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War diary for 4 Army, Western Front, Aug 1917

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, for the period 1-31 Aug 1917, summarising operations of 4 Army, and also including map showing distribution of 4 Army, and summaries of artillery usage, casualties and transfer of units to and from 4 Army for Aug 1917. 1 file.

War diary for 4 Army, Western Front, Apr 1918

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, for the period 1-31 Apr 1918, describing operations of 4 Army, notably the defence of Amiens by counter attacks at Villers Bretoneux, 24-27 Apr 1918; report by Maj L E Beaves, 53 Battery, Australian Field Artillery, on the destruction of the aeroplane of German Capt Manfred Freiherr von Richtofen; also including summaries of artillery usage and the transfer of units of to and from 4 Army. 1 file.

War diary for 4 Army, Western Front, Apr 1917

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France, compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, for the period 1-30 Apr 1917, describing operations of 4 Army, notably, operations to capture the main German outposts and the bombardment of the Hindenburg Line along the whole 4 Army front to coincide with the battles of Arras and Vimy Ridge, Apr 1917; also summaries of artillery usage, casualties and transfer of units to and from 4 Army for Apr 1917. 1 file.

War diary for 4 Army, Western Front, 1918

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, for the period Nov 1918, describing operations of 4 Army, notably, the Battle of the Sambre, 4 Nov 1918; the pursuit of the German Army across the Belgian border by mobile force of Maj Gen Sir (Hugh) Keppel Bethell, Officer Commanding 66 Div, 4th British Army, 9 Nov 1918; operational orders for 4 Army during Nov 1918, by Montgomery; map showing land gained by 4 Army during 1-11 Oct 1918, and also including summaries of casualties, artillery usage and the transfer of units to and from 4 Army. 1 file.

War diary for 4 Army, Western Front, 1-9 Nov 1917

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, for the period 1-9 Nov 1917, summarising operations of 4 Army, notably, the start of Lt Gen Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson's, Officer Commanding 4 Army, command of 2 Army, during Gen Sir Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer's time as General Officer Commanding, British Forces in Italy, 9 Nov 1917, and absorption of 4 Army into 2 Army as a result; also summaries of artillery usage, casualties and transfer of units to and from 4 Army for 1-9 Nov 1917. 1 file.

War diary for 4 Army, Feb-Mar 1919, Belgium, until disbandment

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, for the period 1 Feb 1919-24 Mar 1919, summarising operations of 4 Army to the disbandment of 4 Army following four months in occupation in Belgium, Mar 1919; also including maps showing distribution of 4 Army 1 Feb - 24 Mar 1919. 1 file.

War diary for 4 Army, Dec 1918, including disarming the civilian population in Belgium

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, for the period Dec 1-31 1918, summarising operations of 4 Army, including the question of the disarming of the civil population of Charleroi and Namur; and also including the transfer of units to and from 4 Army. 1 file.

War diary for 4 Army, Battle of the Somme, Jun-Nov 1916

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France, [compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army] for the period 24 Jun-5 Nov 1916, relating to the Battle of the Somme, summarising preparations by 4 Army for Allied offensive after taking over from 3 Army at the Gommecourt salient, Mar 1916; including copies of operational orders; plans for role and objectives of 4 Army in offensive; notes from conferences in Army Headquarters, particularly the use of intense artillery bombardment of German defences prior to the offensive and copies of correspondence between Lt Gen Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson, Joffre, Sir Douglas Haig. Also including notes on the use of gas and smoke during the offensive, and the importance of wind conditions to a successful offensive. 2 files. 2 copies.

War diary for 4 Army, Battle of the Somme, 24 Jun - 13 Jul 1916

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France, [compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army] for the period 24 Jun-13 Jul 1916, relating to the Battle of the Somme, summarising operations of 4 Army for allied offensive, including descriptions of patrols, raids and artillery bombardment of German lines 24-30 Jun 1916, with notes on the parallel use of gas on German trenches, wire-cutting of German defences, and information on German positions obtained from captured German prisoners; descriptions of operations of 4 Army during Battle of the Somme, including detailed summary of operations, 1 Jul 1916 of 30 Div, 13 Corps, 7 Div, 15 Corps, 21 Div 15 Corps 4 Div 8 Corps, with comments on casualties, morale and reasons for failure of offensive, and statistics of ammunition expenditure; descriptions of operations of 4 Army, 2-13 Jul 1916, detailing the continuation of the Allied offensive; operational orders written by Montgomery, 2-13 Jul 1916; notes on visit of Lt Gen Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson to 4 Army Headquarters, 2 Jul 1916, describing the success of the first day of the offensive. 2 files. 2 copies.

War diary for 4 Army, Battle of the Somme, 17 Aug - 14 Sep 1916

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France, [compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army] for the period 17 Aug-14 Sept 1916, relating to the Battle of the Somme, summarising operations of 4 Army, notably, attack on German defences near Guillemont and Longueval by divisions of 4 Corps (14, 15 and 3) on 18 Aug 1916, attack on front from Combles Ravine to High Wood, 3 Sept 1916; including movements of Corps of 4 Army, maps with Allied positions marked on them, descriptions of operations of Allied aircraft, numbers of German prisoners captured, numbers of allied casualties and details of ammunition expenditure for Aug 1916; notes on Allied organization and equipment, in particular describing the allocation of tanks to 4 Army, and their tactical deployment. 2 files. 2 copies.

War diary for 4 Army, Battle of the Somme, 15 Sep - 12 Oct 1916

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France, [compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army] for the period 15 Sept-12 Oct 1916, relating to the Battle of the Somme, summarising operations of 4 Army, notably, offensive on 15 Sept 1916, to break through German defences to Gueudecourt and Lesboeufs; attack on 25 Sept 1916 by Allied forces between the Somme and Martinpuich; attack on 7 Oct 1916 by 4 Army from Lesboeufs to Destremont Farm; including movements of Corps of 4 Army, descriptions of operations of Allied aircraft, numbers of German prisoners captured, numbers of allied casualties, details of ammunition expenditure and report on German aircraft ectivity during Sept 1916. 2 files. 2 copies.

War diary for 4 Army, Battle of the Somme, 14 Jul - 16 Aug 1916

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France, [compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army] for the period 14 Jul-16 Aug 1916, relating to the Battle of the Somme, daily summarising operations of 4 Army, notably offensive on German lines at Pozieres, 23 Jul 1916 attack on Delville Wood, Longueval, 27 Jul 1916; and attack on Guillemont in conjuntion with French 20 Corps, 8 Aug 1916; including movements of Corps of 4 Army, descriptions of operations of Allied aircraft, numbers of German prisoners captured, numbers of allied casualties and details of ammunition expenditure; and casualties by Divisions for Jul 1916. 2 files. 2 copies.

War diary for 4 Army, Battle of the Somme, 13 Oct - 16 Nov 1916

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France, [compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army] for the period 13 Oct-16 Nov 1916, relating to the Battle of the Somme, summarising operations of 4 Army, notably, offensive by 4 Army, 18 Oct 1916, on Grid Trench, north east of Gueduecourt;including movements of Corps of 4 Army, descriptions of operations of Allied aircraft, numbers of German prisoners captured, numbers of allied casualties and details of ammunition expenditure. 2 files. 2 copies.

War diary for 4 Army as part of the International Army of Occupation, Belgium, Jan 1919

War diary of 4 Army, British Armies in France compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, for the period Jan 1- 27 1919, summarising operations of 4 Army as part of International Army of Occupation, and also summarising the transfer of units to and from 4 Army. 1 file.

War diary for 32 Brigade, 11 Northern Division at Suvla Bay, 6-21 Aug 1915, with related papers and maps

Typescript war diary of Capt Betham Wilkins Shuttleworth, Bde Maj of 32 Bde, 11 (Northern) Div, reporting operations of 32 Bde at Suvla Bay, Gallipoli, 6-21 Aug 1915, including landing on B Beach; capture of Lala Baba, Hill 10 and Chocolate Hill; entrenching at Sulajik; attempts to advance on Tekke Tepe and Anafarta Sagir; attack on W Hills. With appendices comprising details of 32 Bde strength during Aug; troops belonging and attached to 32 Bde; names of 32 Bde staff; report by Maj Maximilian David Wood, commanding 9 Bn Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire) Regt on advance on Abrikja and retreat to Sulajik, 8-9 Aug 1915; seven manuscript maps, illustrating attacks on Lala Baba and Hill 10; position of 32 Bde on 7-8 Aug 1915; trench line held by 32 Bde, 12-18 Aug 1915; position of 32 Bde on 20 Aug 1915; attack by 32 Bde on 21 Aug 1915 (scales 1:10,000 and 1:20,000). 49pp

War diary for 2 Army, Western Front, 10-30 Nov 1917

War diary of 2 Army, British Armies in France compiled by Montgomery as Maj Gen, General Staff, 2 Army, for the period 10-30 Nov 1917, during Lt Gen Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson's command of 2 Army, during Gen Sir Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer's time as General Officer Commanding, British Forces in Italy; including descriptions of operations of 2 Army, notably, the takeover of the Ypres front, 14 Nov 1917; also report by Montgomery entitled, 'Organization of Army Front during Winter 1917-1918', describing proposed offensives by 2 Army on Gheluvelt Spur and Becelaers Spur, and also summaries of artillery usage, casualties and transfer of units to and from 2 Army for 10-30 Nov 1917. 1 file.

War diary for 2 Army, 1-19 Dec 1917, and war diary for 4 Army, 20-31 Dec 1917, Western Front

War diaries of 2 Army, British Armies in France for the period 1-19 Dec 1917, and of 4 Army, British Armies in France, 20-31 Dec 1917 compiled by Montgomery as Chief of General Staff, 4 Army, summarising operations of 2 and 4 Army; detailing the designation of 2 Army as 4 Army on 20 Dec 1917; and also including maps showing distribution of 2 Army and 4 Army, and summaries of artillery usage, casualties and transfer of units to and from 2 Army and 4 Army for Dec 1917. 1 file.


  • MFF1
  • Collection
  • 1939-1945

War Cabinet Minutes (HMSO), 1939-1945 is a themed microfiche collection containing copies of the minutes of the War Cabinet Meetings, Sep 1939-Jul 1945, and Cabinet Conclusions and Confidential Annexes, 1941-1945. Meeting minutes include British plans to create discord amongst the German High Command, Nov 1939; criticism of the military campaign in Norway, May 1940; First Lord of the Admiralty Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill's criticism of the Allied propaganda campaign in France, May 1940; speculation on the ability of the German population to sustain prolonged war, May 1940; reaction to the Allied withdrawals in France and Belgium, May 1940; the debate over the possible compromise peace with Germany, 26-28 May 1940; the decision to intern all enemy aliens in the United Kingdom; May 1940; Churchill's reaction to American isolationism, May 1940; the seizing of French warships in British and Egyptian harbours and the sinking of French warships at Mers-el-Kebir, Egypt, 23 Jun 1940; straining Anglo-French relations, Jul 1940; the Anglo-American 'destroyers for bases' agreement, Aug 1940; Churchill's attempt to take to court the Sunday Pictorial and the Daily Mirror over the newspapers' alleged anti-Government editorials, Oct 1940; preparations for the possible German invasion of the Britain, 1940; civil defence precautions in Britain, 1940; the British intervention in Greece, 1941; speculation on Soviet military collapses following the invasion of the Soviet Union by German armed forces, Jun 1941; Churchill's appeals to US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for American intervention in the war, 1941; reaction over the fall of Singapore and Malaya to Japanese armed forces, Feb 1942; Anglo-American preparations for the invasion of North Africa, 1942; naval and air operations against France, 1943; the 'Beveridge Report' on social security in Britain, 1943; reports on Allied conferences at Casablanca, Jan 1943, and Washington, May 1943; the Allied decision to invade France made at the QUADRANT Conference, Quebec, Canada, Aug 1943; the planning and conduct of Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of France, Jun 1944; the effect of the bombardment of London by German V1 pilotless aircraft and possible RAF reprisals against German civilian targets, Jun 1944; post-war reconstruction and rehabilitation in Europe, Jul 1944; plans for the Allied occupation of Germany and Austria, Nov 1944; British intervention in Greece in order to prevent a Communist take-over of the peninsula, Nov 1944; the establishment of the United Nations, 1945; arrangements for celebrating the end of the war in Europe, May 1945; the British General Election, Jul 1945.

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