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Transcript of interview with diplomat Simcha Dinitz, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Simcha Dinitz, Israeli diplomat, Israeli Ambassador to the US, 1973-1978, relating to Israeli US relations during the Yom Kippur War, Oct 1973, including his contact with Henry Alfred Kissinger, US Secretary of State, 1973-1977, during the conflict; the airlift of US military aid to Israel, Oct 1967; US attitude to the threat of Soviet intervention against Israel during the conflict and the US response; Kissinger's visit to Moscow, and the negotiation of the ceasefire between Israel and Egypt, Oct 1973; visit of Anwar Al Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981, to Israel, 1977; and the negotiations of the Camp David Accord, 1978. 81pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Sergei Tarasenko, [1997]

Typescript transcript of interview with Sergei Petrovich Tarasenko, Soviet Foreign Ministry, relating to Soviet foreign policy and relations with the US including the involvement of the Soviet Union in the revolutionary movements in South America; the Soviet reaction to US foreign policy during the term of office of Ronald Reagan, US President, 1981-1989; and relations between Eduard Shevardnadze, Soviet Foreign Minister, 1985-1990, and George Shultz US Secretary of State,1982-1989. 29 pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Sergei Tarasenko, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Sergei Petrovich Tarasenko, Soviet Foreign Ministry, relating to Soviet relations with Egypt during the conflict in the Middle East including the Six Day War, Jun 1967; the Yom Kippur War, Oct 1973; provision of Soviet military aid to Egypt; the role of Henry Alfred Kissinger, US Secretary of State, 1973-1977, during negotiations for a ceasefire between Egypt and Israel, Oct 1973; Soviet policy on support for national liberation movements in third world countries; and Soviet-US relations during the presidency of James Earl Carter, 1977-1981. 36pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Rozanne Ridgway, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Rozanne Ridgway, Special Assistant to US Secretary of State, 1981, Ambassador to German Democratic Republic, 1982-1985; Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Canada 1985-1989, relating to US Soviet relations and the development of talks between the two during the term of office of Ronald Reagan, US President, 1981-1989, including meeting between George Shultz, US Secretary of State, and Eduard Shevardnadze, Soviet Foreign Minister, at Helsinki, 1985; the Geneva Summit Nov 1985, and talks between Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991. 35pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Robert Bowie, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Robert Bowie, US National Security Council Policy Planning Staff, 1953-1957, relating to the US policy of containment against the perceived Soviet threat, 1953-1957; the relationship between US President Dwight David Eisenhower, 1953-1961, and John Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State, 1953-1959; the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany and incorporation into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, 1954; the East Berlin uprising, 17 Jun 1953; the creation of a neutral Austria, 1955; the US reaction to the death of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, 5 Mar 1953; the 'solarium symposium', discussions within the Eisenhower administration on US relations with the USSR and the East European satellite countries, [1953]; the summit conference between US President Eisenhower and Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Geneva, Switzerland, Jul 1955; the denunciation by Khrushchev of the Stalin cult and the excesses of Stalinism at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1956; the Suez crisis, 1956; the Berlin Crisis and the construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962. 45pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Professor George F Kennan, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor George Frost Kennan, US diplomat, Moscow, 1933-1935, Prague, 1938-1939, Berlin, 1939-1940, Lisbon, Portugal, 1942, London 1944, Moscow 1945, Deputy for Foreign Affairs, National War College Washington, 1946, Director Policy Planning staff, Department of State, 1947; advisor to US Secretary of State, 1949-1950, Ambassador to USSR, 1952, Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1961-1963, relating to US Soviet relations 1933-1961, including character of communism in USSR under Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party, 1922-1953; the involvement of the US in the Korean war, 1950-1953; the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency, (1947); and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1961. 43pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Professor Dr Wilhelm Grewe, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor Dr Wilhelm Grewe, Federal German Ambassador to the USA, 1958-1962, Permanent Representative to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), 1962-[1969], and Ambassador to Japan and Mongolia, 1971-1976, relating to the character and leadership qualities of Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1949-1951, and 1957-1963; the possibility of German reunification, [1955]; the integration of the Federal Republic of Germany into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), May 1955, and the European Economic Community (EEC), Mar 1957; the East Berlin uprising, Jun 1953; relations between the Federal and Democratic Republics of Germany, 1953-1956; the USA's influence and relations with the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, [1950-1956]; the official visit by Adenauer to Moscow, USSR, 1955; the threatening ultimatum against West Berlin made by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Nov 1958; the Berlin Crisis and the construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961; the influx of refugees from the German Democratic Republic into West Berlin, 1960-1961; the opinions held by Adenauer on the character of Walther Ulbricht, leader of the Socialist Unity Party, German Democratic Republic, [1962]; the summit meeting between Khrushchev and US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1961; the policies of Willy Brandt, Mayor of West Berlin, 1957-1966; the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1955; Grewe's opinion of the character of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963; the official visit to West Berlin of US Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1961; the visit of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy to West Berlin, Jun 1963. 30pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Oleg Troyanovski, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Oleg Troyanovski, [Soviet Foreign Ministry], relating to the relationship between the USSR and the Cuban government of Dr Fidel Castro (Ruz), Prime Minister of Cuba, 1960-1962; the Cuban revolution and the assumption of power by Castro, Jan-Feb 1959; the reaction of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, to Castro's appeal for Soviet help to counter US aggression towards Cuba, Sep 1960; the Bay of Pigs incident, Cochinos Bay, Cuba, Apr 1961; Khrushchev's opinion of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy following the Bay of Pigs incident, 1961; the decision by the USSR to support Cuba against US aggression, [1961]; the deployment of US Chrysler Jupiter SM-78 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) in Turkey, [1961]; the Soviet decision to deploy SS-4 'Sandal' Medium Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBM) and SS-5 'Skean' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) to Cuba, 1962; discussions between Khrushchev, Andrei Andreevich Gromyko, Soviet Foreign Minister, and Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, Soviet First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, on the possible dangers of deploying missiles to Cuba, 1962; the meeting between Gromyko and US President Kennedy, Washington DC, USA, 18 Oct 1962; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the meetings between Robert Francis Kennedy, US Attorney General, and Anatoly Fyodorovich Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the USA, Washington DC, USA, Oct 1962; the influence of Berlin on the Soviet decision to deploy missiles in Cuba, 1962; Troyanovski's fears that the Cuban Missile Crisis could result in a war between the USSR and the USA, Oct 1962; the amount of information on the Cuban Missile Crisis that was revealed to the Soviet population, Oct 1962; the two telegrams that Khrushchev sent to US President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; Soviet fears of the possibility of a US invasion of Cuba, 1962; the Soviet control of the launch procedures of the missiles deployed to Cuba, 1962; the meetings between John A Scali, Diplomatic Correspondent for ABC News, and Aleksandr Feklisov, [Soviet Diplomat], Washington DC, USA, Oct 1962; Troyanovski's opinion on how near the USSR and USA came to war during the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. 31pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Oleg Troyanovski, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Oleg Troyanovski, advisor to Nikita Khrushchev, Gen Secretary of the Communist Party, USSR, 1953-1964, relating to Soviet foreign policy after the death of Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party, 1953, including relations with Korea, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Vietnam and China, (1953-1970). 29pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Oleg Troyanovski, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Oleg Troyanovski, relating to the impact in the USSR of the death of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, 5 Mar 1953; the Berlin Crisis and the construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961; the emergence of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev as the Soviet leader after Stalin's death, 1953; the summit conference between US President Dwight David Eisenhower and Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Geneva, Switzerland, Jul 1955; the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany and incorporation into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, 1954; Soviet development of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), 1953-1957; the official visit to the USA by Khrushchev, 1959; US reconnaissance flights over the USSR, 1956-1960; the shooting down, near Sverdlovsk, USSR, of a US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Lockheed U2 high altitude photographic reconnaissance aircraft, and the capture of the pilot, Francis Gary Powers, May 1960; the summit meeting between Khrushchev and Eisenhower, Paris, France, May 1960; the launch of the Sputnik I Earth orbiting satellite, Oct 1957; the launch of the first man to travel in space, Soviet Cosmonaut Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin, 12 Apr 1961; the attempted d'etat against Khrushchev's leadership from within the Soviet Communist Party, 1957; the US nuclear doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), [1962-1972]; the US Presidential election, Nov 1960; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the denunciation by Khrushchev of the Stalin cult and the excesses of Stalinism at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1956; the creation of the Warsaw Pact, the Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation, and Mutual Assistance, Poland, 1955; the withdrawal of British, American, French and Soviet occupation forces from Austria, 1955; the first Atoms for Peace Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 1955; the Soviet intervention in Hungary, Nov 1956; the Soviet opinion of the first march from London to the British nuclear research site at Aldermaston, Berkshire, and the foundation of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 1958; the Soviet view of the special relationship between the UK and the USA, [1958-1960]. 37pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Oleg Darushenko, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Ambassador Oleg Darushenko, Soviet Diplomat, and Cuban Section, Central Committee of Soviet Communist Party responsible for Cuban relations, [1965-1988], relating to Soviet relations with South American communist movement including Fidel Castro, Premier of Cuba, 1959-1976; Salvador Allende (Gossens), President of Chile, 1970-1973; the Nicaraguan Sandinista Front; and the government of Grenada. 20pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Nikolai Fedorenko, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Nikolai Fedorenko, diplomat, Soviet embassy China and interpreter to Stalin, relating to the visit of Mao Zedong, Chairman Communist Party of China, 1935-1976 to the USSR, and meetings with Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, 1949, Soviet Chinese relations, Nikita Khrushchev's visit to China, 1958, and Soviet and Chinese involvement in the Korean War, 1950-1953. 44pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Nathaniel Davis, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Nathaniel Davis, US diplomat, Ambassador to Guatemala, 1968-1971, and Chile, 1971-1973, relating to his experiences in Guatemala and Chile; the attitude of Richard Nixon, US President, 1969-1974, and Henry Alfred Kissinger, US National Security Adviser, 1969-1972 and Secretary of State 1973-1977, to the threat of communist governments taking power South American nations. 17pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Morton Abramowitz, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Morton Abramowitz, US diplomat, and Director Bureau of Intelligence and Research, US State Department, 1985-1989, relating to US policy concerning the war in Afghanistan, 1979-1989, under the administration of US President Ronald Reagan, including US provision of military aid to anti-communist Mujahedin forces in Afghanistan; the role of Pakistan as a thoroughfare for military aid; US response to Soviet attempts to withdraw from the conflict. 10pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat Marshall Green, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with US Ambassador Marshall Green, US diplomat, Consul General to Hong Kong, 1961-1963, Ambassador to Indonesia, 1965-1969, relating to US foreign policy on East Asia during the 1950s-1970s, including the US China, relationships between US Presidents and their Secretaries of State, Chinese Soviet relations, and the policies of Richard Nixon, US President 1969-1974, in relation to China. 69pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat John Paton Davies, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with John Paton Davies, China Office, US State Department, [1942]-1954, relating to the reaction in the USA to the declaration of the People's Republic of China, 1 Oct 1949; the relationship between the USA and Nationalist China, [1942-1949]; the popular opinion in the USA that China had been 'lost', 1949; the relationship between US officials and the communists in China during the war against Japan and the Chinese Civil War, 1942-1949; Davies' opinion of Gen Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China, 1928-1949, and President of Taiwan, 1950-1975; US support for Chiang Kai-shek during the Chinese Civil War, 1945-1949; US fears of Soviet involvement in the Chinese revolution, 1945-1949; US President Harry S Truman's policy towards Taiwan, 1950-1953; the impact of the Korean War on US-Chinese relations, 1950-1953; the Chinese intervention in the Korean War, Oct 1950; the advance of UN forces to the Yalu River, Korea, Sep-Nov 1950; the importance of US Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy in shaping US public opinion and policy against China, 1949-1954; the 'loss of China' as an issue during the US Presidential election, Nov 1952; the visit to Taiwan by US Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon, [1958]; Davies' opinion of Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Chou En-Lai (Zhou Enlai), 1949-1954; Chairman Mao's desire to achieve recognition from the USA, 1949-1972. 26pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat John Negroponte, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Ambassador John Dimitri Negroponte, Second Secretary, US State Department, Saigon, Republic of South Vietnam, 1964-1968, Liaison Officer between the US Delegation and the North Vietnamese Delegation, Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam, France, May 1968-Aug 1969, Head of Vietnam Office, US National Security Council Staff, Sep 1970-Feb 1973, US Ambassador to Honduras, 1981-1985, and to Mexico, 1989-[1993], relating to the official peace talks on Vietnam, Paris, France, May 1968-Aug 1969, and the secret negotiations between North Vietnamese chief negotiator Le Duc Tho and US National Security Adviser Dr Henry Alfred Kissinger, Feb 1970-Jan 1973; the progress made during the secret peace negotiations, 1970-1973; the exclusion of an official US peace delegation from the negotiations, 1970-1973; the importance in achieving a total US withdrawal from Vietnam as quickly as possible, 1968-1973; the influence of the US Presidential election on the peace negotiations, 1972; the preparation of the draft peace agreement between North Vietnam and the USA, 8-11 Oct 1972; the reaction of Gen Nguyen Van Thieu, President of South Vietnam, to the draft peace agreement, Oct 1972; the signing of the Paris Peace Accords on Vietnam, Jan 1973; Operation LINEBACKER II, the USAF conventional bombing by Boeing B-52 Stratofortresses of Hanoi and Haiphong, North Vietnam, Dec 1972; speculation on whether the USA pressured the Republic of South Vietnam into agreeing to the peace settlement, Jan 1973; the influence of the Watergate scandal on the Vietnamese peace process, 1972-1973; the North Vietnamese offensive across the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) and into the Republic of South Vietnam, Mar-Apr 1972; the summit meeting between US President Richard Milhous Nixon and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Moscow, USSR, May 1972; Operation LINEBACKER I, the US bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong, North Vietnam, in response to the North Vietnamese offensive against the Republic of South Vietnam, Mar-Apr 1972; the possibility of the cancellation of the Moscow summit because of the conflict in Vietnam, May 1972; the policy of détente between the USA and the USSR, 1969-1975; the achievements in US foreign policy under Nixon and Kissinger, 1969-1974; the character and leadership of Soviet First Secretary Brezhnev, 1964-1982. 19pp

Transcript of interview with diplomat John Negroponte, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Ambassador John Dimitri Negroponte, US diplomat, US National Security Council Staff, Sep 1970-Feb 1973, US Ambassador to Honduras, 1981-1985, and to Mexico, 1989-[1993], relating to US foreign policy towards south and central American nations including Cuba, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Grenada, during the term of office of James Earl Carter, US President, 1977-1981, and Ronald Reagan, US President, 1981-1989. 17pp

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