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ABBOTT, Very Reverend Eric Symes (1906-1983)

  • K/PP44
  • Collection
  • 1946-1995

Papers of Abbott, 1946-1995, mainly relating to theological training and including notes for lectures, [1946-1948, 1957, 1964], mainly given by Abbott at King's College London, on moral and pastoral theology; texts of broadcast sermons, 1947-1958, mainly on the BBC Third Programme , including three sermons broadcast from the Chapel of King's College in Lent 1958; texts of sermons, 1959-1974, delivered at Westminster Abbey, including a sermon on the occasion of Abbott's installation as Dean of Westminster, 30 Nov 1959; texts of discussion notes, meditations and lectures, 1960-1976, relating to discussions of the St Faith's Fellowship, Westminster, and other schools of prayer, including notes on forgiveness, Christ and the permissive society, the prayers of reparation and the Holy Spirit, atheists and agnostics; manuscript notes, [1959-1966], relating to discussions held by a group at occasional weekend retreats, on subjects including The life of prayer (J.M.Dent and Sons, London and Toronto, 1927) by Baron Friedrich von Huegel, The four loves (Geoffrey Bles, London, 1960) by Clive Staples Lewis (C S Lewis), spiritual direction, pain, temptation and intercession; papers, 1946-1965, relating to a retreat at Pleshey, Essex, mainly comprising manuscript notes; miscellaneous published and unpublished texts of lectures, broadcasts and sermons, [1947-1975], including notes for lectures on the theology of the Eucharist, given at King's College London in [1950], on the meaning of ordination, given to students at Gilmore House in [1955], on the problem of suffering, given to London Women Workers in 1964, and the dilemma of contemporary spirituality, given to Sion College in 1964; schedule of notes for classes, for use by clergy preparing young people for Confirmation, [1960-1969]; text of sermon by Canon Eric Arthur James at the Memorial Eucharist for Abbott at Lincoln Theological College in 1985, and correspondence, 1985-1987, of Dean Sydney Evans, King's College London, in preparation for the writing of an entry about Abbott for the Dictionary of National Biography including a draft entry and a copy of entries concerning Abbott in the Keble College Record ; list of Canon Abbott's papers compiled by Ursula Grundy, 1995.

Abbott, Eric Symes, 1906-1983, Very Reverend, Anglican clergyman, Dean of Westminster

ABINGER family papers

  • K/PP168
  • Collection
  • 1780-1974

Papers of the Abinger and Clarke family, including diaries, letterbooks and memoirs of Frances Scarlett, comprising diaries in 5 volumes, 1842-1854; notebook containing Scarlett's memoirs, 1904 and letterbook containing copies of family letters, 1855 and 1916, including a copy of a letter fron Sir James York Scarlett describing the charge of the Light Brigade, 7 Dec 1854. Abinger family memoirs entitled 'Fanny Scarlett: Extracts from her Journals 1840-55, and from her Letters and Memoirs', by Frances' granddaughters Hester Smith and Priscilla Douglas-Jones including photographs and family tree, 1974. Letterbook of Robert Astley Scarlett, including copy of letter sent home from the Boer War, 1900. Family correspondence including to Frances Scarlett and two silhouettes of Sydney and Charles Lidderdale-Smith. Diaries of Mrs John Plomer Clarke, 1780-1800, in 3 volumes; day book, 1800; record of Helen Emilia Clarke by her governess Eliza Denis, 1794 and a travelogue of a member of the Clarke family.

Scarlett, Frances (Fanny) Mary, 1828-1920, daughter of Robert Campbell Scarlett, 2nd Lord Abinger

ACADEMIC BOARD: King's College London committee records

  • KA/PB
  • Collection
  • 1868-1990

The records of the General Board/Professorial Board/Academic Board and the Committee of Deans at King's College consist of minute books, agenda books, guard books and other papers, 1868-1990; notably including a set of minutes of the Board, 1868-1990, specifically manuscript minute books with signatures, 1868-1948, typescript minute books with signatures, 1948-1980; unsigned typescript minute books, 1980-1985, loose unsigned minutes, 1985- 1990, with rough minutes, 1869-1898 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/M, KA/PB/MP, KA/G/RM); agenda books summarising the minutes of the main series, 1910-1980, and also the main Faculty Board Committee minutes, 1904-1915 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/AM); guard books containing typescript reports presented to the Board and the various sub-committees of the Board, 1927-1970 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/GB); signature books of members of the Professorial Board and the Faculty Boards, 1919-1935 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/SB); minutes of the Professorial Board General Purposes Committee, 1969- 1980; Professorial Board Public Lectures Committee minutes, 1958-1960 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PBS/M); minutes of the Committee of Deans (Ref: KCLCA KA/DE/M); manuscript terms of reference for the Board including notes on its origins, 1870 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/RG). The range of topics covered is very broad, including examinations, endowments, public and special lectures, student residences, women students, King's College Hospital, Library, relations with the University of London and the King's Council and Delegacy, and especially staff appointments, obituaries and the development of individual departments and faculties. The more recent volumes of the minutes of the Committee of Deans also contain circulars and memoranda relating to the strategic development of the College.

King's College London Academic Board, 1980-


  • Collection
  • c1903-1995

Records of the magazine Adam International Review and its editor, Miron Grindea, 1941-1995, and associated papers dating back to c1903, consisting of a wide range of material dealing with aspects of British and European cultural activity, particularly since the 1930s, and relating to art, literature, music, literary criticism, and the history of ideas. The archive includes the Adam International Review , issues 152-499 (wanting 186, 210-211, 218, 224-228, 331-54), 1941, 1946-1988, and indexes; microfilm copies of nos 13-14, 65, 148-149, 151, and issues dating from 1936 and 1938; and published copies of Christopher Fry, 'Genius, Talent and Failure: the Brontes' (The Adam Lecture 1986); Yehudi Menuhin, 'Tolerance' (The Adam Lecture 1987); Frances Stern, 'A Concordance to Proust' (Adam Books, 1987); 'Miron Grindea 1909-1995: a Celebration'. Unpublished papers of the Review were created by or relate to many prominent writers, artists and musicians of the 20th century including Natalie Clifford Barney, Samuel Beckett, Max Beerbohm, Nicolas Bentley, Isaiah Berlin, Edmund Blunden, Agatha Christie, Jean Cocteau, Ivy Compton Burnett, Cyril Connolly, Benedetto Croce, Cecil Day-Lewis, Lawrence Durrell, T S Eliot, George Enescu, E M Forster, Christopher Fry, William Golding, Duncan Grant, Robert Graves, Graham Greene, L P Hartley, Storm Jameson, Augustus John, Arthur Koestler, F R Leavis, Rose Macaulay, Compton Mackenzie, Thomas Mann, Katherine Mansfield, Walter de la Mare, John Masefield, Somerset Maugham, Yehudi Menuhin, Arthur Miller, Henry Miller, Joan Miro, Henry Moore, Iris Murdoch, Pablo Picasso, Anthony Powell, J B Priestley, Marcel Proust, Herbert Read, Jean Rhys, Ralph Richardson, Vita Sackville-West, Jean Paul Sartre, Siegfried Sassoon, Ronald Searle, George Bernard Shaw, Georges Simenon, the Sitwell family, C P Snow, Stephen Spender, Frances Stern, August Strindberg, Dylan Thomas, Arnold Wesker, Angus Wilson, Stefan Zweig, and others. Other material relates to the management of the magazine and includes editorial material (notes, proofs, preparatory research material, and correspondence required for production of an issue) and papers relating to circulation. The material is varied in form and comprises correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, proofs with author's and editor's corrections and printed documents, including poems, stories, and criticism, both published and rejected for publication; photographs; original drawings and illustrations; news cuttings and other ephemera such as programmes for events; tape recordings including the Adam lectures, 1985-1987; and interview transcripts.

Adam International Review, 1929-1988, magazine

ADDRESS BOOKS: King's College for Women student records

  • Collection
  • 1894-1955

King's College for Women student address books, 1894-1917 (Ref: KWA/RAD), student address book, 1908-1955 (Ref: Q/RAD1). Information typically includes student addresses and courses being taken.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

ADDRESS BOOKS: King's College London records

  • KA/RAD
  • Collection
  • 1831-1930

King's College London student address books, 1831-1930. Departments covered include Medical School, Senior Department, 1831-1842; Medical, 1851-1907; General Literature and Science, [1859]; Applied Sciences, 1843-1870; Theological Department, 1860; ‘Student Rooms’, 1873-1907; unidentified addresses, [1890]-1900; Associates and Theological Associates, 1904; register of Associates, [1912-1930]; register of graduates, [1912-1930]; former students, pupils and officers, [1900-1910]. Information typically includes name, address and date of matriculation. Some volumes also contain staff details.

King's College London, 1829-

ADLER, Hans Gunther (1910-1988)

  • K/PP147
  • Collection
  • 1807-1997

Papers of H G Adler, 1807-1997, including:

  • Notebooks containing manuscript poems by Adler, 1924, and undated.
  • Typescript texts of poems by Adler, 1927-1988.
  • File entitled 'Theresienstadt private erinnerungen' containing items relating to Theresienstadt concentration camp, including drafts of poems, sketches, and notes to his first wife.
  • Photocopies of Adler's correspondence, 1947-1987, including correspondence with novelists Hermann Broch and Heinrich Böll.
  • Corrected original typescript copy of Adler's Theresienstadt [1948], (beleived to be the second or third carbon copy).
  • Typescript copies of Adler's Schuldig und Unshuldig, 1954-1967, Die Anseidlung dargestellt als Roman, Die Prüfung and England: Eindrück Eines Ahnungslosen.
  • Photograph of Adler in old age.
  • Printed photocopies of the statements made in the trial of Adolf Eichmann, bound in 6 volumes, in German, (Israeli Police, 1961), and transcripts for the preliminary investigations for the trial.
  • Typescript copies of articles by Adler including 'Gerdenken an Prag', 1981, and 'Die Protokolle der weisen von zion'.
  • Photocopies of typescript books and articles by Adler, notably Der Mechanische Materialismus, Raoul Feuerstein and Die Orthodoxie des Herzens.
  • Manuscript sheet music by Viktor Ullmann, 'Der Mensch und sein Tag', based on poems by Adler.
  • Audio recordings, including an obituary of Adler broadcast on the BBC Czech Service, 1988.
  • Offprint articles by Adler and books edited and translated by Adler.
  • Catalogue of the literary estate of H G Adler by Jeremy Adler and Franz Hocheneder.
  • PhD dissertation by Franz Hocheneder, 'HG Adler: Werk und Nachlass - Eine Bibliographische Studie', 1997.

Adler, Hans Gunther, 1910-1988, poet and novelist

ADLER, Jeremy David

  • K/PP100
  • Collection
  • 1975-2002

Papers of Jeremy Adler, 1975-2002 chiefly comprising research notes for publications by Adler and photocopies of concrete and visual poems. Includes papers relating to Franz Baermann Steiner, poet, including correspondence and papers on Steiner and his circle, 1995-1999; photocopies of Steiner's writings, photocopies of letters to Steiner; photocopies of Stiener's appointment diary, 1950-1951; Stiener's thesis entitled 'A Comparitive Study of the Forms of Slavery', 1950 and 'Prologomena to A Comparitive Study of Slavery', a shortened version of the original thesis, edited by Paul Bohannan, 1957. Correspondence and papers on concrete and visual poetry, 1982-1987 including with Piotr Rypson and Dick Higgins. Papers relating to August Stramm, poet, including publications on Stramm, papers from the Stramm working seminar, 1973-1974; notes by Adler on Stramm's poetry; photocopies used by Adler when researching Stramm, chiefly relating to World War One, from German archives and the Imperial War Museum. Research notes on topics including Shelling, 1984; eighteenth century literature and science; Paracelsus; love and war poetry; language and Caballa; and romantic science. Adler's PhD thesis 'A study in the chemistry of Goethe's novel Die Wahlverwandtschaften ', University of London, 1977 and correspondence on and photographs of Die Wahlverwandtschaften by Goethe. Copies of figured poems from Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel. Draft copies of Adler's Changing forms of Visual Poetry with related correspondence. Programmes for art and poetry exhibitions and events; personal files of Adler's PhD students, 1980-2002; slides and negatives used for lectures; negatives of visual poems; card indexes and videos.

Adler, Jeremy David, b 1947, poet and Professor of German

AITKEN, William Francis (fl 1900-1936)

  • K/PP182
  • Collection
  • 1919-1936

Notebook entitled 'Literature' with alphabetical bibliography and shorthand notes on Hatfield House, Hatfield, Hertfordshire; letter from Helen Waddell to Aitken, 11 Apr 1933, about a poem of Peter Abelard; manuscript and typescript notes on William Shakespeare; fragments of an article on an edition of Michel de Montaigne; file of printed material, mostly comprising undated lectures on Shakespeare by Cumberland Clark, article on Shakespeare's London by Wilson Benington, Pall Mall Magazine , Aug 1912, and related ephemera; file of press cuttings, mainly relating to book reviews on the works of Shakespeare and Shakespeare's London, 1919-1936.

Aitken, William Francis, fl 1900-1936, author and editor

ALGAR, Reverend Henry (d 1901)

  • K/PP126
  • Collection
  • [1883-1901]

Manuscript notes on divorce, and the doctrine of predestination, [1883-1901].

Algar, Henry, d 1901, Reverend, Anglican clergyman

ALMEIDA, João de, 2nd Marquess of Alorna (1726-1802)

  • K/PP154
  • Collection
  • [1777-1802]

Manuscript relating to Alorna's imprisonment in the Fortress of Junqueira, Portugal, 1758-1777, on charges of attempted regicide, entitled 'Relação do que contremo Forte da Junqueira, e do que nelle passaram os presos, sieita pelo Marquês da Alorna'. Subsequently published posthumously as Relação dos presos do forte da Junqueira by Almeida (published for José de Sousa Amado, Lisbon, 1857).

Almeida, João de, 1726-1802, 2nd Marquess of Alorna

ALUMNI: King's College London Association records

  • KSA
  • Collection
  • 1888-1996

Records, 1888-1996, of the King's College London Old Students Association and King's College London Association (KCLA) and associated material, comprising minutes of the Old Students Association, 1920-1970, and of branches, 1920-1927 (Ref: KSA/M); minutes of the KCLA Council and annual general meeting, 1969-1982, and Council minutes and papers, 1984-1993 (Ref: 1999/KCLA); subscription and cash books, 1920-1983 (Ref: KSA/CB) and 1983-1996 (Ref: 1999/KCLA); ledgers, 1983-1996 (Ref: 1999/KCLA); lists of officers, also including some agendas for meetings, c1923-1926 (Ref: KSA/LI); general files, including balance sheets, 1937-1977, circulars to members, 1946-1979, annual reports, 1948-1965, minutes, papers and correspondence on the annual general meeting, 1948-1980, and on the Council, 1949-1978, 1983, 1993-1995, the annual dinner, 1952-1979, lists of officers, 1964-1975, and branches and events (Ref: KSA/GPF); general correspondence, 1980-1985 (Ref: 1999/KCLA); registers of members, 1948-1978 (Ref: KSA/RG); annual reports and year books, 1925-1943 (Ref: KSA/RPT); KCLA magazine, 1960-1968, 1972-1975, 1980, newsletter, 1983-1988, and In Touch , 1987-1988 (Ref: KSA/SER); programmes for receptions, 'Conversazione' and other events, 1888-1981 (Ref: KSA/PRG); records of the Engineering Branch including minutes, 1920-1968, committee and policy files, 1949-1973, minutes and papers of meetings, lists of officers, rules and circulars, 1948-1974, directory of members, 1962-1978 (Ref: KSA/E); records of the Association of King's College Chemists, comprising newsletters, 1977-1985, register of members, 1979, and menu of inaugural dinner, 1978 (Ref: KSA/C); group photographs of the Faculty of Theology and King's College Hostel, 1946-1949; memorabilia and recollections, mainly relating to the post-World War Two period (Ref: 1999/KCLA).

King's College London Alumni

ANATOMY: King's College London departmental records

  • KDA
  • Collection
  • 1923-1980

The Department of Anatomy and Human Biology collection comprises an account book, consisting mainly of details of accounts with laboratory equipment suppliers, 1923-1951, and minutes of the Technical Assistants' Committee, a technical staff liaison body, 1950-1980.

King's College London Department of Anatomy

ANATOMY: King's College London departmental student records

  • KDA/FP
  • Collection
  • 1984-1989

King's College London Department of Anatomy and Human Biology student files, 1984-1986, 1989 (Ref: KDA/FP). Files are for one-year, non-degree, courses and typically contain a Faculty of Medical Sciences form regarding finance and some enrolment forms.

King's College London Department of Anatomy


  • AHL
  • Collection
  • [1912]-1948

Seven volumes of newspaper cuttings from British newspapers concerning Greece, 16 Nov 1915-2 Aug 1919, particularly the political repercussions of events of World War One in Greece; four volumes of newspaper cuttings from British newspapers concerning Greece, 2 Feb 1938-27 Mar 1948, mainly relating to the German occupation of and Allied liberation of Greece during World War Two, and subsequent Greek Communist military operations; manuscript and corrected typescript of 'The perfidy of Constantine - a history of Greece, 1912-1917' by Leonard Arthur Magnus, presented to the Anglo-Hellenic League by Magnus in 1919; Greek vocabulary by R A Bickford Smith.

Anglo-Hellenic League, 1913-

ARNOLD, Sir Edwin (1832-1904)

  • K/PP190
  • Collection
  • 1850

Manuscript volume of notes, 1850, containing notes made by Sir Edwin Arnold whilst studying at King's College London including comprising a summary and analysis compiled from notes of Drakenborch, Gronovius, Lipsius, Hermannus and some others of Titus Livy's History of Rome from its foundation , Books XXII and XXIII; word list of the derivation and meaning of words in Homer's Iliad, , books XII, XII and XIV and word list of the derivation and meaning of words in Aeschylus' Eumenides.

Arnold, Sir Edwin, 1832-1904, Knight, journalist and author

ARTEFACTS: King's College London objects

  • K/ART
  • Collection
  • 1792-2013

King's College London Artefacts, 1792-2013. This collection comprises various diverse material objects relating to King's College London, notably including printing blocks bearing the impression of College interiors and its exterior, a silver King's brooch, various King's prizes and sporting and academic medals, the Common Seal of King's, Associate of King's College costume, the College's arms on various surfaces, Library stamps and quills, embroidered badges, and various items found behind a fireplace in Somerset House East Wing, 1792-2013.

King's College London, 1829-

ARTS AND HUMANITIES DATA SERVICE: King's College London departmental records

  • Collection
  • 1995-2007

Paper files, 2005-2007, relating to the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS), comprising: meeting papers of the AHDS Steering Committee, 1995-2000 (including pre-launch meetings); meeting papers of the AHDS Management Board (successor to the Steering Committee), 2001-2005; meeting papers of the AHDS Service Providers’ Forum, 1996-2000; reports from the Archaeology Data Service (ADS), History Data Service (HDS), Oxford Text Archive (ODA) and Performing Arts Data Service (PADS), 1996-2002; AHDS newsletters, 1997-2007; AHDS annual reports, 1998-2001; AHDS policy statements, 1998-2001; strategic plans, 1999-2005.

King’s College London Arts and Humanities Data Service

ARTS: King's College London faculty records

  • KFA
  • Collection
  • 1898-1995

The records of the Faculty of Arts/School of Humanities at King's College London comprise minutes, correspondence and other papers, 1898-1995. These notably include bound Faculty Board minutes covering academic issues such as teaching, examinations and staffing, 1898-1989; minutes of the Humanities Computer Users' Committee with supporting materials, 1990-1993; correspondence on the relationship between the School and the Library, including School of Humanities Library Committee minutes, 1989-1993; research grant applications, proposals and costings, financial forecasts and budgetary planning for the School, 1990-1993; statistics on staff-student ratios and examination results within the various constituent departments of the Faculty, 1982-1985; typescript memorandum relating to the relocation of the College to Bristol during World War Two and air raid protection, 1941; papers relating to the Graduate School of the Prince of Wales's Institute of Architecture, 1994-1995; Faculty photographs of class intakes, 1965-1973.

King's College London Faculty of Arts

ARTS: King's College London faculty student records

  • KFA/FP
  • Collection
  • 1962-2000

King's College London Faculty of Arts student files, 1971-1984 (Ref: KFA/FP), Faculty of Arts record cards, 1962-1988 (Ref: KFA/FPC), Faculty of Arts mark sheets, 1981-1988 (Ref: KFA/FP), School of Humanities undergraduate files, 1988-1998 (Ref: KSH/FP), School of Humanities postgraduate files, 1988-1997 (Ref: KSH/FPPG), School of Humanities undergraduate withdrawals, 1984-1995 (Ref: KSH/FP(W)), School of Humanities postgraduate withdrawals, 1965-1997 (Ref: KSH/FPPG(W)), School of Humanities non-degree undergraduate student files, 1990-2000 (Ref: KSH/FPND), the Subdean's correspondence with and regarding students, plus testimonials, 1930-1945, [1958]-1973 (Ref: KFA/FP(ADV)), BMus/MMus Music Performance student files, 1992-1996 (Ref: KSH/BMUS, KSH/MMUS). Files typically consist of enrolment forms for each year, a UCAS (Universities and College Admissions Service) form, letters of admission and acceptance, and some correspondence. Information contained includes title, name, photograph, address, date of birth, marital status, school number, nationality, choice of University and subjects, education from age 11 and public school exams already taken. The record cards series covers occasional students, finalists and withdrawals.

King's College London Faculty of Arts

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