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BOYS-SMITH, Capt Humphrey Gilbert (1904-1999)

  • Collection
  • 1983 (1904-1983)

Autobiography of Capt Humphrey Gilbert Boys-Smith From the Cradle to Within Sight of the Grave (1983). Including childhood and education; service in Merchant Navy, 1922-1934; account of Invergordon Mutiny, 1931; appointment to command of anti submarine corvette, HMS ANEMONE, 1940; evacuation from Dunkirk, making 6 crossings in requisitioned boats; service in HMS ANEMONE, Atlantic convoys, Jun 1940- Feb1942, including HMS ANEMONE'S sinking of Italian submarine NANI, 1941; comment on shortcomings of Asdic, 1940-1941; patrol against possible approach of the German battleship TIRPITZ, Arctic Circle, 1941; promotion to Cdr, Dec 1941; appointment to command of frigate HMS SPEY, Atlantic convoys, Mar 1942; service in Support Groups, Atlantic, autumn 1942- summer 1943 (hunting U boats, not protecting convoys); invasion of North Africa, late 1942; Capt, 1943-1945, in Officer Appointments, Second Sea Lord's Office, Admiralty; Marine Superintendent, Colonial Office service, South Seas islands, 1946-1950; Senior Officers' War Course, RN College Greenwich, 1950-1951; Staff Recruiting Officer, Courtaulds Ltd, 1951-1968; retirement, 1968-1982 Also file of copies of correspondence and press cuttings on honours and awards and report by Boys-Smith on marine policy in the Western Pacific, Sep 1946

Smith, Humprey Gilbert Boys-, 1904-1999, Captain RNR

BRADBURY, Lt Col George Charles (1906-1995)

  • Collection
  • 1983-91 (covers c.1857-1990)

Correspondence of Lt Col George Charles Bradbury on the history of the 10th Baluch Regt, Indian Army, 1983-1991. Subjects include regimental history, uniform and regalia, battle honours, gallantry awards, the origin of the regimental warcry "Kai Kai", and the Officers' Dining Club.

Bradbury, George Charles, 1906-1995, Lieutenant Colonel

BRAMWELL, Prof Anthony Robert Southey (1927-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1970

MIL F 83300 Military specification of piloted V/STOL aircraft' issued by US Government Printing Office, 1970.

Bramwell, Anthony Robert Southey, 1927-1981, Professor of Aeuronautical Engineering

BRAY, Lt Col Eustace Arthur (1884-1973)

  • BRAY
  • Collection
  • 1915

Copies of three letters to his family describing action at Gallipoli, Aug-Sep 1915.

Bray, Eustace Arthur, 1884-1973, Lieutenant Colonel

BREGMAN, Ahron (b 1958)

  • Collection
  • 1998-2010

Papers, 1998-2010, relating to the life and death of Ashraf Marwan (1944-2007), Egyptian businessman and alleged spy, including:

copy letters from Ahron Bregman to Marwan, and notes on their conversations, 2002-2007

copies of Bregman’s witness statements and related correspondence, 2007-2008, detailing his contact with Marwan, 2002-2007

press reports, photocopy extracts from publications and other background information on Marwan, 1998-2011, including his alleged espionage and business activities, his death and the subsequent inquest, chiefly in English and Hebrew

Also two audio recordings of Israeli pilots’ radio conversation during an air attack on USS LIBERTY, 8 Jun 1967, off the coast of the Sinai peninsula, used by Dr Bregman in Israel’s wars: a history since 1947.

Bregman, Ahron, b 1958, military historian

BRENT, V Adm Harry Woodfall (1834-1911)

  • K/PP127
  • Collection
  • 1854-1887

Records comprise a Watchbill for HMS ALGIERS, 1854, (entries by Brent); personal notebook from HMS BELLEROPHON kept by Brent, 1867-1870; Stationbill for HMS BELLEROPHON, 1868-1869; Captain's Night Order books for HMS AMETHYST, HERCULES and BLACK PRINCE, 1883-1887 (entries by Brent).

Brent, Harry Woodfall, 1834-1911, Vice Admiral

BRICE, Sqn Ldr Ronald (1912-1992)

  • Collection
  • 1957

Reporting on the effectiveness of RAF officers', a paper on personnel assessment in the RAF, 1957, with covering letter to Senior Personnel Staff Officer, Far East Air Force HQ, 1957.

Brice, Ronald, 1912-1992, Squadron Leader

BRIDE, Maj George Frederic (1912-1987)

  • Collection
  • 1912-[1980]

Papers of Major George Frederic Bride, 1912-[1945], comprising a copy of Bride's memoir, photograph album and Ministry of Information publications relating to his World War Two career, serving in Palestine, Sudan and Eritrea; map of Cairo and Suez area (scale 1:250,000, Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office, 1933), and map of Cairo and surrounding area (scale 1: 1,000,000, Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office, 1934).

Bride, George Frederic, 1912-1987, Major

BRIDGEMAN, Maj Gen Robert Clive (1896-1982)

  • Collection
  • 1928-1978

Papers including maps, relating to operations of British Expeditionary Force in France and Belgium, 1940-1941; Staff College study of Italian campaign, 1915; papers including those by Maj Gen G M Lindsay relating to armoured support for 7 Infantry Brigade, 1933-1934; appendix, including maps of Britain annotated for exercises including SPARTAN, 1943; correspondence dated 1977-1978 with Martin Alexander of St Antony's College, Oxford including Franco-British military relations, 1939-1940; notes of conversation in 1975 with Dr A W J Houghton relating to the evacuation of Dunkirk, 1940.

Bridgeman, Robert Clive, 1896-1982, 2nd Viscount Bridgeman, Major General

BRIGHT, Brig Robert Henry (1912-1992)

  • Collection
  • 1947

Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers vol 157, containing three articles on developments in internal combustion engines and gas turbines including 'The Development of Gas Turbine Power Plants for Traction Purposes in Germany' by Bright, 1947.

Bright, Robert Harry, 1912-1992, Brigadier

BRIND, Adm Sir Patrick (1892-1963)

  • Collection
  • 1916-1958

Copies of papers, 1916-1958, including account of the Battle of Jutland, witnessed by Brind from HMS MALAYA, 5 Battle Sqn, 1916; text of lecture 1919, relating to anti-submarine warfare, 1914-1918, and possible future development; notes, dated 1931, on the conduct of the Dardenelles campaign; report on night fighting by single ships, 1924; night order book, HMS BIRMINGHAM, South East Asia, 1929-1940; report written in 1946 on the sinking of HMS ROYAL OAK, Scapa Flow 1939, by German submarine U47, quoting from U-boat's log; texts of speeches, 1947-1958; letter of condolence from Adm Hon Sir Reginald Aylmer Ranfurly Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax to Edith Blagrove, widow of R Adm Henry Evelyn Charles Blagrove, killed in the sinking of HMS ROYAL OAK 1939, with details of the circumstances of his death; letters home from the Far East, 1949; official report on the blockade of Shanghai and British inability to defend Hong Kong from possible future attack by Chinese Communist forces, 1949; newspaper cuttings relating to the HMS AMETHYST Incident, Yangtze-Kiang river, China, 1949, and Brind's order, as Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet, for the successful breakout 1949; notes and lecture texts relating to the role of NATO, 1953-1955; typescript notes on the post war role of the Royal Navy, 1955.

Brind, Sir Eric James Patrick, 1892-1963, Knight, Admiral


  • Collection
  • 1963-2004

British Army publications, 1963-2004. Volumes of the Army Field Manual including: 'The Armoured Division in Battle' (1990); 'Infantry Operations' (1990); 'Combat Service Support' (1992); 'Background to the Soviet Army' (1986); 'A Treatise on Soviet Operational Art' (1991); 'Soviet Tactics' (1991); 'Generic Enemy (Basic Forces): Operational Art' (1995); 'Operations in Specific Environments: Urban Operations' (1999); 'Battlegroup Tactics' (1990); 'The Infantry Battalion in Battle' (1990); 'Operations within the UK: Military Home Defence' (1990); 'Fighting in Built-up Areas' (1983); 'Chemical Operations' (1990); 'Cold Climate Operations' (1992); 'All Arms Tactics in Special Environments: Desert' (1995); 'Operations Other than War: Counter Insurgency Operations' (1995), 'Peacekeeping Operations' (1988) and 'Wider Peacekeeping' (1994); 'Combined Arms Operations: Formation Tactics' (1995 and 2002 Dec editions), 'Battlegroup Tactics' (1998 and 2002 Feb editions), 'Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR)' (2002 Mar), 'Countersurveillance, Opsec [operations security] and Deception' (1999 Oct), 'Operations in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Conditions' (2002 Oct), 'Training for Operations' (1997), 'Command and Staff Procedures' (1999 and 2002 editions) and 'Tactical Guidance for Operations Other than War' (2000).Tactical and Doctrinal publications including: 'Keeping the Peace: Doctrine' (1963 Jan); 'Tactical Doctrine and Arms Directorate: The Army Tactical Doctrine Handbook' (1985) and 'Tactical Aide Memoire' (1988); 'Joint Warfare Publication: British Defence Doctrine' (1996); 'Design for Military Operations: the British Military Doctrine' (1996); 'Army Doctrine Handbook' (2000 Jul); 'Land Component Handbook: doctrinal notes' (2004 Nov); 'Army Doctrine Publications: Command' (1995 Apr), 'Logistics' (1996 Jun and 2000 Apr editions), 'Training' (1996 Dec), and 'Soldiering - the Military Covenant' (2000 Feb).Land Operations manuals including: 'The Fundamentals Part 1: the application of force', 'Part 2: command and control', 'Part 3: the combat arms' and 'Part 4: fire support' (1968 -1977); 'Non Nuclear Operations Part 1: formation tactics', 'Part 2: battle group tactics', 'Part 3: combat team tactics in mechanised operations', 'Part 4: crossing and breaching obstacles' and 'Part 5: air defence of the field army' (1971-1977); 'Counter-Revolutionary Operations Part 1: general principles', 'Part 2: procedures and techniques', 'Part 2: internal security' (1969 version) and 'Part 3: counter insurgency' (1969-1977); 'Nuclear Operations Part 1: nuclear fire power' and 'Part 2: tactics' (1970-1971); 'Operational Techniques Under Special Conditions Part 1: mountainous country', 'Part 2: jungle', 'Part 3: desert', 'Part 4: cold climate' (1972-1979).Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) including: 'Army Formation Standing Operating Procedures (AFSOPs)' (1989); 'UK Land Forces: Formation Standing Operating Procedures' (1989 Jul); '1 British Corps: Standing Operating Procedures' (1991 Jan) and 'Land Component Handbook (Formation SOPs)' (2000 Sept).Handbooks, guidebooks and manuals including: 'Administration in the Field' (MOD, 1975); 'Umpiring the Effects of Artillery Fire: A Guide for Umpires of All Arms' (1981); 'Administration in War', (MOD, 1984); 'Medical Interoperability Handbook' (German/English version) (1986 Feb); 'Data Protection Act 1984: A Guide to the Act' (MOD, 1987 Aug); 'Manual of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Training on Land' (1988); 'Staff Officers Handbook' (1988); 'Unit Guide to the Administration of Personnel in War' (1989); 'Instructions for the Handling of Prisoners of War' (MOD, 1990); 'The Manual of Joint Warfare Volume VIII (JSP 7): Military Psychological Operations' (1992); 'Unit Battlefield Countersurveillance' (1994 Jun); 'Generic Enemy (Genforce) Handbook: Rest of the World Enemy (ROWEN)' (1995); 'Military Aid to the Civil Community in the United Kingdom' (1997); 'Generic Enemy (Genforce) Handbook: Mobile Forces' (1997); 'Staff Officers' Handbook' (2000 Jul); 'ABCA: Coalition Logistics Handbook' (Quadripartite Advisory Publication, 2003 Jun).Training guides including: 'Training for War: the Principles and Organisation of Training, Individual Training, Collective Training and Territorial Army' (1981).Publications by other military forces including: 'On Point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom', by Col G Fontenot, LTC EJ Degen and LTC D Tohn (Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2004); Royal Netherlands Army Doctrine Publications: 'Military Doctrine' (1996), 'Combat Operations Against an Irregular Force' (2003), and 'Peace Operations' (1999).


  • MISC26
  • Collection
  • 1941-1943

Published booklets from the General Staff, War Office, including two booklets entitled The German Army in Pictures and More Pictures of the German Army, detailing German Army weaponry, uniforms, and insignia, 1941; five guides to the Germany Army detailing the tactics and organisation of armoured divisions, infantry divisions, airborne troops, engineers, and reconnaissance units, 1941; A Guide to the Identification of German Units, detailing badges of rank and service German officers for the purpose of interrogation, 1942; five pamphlets relating to German infantry weapons, Italian infantry weapons, German light anti- aircraft and anti-tank guns, German infantry, heavy anti-aircraft, and divisional artillery; German infantry engineer and airborne weapons, 1941-1943; Periodical Notes on the German Army relating to tactics of the German tank regiment and tank battalion, German Army tactics in Libya, 1941, operations of German 11 Air Corps during the attack on Crete, May 1941, German artillery operations in armoured divisions, and the tactical handling of German armoured divisions, lorried infantry and motorcycle units, 1942; New Notes on the German Army, relating to the evolution of German armoured and motorised divisions, and German supply and administrative services, 1942-1943; two pamphlets relating to the German Army order of battle, 1942-1943; booklet designed to aid British personnel in the recognition of British and Allied Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs), 1942; booklet of vocabulary of German military terms, 1943.

BRITISH ARMY: letter of advice on obtaining a commission, 1947

  • MISC27
  • Collection
  • 1947

Typescript letter from H A M Tyson, Deputy Head, St Paul's School, London, to former pupil Sgt Geoffrey Francis Andrew Best, Royal Army Education Corps, relating to Best seeking a commission in the British Army, 27 Nov 1947.

Tyson, H A M, fl.1947


  • MISC72
  • Collection
  • 1944-1946

Edition of The Two Types by Jon (William John Philpin Jones), cartoon book produced by the British Army Newspaper Unit, Central Mediterranean Force, and distributed to Allied forces in the North Africa and Italy, 1944; edition of The Two Types in Italy by Jon, cartoon book produced by the British Army Newspaper Unit, Central Mediterranean Force, and distributed to Allied forces in the Italy, 1944; edition of The Story of 46 Division, 1939-1945 (Graz, Department of State and Official Bodies, 1947) with forward by Lt Gen Sir Richard Loudon McCreery, Commander in Chief, 8 Army in Italy, 1944


  • Collection
  • 1820-2004

Papers of the British Committee for the Restitution of the Parthenon (Elgin) Marbles, (BCRPM), 1820-2004 including press releases, copies of newspaper cuttings and correspondence chiefly between Eleni Cubitt and Anthi Poulos Jones, Chairman and General Counsel for the Committee on the Parthenon. Reports, newsletters and correspondence to government officials seeking support, the latter mainly from David Hill, Director of International Affairs for the Australian Committee for the Restoration of the Parthenon Marbles. Photocopy of Report from the Select Committee on 'The Earl of Elgin's collection of Sculptured Marbles' , Mar 1816. Correspondence and reports from Hansard relating to early day motions concerning the Marbles and brief lists of debates on the Marbles in Commons and Lords, 1816-1999. Correspondence and data relating to surveys of MPs on their support for the return of the Marbles, 1984 and 2001. Press releases, correspondence, reports and proceedings relating to the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee on 'Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade.' Correspondence, press releases and press cuttings relating to 'Parthenon 2004', campaigning for the British Government to agree for the temporary return and display of the Marbles to Greece in time for the 2004 Olympics. Correspondence, exhibition texts, list of photographs, etc, relating to the touring exhibition 'Stones of No Value, Monuments of the Gods', 1998-1999. Papers and reports relating to meetings of the UNESCO 'Intergovernmental Committee for promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation', 1980-2003. Papers, correspondence and newspaper articles relating to publication of book by William St Clair, Lord Elgin and the Marbles , particularly on the controversy surrounding the restoration of the Marbles by the British Museum which removed their original surface finish, 1998-2001. Publications and press cuttings on the Parthenon marbles, 1998-2003. Photographs, chiefly of BCRPM exhibitions. British Museum study on cleaning the Marbles, 1932. Papers relating to exhibitions and other BCRPM publicity and financial papers including accounts, 1993-2001.

British Committee for the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles


  • MFF13-MFF14
  • Collection
  • 1945-1946

Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series 1, Volume 4, and, Series 2 Volume 2, are microfilmed copies of documents relating to British foreign policy, 1945-1950. Part of a larger collection encompassing British foreign policy, 1945-1955, the microfiche in this collection relate specifically to Anglo-American relations, Dec 1945- Jun 1950. This collection is in two sections. The first includes documents relating to the establishment of an Anglo- American Cold War strategy; the exchange of atomic information and technology between the US and Britain; the use of British mainland and colonial bases by US armed forces; and the allocation of American funds to Britain as part of the European Recovery Program. The second section relates specifically to Anglo-American strategic and defence conferences which took place in London, Jan-Jun 1950. Documents concern the exchange of nuclear technology between the two powers; British and American political and military support to nations wishing to prevent communist insurrection; US involvement in the Middle East; the security of British and American sectors in the Federal Republic of Germany; British and American relations with Western European nations; and the strengthening of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


  • MISC16
  • Collection
  • 1953

Copy of typescript letter sent by Sir John Gerald Lang, Permanent Secretary of the Admiralty, to V Adm Sir William Gerrard Andrewes, Commander in Chief, America and West Indies Station, regarding the efficiency of the cryptographic staffs of HMS SUPERB and HMS SNIPE during naval operations in the Antarctic, 13 Apr 1953

BRITISH WAY AND PURPOSE, THE: Directorate of Army Education pamphlet

  • MISC33
  • Collection
  • 1943

Edition of The British Way and Purpose, 3: The Growth of Empire, the Dominions, India, the Colonial Empire (The Director of Army Education, London, 1943); photocopy of manuscript note from Rt Hon William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook of Beaverbrook, Minister of Aircraft Production, relating to aircraft production and storage, [1943].


  • Collection
  • 1946-2015

The collection includes personal accounts written or recorded by Brixmis members beginning as far back as 1946, when Brixmis came into being at the end of World War Two following the division of Germany into 4 Military Zones of Occupation, till its dissolution in 1990 at the end of the Cold War; this archive also includes photographs, video, film and audio tape material relating to Brixmis. Following the Brixmis personal narratives are a number of reports and correspondence initiated by the Stasi (East German secret police) and the Soviets on the subject of minimising the intelligence gathering activities of the Allied Missions ( FMLM-French, USMLM-American, BRIXMIS-British ) operating in East Germany but officially attached to the occupying Soviet Forces. There is also a series of Stasi reports covering the detailed monitoring of Brixmis and other Allied Mission operational activities in East Germany. Other third party material ( mainly obtained from web sources and therefore cannot be verified in absolute detail but that forms an important backdrop to the narratives of the Service personnel who served with Brixmis ) has been provided to help the reader or researchers to better understand the environment and circumstances that Brixmis and the other Allied Missions operated in the Soviet Occupied Communist State of East Germany and includes material from the American and French Missions who had the same role as Brixmis. Major political events of worldwide significance e.g. the erection of the Berlin Wall, are covered and an excellent French documentary film (by Artline Films and broadcast on French TV and on the Military History channel in 2010) on the role of the Allied Missions is also included by kind permission of the French production company.

Brixmis Association, 1946-1990

Results 141 to 160 of 1304