related correspondence, 1902-1903; papers relating to the incorporation of the College into the University of London, 1904-1913; papers relating to the development and rebuilding of King's College London, 1910-1919; papers relating to the Royal Commission on University Education in London, 1909-1915; University of London and King's College Committees minutes, correspondence and reports on the proposed Bloomsbury site, 1920-1924; papers relating to the Statutory Commission concerning the revision of University statutes, 1925-1928; papers relating to the merger of King's College London and the Arts and Sciences Departments of King's College for Women, 1928; papers and correspondence relating to the possible disincorporation of King's College London, 1964-1965; student participation in College government, 1969-1974; minutes of Joint and Steering Committees of the Council and Delegacy on the Murray Report, 1972-1979; Committees concerning the drafting of College regulations required under the new Charter and Statutes, 1977-1980; Committee structure of the College, 1978-1988; new faculty of Theology on reunification with the College, 1976-1977; the Flowers Report concerning medical education in London, 1979-1981; scheme for the integration of St Thomas' Medical School, Westminster Medical School and the Biological and Medical Departments of King's College London to form a School of Biology and Medicine, 1969-1972; proposed amalgamation of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies with King's College London, 1971-1976; reunification of King's College London and King's College Hospital Medical School, 1981-1983; merger of King's College London and Bedford College, 1981-1982; merger of King's, Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges, 1983-1985; Assistant Secretary's general correspondence and papers, 1982-1985; the development of the sites of King's, Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges, 1982-1983, and the College's Development Plan, 1985 (KAS/GC2). Correspondence with the University of London, 1901-1954, 1966-1988; correspondence and notices of Senate proceedings and resolutions, 1910-1918, 1934-1942; reports of the Delegacy to the Senate, 1911-1918, 1934-1914, and to the Court, 1929-1946; membership of the Delegacy and College representation on University of London boards and committees, 1939-1960; membership of Senate Committees and electoral procedures, 1978-1983; King's College London's submissions to the Robbins and Murray Committees, 1961-1972; reports and correspondence relating to the University of London Act 1978, 1974-1978; response to new statutes, 1976-1983; correspondence and papers relating to student discipline, 1968-1979; response to the University of London Committee on Academic Organisation, 1980-1982; registration of teachers, appointment of staff and conferment of titles, 1890-1918; registration of students, 1909-1921; University of London inspections on King's College London teaching and equipment; 1909-1910, 1932-1939, 1949-1950 (KAS/GC3). Papers and correspondence relating to the allocation, application and appeals for Treasury and Board of Education grants, 1889-1918; Treasury Commissioner Inspections, 1889-1904; returns to the Board of Education and University Grants Committee for the annual report to Parliament, 1897-1921; response to the Board of Education's proposals to revise secondary school examinations, 1913-1918; correspondence, minutes and papers relating to University Grants Committee visits and meetings, 1921-1934, 1950-1983; University Grants Committee accounts of air-raid damage repairs, 1938-1945; papers relating to Quinquennium reports, 1947-1961, 1966-1980; circulars from Science Research Councils, 1976-1981; correspondence with London County Council and reports notably relating to grants, scholarships, bursaries, appointments and teachers' classes, 1894-1927 (KAS/GC4). Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' general correspondence, circulars and reports relating to the National Union of Students, College societies, tuition fees, data protection, finance and higher education, 1954-1982 (KAS/GC5).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London administrative records

  • KAS/AD
  • Collection
  • 1750-1991

Eight series of records relating to administration, finance, estates and special purposes, including papers relating to Secretaries' and Bursars' general correspondence, 1872-1953, 1977-1982, notably including Royal patronage of King's College London, 1901-1911; Indian students, 1906-1922, 1948; appeals by King's College London for endowments and funds, 1872-1907; exhibitions, 1897-1912, 1977-1979; gift of Holbein prints, 1921-1934; the King George III collection of mechanical models and scientific instruments, 1926-1977; Royal visits, 1955-1959, 1978; opening of the new Strand building, 1970-1972; King's College London Annual Dinner Committee minutes and accounts, 1875-1876, 1896-1920; Fellows of King's College London, 1896-1916, 1961-1983; representation of King's College London on the governing bodies of various schools and colleges, 1952-1983, the City Parochial Foundation, 1941-1983, and St Mary-le-Strand Charity, 1923-1985 (KAS/AD1). Annual statements of accounts including departments, 1828-1980; final accounts and reports, 1910-1959; assets and liabilities annual statements, 1833-1853; copy documents of the Royal warrant and grant, charter and various acts, 1829-1906; funds and appeals accounts with lists of donors, 1895-1928, correspondence and working papers relating to financial reorganisation, 1896, 1905-1906; estimates and revised estimates with reports, 1910-1960, printed accounts, abstracts and reports, 1910-1959; Theological Department final accounts and estimates, 1926-1960; Quinquennium reports, grants, estimates and related papers, 1910-1935, 1946-1952, 1974-1975; special apparatus accounts and correspondence, 1920-1952; accounts and correspondence relating to the separation of King's College School, King's College Hospital and Strand School from King's College London, 1908-1911; correspondence and papers relating to non-recurrent, capital and block grants, 1947-1951, 1965-1982; report on the merger of King's College London, Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College, 1984; correspondence concerning loans, debts, income tax, insurance, investments, and departmental expenditure, 1897-1981; trust deeds, correspondence and reports relating to the Staff and College retirement funds and superannuation schemes, 1898-1923, 1930-1931, 1948-1953, 1971-1985 (KAS/AD2). Title deeds and correspondence relating to the advowson of West Barkworth, Lincolnshire, 1750-1957, the benefice of Westmill in Hertfordshire, 1901-1985, and the benefice of Bolney in Sussex, 1957-1968; Building Extension fund donations, 1881-1896, 1907-1910; Agreements, leases, plans, correspondence and reports relating to the letting, purchase, alteration and refurbishment of buildings, 1892-1987, notably laboratories, 1898-1915, 1945-1952, 1960-1966; establishment of the Architectural Museum, 1896-1897; repairs and maintenance of the College organ, 1910-1911, 1929-1932, 1974-1976; various Strand buildings, 1907-1920, 1935-1945; properties in Bristol, 1939-1942; chapel alterations, 1930-1935, 1946-1948; inventories of departmental apparatus 1906-1968; war damage, 1945-1952; Accommodation Committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1987; development of 62-68 Half Moon Lane site, London (Botany and Zoology departments), 1950-1968; Planning and Steering Committees and various subcommittees minutes and papers, 1954-1969; development of King's College London Quadrilateral (Strand site) correspondence, papers, plans and Subcommittee minutes, 1954-1976; alterations to Medical Faculty Building minutes and papers, 1960-1979; correspondence with the National Trust concerning the Roman Bath, 1962-1974; campaign to acquire the East wing of Somerset House public access, 1963-1976 (KAS/AD3). Correspondence, minutes, plans, accounts and inventories relating to the establishment, running and development of King's College London's hostels for students, 1902-1982, notably King's College Hall, 1910-1982, including use by the RAF, 1940-1946; King's College Hostel, Vincent Square, London, 1908-1982, including use as a military hospital during World War One, 1914-1919, and air raid warden station during World War Two, 1939-1942; Halliday Hall, London, formerly Montrose Court Hotel, 1949-1976; Women's Hostel, Queensborough Terrace, London, 1920-1946, Theological Hostel, 42-43 Mecklenburgh Square, London, 1902-1908 (KAS/AD4). Correspondence and papers relating to Service Units and functions, 1966-1977, notably the Animal Unit, 1966-1981, Boat House, 1926-1947; establishment and development of the Computer Unit, 1964-1983; Dining Hall/Catering Department/Refectory Committee 1889-1920, 1942-1983; Rogate Field Centre near Midhurst, Sussex, 1965-1982; Safety Committees, 1957-1982 (KAS/AD5). Papers, relating to personnel including appointments, salaries, sabbatical leave, training, student demonstrations, negotiating, staffing and consultative committees, overall policy and welfare, 1895-1924, 1931, 1938-1939, 1944-1991, notably Advisory Committees on Academic, Clerical, Technical and Manual Staff, 1952-1986; Association of University Teachers Committees, 1938-1939, 1952-1985; various staff appointments and retirements including the Principal, the Dean, and Chairs and Established Readerships, 1895-1920, 1944, 1947-1952, 1956-1991 (KAS/AD6). Papers relating to the Union of Students notably grants, student discipline, clubs, welfare and day nursery, 1898-1922, 1948-1983 (KAS/AD7). Papers relating to World War One, notably research work and munition training to support the war effort, 1914-1921; war memorials, 1918-1941, 1950-1952, 1972-1983; Mitcham Sports Ground, 1919-1931, 1968-1975; emergency arrangements made by King's College London during World War Two 1938-1948; Fire and air raid precautions, 1938-1945; staff and students deferral of National Service 1939-1956; Centenary committees and appeal, 1927-1933; 150th Anniversary celebrations 1975-1981; Development Trust programme 1978-1984 (KAS/AD8).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London academic faculty administrative records

  • KAS/AC1
  • Collection
  • 1830-1990

Correspondence and minutes of Faculty Boards and Departmental Committees relating to benefactions, scholarships and bursaries 1851-1979, and courses, examinations, admissions, fees and grants, 1904-1983, including the London Intercollegiate Scholarship Board, 1904-1918, admission of women to the Associateship of King's College London (Theological), 1921, the Consultative Committee of London Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1923-1929, minutes and papers of the Thomas Wall Trust, 1930-1939, the National Research Development Corporation, 1950-1964, reports, correspondence and minutes relating to the Library Committee, loans, bequests, transfers, purchases, grants and staff issues, 1917-1918, 1932-1983, correspondence, papers and minutes of the Trustees relating to the purchase of the Liddell Hart Library and the establishment of the Centre for Military Archives (later Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives), 1960-1983, correspondence and papers relating to the Gilbart lectures on banking and examinations for prizes, 1872, 1923-1939, 1947-1990.

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London academic department administrative records

  • KAS/AC2
  • Collection
  • 1830-1983

Correspondence, reports, minutes, accounts and papers relating to Academic Schools, Faculties and Departments concerning appointments, buildings, bequests, mergers, equipment, finance, scholarships and endowments, courses and examinations, research grants, staff appointments, fees, admissions, students and grants, 1830-1841, 1851-1983, comprising Faculty of Education, 1965-1982; Faculty of Engineering, 1882-1982; Faculty of Medicine, 1923-1930, 1946-1955, 1972-1981; Faculty of Natural Science, 1940-1955, 1969-1975; School of Slavonic Studies, 1915-1937; Faculty of Theology, 1977-1983; Departments of Anatomy, 1900-1913, 1932, 1936-1948, 1966-1981; Arabic, 1894-1904; Architecture, 1890-1914; Arts, 1856-1860, 1897-1917, 1939-1956, 1971-1981; Biochemistry, 1936, 1965-1981; Biological Sciences, 1967-1976, 1983; Biophysics, 1948, 1952, 1962-1982; Botany, 1916-1918, 1923-1936, 1962-1977; Plant Sciences, 1977-1981; Chemical Engineering, 1965; Chemistry, 1897-1918, 1940-1945, 1960-1983; Civil Service Classes, 1892-1918; Classics, 1909-1917, 1970-1982; Commerce, 1872, 1918; Day Training College, 1890-1947; Department for the Training of Teachers, 1914-1939/40; Education Department 1939/40-1952/53; Engineering, 1882-1883, 1890-1980; Civil Engineering, 1977-1983; Mechanical Engineering, 1977-1981; Electrical Engineering, 1978-1981; English, 1840, 1893-1918, 1926, 1931-1934, 1959-1980; Evening Classes, 1896-1916, 1921-1929; French, 1946-1982; Geography, 1951-1953, 1961-1982; Geology, 1896-1918, 1965-1981; German, 1902-1958, 1977-1982; Modern Greek, 1917-1919, 1927, 1945-1946, 1961; Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1961-1977; Histology, 1918; History, 1877-1878, 1909-1918, 1938-1948, 1968-1977, 1981; Human Environmental Studies, 1973-1983; Icelandic, 1914; Italian, 1903, 1915-1918; Journalism 1923-1931, 1936-1939, 1944-1946; University of London Board of Laws, 1900-1952, 1971-1983; Mathematics, 1872, 1906, 1969-1982; Medicine, 1834-1837; 1851-1984; Metallurgy 1919; Music, 1962-1981; Natural Science, 1890-1917; School of Oriental Studies, 1895-1917; School of Chinese, 1899-1916; Palaeography 1972-1976; Pharmacology, 1925, 1966-1982; Philosophy, 1965-1966, 1971-1975, 1981; Physics, 1896, 1904-1918, 1926-1982; Physiology, 1891-1919, 1926, 1935-1939, 1949-1981; Economic Science and Statistics, 1851, 1904-1916, 1931; Portuguese, 1913-1924, 1948-1960, 1958-1982; Psychology, 1902-1904, 1914-1917, 1939-1947; Public Health, 1894-1917; Bacteriology, 1898-1902, 1910-1917, 1923-1925; Spanish, 1913-1922, 1937-1952, 1966-1970, 1977-1982; Theology, 1830-1841, 1862, 1864, 1888-1983; War Office Classes, 1916-1925; War Studies, 1959-1981; Zoology, 1905-1914, 1918, 1925, 1965-1970, 1977-1981.

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

PERSONNEL: King's College London staff records

  • KA/FP
  • Collection
  • 1900-1999 (ongoing)

Records comprise three series of King's College staff files: Academic and academic related staff files, 1900-1999 (KA/FPA), (predominantly from 1920, with few surviving before this date); Manual and Technical staff files, 1903, 1932-1995 (KA/FPT); Clerical and Secretarial staff files, 1920-1998 (KA/FPC). Academic staff includes professors, lecturers, research staff and academic related staff such as senior administration officers and professional staff such as archivists and librarians. From 1985 the Manual and Technical staff files include porters, catering and kitchen staff, laboratory and research technicians, cleaners, receptionists, telephonists, house keepers, drivers/chauffeurs, service engineers, electricians, carpenters and security attendants. Clerical and Secretarial files from 1984 include secretaries, secretarial assistants, library assistants, assistant accountants, administrative assistants, nursery assistants, post-graduate records assistants, payroll assistants, cashiers, computer programmers and operators, information officers and surveyors. Files include correspondence and papers relating to terms and conditions of appointments, contracts, salaries, sick leave, pensions, expenses, resignations, applications and references. The earliest part of the series for academic staff is incomplete.

For the majority of the twentieth century, and up until the 1985 merger between King's, Chelsea and Queen Elizabeth Colleges, responsibility for the creation and maintaining of staff records was divided according to the status and seniority of the person concerned between the Principal, the College Secretary, the Senior Assistant Secretary and the Bursar. In 1985 the personnel functions of all three colleges were integrated in a single department which took responsibility for staff of the other colleges and reported to the College Secretary. In the late 1990s reporting lines of the department have been varied but the personnel function has remained integrated. Dispersed series of staff files for King's College were integrated on their receipt into three main, chronologically arranged series reflecting academic and academically related, clerical and clerically related, and manual and technical staff.

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-