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Register of [surgeons'] pupils, 1723-1775, and dressers, 1750-1796, at St Thomas's Hospital

‘Register of Pupils and Dressers, Pupils 11 Jan 1723-20 Jan 1775, Dressers 20 Mar 1750-30 Sep 1796’. Records pupils 11 Jan 1723-20 Jan 1775. Initially lists pupils under the name of the surgeons and apothecary 30 Jan 1723-Dec 1759. From Jan 1760, pupils listed in order of entry, and from Jun 1765 the name surgeon or apothecary is indicated next to their pupil Also contains register of dressers, 20 Mar 1750-30 Sep 1796, listed according to surgeon under whom they are serving.

LMA Ref: H1/ST/MS/G2

Bound volume containing registers of pupils and fees paid at St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals, 1752-1801

‘St Thomas’s Hospital Apothecary’s pupils 28 Nov 1753-23 Oct 1759; Pupils 2 Jan 1760-7 Nov 1768; Pupils of St Thomas and Mr Guy’s Hospitals 10 Nov 1768-20 Feb 1801’. Volume consisting of five notebooks bound together, including: Register of Apothecary's Pupils, 28 Nov 1753-23 Oct 1759, recording name of pupil, length of apprenticeship and under whom served, date admitted, date entered, and payment made; Cash book recording payments of pupils, 1 Dec 1759-7 Nov 1768, containing date entered, name, duration of pupilage, and amount paid; and three consecutive notebooks containing the Register of Pupils of St Thomas Hospital and Guy’s Hospital (on alternate pages), 10 Nov 1768-20 Feb 1801, recording date entered, name, and amount paid.

LMA Ref: H1/ST/MS/G4/2

Register of surgeons' dressers and pupils, St Thomas's Hospital, entering medical practice, 1788-1812

‘Register of Surgeons Dressers and Pupils entering to the Medical Practice 1 Oct 1788’. Register of Surgeons’ pupils who paid extra fees (5 guineas) to be admitted to the prescribing rooms to record instruction from the physicians, 1 Oct 1788-22 Jan 1812. Includes date of entry, name of pupil and amount paid.

LMA Ref: H1/ST/MS/G4/3

Student admission register for pupils and dressers at Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals, 1755-1823

Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital Pupils and Dressers, 1755-1823, ranged in alphabetical order': manuscript volume containing a register of pupils and dressers at Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals, including name and date of entry, and from 1810, the length of time served. Arranged in alphabetical order, chronological in sequence for each letter of the alphabet.Pasted in the back of the volume is a receipt for payment for engraving the physicians certificate plate and printing proofs and 100 certificate, £37, 6 shillings, 1817, and a black copy of the admission certificate, 1817.

Results 1 to 20 of 1869